Obama: "We're out of money"

Presidents have been spending while broke for a long time. You guys act like this is something new.

The ENTIRE argument leading to the election included that Bush doubled the Deficit in 8 years and Obama would CUT the deficit.


Dayum.... I do believe that's exactly the same as "liar"....

Obama vows to cut huge deficit in half
By MIKE ALLEN | 2/22/09 6:58 AM EST

President Obama will announce Monday that he plans to cut the nation’s projected annual deficit in half by the end of his first term, a senior administration official said Saturday.

The plan will make explicit what Obama officials have been suggesting for months: Contrary to his campaign promise, Obama will allow the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans expire as scheduled at the end of 2010 instead of seeking their repeal sooner. Officials determined that seeking to raise the taxes earlier during a recession was a bad idea, advisers said.

Obama, who will speak Monday to a Fiscal Responsibility Summit at the White House, also will outline steps he is taking to eliminate what his staff calls “accounting gimmicks” used by previous administrations.

“This budget actually is going to assume that there will be a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood or manmade disaster in the United States in fiscal year 2010, and each year going forward 10 years,” the official said. “The Bush budget never assumed that.”

Under White House projections, this year’s inherited budget deficit of $1.3 trillion will be cut to $533 billion by fiscal year 2013, the end of the first term.

“So we’ll cut it at least in half,” the official said.

That represents a decrease from 9.2 percent of the gross domestic product, a measure of the nation’s output, to 3 percent, the administration estimates.

Obama vows to cut huge deficit in half - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com
Well, you have to understand, he ISN'T Bush. Bush doubled the deficit in 8 years, which was, according to our Democratic friends VERY BAD. Obama will triple the now DOUBLED deficit in just 4 years, which, again, according to our Democratic friends, is VERY GOOD.

He created a 3 TRILLION DOLLAR budget that does not even address his desire to rope us into Government run health care for all. Medicare is broke and he wants the Government to EXPAND it. We can not pay for the people we already have obligations too and his solution is to GET more people covered.

The ONLY way we lower health care costs is to create tort reform and malpractice reform. His solution will be to unconstitutionally REGULATE and control a portion of the US Economy he has NO POWER to control. To have the Government take over.

Last time I checked no government program is MORE efficient then private ones. We already can not pay for the part of the public we put on Socialized medicine and the solution to that is to get everyone covered.

Yea that 3% medicare overhead sure is LESS efficient than 30% for private insurance companies. :cuckoo:
So willy I gather you just love it when the latest Democratic politician bends you over and sticks it to you? And you don't see any point in trying to do anything at all about it? Get ready for a short miserable life and a butt hole the size of a number three wash tub. You don't change things by going with the flow.

You don't change things by electing people to office with a vested interest in the status quo and damn near everyone that runs these days does have a vested interest in the status quo. So changes are, of course, always form over substance. And the politicians that do honestly want to change things are labeled kooks by the alphabet soup media as if most of they, themselves, weren't by at least one definition crazy. The course we are on right now isn't sustainable, Obama is right about that. Unfortunately his solution is to stay on that course.
Your completely missing the point, and I can SMELL your apathy.

So what's the point? The President doesn't keep his promises? Tells lies? I figured that out by 1974. Hasn't changed since. It's the nature of the beast. It's not about lies or dishonesty, it's about if your liar won or not. Get over it.

I don't have to get over shit jack.

The point is that things could have been fixed right, but instead oblahma did just the opposite thing. You get it now, or do you need further explanation?

No, what is the WORST part of it, is the brain dead yes people for Obama. He lied, they don't care, while at the SAME time demanding action against Bush for supposedly lying. He will triple the deficit in 4 years, no problem, BUT by GOD Bush doubled it in 8.

THAT is what this is all about. The left spent 8 years hating Bush and demanding all kind of action and NOW when Obama is worse, they just DO NOT CARE. All the while still demanding action against Bush.
Your completely missing the point, and I can SMELL your apathy.

So what's the point? The President doesn't keep his promises? Tells lies? I figured that out by 1974. Hasn't changed since. It's the nature of the beast. It's not about lies or dishonesty, it's about if your liar won or not. Get over it.

I don't have to get over shit jack.

The point is that things could have been fixed right, but instead oblahma did just the opposite thing. You get it now, or do you need further explanation?

fixed right by whom? McCain? :confused:
So what's the point? The President doesn't keep his promises? Tells lies? I figured that out by 1974. Hasn't changed since. It's the nature of the beast. It's not about lies or dishonesty, it's about if your liar won or not. Get over it.

I don't have to get over shit jack.

The point is that things could have been fixed right, but instead oblahma did just the opposite thing. You get it now, or do you need further explanation?

fixed right by whom? McCain? :confused:

good point---it should be painfully obvious that those we elect to do things are unable or unwilling do to so.
So the government not running health care is the reason we are out of money?

How fucking stupid are you people who voted for him?

I'm not a big fan of Obama and his free wheeling spending, but he is right about one thing, and if you idiots don't get it, we're all going to be bankrupt. Healthcare costs are increasing as a percentage of GDP every year, and there is no end in sight with our current system.

