Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

You mean one
I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference

Why the job creators. They're paying people what their skills are worth. You blame the wrong people. An employer shouldn't pay someone more than what they offer in return is worth. The worker should provide higher level skills if they want more.
Because that was what they were tasked to do

Remember the rising tide raising all boats? Well it only raised the yachts
We were promised more jobs, higher pay and more prosperity if we cut taxes and deregulated

They just kept the money
Did Rachel tell you that?
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference
just shows no recovery.
285000 new jobs for the month announced today.

9 million created since 1 Jan 2009. Americans know you are lying.
Another statistical anomaly. It is the nature of declining currency that records be set just because of the lowered purchasing power over time. It is how the system absorbs inflation
Wow, you got one right.

Fuck you anyway.

/just kidding

IF the Saudis break their obligation to buy their oil in USD, then we will probably see really bad inflation.
He may be the first, but he won't be the last. Stagnation is the new normal.
No, American stupidity and gullibility to believe everything that the corporate media tells you is the new normal.

No it is the new normal. Demographics are not trending well for the US, especially as it wants to block foreign cheap labor from coming in.
Pants on fire, liar:

US GDP Growth Rate by Year

BTW, wars sure helps the rich get richer if one reads between the lines in the link above.

BTW, to understand REAL GDP see this link:

How to Calculate the Annual Growth Rate for Real GDP -- The Motley Fool
He may be the first, but he won't be the last. Stagnation is the new normal.
No, American stupidity and gullibility to believe everything that the corporate media tells you is the new normal.

No it is the new normal. Demographics are not trending well for the US, especially as it wants to block foreign cheap labor from coming in.
Robotics will replace the cheap labor, in fact it will be the first forms of labor roboticized in android form.
Another statistical anomaly. It is the nature of declining currency that records be set just because of the lowered purchasing power over time. It is how the system absorbs inflation
Wow, you got one right.

Fuck you anyway.

/just kidding

IF the Saudis break their obligation to buy their oil in USD, then we will probably see really bad inflation.

It is too Friday night and I am too lazy to make the argument, but I suspect that the world is facing a major currency crisis that stretches beyond just the dollar. There is way too much debt; too many unfunded benefits programs globally, and not nearly enough liquid currency to go around. It is a variant of the bond bubble. Damn baby boomers gonna kill us all. Oh well. Somebody has to go down in history as the last generation....for like a second before there is no history because there are no humans.
It is too Friday night and I am too lazy to make the argument, but I suspect that the world is facing a major currency crisis that stretches beyond just the dollar. There is way too much debt; too many unfunded benefits programs globally, and not nearly enough liquid currency to go around. It is a variant of the bond bubble. Damn baby boomers gonna kill us all. Oh well. Somebody has to go down in history as the last generation....for like a second before there is no history because there are no humans.
OK, have you read up on the $1,200 TRILLION Derivatives market? That is TWENTY TIMES the ENTIRE GLOBES GDP.

That will keep you awake, and maybe the fuel that gets ignited and crashes the whole global economy.

12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Everyone Should Know | Zero Hedge

When Americans think about the financial crisis that we are facing, the largest number that they usually can think of is the size of the U.S. national debt. And at over 17 trillion dollars, it truly is massive. But it is actually the 2nd-smallest number on the list below. The following are 12 numbers about the global financial Ponzi scheme that should be burned into your brain...

-$1,280,000,000,000 - Most people are really surprised when they hear this number. Right now, there is only 1.28 trillion dollars worth of U.S. currency floating around out there.

-$17,555,165,805,212.27 - This is the size of the U.S. national debt. It has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.

-$32,000,000,000,000 - This is the total amount of money that the global elite have stashed in offshore banks (that we know about).

-$48,611,684,000,000 - This is the total exposure that Goldman Sachs has to derivatives contracts.

-$59,398,590,000,000 - This is the total amount of debt (government, corporate, consumer, etc.) in the U.S. financial system. 40 years ago, this number was just a little bit above 2 trillion dollars.

