Obama: ‘What We Said Was, You Could Keep’ Your Health Care Plan, If…

But now, as I suspected, the truth about vast numbers of these supposed rate increase horror stories is coming out.

Insurance companies are trying to scam people!!! Who is surprised?

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers


"Before Obamacare, Donna paid a $724 monthly premium for $10,000 deductible, catastrophic health coverage from LifeWise, a subsidiary of the state's Blue Cross/Blue Shield affiliate. She asked that TPM withhold her last name because she was disclosing personal financial information.

The Sept. 16 letter from LifeWise told her that her existing plan was being canceled to comply with the new requirements of Obamacare and that she would automatically be rolled over into a new plan that was the "closest match" to her old plan. "If we don't hear from you, we'll automatically move you to this plan and you'll be covered starting January 1, 2014," the notice read....

Under the new LifeWise plan, Donna would have to pay more than $1,000 a month, a nearly $300 per month increase and a huge hit for a family with an income around $40,000. It was bare-bones coverage by ACA standards, with a $6,350 deductible.The letter, which you can read here, made no mention of the insurance marketplace that was about to open, where she could shop around for other options....

Fast forward a month, and Donna was able to log onto Washington's marketplace and shop for insurance. And what did she find? Options. A LifeWise plan with the same deductible they offered her outside the exchange was a little cheaper. Plans with a lower deductible had the same or lower premiums as the LifeWise plan. What she ended up buying was a plan through Community Health Plan of Washington with a $250 deductible.

And crucially, she also discovered she would qualify for a federal tax subsidy that would knock her monthly premium to $80. Her daughter could enroll in Medicaid, at no cost to the family.

So here's the bottom line: If Donna had taken the default option that LifeWise offered outside of the marketplace, she would have paid nearly $1,000 more per month for a worse plan than she was able to obtain on the marketplace."

This is the kind of thing that is behind the barrage of 'horror stories' you're being fed by the sensationalist dishonest media.

This is also the kind of thing that the USMB rightwing inmates will pretend doesn't exist.

Just like Pavlov's dog.

Lying bitch

Everything is a lie to you guys if it doesn't fit your model. Of course this couldn't be true because you don't want to believe it to be true.
you lucky suckers now get to pay for some welfare queen that has 7 kids from 5 different daddies.

And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.

So how does that makes health care costs go down then? We were paying for them anyway. It's all a ruse to get the healthcare and insurance industry completely under government control and power, and to bring more money into the government coffers. Bottom line, they never do anything for the good of the people, only if it forwards their agenda of controling more of your money and where it goes, into their hands. If you think any poltiical agenda is about helping 'the people', you're a naive fool, and you're being used to further empower and enrich the pols.

There many good things that come with the ACA. People can no longer be denied coverage if and when they become sick. There are no more lifetime limits on coverage, and there is going to be a real shift toward preventative care which will help reduce costs in the long run.
This is why this fucker has to go and his fucked up healthcare act with him~ The whole thing is a bullshit disaster built on lies and idiocy and we the people are its recipients...

Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

It's amazing how willing people are to be enslaved when a little security is offered in exchange. Especially when it's a false security that is offered.

I've lived the healthcare nightmare. This is not false security. What was false security is what we had prior to the ACA.
And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.

So how does that makes health care costs go down then? We were paying for them anyway. It's all a ruse to get the healthcare and insurance industry completely under government control and power, and to bring more money into the government coffers. Bottom line, they never do anything for the good of the people, only if it forwards their agenda of controling more of your money and where it goes, into their hands. If you think any poltiical agenda is about helping 'the people', you're a naive fool, and you're being used to further empower and enrich the pols.

There many good things that come with the ACA. People can no longer be denied coverage if and when they become sick. There are no more lifetime limits on coverage, and there is going to be a real shift toward preventative care which will help reduce costs in the long run.

Where's my $2,500 saving from switching to ObamaCare?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15E7goj7Fmo]Obama Says His Healthcare Plan Will Save Families $2,500 - YouTube[/ame]

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

Wow. WOW. Dang! Right to our face.

Boy, I'd love to know if anyone who has been spinning for Obamacare is even the slightest, teeniest, tiniest bit insulted by this. He's lying right to our face, again, and it's not even close.

Is anyone insulted?





No, huh?


My kids can keep theirs. They've had it for five years and it hasn't changed. I just haven't decided yet if I'm keeping it or going with a cheaper plan that has a higher deductible.
And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.

So how does that makes health care costs go down then? We were paying for them anyway. It's all a ruse to get the healthcare and insurance industry completely under government control and power, and to bring more money into the government coffers. Bottom line, they never do anything for the good of the people, only if it forwards their agenda of controling more of your money and where it goes, into their hands. If you think any poltiical agenda is about helping 'the people', you're a naive fool, and you're being used to further empower and enrich the pols.

There many good things that come with the ACA. People can no longer be denied coverage if and when they become sick. There are no more lifetime limits on coverage, and there is going to be a real shift toward preventative care which will help reduce costs in the long run.

The other good things these guys never talk about is the reduction of cost to the government because there is a real effort to get rid of fraud, redundant checks and now HMOs are "forced" to provide funding for the actual care of customers.

I sat on a jury where a newly created team of NYPD and Medicare investigators brought down a pharmacist in a sting operation.

This was a direct result of ObamaCare.
My cost for employee furnished family health care just doubled BCBS. Fucking Obama and you stupid fucking liberals who voted for the cock sucker.
I promised I wouldn't cum in your mouth but that was only before I came in your mouth
ObamaCare is going to bleed out the middle class.
And you don't think we were paying for them before? Those people were on Medicaid before and will continue to be. Nothing has changed there.