In 1980, we spend 8.8% of GDP on healthcare. Now we spend around 17%. By 2017, it will be 20%. By 2050, government spending on healthcare is estimated to hit over 32% of GDP alone, and that doesn't include non-government spending. In other words, we'll be spending 40% to 50% of GDP on healthcare.

Guess what? We can't afford that. I can't, you can't, nobody can. It will destroy our economy and our way of life. The simple fact is that healthcare has to and is going to change. And yes, it is going to be rationed.

At the rate we are going, it won't be long until employers drop healthcare as a benefit. It will become too expensive. If we get to that point, then you can damn well be certain things will change. It amazes me that so many people are so short sighted when it comes to so many critical issues, whether it be healthcare or energy.

While I believe there are solutions to our healthcare problems that could limit goverenment involvement, those on the right seem to be just fine with leaving the system as it is. Well, leaving it as it is will not work. These rising costs will eventually completely undermine the middle class. And when that happens, our entire economy will collapse. When the vast majority of people in a society can no longer afford to purchase goods, then the economy will collapse, and with it, those with the money will become as poor as the rest of the people.

Snapshots: Health Care Spending in the United States and OECD Countries - Kaiser Family Foundation

NCHC | Facts About Healthcare - Health Insurance Costs

Health Care Spending: What the Future Will Look Like - Study #286
So the government not running health care is the reason we are out of money?

How fucking stupid are you people who voted for him?

I'm not a big fan of Obama and his free wheeling spending, but he is right about one thing, and if you idiots don't get it, we're all going to be bankrupt. Healthcare costs are increasing as a percentage of GDP every year, and there is no end in sight with our current system.

In 1980, we spend 8.8% of GDP on healthcare. Now we spend around 17%. By 2017, it will be 20%. By 2050, government spending on healthcare is estimated to hit over 32% of GDP alone, and that doesn't include non-government spending. In other words, we'll be spending 40% to 50% of GDP on healthcare.

Guess what? We can't afford that. I can't, you can't, nobody can. It will destroy our economy and our way of life. The simple fact is that healthcare has to and is going to change. And yes, it is going to be rationed.

At the rate we are going, it won't be long until employers drop healthcare as a benefit. It will become too expensive. If we get to that point, then you can damn well be certain things will change. It amazes me that so many people are so short sighted when it comes to so many critical issues, whether it be healthcare or energy.

While I believe there are solutions to our healthcare problems that could limit goverenment involvement, those on the right seem to be just fine with leaving the system as it is. Well, leaving it as it is will not work. These rising costs will eventually completely undermine the middle class. And when that happens, our entire economy will collapse. When the vast majority of people in a society can no longer afford to purchase goods, then the economy will collapse, and with it, those with the money will become as poor as the rest of the people.

Snapshots: Health Care Spending in the United States and OECD Countries - Kaiser Family Foundation

NCHC | Facts About Healthcare - Health Insurance Costs

Health Care Spending: What the Future Will Look*Like - Study #286

How about addressing some of the reasons that health care has gotten so expensive ?
The ENTIRE argument leading to the election included that Bush doubled the Deficit in 8 years and Obama would CUT the deficit.

That's the bullshit I was referring to.
So the government not running health care is the reason we are out of money?

How fucking stupid are you people who voted for him?

I'm not a big fan of Obama and his free wheeling spending, but he is right about one thing, and if you idiots don't get it, we're all going to be bankrupt. Healthcare costs are increasing as a percentage of GDP every year, and there is no end in sight with our current system.

In 1980, we spend 8.8% of GDP on healthcare. Now we spend around 17%. By 2017, it will be 20%. By 2050, government spending on healthcare is estimated to hit over 32% of GDP alone, and that doesn't include non-government spending. In other words, we'll be spending 40% to 50% of GDP on healthcare.

Guess what? We can't afford that. I can't, you can't, nobody can. It will destroy our economy and our way of life. The simple fact is that healthcare has to and is going to change. And yes, it is going to be rationed.

At the rate we are going, it won't be long until employers drop healthcare as a benefit. It will become too expensive. If we get to that point, then you can damn well be certain things will change. It amazes me that so many people are so short sighted when it comes to so many critical issues, whether it be healthcare or energy.

While I believe there are solutions to our healthcare problems that could limit goverenment involvement, those on the right seem to be just fine with leaving the system as it is. Well, leaving it as it is will not work. These rising costs will eventually completely undermine the middle class. And when that happens, our entire economy will collapse. When the vast majority of people in a society can no longer afford to purchase goods, then the economy will collapse, and with it, those with the money will become as poor as the rest of the people.

Snapshots: Health Care Spending in the United States and OECD Countries - Kaiser Family Foundation

NCHC | Facts About Healthcare - Health Insurance Costs

Health Care Spending: What the Future Will Look*Like - Study #286

How about addressing some of the reasons that health care has gotten so expensive ?

That is quite simple actually. Healthcare has become so expensive because people have been able and willing to pay for all the advances made in modern medicine. Some of these advances however must be questioned. The problem is that we've maxed out. There is no room for more spending without dire consequences to our standard of living.
I'm not a big fan of Obama and his free wheeling spending, but he is right about one thing, and if you idiots don't get it, we're all going to be bankrupt. Healthcare costs are increasing as a percentage of GDP every year, and there is no end in sight with our current system.

