Obama: ‘What We Said Was, You Could Keep’ Your Health Care Plan, If…


VIP Member
Sep 7, 2012
While virtually every insurer is offering new, better plans and competing for these folks’ business,” Obama said of the people who are losing their current insurance, “I realize that can be scary for people if you just get some notice like that.”

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

He explained that those people are “grandfathered in” under the Affordable Care Act. “But if the insurance company changes it, then what we’re saying is they’ve got to change it to a higher standard. They’ve got to make it better. They’ve got to improve the quality of the plan that they’re selling.”

“The bottom line is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody,” Obama declared.

Essentially, what President Obama is now saying is that when he promised people they could keep their existing health plans, the missing caveat was: “but if not, the Affordable Care Act will make sure you get a better one.”

Link: Obama: ?What We Said Was, You Could Keep? Your Health Care Plan, If? | Mediaite

Yes, because that's the same as "if you like your current plan, you can keep it. Period."
Sorry, but Obama can't go back and edit history. He knows damn well he outright lied and those making excuses for him should be deeply ashamed.

Everyone knows what he said. In many instances, he actually added, "Period" at the end of the promise that we can all keep our doctors and our plans.

He cannot be trusted and I question the sanity of anyone who is still willing to believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
you lucky suckers now get to pay for some welfare queen that has 7 kids from 5 different daddies.

And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.
Sorry, but Obama can't go back and edit history. He knows damn well he outright lied and those making excuses for him should be deeply ashamed.

Everyone knows what he said. In many instances, he actually added, "Period" at the end of the promise that we can all keep our doctors and our plans.

He cannot be trusted and I question the sanity of anyone who is still willing to believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

Some plans are grandfathered in if they haven't been changed since before the ACA was passed. I can keep my kids on their policies if I want. I still haven't decided which way I'm going yet. The plans they have currently have lower deductibles but higher premiums.
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

Manhattan Institute - The ObamaCare Impact

Average rate increases because of ACA. Most states will see an increase in costs. For example, in Wisconsin a male/27 will see an average increase at about 125% of what they are paying right now (PRE ACA: $92 Post ACA: $207)

For most people, you will see an increase of prices. Even with subsidies etc factored in.
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

Manhattan Institute - The ObamaCare Impact

Average rate increases because of ACA. Most states will see an increase in costs. For example, in Wisconsin a male/27 will see an average increase at about 125% of what they are paying right now (PRE ACA: $92 Post ACA: $207)

For most people, you will see an increase of prices. Even with subsidies etc factored in.

I have always had to purchase my own insurance because I'm self-employed. I've researched a lot of these plans and how they are affecting rates. Most of the crap you guys throw out there about increasing rates is done when comparing apples to oranges. There are certain instances where people are going to get caught paying more than they do now. I've seen this for people over the age of 60, and it's especially burdensome if they do not qualify for a subsidy.

As for everyone else, the rates are fairly comparable. Some people will actually save money without the subsidy. With the subsidy, a lot of people will save money. And as for these plans not being good plans, I beg to differ. What most people are not taking into account is the fact that all preventative care is now covered 100%. If you are healthy, you will be able to purchase a high deductible plan pretty cheap and you won't have any out of pocket expenses because all your well care and preventative care is covered.
Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

Manhattan Institute - The ObamaCare Impact

Average rate increases because of ACA. Most states will see an increase in costs. For example, in Wisconsin a male/27 will see an average increase at about 125% of what they are paying right now (PRE ACA: $92 Post ACA: $207)

For most people, you will see an increase of prices. Even with subsidies etc factored in.

I have always had to purchase my own insurance because I'm self-employed. I've researched a lot of these plans and how they are affecting rates. Most of the crap you guys throw out there about increasing rates is done when comparing apples to oranges. There are certain instances where people are going to get caught paying more than they do now. I've seen this for people over the age of 60, and it's especially burdensome if they do not qualify for a subsidy.

As for everyone else, the rates are fairly comparable. Some people will actually save money without the subsidy. With the subsidy, a lot of people will save money. And as for these plans not being good plans, I beg to differ. What most people are not taking into account is the fact that all preventative care is now covered 100%. If you are healthy, you will be able to purchase a high deductible plan pretty cheap and you won't have any out of pocket expenses because all your well care and preventative care is covered.

That's absolute BS. What about rural areas where over 60% of them face less competition than they had before? In some cases, they only get to pick from ONE plan. They are often having to pay more because of this.

Here was a report last week:

“While competition is intense in many populous regions, rural areas and small towns have far fewer carriers offering plans in the law’s online exchanges," the newspaper reported. "Of the roughly 2,500 counties served by the federal exchanges, more than half, or 58 percent, have plans offered by just one or two insurance carriers, according to an analysis by The Times of county-level data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services. In about 530 counties, only a single insurer is participating. The analysis suggests that the ambitions of the Affordable Care Act to increase competition have unfolded unevenly, at least in the early going, and have not addressed many of the factors that contribute to high prices.”

