Obama Whores Himself Out to Big Pharma and Davos by Repeating Ivermectin/HCQ Not Effective Against COVID Lies

Ivermectin fights 21 viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours, according to a June 2020 study published in the journal Antiviral Research.
Ivermectin’s inventors won a Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. It has amazing abilities to fight infections and diseases, mainly caused by parasites, and was used in third world countries by hundreds of millions of people (if not billions). It become known as “the miracle drug” because it was found to be great against all kinds of viruses.

The third world continued to use it during WuFlu, and the statistics show they had a much lower infection and death rate then the US and other “modern” countries that did lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.

But leftest fascists have been programmed to defend their Big Pharma corporations since they pay off and enrich the government stooges that mandate their product.
My God you are an idiot. Ivermectin an older drugs that are generic doesn't make your local Doctor rich. Big Pharma CNN ABC NBC brought to you by Pfizer made a killing.
Ivermectin is meant for other issues, not covid. It has not been approved for covid to this day.

People were abusing it and making it not available for what it is meant for. Like a few other drugs the Republicans decided was good for Covid, but were not.

All of these drugs, once they were said to be for covid, started being over sold, and it became a problem for people who really needed them for their health and they could not find them anymore as they were out of stock .

Saying falsely that a drug is good for something when it is not, causes severe health issues for those who really need them.
Ivermectin’s inventors won a Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. It has amazing abilities to fight infections and diseases, mainly caused by parasites, and was used in third world countries by hundreds of millions of people (if not billions). It become known as “the miracle drug” because it was found to be great against all kinds of viruses.

The third world continued to use it during WuFlu, and the statistics show they had a much lower infection and death rate then the US and other “modern” countries that did lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.

But leftest fascists have been programmed to defend their Big Pharma corporations since they pay off and enrich the government stooges that mandate their product.
No one is defending big Pharma. Simply saying that that drug has yet to be approved for covid and the overselling of it for those who do not need it, is causing health issues for those who do need them and have a hard time getting them because it is out of stock.
No one is defending big Pharma. Simply saying that that drug has yet to be approved for covid and the overselling of it for those who do not need it, is causing health issues for those who do need them and have a hard time getting them because it is out of stock.
“No one is defending Big Pharma”……yea okay. If anyone speaks out against it, they are immediately labeled conspiracy theorists. If anyone puts out an alternative, it is immediately attacked. Big Pharma is defended everyday by leftwingers because the media they love to watch is always doing just that.
“No one is defending Big Pharma”……yea okay. If anyone speaks out against it, they are immediately labeled conspiracy theorists. If anyone puts out an alternative, it is immediately attacked. Big Pharma is defended everyday by leftwingers because the media they love to watch is always doing just that.
Show anyone from the left defending big Pharma
Ivermectin fights 21 viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours, according to a June 2020 study published in the journal Antiviral Research.
But the time window for efficacy is only 8-12 hours post-infection. That is why the best move was Uttar Pradesh: prophylaxis.
Kenyan government disagrees with you, as do Jewish women. Legal documentation in Kenya must specify either black African or Arab DNA.

Lol stick with gossip .. they aren't doing DNA on Kenyans.. All Kenyans are Arab for 2000 years.
Ivermectin is meant for other issues, not covid. It has not been approved for covid to this day.

People were abusing it and making it not available for what it is meant for. Like a few other drugs the Republicans decided was good for Covid, but were not.

All of these drugs, once they were said to be for covid, started being over sold, and it became a problem for people who really needed them for their health and they could not find them anymore as they were out of stock .

Saying falsely that a drug is good for something when it is not, causes severe health issues for those who really need them.

The FDA does not have the authority to "approve" anything except for safe use in humans. Off-label use of drugs is common and between a doctor and patient.
The FDA does not have the authority to "approve" anything except for safe use in humans. Off-label use of drugs is common and between a doctor and patient.
In other words, you are not able to find one doctor who actually did prescribe it to their patients for Covid, and not what they are meant for.
Lol stick with gossip .. they aren't doing DNA on Kenyans.. All Kenyans are Arab for 2000 years.

Ethnic groups​

A Maasai

Kenya has a very diverse population that includes most major ethnic, racial and linguistic groups found in Africa. Bantu and Nilotic populations together constitute around 92% of the nation's inhabitants.[6] People from Asian or European heritage living in Kenya are estimated at around 200,000.