In 1980, we spend 8.8% of GDP on healthcare. Now we spend around 17%. By 2017, it will be 20%. By 2050, government spending on healthcare is estimated to hit over 32% of GDP alone, and that doesn't include non-government spending. In other words, we'll be spending 40% to 50% of GDP on healthcare.

Guess what? We can't afford that. I can't, you can't, nobody can. It will destroy our economy and our way of life. The simple fact is that healthcare has to and is going to change. And yes, it is going to be rationed.

At the rate we are going, it won't be long until employers drop healthcare as a benefit. It will become too expensive. If we get to that point, then you can damn well be certain things will change. It amazes me that so many people are so short sighted when it comes to so many critical issues, whether it be healthcare or energy.

While I believe there are solutions to our healthcare problems that could limit goverenment involvement, those on the right seem to be just fine with leaving the system as it is. Well, leaving it as it is will not work. These rising costs will eventually completely undermine the middle class. And when that happens, our entire economy will collapse. When the vast majority of people in a society can no longer afford to purchase goods, then the economy will collapse, and with it, those with the money will become as poor as the rest of the people.

Snapshots: Health Care Spending in the United States and OECD Countries - Kaiser Family Foundation

NCHC | Facts About Healthcare - Health Insurance Costs

Health Care Spending: What the Future Will Look*Like - Study #286

How about addressing some of the reasons that health care has gotten so expensive ?

The problem is that we've maxed out. There is no room for more spending without dire consequences to our standard of living.

Can you send this statement directly to Barack Hussein Obama ? ..... :eusa_whistle:
I'm not a big fan of Obama and his free wheeling spending, but he is right about one thing, and if you idiots don't get it, we're all going to be bankrupt. Healthcare costs are increasing as a percentage of GDP every year, and there is no end in sight with our current system.

In 1980, we spend 8.8% of GDP on healthcare. Now we spend around 17%. By 2017, it will be 20%. By 2050, government spending on healthcare is estimated to hit over 32% of GDP alone, and that doesn't include non-government spending. In other words, we'll be spending 40% to 50% of GDP on healthcare.

Guess what? We can't afford that. I can't, you can't, nobody can. It will destroy our economy and our way of life. The simple fact is that healthcare has to and is going to change. And yes, it is going to be rationed.

At the rate we are going, it won't be long until employers drop healthcare as a benefit. It will become too expensive. If we get to that point, then you can damn well be certain things will change. It amazes me that so many people are so short sighted when it comes to so many critical issues, whether it be healthcare or energy.

While I believe there are solutions to our healthcare problems that could limit goverenment involvement, those on the right seem to be just fine with leaving the system as it is. Well, leaving it as it is will not work. These rising costs will eventually completely undermine the middle class. And when that happens, our entire economy will collapse. When the vast majority of people in a society can no longer afford to purchase goods, then the economy will collapse, and with it, those with the money will become as poor as the rest of the people.

Snapshots: Health Care Spending in the United States and OECD Countries - Kaiser Family Foundation

NCHC | Facts About Healthcare - Health Insurance Costs

Health Care Spending: What the Future Will Look*Like - Study #286

How about addressing some of the reasons that health care has gotten so expensive ?

That is quite simple actually. Healthcare has become so expensive because people have been able and willing to pay for all the advances made in modern medicine. Some of these advances however must be questioned. The problem is that we've maxed out. There is no room for more spending without dire consequences to our standard of living.

Able and willing to pay ? Is that because the other options suck ?
I think plenty of hospitals can confirm that people aren't able and willing to pay and don't.
That is quite simple actually. Healthcare has become so expensive because people have been able and willing to pay for all the advances made in modern medicine. Some of these advances however must be questioned. The problem is that we've maxed out. There is no room for more spending without dire consequences to our standard of living.

Give me an example of an advance that "must be questioned"?
That is quite simple actually. Healthcare has become so expensive because people have been able and willing to pay for all the advances made in modern medicine. Some of these advances however must be questioned. The problem is that we've maxed out. There is no room for more spending without dire consequences to our standard of living.

Give me an example of an advance that "must be questioned"?

According to what I've been reading MOST coronary bypasses as one example.
That is quite simple actually. Healthcare has become so expensive because people have been able and willing to pay for all the advances made in modern medicine. Some of these advances however must be questioned. The problem is that we've maxed out. There is no room for more spending without dire consequences to our standard of living.

Give me an example of an advance that "must be questioned"?

According to what I've been reading MOST coronary bypasses as one example.

So you would have whom making the decisions on this? Other than the doctor and the patient?
I don't have to get over shit jack.

The point is that things could have been fixed right, but instead oblahma did just the opposite thing. You get it now, or do you need further explanation?

fixed right by whom? McCain? :confused:

good point---it should be painfully obvious that those we elect to do things are unable or unwilling do to so.

I'm sure Care didn't vote for Obama to fix anything.... :eusa_whistle:

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