Obama ... We Need to Overcome Our Religious Convictions?

Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
The supposed quote is said to be at the 6 minute mark of his speech.
I listened from the 5 minute mark to the 7 minute mark, THE PRESIDENT SAID NO SUCH THING!!!!!!

So either it's somewhere else in his speech or, as usual, Conservatives need something new to lie about...

They are comenting on what he was "thinking"

.... or "listening" between the lines.... speech writers are hired to write things in a way in which the speaker (President) can't be called out for saying it .... some people catch on, some don't ....
Oh...so the President is guilty of a between the lines violation
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
He wants us to forget about laws, morals, or decency.

He's a Godless commie.

Nuff said.

Is it legal to defame others?
Is it moral to lie about others?
Is it decent to lie about others?

Seems to me this thread does all this by innuendo; strongly suggesting its author is, not a "Godless commie", but a dishonest partisan hack.

Obama wasn't forced into the Whitehouse.......He volunteered.

And anything I say about him is simply a reaction to his actions......not because he's a helpless, innocent, bystander.

Obama was elected to live in the White House, after being nominated by his party to serve as their standard bearer. Everything you say about him is your interpretation of his actions, not necessarily accurate, honest, informed or ethical.
What I say about Obama is honest, informed, mostly accurate, and ethical. This is the president that inserted race into the election the day after he won the nomination. This is the president that has met with illegals in the white house and met with paid protesters at the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. This president also has close ties to ACORN and SEIU, which is behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. He has lied about his conduct over Benghazi, the IRS harassing conservative groups and personalities, used lawyers in Alaska bringing lawsuits against Governor Sarah Palin, Sold military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels, was trafficking arms to members of ISIS in Libya, leaked Israel's secrets to the press, spilled the beans on Hillary's emails, attempted to bribe Reverend Wright to shut him up, tampered with Supreme Courts decisions, screwed up the rollout of Obamacare, has totally screwed up the Veterans Administration, is using EPA regulations to attack businesses.....the only reason the SOB isn't doing time is because he's president. He's a disgrace on the national stage....nobody trusts this two-face bastard....and our enemies are making fun of him. He's caused millions of people to lose their insurance and their doctors.

But other than that he's a really nice guy......unless you get on his bad side. Then he'll unleash a run of expletives that would burn your ears.

Total Dickhead. And he's made himself rich. He's going to be living in a $40 million Hawaiian beach front property some billionaire bought for him.

Usually someone who is honest doesn't enter politics broke and leave a multi-millionaire.
Like I said, I will bank on God. When you are lying in bed dying, taking your last breath and facing eternity, talk to me then.
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
He wants us to forget about laws, morals, or decency.

He's a Godless commie.

Nuff said.

Is it legal to defame others?
Is it moral to lie about others?
Is it decent to lie about others?

Seems to me this thread does all this by innuendo; strongly suggesting its author is, not a "Godless commie", but a dishonest partisan hack.

Obama wasn't forced into the Whitehouse.......He volunteered.

And anything I say about him is simply a reaction to his actions......not because he's a helpless, innocent, bystander.

Obama was elected to live in the White House, after being nominated by his party to serve as their standard bearer. Everything you say about him is your interpretation of his actions, not necessarily accurate, honest, informed or ethical.

What I say about Obama is honest, informed, mostly accurate, and ethical. This is the president that inserted race into the election the day after he won the nomination. This is the president that has met with illegals in the white house and met with paid protesters at the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. This president also has close ties to ACORN and SEIU, which is behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. He has lied about his conduct over Benghazi, the IRS harassing conservative groups and personalities, used lawyers in Alaska bringing lawsuits against Governor Sarah Palin, Sold military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels, was trafficking arms to members of ISIS in Libya, leaked Israel's secrets to the press, spilled the beans on Hillary's emails, attempted to bribe Reverend Wright to shut him up, tampered with Supreme Courts decisions, screwed up the rollout of Obamacare, has totally screwed up the Veterans Administration, is using EPA regulations to attack businesses.....the only reason the SOB isn't doing time is because he's president. He's a disgrace on the national stage....nobody trusts this two-face bastard....and our enemies are making fun of him. He's caused millions of people to lose their insurance and their doctors.