And to the point that I bolded, the gov't should not be the ones who say which plan is best for you individually. Obama went on and on about if you like your plan, you can keep it. PERIOD. Basically, they are saying your current plan (THAT YOU PICKED AND WERE HAPPY WITH) is garbage. What happened to freedom of choice? What happened to living in America and making YOUR OWN CHOICES. For example, that cancer survivor who lost her current insurance because Obama said it wasn't good for her. That company paid nearly 12 M dollars to help keep her alive. They never ONCE questioned her about what treatment is best for her.

According to Obama admin. that plan is garbage and now she's forced to pick which hospital she has to go to instead of going to BOTH of the best hospitals in the world.
Why should a single male at 50 pay for maternity coverage? That's one of the "requirements" of the ACA. Do you really think this person is going to need it? No.
Why should a single male at 50 pay for maternity coverage? That's one of the "requirements" of the ACA. Do you really think this person is going to need it? No.

That is what's needed for woman to pay equal to men.
While virtually every insurer is offering new, better plans and competing for these folks’ business,” Obama said of the people who are losing their current insurance, “I realize that can be scary for people if you just get some notice like that.”

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

He explained that those people are “grandfathered in” under the Affordable Care Act. “But if the insurance company changes it, then what we’re saying is they’ve got to change it to a higher standard. They’ve got to make it better. They’ve got to improve the quality of the plan that they’re selling.”

“The bottom line is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody,” Obama declared.

Essentially, what President Obama is now saying is that when he promised people they could keep their existing health plans, the missing caveat was: “but if not, the Affordable Care Act will make sure you get a better one.”

Link: Obama: ?What We Said Was, You Could Keep? Your Health Care Plan, If? | Mediaite

Yes, because that's the same as "if you like your current plan, you can keep it. Period."

Nah, that wasnt what he said. Just watch this.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He is lying when he says "what we meant was..." Just like he lied when said he never set a red line on Syria. He is a compulsive liar. Like some of the posters on this site.
you lucky suckers now get to pay for some welfare queen that has 7 kids from 5 different daddies.

And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.

Only now we'll be paying twice as much as before through our health insurance rates. Now health insurance is just another form of welfare. And these higher rates were not included as a cost of the bill. Not only are we paying higher taxes for Obamacare, but our premiums are being used to provide the deadbeats and Obama's favored constituents with free insurance.

Everyone who voted for Obama or a Dim is a king-sized sucker.
Sorry, but Obama can't go back and edit history. He knows damn well he outright lied and those making excuses for him should be deeply ashamed.

Everyone knows what he said. In many instances, he actually added, "Period" at the end of the promise that we can all keep our doctors and our plans.

He cannot be trusted and I question the sanity of anyone who is still willing to believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

Some plans are grandfathered in if they haven't been changed since before the ACA was passed. I can keep my kids on their policies if I want. I still haven't decided which way I'm going yet. The plans they have currently have lower deductibles but higher premiums.

You just don't get it. The ACA forces insurance companies to change their policies in ways that make the "grandfather" clause null and void.
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

I doubt the people paying more will be too pleased. They won't be voting Democrat this election.
Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

Manhattan Institute - The ObamaCare Impact

Average rate increases because of ACA. Most states will see an increase in costs. For example, in Wisconsin a male/27 will see an average increase at about 125% of what they are paying right now (PRE ACA: $92 Post ACA: $207)

For most people, you will see an increase of prices. Even with subsidies etc factored in.

I have always had to purchase my own insurance because I'm self-employed. I've researched a lot of these plans and how they are affecting rates. Most of the crap you guys throw out there about increasing rates is done when comparing apples to oranges. There are certain instances where people are going to get caught paying more than they do now. I've seen this for people over the age of 60, and it's especially burdensome if they do not qualify for a subsidy.

As for everyone else, the rates are fairly comparable. Some people will actually save money without the subsidy. With the subsidy, a lot of people will save money. And as for these plans not being good plans, I beg to differ. What most people are not taking into account is the fact that all preventative care is now covered 100%. If you are healthy, you will be able to purchase a high deductible plan pretty cheap and you won't have any out of pocket expenses because all your well care and preventative care is covered.

49-State Analysis: Obamacare To Increase Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 41% - Forbes
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying muore for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

I had good insurance. My wife doesn't have great health and we used it several times. Now since aca my employer has said after the first of the year he's had to switch carriers and my premiums will go up as well as my deductible.
under this prez the economy will never improve, and you'll pay more for less

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

Wow. WOW. Dang! Right to our face.

Boy, I'd love to know if anyone who has been spinning for Obamacare is even the slightest, teeniest, tiniest bit insulted by this. He's lying right to our face, again, and it's not even close.

Is anyone insulted?



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I can't believe he has the nerve to go before the camera and now say something different
while saying that's what he has been saying all along.

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