Obama ... We Need to Overcome Our Religious Convictions?

Gee, if religious people should hold fast to their hate, and it is wrong to try to get them to soften their world views, I guess we should stop trying to convince Islamic extremists they are wrong...

Oh, wait. I guess it is okay for Christians to hate, but not Muslims. When Christians hate, that's in accordance with Jesus. When Muslims hate, it is NOT in accordance with their religion.

Wait a second. Someone told me the other day when Muslims hate, that is in accordance with their religion!

Hmmm... So does this mean hate is in accordance with both religions?
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I think I got it now.

It's not wrong when we do it! And it isn't like Christians are lynching shooting people in churches beheading anyone in the last five minutes.

Yeah. That's it. If you are a good Christian, you must support and defend ALL Christians, no matter what they do. Lock step.
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.
.... so much for freedom of religion huh?
Say the same thing about the Koran and suddenly the bible thumpers are in agreement.

I don't think you'll hear any Christian say someone needs to get over their religious convictions.
They may say your religion is not about the true God, but everyone has a right to voice their opinions and/or beliefs.

Lol, proselytizing is considered a Christian duty. Trying to convert others by its nature is trying to convince people they need to get over their religious convictions, i.e,

the not-Christian ones.

Its interesting to watch liberals attack and mock millions of Jews, Christians, blacks, and Hispanics in their own Democratic party.
Looks like you need to provide the actual quote before you attack it
You see an attack in the op? Really? God damn liberal sissies. It's a wonder you ever make it out of your houses, what with bogeymans hiding around every corner.

I was proved right

The actual quote was nothing close to the thread title
That is usually the case. "The voices in my head told me this is what I heard on the radio..."
Thank you for showing your colors. If by "typical Liberal" you mean liberals (small "l", a capital L unless the first word in a sentence means a member of the Liberal Party) are those who fact check and don't rumor monger that's true.

Your thread was an example of a troll seeking to ignite the Crazy Right Wing in a frenzy of echo's. I'm so sorry (not) to spoil your fun.

Typical on this Board for sure. Doesn't bother to read through the thread or even the initial post, only sees what they want to see, ignores that I admitted it was a mis-quote, much more interested in bashing... carry on.....

What you are saying now is the comment was or may have been bullshit, is that correct? If you believed it might have been so, why didn't you do the research before starting the thread?

The consequence - intended or not - incited the crazy right wing and that was my point. If trolling was not your intent I'm sorry to so accuse you, let's chalk it up as an unintended consequence.
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.
.... so much for freedom of religion huh?
Say the same thing about the Koran and suddenly the bible thumpers are in agreement.

I don't think you'll hear any Christian say someone needs to get over their religious convictions.
They may say your religion is not about the true God, but everyone has a right to voice their opinions and/or beliefs.

Lol, proselytizing is considered a Christian duty. Trying to convert others by its nature is trying to convince people they need to get over their religious convictions, i.e,

the not-Christian ones.

Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.
.... so much for freedom of religion huh?
Say the same thing about the Koran and suddenly the bible thumpers are in agreement.

I don't think you'll hear any Christian say someone needs to get over their religious convictions.
They may say your religion is not about the true God, but everyone has a right to voice their opinions and/or beliefs.

Lol, proselytizing is considered a Christian duty. Trying to convert others by its nature is trying to convince people they need to get over their religious convictions, i.e,

the not-Christian ones.

Thank you for a clear, concise and thought provoking post (at least for those of us who actually think).
You again fail to assert any direct relationship...

We have already seen people question allowing tax exempt status for chruches due to this ruling, we will see an increase in people being sued for not providing services due to moral issues, and we will surely see more public shaming of people who do not agree with SSM as a legal construct.

It's the same tired trick all the time with progressives, proclaim a desire for equality and freedom while at the same time removing both from people they disagree with.

Within the legal confines of commerce, people should have to follow the law. Beyond that, think and believe whatever you want.

Freedom within a society isn't about everyone being able to do whatever they want. That would never work. It's about making things as fair as possible for everyone.

Where in the constitution does it say a person loses their free exercise of religion because they engage in commerce?

And your second statement is argumentum ad absurdum, and not even worth my time.

In reply to the first paragraph, I didn't say it did.

As for your second paragraph, explain why it is "argumentum ad absurdum."

Bakers are not asking to do "anything they want". Those specific bakers just don't want to work on a gay wedding. You imply that asking for that is asking for carte blanche, which is clearly not the case.

There are laws against discrimination that public businesses are expected to adhere to including bakers.

Btw, I'm still waiting for you to explain why my second paragraph was "argumentum ad absurdum."
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.
.... so much for freedom of religion huh?
Say the same thing about the Koran and suddenly the bible thumpers are in agreement.

I don't think you'll hear any Christian say someone needs to get over their religious convictions.
They may say your religion is not about the true God, but everyone has a right to voice their opinions and/or beliefs.

Lol, proselytizing is considered a Christian duty. Trying to convert others by its nature is trying to convince people they need to get over their religious convictions, i.e,

the not-Christian ones.

Spreading the Gospel is commanded of God. It's done out of love for God and others, and is a free gift that can be denied. The person benefitting from the conversion is the converted.

Everyone has a right discuss their beliefs with others, and, I'm sure many feel like theirs is the "true Religion" or belief, even if it's agnostic etc.

I don't feel like someone that is not a Christian needs to get over anything.
I feel like I need to tell them about the real meaning of life, and, they can either accept or reject Him. Jesus.
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.
.... so much for freedom of religion huh?
Say the same thing about the Koran and suddenly the bible thumpers are in agreement.