But other than that he's a really nice guy......unless you get on his bad side. Then he'll unleash a run of expletives that would burn your ears.

Total Dickhead. And he's made himself rich. He's going to be living in a $40 million Hawaiian beach front property some billionaire bought for him.

Usually someone who is honest doesn't enter politics broke and leave a multi-millionaire.

He inserted race into the election on the day he was nominated? LOL, he is a racial minority, his nomination alone inserted race into the election. Putting the onus on him alone is not accurate, informed, honest or ethical.

You've not walked in his shoes or those of his spouse. Unless you have tattoos or physical characteristics which differentiate you from the White Majority you have no right to judge him on the issue of race in America.

As for your other allegations, they are the usual tripe to be expected from a right wing partisan hack: lies, half-truths, rumor and innuendos, all lacking evidence of wrong doing or high crimes and misdemeanors.

Has Obama made mistakes, yep and so have you, me and every other person who has walked on this earth. Yet he has done what he promised, under most difficult of conditions and with road blocks set up by the special interests, the power elite and Republican Pols whose sole goal is to win the White House.

Country first was just a slogan, as is most of the rhetoric coming from the mouths of those in the clown car, and those like you who have repeated the same refrain for the past 6 + years, "aint it awful".
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
He wants us to forget about laws, morals, or decency.

He's a Godless commie.

Nuff said.

Is it legal to defame others?
Is it moral to lie about others?
Is it decent to lie about others?

Seems to me this thread does all this by innuendo; strongly suggesting its author is, not a "Godless commie", but a dishonest partisan hack.

Obama wasn't forced into the Whitehouse.......He volunteered.

And anything I say about him is simply a reaction to his actions......not because he's a helpless, innocent, bystander.

Obama was elected to live in the White House, after being nominated by his party to serve as their standard bearer. Everything you say about him is your interpretation of his actions, not necessarily accurate, honest, informed or ethical.
What I say about Obama is honest, informed, mostly accurate, and ethical. This is the president that inserted race into the election the day after he won the nomination. This is the president that has met with illegals in the white house and met with paid protesters at the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. This president also has close ties to ACORN and SEIU, which is behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. He has lied about his conduct over Benghazi, the IRS harassing conservative groups and personalities, used lawyers in Alaska bringing lawsuits against Governor Sarah Palin, Sold military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels, was trafficking arms to members of ISIS in Libya, leaked Israel's secrets to the press, spilled the beans on Hillary's emails, attempted to bribe Reverend Wright to shut him up, tampered with Supreme Courts decisions, screwed up the rollout of Obamacare, has totally screwed up the Veterans Administration, is using EPA regulations to attack businesses.....the only reason the SOB isn't doing time is because he's president. He's a disgrace on the national stage....nobody trusts this two-face bastard....and our enemies are making fun of him. He's caused millions of people to lose their insurance and their doctors.

But other than that he's a really nice guy......unless you get on his bad side. Then he'll unleash a run of expletives that would burn your ears.

Total Dickhead. And he's made himself rich. He's going to be living in a $40 million Hawaiian beach front property some billionaire bought for him.

Usually someone who is honest doesn't enter politics broke and leave a multi-millionaire.
Yeah, but Reagan was not making any dough as an actor...
Religious people need to have beliefs that are approved by Obama and his followers?
Like I said, I will bank on God. When you are lying in bed dying, taking your last breath and facing eternity, talk to me then.

What for?

Personally, I believe there is nothing after death and I'm not scared of that idea. I'm also not scared of "judgement" if I'm wrong.
Like I said, I will bank on God. When you are lying in bed dying, taking your last breath and facing eternity, talk to me then.

What for?

Personally, I believe there is nothing after death and I'm not scared of that idea. I'm also not scared of "judgement" if I'm wrong.

I do understand. I felt that / believed that also for most of my life.
Like I said, I will bank on God. When you are lying in bed dying, taking your last breath and facing eternity, talk to me then.

What for?

Personally, I believe there is nothing after death and I'm not scared of that idea. I'm also not scared of "judgement" if I'm wrong.

I do understand. I felt that / believed that also for most of my life.