-$70,088,625,000,000 - This is the total exposure that JPMorgan Chase has to derivatives contracts.

-$71,830,000,000,000 - This is the approximate size of the GDP of the entire world.

-$75,000,000,000,000 - This is approximately the total exposure that German banking giant Deutsche Bank has to derivatives contracts.

-$100,000,000,000,000 - This is the total amount of government debt in the entire world. This amount has grown by $30 trillion just since mid-2007.

-$223,300,000,000,000 - This is the approximate size of the total amount of debt in the entire world.

-$236,637,271,000,000 - According to the U.S. government, this is the total exposure that the top 25 banks in the United States have to derivatives contracts. But those banks only have total assets of about 9.4 trillion dollars combined. In other words, the exposure of our largest banks to derivatives outweighs their total assets by a ratio of about 25 to 1.

-$710,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives contracts generally fall within this range. At the high end of the range, the ratio of derivatives exposure to global GDP is about 21 to 1.

Most people tend to assume that the "authorities" have fixed whatever caused the financial world to almost end back in 2008, but that is not the case at all.

In fact, the total amount of government debt around the globe has grown by about 40 percent since then, and the "too big to fail banks" have collectively gotten 37 percent larger since then.

Our "authorities" didn't fix anything. All they did was reinflate the bubble and kick the can down the road for a little while.
You mean one
I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference
just shows no recovery.
285000 new jobs for the month announced today.

9 million created since 1 Jan 2009. Americans know you are lying.
Whoop dodo, go look at the 5.8 million working part time rather than full time as they'd like to be to get benefits. Douche bag
And yet a slight majority of Americans approve of the prick.

Must be that a lot of those are milennials who simply are not old enough to realize how much better things could be.

They like HIM, but the vast majority hate the direction the country is heading.
Do tell us the policies President Elect Reagan put in place to cause the recession to start in January 1980, dufus.

Now you can bounce back and start posting more BS about the GDP being above 3% the past 8 years.


The recession started in July of 1981 dumbass. Now was it Reagan's fault or not?
In January 1980 the U.S. economy entered a recession that, at the time, was the most significant since the Great Depression. One of the causes of the early 1980s recession was the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which sparked a second large round of oil price increases. More important, however, were Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker’s efforts to tame inflation through restrictive monetary policy, which had the expected effect of dampening economic growth. The American economy experienced a modest recovery beginning in the summer of 1980 but declined again from July 1981 to November 1982.
1980-82 Early 1980s Recession - Timeline - Slaying the Dragon of Debt - Regional Oral History Office - University of California, Berkeley

You just confirmed what I said.

Now was the 81 82 recession Reagan's fault or not?
America was in recession when Reagan and Obama took office.
One saw GDP rise over 7%, the other never saw it go over 3%.
First time in history a President never saw the economy hit 3%.

You lie. Why lie?


Try one that actually goes up to 2016.
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

None of which have changed after 7 1/2 years of a failed administration. Oh, the wars have now expanded all over the world.
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

Right, just as Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is releasing felons in the U.S. where they return to crime and terrorists who return to terrorism.
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference
just shows no recovery.
285000 new jobs for the month announced today.

9 million created since 1 Jan 2009. Americans know you are lying.
Whoop dodo, go look at the 5.8 million working part time rather than full time as they'd like to be to get benefits. Douche bag
How many of those prefer working part-time to full time. Your comment is meaningless until you can parse that. Get to it, podjo, we don't have all night.
No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference
just shows no recovery.
285000 new jobs for the month announced today.

9 million created since 1 Jan 2009. Americans know you are lying.
Whoop dodo, go look at the 5.8 million working part time rather than full time as they'd like to be to get benefits. Douche bag
How many of those prefer working part-time to full time. Your comment is meaningless until you can parse that. Get to it, podjo, we don't have all night.
It's numbers in the report stupid fk.
It is too Friday night and I am too lazy to make the argument, but I suspect that the world is facing a major currency crisis that stretches beyond just the dollar. There is way too much debt; too many unfunded benefits programs globally, and not nearly enough liquid currency to go around. It is a variant of the bond bubble. Damn baby boomers gonna kill us all. Oh well. Somebody has to go down in history as the last generation....for like a second before there is no history because there are no humans.
OK, have you read up on the $1,200 TRILLION Derivatives market? That is TWENTY TIMES the ENTIRE GLOBES GDP.