I don't think you'll hear any Christian say someone needs to get over their religious convictions.
They may say your religion is not about the true God, but everyone has a right to voice their opinions and/or beliefs.

Lol, proselytizing is considered a Christian duty. Trying to convert others by its nature is trying to convince people they need to get over their religious convictions, i.e,

the not-Christian ones.

Spreading the Gospel is commanded of God. It's done out of love for God and others, and is a free gift that can be denied. The person benefitting from the conversion is the converted.

Everyone has a right discuss their beliefs with others, and, I'm sure many feel like theirs is the "true Religion" or belief, even if it's agnostic etc.

I don't feel like someone that is not a Christian needs to get over anything.
I feel like I need to tell them about the real meaning of life, and, they can either accept or reject Him. Jesus.

You don't think extremist Muslims should get over honor killings?
What you are saying now is the comment was or may have been bullshit, is that correct? If you believed it might have been so, why didn't you do the research before starting the thread?

The consequence - intended or not - incited the crazy right wing and that was my point. If trolling was not your intent I'm sorry to so accuse you, let's chalk it up as an unintended consequence.

The original post was admitted as "possibly" erroneous, and, obviously the source had re-worded Obama's speech for effect.

.....well, Dad, I didn't do the research before I posted / started he thread because I didn't feel like it and I don't have to answer to anyone. This is a message board, not a job or a court of law!

I have no clue what trolling is, but, I like to hear good, rationale arguments from all sides. You learn a lot that way.
.... so much for freedom of religion huh?
Say the same thing about the Koran and suddenly the bible thumpers are in agreement.

I don't think you'll hear any Christian say someone needs to get over their religious convictions.
They may say your religion is not about the true God, but everyone has a right to voice their opinions and/or beliefs.

Lol, proselytizing is considered a Christian duty. Trying to convert others by its nature is trying to convince people they need to get over their religious convictions, i.e,

the not-Christian ones.

Spreading the Gospel is commanded of God. It's done out of love for God and others, and is a free gift that can be denied. The person benefitting from the conversion is the converted.

Everyone has a right discuss their beliefs with others, and, I'm sure many feel like theirs is the "true Religion" or belief, even if it's agnostic etc.

I don't feel like someone that is not a Christian needs to get over anything.
I feel like I need to tell them about the real meaning of life, and, they can either accept or reject Him. Jesus.

You don't think extremist Muslims should get over honor killings?

There are right and wrongs in this world. I followed up with another post that further clarifies how I feel about this. I can't tell people what they should and should not do. I can only tell them what I know and believe.

I answer to God. If I break a man-made law, and, it's dishonoring to God, I answer to God. Man can not do anything to me that God does not allow.

It's not my place to judge. I can only say, if God doesn't approve, I don't either and it's wrong.
But in the end we all make our choices.
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Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
The supposed quote is said to be at the 6 minute mark of his speech.
I listened from the 5 minute mark to the 7 minute mark, THE PRESIDENT SAID NO SUCH THING!!!!!!

So either it's somewhere else in his speech or, as usual, Conservatives need something new to lie about...
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
The supposed quote is said to be at the 6 minute mark of his speech.
I listened from the 5 minute mark to the 7 minute mark, THE PRESIDENT SAID NO SUCH THING!!!!!!

So either it's somewhere else in his speech or, as usual, Conservatives need something new to lie about...

They are commenting on what he was "thinking"
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Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
He wants us to forget about laws, morals, or decency.

He's a Godless commie.

Nuff said.

Is it legal to defame others?
Is it moral to lie about others?
Is it decent to lie about others?

Seems to me this thread does all this by innuendo; strongly suggesting its author is, not a "Godless commie", but a dishonest partisan hack.

Obama wasn't forced into the Whitehouse.......He volunteered.

And anything I say about him is simply a reaction to his actions......not because he's a helpless, innocent, bystander.
Best most of you libs wish he had said it.....because you and the Democrats have been saying it for a long time. You just hope he wasn't stupid enough to say it in public.
We have already seen people question allowing tax exempt status for chruches due to this ruling, we will see an increase in people being sued for not providing services due to moral issues, and we will surely see more public shaming of people who do not agree with SSM as a legal construct.

It's the same tired trick all the time with progressives, proclaim a desire for equality and freedom while at the same time removing both from people they disagree with.

Within the legal confines of commerce, people should have to follow the law. Beyond that, think and believe whatever you want.

Freedom within a society isn't about everyone being able to do whatever they want. That would never work. It's about making things as fair as possible for everyone.

Where in the constitution does it say a person loses their free exercise of religion because they engage in commerce?

And your second statement is argumentum ad absurdum, and not even worth my time.

In reply to the first paragraph, I didn't say it did.

As for your second paragraph, explain why it is "argumentum ad absurdum."

Bakers are not asking to do "anything they want". Those specific bakers just don't want to work on a gay wedding. You imply that asking for that is asking for carte blanche, which is clearly not the case.

There are laws against discrimination that public businesses are expected to adhere to including bakers.

Btw, I'm still waiting for you to explain why my second paragraph was "argumentum ad absurdum."

I did explain it. You went with 'if we allow this bakers will do anything they want!" line of logic, which is agrumentum ad absurdum.

And requiring a baker to perform an act they do not want to do was not the purpose of PA laws, which were designed for necessary or time sensitive services, not contracted services like wedding cakes.

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