I've been close to it and I wasn't worried about what comes after.
Beyond a certain age I began to see death as an opportunity to actually get some rest. But Oama's EPA says I can't have the Viking style going away party I want.
Beyond a certain age I began to see death as an opportunity to actually get some rest. But Oama's EPA says I can't have the Viking style going away party I want.

All I can picture now is the barge in flames with fireworks going off all around you. (Yes, I know Vikings didn't do fireworks but ya gotta admit it would look pretty cool.)
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
I have not seen the comment or heard anything about it this however is the same Barak Obama that talked about people clinging to their guns and religion so I would say it's possible he could have made such a comment but I can't say for sure he did. If the statement was made and is accurate I would say it's not out of character for him.
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
I have not seen the comment or heard anything about it this however is the same Barak Obama that talked about people clinging to their guns and religion so I would say it's possible he could have made such a comment but I can't say for sure he did. If the statement was made and is accurate I would say it's not out of character for him.

Hillary made a similar statement not long ago. This is what these progressives believe. Religious people NEED to change for a 3% of the population in the country. Don't think they didn't mean it either. We haven't seen anything. the attacks coming on Church's, bakers, wedding planners, etc etc. it's coming
What Obama said that outraged conservatives

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”
“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued.
“Shifts in hearts and minds is possible,” he said. “And those who have come so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others join them. Because for all our differences, we are one people — stronger together than we could ever be alone.”
“That’s always been our story. We are big and vast, and diverse. A nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, with different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are, or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love — America’s a place where you can write your own destiny.”
What I thought was most contradictive was 4:44 where he lauded those that prayed for this change
What Obama said that outraged conservatives

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”
“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued.
“Shifts in hearts and minds is possible,” he said. “And those who have come so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others join them. Because for all our differences, we are one people — stronger together than we could ever be alone.”
“That’s always been our story. We are big and vast, and diverse. A nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, with different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are, or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love — America’s a place where you can write your own destiny.”
What I thought was most contradictive was 4:44 where he lauded those that prayed for this change

I didn't see it because I can not watch him anymore, he makes me sick. but that would have made me puke. pray for him while all he does is PREY on us
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
I have not seen the comment or heard anything about it this however is the same Barak Obama that talked about people clinging to their guns and religion so I would say it's possible he could have made such a comment but I can't say for sure he did. If the statement was made and is accurate I would say it's not out of character for him.

Hillary made a similar statement not long ago. This is what these progressives believe. Religious people NEED to change for a 3% of the population in the country. Don't think they didn't mean it either. We haven't seen anything. the attacks coming on Church's, bakers, wedding planners, etc etc. it's coming

Christian's have the Bible as a moral code to follow.

I'm not sure what many of these others are using as a guide?
Maybe they think Man can/ is able to decide what is right or wrong, and that evidently it changes over time?
At least come out there and admit you think you know better than God, or that you don't believe God exists. It's very evident anyway.
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
I have not seen the comment or heard anything about it this however is the same Barak Obama that talked about people clinging to their guns and religion so I would say it's possible he could have made such a comment but I can't say for sure he did. If the statement was made and is accurate I would say it's not out of character for him.

Hillary made a similar statement not long ago. This is what these progressives believe. Religious people NEED to change for a 3% of the population in the country. Don't think they didn't mean it either. We haven't seen anything. the attacks coming on Church's, bakers, wedding planners, etc etc. it's coming

Christian's have the Bible as a moral code to follow.

I'm not sure what many of these others are using as a guide?
Maybe they think Man can/ is able to decide what is right or wrong, and that evidently it changes over time?
At least come out there and admit you think you know better than God, or that you don't believe God exists. It's very evident anyway.

worry about your life. I'll worry about mine or just become anther troll on here. I don't need you or anyone else lecturing me over being a Christian
What Obama said that outraged conservatives

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”
“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued.
“Shifts in hearts and minds is possible,” he said. “And those who have come so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others join them. Because for all our differences, we are one people — stronger together than we could ever be alone.”
“That’s always been our story. We are big and vast, and diverse. A nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, with different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are, or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love — America’s a place where you can write your own destiny.”
What I thought was most contradictive was 4:44 where he lauded those that prayed for this change
What would be comtradictive about that

You think gays don't pray?

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