So how does that makes health care costs go down then? We were paying for them anyway. It's all a ruse to get the healthcare and insurance industry completely under government control and power, and to bring more money into the government coffers. Bottom line, they never do anything for the good of the people, only if it forwards their agenda of controling more of your money and where it goes, into their hands. If you think any poltiical agenda is about helping 'the people', you're a naive fool, and you're being used to further empower and enrich the pols.

There many good things that come with the ACA. People can no longer be denied coverage if and when they become sick. There are no more lifetime limits on coverage, and there is going to be a real shift toward preventative care which will help reduce costs in the long run.

You're a fool, and a pawn as well. So if no one can be 'denied' (sadly I think you really believe that will be the case), and there aren't any more lifetime limits on coverage, it seems to me that insurance is going to have to go up to pay for all of that. Preventive care is not going to offset that cost my even the smallest margin. So where are all of the savings going to come from? You obviously believe in going to your neighbor to what amounts to having a gun in your hand (i.e. the force of government) and forcing them to give you their money to pay for your healthcare. Why can't you people at least be honest about what you're doing?
Because women are paying for prostate/testicle coverage. Even steven.

Stupid Porgressive

You must be single. I find it comical how married guys are complaining about this. If they didn't make it so men and women's rates were the same, then your wife would be paying a lot more and you'd pay less, but in the end it would be the same.

People should have the option to choose whether they want/need to be covered for maternity, newborn, pediatric care; for prescription drugs; for re-hab services. Not everyone needs that coverage. The freaking government just said 'shut the fuck up, what you need doesn't matter, the collective is what is important'.

Preventative services are now 100% 'free'. When are you guys going to get it? Nothing is free. If you aren't paying for it someone else is. The more that is covered on a policy the more expensive the premiums will be. If that's what you want, fine. But for the government to come along and say this is what everyone will have, whether you want it or not? Dems are suppose to be the party of choice. Yeah, only if that choice is what the Dems say it is.

People with pre-existing conditions should pay more for their coverage. Period. They are a higher risk to insure. Why should someone who doesn't have a p/e pay more so someone with a p/e gets to pay less? Once again, this administration shuns the individual for the collective.

And the left just nods along.
Just one simple question; how does the ACA affect you personally? I actually will be purchasing my insurance through the exchange and it is having no big effect on me or my premiums. I realize this is not true for everyone. Some people are actually going to be paying less for better coverage and some people will be paying more for worse coverage. It has it's good and bad but other than the fact that the website is a disaster, the rest of it is not this horrible thing that everyone is making it out to be.

It's amazing how willing people are to be enslaved when a little security is offered in exchange. Especially when it's a false security that is offered.

I've lived the healthcare nightmare. This is not false security. What was false security is what we had prior to the ACA.

Of course you have, and now it's up to someone else to pay for it. What kind of a person can have a conscience that allows them to live off of other people's efforts and work ethic? As long as you benefit from it, the hell with anyone else who has to pay and suffer financially because of it. As long as you get yours, right? You want to see selfish, take a look in the mirror.
Stupid Porgressive

You must be single. I find it comical how married guys are complaining about this. If they didn't make it so men and women's rates were the same, then your wife would be paying a lot more and you'd pay less, but in the end it would be the same.

People should have the option to choose whether they want/need to be covered for maternity, newborn, pediatric care; for prescription drugs; for re-hab services. Not everyone needs that coverage. The freaking government just said 'shut the fuck up, what you need doesn't matter, the collective is what is important'.

Preventative services are now 100% 'free'. When are you guys going to get it? Nothing is free. If you aren't paying for it someone else is. The more that is covered on a policy the more expensive the premiums will be. If that's what you want, fine. But for the government to come along and say this is what everyone will have, whether you want it or not? Dems are suppose to be the party of choice. Yeah, only if that choice is what the Dems say it is.

People with pre-existing conditions should pay more for their coverage. Period. They are a higher risk to insure. Why should someone who doesn't have a p/e pay more so someone with a p/e gets to pay less? Once again, this administration shuns the individual for the collective.

And the left just nods along.

How much you wanna bet that he's 'pro abortion/choice'?
Sorry, but Obama can't go back and edit history. He knows damn well he outright lied and those making excuses for him should be deeply ashamed.

Everyone knows what he said. In many instances, he actually added, "Period" at the end of the promise that we can all keep our doctors and our plans.

He cannot be trusted and I question the sanity of anyone who is still willing to believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

Some plans are grandfathered in if they haven't been changed since before the ACA was passed. I can keep my kids on their policies if I want. I still haven't decided which way I'm going yet. The plans they have currently have lower deductibles but higher premiums.

The grandfathered plans will last one more year, Dec 31 2014 they die.
While virtually every insurer is offering new, better plans and competing for these folks’ business,” Obama said of the people who are losing their current insurance, “I realize that can be scary for people if you just get some notice like that.”

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law,” the president said, “and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it… if it hasn’t changed since the law’s passed.”

He explained that those people are “grandfathered in” under the Affordable Care Act. “But if the insurance company changes it, then what we’re saying is they’ve got to change it to a higher standard. They’ve got to make it better. They’ve got to improve the quality of the plan that they’re selling.”

“The bottom line is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody,” Obama declared.

Essentially, what President Obama is now saying is that when he promised people they could keep their existing health plans, the missing caveat was: “but if not, the Affordable Care Act will make sure you get a better one.”

Link: Obama: ?What We Said Was, You Could Keep? Your Health Care Plan, If? | Mediaite

Yes, because that's the same as "if you like your current plan, you can keep it. Period."

(smile) That is not what he said.

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