That will keep you awake, and maybe the fuel that gets ignited and crashes the whole global economy.

12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Everyone Should Know | Zero Hedge

When Americans think about the financial crisis that we are facing, the largest number that they usually can think of is the size of the U.S. national debt. And at over 17 trillion dollars, it truly is massive. But it is actually the 2nd-smallest number on the list below. The following are 12 numbers about the global financial Ponzi scheme that should be burned into your brain...

-$1,280,000,000,000 - Most people are really surprised when they hear this number. Right now, there is only 1.28 trillion dollars worth of U.S. currency floating around out there.

-$17,555,165,805,212.27 - This is the size of the U.S. national debt. It has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.

-$32,000,000,000,000 - This is the total amount of money that the global elite have stashed in offshore banks (that we know about).

-$48,611,684,000,000 - This is the total exposure that Goldman Sachs has to derivatives contracts.

-$59,398,590,000,000 - This is the total amount of debt (government, corporate, consumer, etc.) in the U.S. financial system. 40 years ago, this number was just a little bit above 2 trillion dollars.

-$70,088,625,000,000 - This is the total exposure that JPMorgan Chase has to derivatives contracts.

-$71,830,000,000,000 - This is the approximate size of the GDP of the entire world.

-$75,000,000,000,000 - This is approximately the total exposure that German banking giant Deutsche Bank has to derivatives contracts.

-$100,000,000,000,000 - This is the total amount of government debt in the entire world. This amount has grown by $30 trillion just since mid-2007.

-$223,300,000,000,000 - This is the approximate size of the total amount of debt in the entire world.

-$236,637,271,000,000 - According to the U.S. government, this is the total exposure that the top 25 banks in the United States have to derivatives contracts. But those banks only have total assets of about 9.4 trillion dollars combined. In other words, the exposure of our largest banks to derivatives outweighs their total assets by a ratio of about 25 to 1.

-$710,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives contracts generally fall within this range. At the high end of the range, the ratio of derivatives exposure to global GDP is about 21 to 1.

Most people tend to assume that the "authorities" have fixed whatever caused the financial world to almost end back in 2008, but that is not the case at all.

In fact, the total amount of government debt around the globe has grown by about 40 percent since then, and the "too big to fail banks" have collectively gotten 37 percent larger since then.

Our "authorities" didn't fix anything. All they did was reinflate the bubble and kick the can down the road for a little while.

-$710,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives contracts generally fall within this range.

I bet $10 on tomorrow's baseball game. The notional value of my bet is about $3 billion.
Should I worry?
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

Right, just as Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is releasing felons in the U.S. where they return to crime and terrorists who return to terrorism.

Obama released and failed to deport over 300 violent illegals from prison...they then killed over 100 people in the US.
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

None of which have changed after 7 1/2 years of a failed administration. Oh, the wars have now expanded all over the world.

Do you know what "change" means? It means it is not the same

We no longer have thousands of dead every year...that is change
We are adding 200,000 jobs a month instead of losing 700,000....that is change
We no longer embrace torture....that is change
You mean one
I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference

Why the job creators. They're paying people what their skills are worth. You blame the wrong people. An employer shouldn't pay someone more than what they offer in return is worth. The worker should provide higher level skills if they want more.
Because that was what they were tasked to do

Remember the rising tide raising all boats? Well it only raised the yachts
We were promised more jobs, higher pay and more prosperity if we cut taxes and deregulated

They just kept the money

Since unemployment is down, that means more jobs have been created and people are now making money instead of living off taxpayers. That means not just the yachts were raised. The problem is you want the dingy raised to the same level as the yacht despite the yacht captain having more skills and knowledge that the one rowing with an oar.

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