Obama: ‘What We Said Was, You Could Keep’ Your Health Care Plan, If…

Why should a single male at 50 pay for maternity coverage? That's one of the "requirements" of the ACA. Do you really think this person is going to need it? No.

i wouldnt say

higher premiums higher deductibles and covering never needed services

is a better plan
Lies on top on lies

this is just sickening

remember they accused bush lied people died

Obama must really think little of you people in this country to NOT see he lies right to your face and then his elected idiots and the media come after you if you question it

unfortunately you put this unaffordable care act on our heads along with this liar of a man
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Just like Pavlov's dog.

Lying bitch

I predicted this story would come out; I predicted that the 'nuts would howl in denial.

I'm batting 1.000.

carbineer negs me for accusing him of lying? :lmao:

You're a lying bitch. It's all you do.

And yet you can't actually cite a single specific item that I lied about.

Let me ask you something. Do you consider yourself one of the smarter conservatives around?

Lies on top on lies

this is just sickening

remember they accused bush lied people died

Obama must really think little of you people in this country to NOT see he lies right to your face and then his elected idiots and the media come after you if you question it

unfortunately you put this unaffordable care act on our heads along with this liar of a man

Did you acknowledge that Bush lied and people died?
Lies on top on lies

this is just sickening

remember they accused bush lied people died

Obama must really think little of you people in this country to NOT see he lies right to your face and then his elected idiots and the media come after you if you question it

unfortunately you put this unaffordable care act on our heads along with this liar of a man

a gal i know

double time obama voter

pretty sad faced these days

she being a real penny pincher

is not happy with the new insurance costs

added to her families budget

not happy at all
[ame=http://youtu.be/a0aPYebz9-A]Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel: Insurance Companies See the Future - "The Individual Market Is Going Away" - YouTube[/ame]
Lies on top on lies

this is just sickening

remember they accused bush lied people died

Obama must really think little of you people in this country to NOT see he lies right to your face and then his elected idiots and the media come after you if you question it

unfortunately you put this unaffordable care act on our heads along with this liar of a man

a gal i know

double time obama voter

pretty sad faced these days

she being a real penny pincher

is not happy with the new insurance costs

added to her families budget

not happy at all

Good. Can you give her a couple of stiff slaps upside the head for good measure?

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

Wow. WOW. Dang! Right to our face.

Boy, I'd love to know if anyone who has been spinning for Obamacare is even the slightest, teeniest, tiniest bit insulted by this. He's lying right to our face, again, and it's not even close.

Is anyone insulted?





No, huh?


“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

Wow. WOW. Dang! Right to our face.

Boy, I'd love to know if anyone who has been spinning for Obamacare is even the slightest, teeniest, tiniest bit insulted by this. He's lying right to our face, again, and it's not even close.

Is anyone insulted?





No, huh?


dimocraps lie.

It's what they do

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DAbbGyX_bGI]Nancy Pelosi: ObamaCare Implementation "Gone Very Well," Dismissed Obama's Broken Promises - YouTube[/ame]

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

Wow. WOW. Dang! Right to our face.

Boy, I'd love to know if anyone who has been spinning for Obamacare is even the slightest, teeniest, tiniest bit insulted by this. He's lying right to our face, again, and it's not even close.

Is anyone insulted?





No, huh?


Its only a lie if you're a racist
The president is not going to spin his way out of this one.

Yeah, with the other stories (Benghazi, IRS, etc. etc.) there was always an escape hatch.

This time, I don't see one.

His only hope is that the press really tightly circles the wagons, but yikes, it may be too late.

We'll see.


So far the press has been on the attack over this I don't see them being able to let this one drop off the map.
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

My rates and my taxes are/will go up.

But I digress, this is not, and should not be, good/bad because of ME or YOU. It's whether or not it's BEST for our country. At a time when the medium income for Americans is down- not up, we now have a cluster-fuck new entitlement system. When Americans need more of their income to get through each month; plan for retirement; or just create a savings or safety-net, they are FORCED to give up more of it.