Kenya's largest ethnic group is the Kikuyu. They make up less than a fifth of the population. Since Kenyan independence in 1963, Kenyan politics have been characterized by ethnic tensions and rivalry between the larger groups. This devolved into ethnic violence in the 2007–2008 Kenyan crisis.

In Kenya's last colonial census of 1962, population groups residing in the territory included European, African and Asian individuals.[7] According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Kenya had a population of 47,564,296 by 2019. The largest native ethnic groups were the Kikuyu(8,148,668), Luhya (6,823,842), Kalenjin (6,358,113), Luo (5,066,966), Kamba (4,663,910), Somalis (2,780,502), Kisii (2,703,235), Mijikenda (2,488,691), Meru (1,975,869), Maasai(1,189,522), and Turkana (1,016,174). Foreign-rooted populations included Asians (90,527), Europeans (42,868) with Kenyan citizenship, 26,753 without, and Kenyan Arabs (59,021).[8] The number of ethnic categories and sub-categories recorded in the census has changed significantly over time, expanding from 42 in 1969 to more than 120 in 2019.[9]

See every post making fun of ivermectin, every post calling Vax deaths and adverse reactions a “conspiracy theory” or fake news.
Not making fun of that drug. Just that it is not for Covid, never was, never will be.

Vax deaths are a conspiracy theory. If it was not conspiracy, Millions upon millions of people who took the vaccines around the world, including myself, would be dead.

There is no proof that athletes, etc have died from the covid vaccine and you have nothing to show for it.
Not making fun of that drug. Just that it is not for Covid, never was, never will be.

Vax deaths are a conspiracy theory. If it was not conspiracy, Millions upon millions of people who took the vaccines around the world, including myself, would be dead.

There is no proof that athletes, etc have died from the covid vaccine and you have nothing to show for it.
I personally know several people that had terrible adverse reactions to the shots. One would had died if he didn’t go to the ER and get tested to find out his blood platelets were near zero, thanks to the shot giving him ITP. A full blood transfusion saved his life. Others nearly died with Bell’s Palsy attack plus stroke, and blood clots that had to be taken out.

Death rates are soaring all over industrialized nations that pushed the vaccines. So keep your head in the sand, and go get your next booster.
I personally know several people that had terrible adverse reactions to the shots. One would had died if he didn’t go to the ER and get tested to find out his blood platelets were near zero, thanks to the shot giving him ITP. A full blood transfusion saved his life. Others nearly died with Bell’s Palsy attack plus stroke, and blood clots that had to be taken out.

Death rates are soaring all over industrialized nations that pushed the vaccines. So keep your head in the sand, and go get your next booster.
Johnson and Johnson had issues where elderly people, mainly, were getting blood clot, and some died. That was fixed.

It does not make Billions of people who took all different other vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, etc from other companies dead, or about to die, as you almost want to make it sound.

You are using a partial truth to bring fear for vaccines which are highly safe to take.

You do not wish to take the vaccine.......DON'T.
Johnson and Johnson had issues where elderly people, mainly, were getting blood clot, and some died. That was fixed.

It does not make Billions of people who took all different other vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, etc from other companies dead, or about to die, as you almost want to make it sound.

You are using a partial truth to bring fear for vaccines which are highly safe to take.

You do not wish to take the vaccine.......DON'T.

This is not "highly safe," no matter how many times a mod buries it in conspiracy theory.

December 2022, peer-reviewed study in the second oldest medical science publication in the world next to The Lancet, states unequivocally that the mRNA shots (made by Pfizer and Moderna) are:

“likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults—for each hospitalisation averted we estimate approximately [18.5 serious adverse events]…“

In other words, for every person the Covid shots kept out of the hospital, they put nearly 20 other people at death’s door, or even killed them.

They pulled Obama out of retirement to reinforce every Agenda 2030 lie in the book. I use to like him now he's just another lying POS.

The science:

Yale School of Public Health’s Dr. Harvey Risch “500,000 people to death from the infection because they couldn’t get treated because of the suppression of these treatments.”

You mean he is cutting into Trump's big pharma kick backs and the righties are pissed.
They pulled Obama out of retirement to reinforce every Agenda 2030 lie in the book. I use to like him now he's just another lying POS.

The science:

Yale School of Public Health’s Dr. Harvey Risch “500,000 people to death from the infection because they couldn’t get treated because of the suppression of these treatments.”

At least he isn’t still whoring himself out at Chicago bath houses……at least that we know of.

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