The president looked the American people in the eye and LIED. Instead of a plethora of choice we now have one with four expensive options!

I saw you say you had a high deductible with low premium plan? You now have a lower deductible high premium plan. You better hope you don't become chronically ill, those premiums will kill you!

There were ideas put forth by Republicans that were scoffed at and ignored. Portability; cooperatives; and interstate exchanges. THAT is what needed to be done. Create a pool of government aid for pre-existing conditions. This should be based around incomes that are set on a sliding scale. But in the whole scheme of economic security this Obamacare cluster-fuck IS BAD for everyone.
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Why should a single male at 50 pay for maternity coverage? That's one of the "requirements" of the ACA. Do you really think this person is going to need it? No.

They did that because that was the easiest way to make rates for woman the same as for men. While we all know that women spend more of our healthcare dollars, do we really want to charge them more for it? Should we charge women more for health insurance than men? Personally, I have no problem with rates being the same for men and women. I suppose if you are a single male, then maybe you might feel differently. What is funny is married men who are complaining about this, because if they took that provision out, then the premiums for their wives would increase by the amount they saved.
you lucky suckers now get to pay for some welfare queen that has 7 kids from 5 different daddies.

And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.

Only now we'll be paying twice as much as before through our health insurance rates. Now health insurance is just another form of welfare. And these higher rates were not included as a cost of the bill. Not only are we paying higher taxes for Obamacare, but our premiums are being used to provide the deadbeats and Obama's favored constituents with free insurance.

Everyone who voted for Obama or a Dim is a king-sized sucker.

You need to do some critical thinking here, and I realize for some of you that is very difficult. Over the past three years, total health care spending has increased by the smallest amount in the past 60 years. Those of you who are complaining about providing free insurance to deadbeats are acting as if this is something new that we never did before. But of course you do know that we were already paying for these people because your argument has always been that nobody goes without healthcare, even when they can't pay for it. Well if that argument is true, who do you think has been paying for it in the past, the Healthcare Fairy?

Costs may be getting shifted around a bit, but in the end there is no evidence that we will be spending any more than we would if we left the system as is, and hopefully with greater attention being paid to preventative care, we may actually be able to curb increases in long term spending.
you lucky suckers now get to pay for some welfare queen that has 7 kids from 5 different daddies.

And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.

^ Low Information Voter can't tell he's been lied to

Sorry to bust your bubble but because of my health situation and the fact that I have always paid 100% for my health insurance because of being self-employed, I am better informed than most of you here.

For many people, their premiums may go up a little bit, but they will not have to pay out of pocket for any preventative care, and that will save them money in the long run. This isn't true for everyone, and yes some people are getting screwed. We should be addressing those situations where people are getting screwed badly because they can make some fixes for those situations. Most of you are not going to be affected by any of this but you are all having hissy fits over nothing.
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

you are not very good at convincing me and most likely many others that Maobamacare is a good thing. the entire thing needs to be ceremoniously dumped in the nearest dumpster..., along with those who agreed with, "we need to pass it to find out what's in it"

Yea, so we can go back to ten to fifteen percent increases in our health insurance premiums every single year like we had from 2000 through 2010. You all seem to ignore that little tidbit of information. One of the reasons the ACA came about was due to out of control increases in healthcare spending and insurance premiums.

In 2002, I was paying under $300 per month for insurance for myself and my two boys with only a $1500 individual deductible. By 2010, I was paying almost $700 per month with a $2500 deductible.
Why should a single male at 50 pay for maternity coverage? That's one of the "requirements" of the ACA. Do you really think this person is going to need it? No.

Because women are paying for prostate/testicle coverage. Even steven.

Stupid Porgressive

You must be single. I find it comical how married guys are complaining about this. If they didn't make it so men and women's rates were the same, then your wife would be paying a lot more and you'd pay less, but in the end it would be the same.

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