Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy
What do you expect? Obama has been trying his damndest to hamper economic growth for almost 8 years.

$50 trillion added to our nations wealth....you call that hampering the economy?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You need to go back to grade school and learn Basic math... Dip shit
Looks like opposing Obama at every turn was a good idea after all. Thanks Congress and Senate
Yep, kept us out of recession.

Every spring for eight long years we heard the same song from Democrats.


Thank you

We have had quite a recovery

15 million private sector jobs added, $50 trillion in national wealth. strongest dollar in decades, stock market almost tripled
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there
Looks like opposing Obama at every turn was a good idea after all. Thanks Congress and Senate
Yep, kept us out of recession.

Every spring for eight long years we heard the same song from Democrats.


Thank you

We have had quite a recovery

15 million private sector jobs added, $50 trillion in national wealth. strongest dollar in decades, stock market almost tripled
Call me when Obama exceeds the one million jobs (good paying too) added in ONE MONTH under Reagan.
Wages down, quality of life down, home ownership down, $9 Trillion in debt added, 43 million Americans requiring aid to put food on the table, 94 million Americans not working.

Socialist utopia.

Reagan is dead...so is the 1980s

Obama did move from negative 770,000 jobs to consistent employment above 200,000 that is a million jobs a month

Stop with the 94 million Americans not working crap, you get slapped down on that every time you post it but you just don't learn do you?
the 94mm figure makes almost all of America laugh at those who use it
That's because it's a sign of ignerce. Necessary for the GOP base. One of their top desired qualifications.
Looks like opposing Obama at every turn was a good idea after all. Thanks Congress and Senate
Yep, kept us out of recession.

Every spring for eight long years we heard the same song from Democrats.


Thank you

We have had quite a recovery

15 million private sector jobs added, $50 trillion in national wealth. strongest dollar in decades, stock market almost tripled
Yep. Obama is spending like a crack whore who just found a wallet filled with credit cards.
Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding.

Well not really just Republicans. The Senate vote was 90-6 to block President Obama EO in 2009. Yes Republican voted unanimously.....Funny both candidates in 2008 were for closing it too. But once President Obama signed the closing order, the Echo-Chamber freaked out and scared the crap out of all members of Congress.

The President has reduce the population by a great number.
Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding.

Well not really just Republicans. The Senate vote was 90-6 to block President Obama EO in 2009. Yes Republican voted unanimously.....Funny both candidates in 2008 were for closing it too. But once President Obama signed the closing order, the Echo-Chamber freaked out and scared the crap out of all members of Congress.

The President has reduce the population by a great number.
Obama wants terrorists walking down your street. Call your Senator and stop him
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

Obama does have a soft spot for Muslim killers.
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference
Looks like opposing Obama at every turn was a good idea after all. Thanks Congress and Senate
Yep, kept us out of recession.

Every spring for eight long years we heard the same song from Democrats.


Thank you

We have had quite a recovery

15 million private sector jobs added, $50 trillion in national wealth. strongest dollar in decades, stock market almost tripled
:link: third call
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference
just shows no recovery.
Obamanomics. I told you this would happen 8 years ago.

Since your signup date is in 2013, are you lying or are you a retread?
What a loon. Really? That the best you got? You think I have to post to YOU?

Lovely defense of Obamanomics.

You claimed you told the people here 8 years ago this would happen. Got a link?
Hilarious dodging and spinning. We should call you Maytag.

Oh and while we're at it, why did you start a thread on a topic that's already had about 10 threads on it?
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference
Ask Hillary, she rakes in millions from Goldman Sachs.
Or you could ask President Goldman Sachs.
A List of Goldman Sachs Ties to the Obama Government–including Elena Kagan
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
OP he will just blame Bush this clown has been blaming others for his failures all his life. If its any consolation he'll have 20-30 years of retirement to suck on his failures while watching future presidents succeed.
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference

Why the job creators. They're paying people what their skills are worth. You blame the wrong people. An employer shouldn't pay someone more than what they offer in return is worth. The worker should provide higher level skills if they want more.
Looks like opposing Obama at every turn was a good idea after all. Thanks Congress and Senate
Yep, kept us out of recession.

Every spring for eight long years we heard the same song from Democrats.


Thank you

We have had quite a recovery

15 million private sector jobs added, $50 trillion in national wealth. strongest dollar in decades, stock market almost tripled
:link: third call
You got your answers

You just don't like them
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

You mean one
What can we blame Bush for?

Getting us involved in two unnecessary wars
Trashing the economy

I thought Obama was going to shut down Gitmo?

So you call over 42 million on food stamps a good economy? I checked the numbers. When Bush had a 4.9% unemployment rate, only 27 million were on food stamps. When Obama has that rate, there are 42 million. Why can't the black guy do as good of a job in that area?

You mean the war in Afghanistan where Obama has extended troop stays?
Good one...

Republicans put the brakes on closing Gitmo and got a law passed blocking any funding. Obama just laughed at them and has been shipping them out a handful at a time. Number of prisoners has dropped from over 400 to 80
Republicans are going to look around and find nobody there

No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference

Why the job creators. They're paying people what their skills are worth. You blame the wrong people. An employer shouldn't pay someone more than what they offer in return is worth. The worker should provide higher level skills if they want more.
Because that was what they were tasked to do

Remember the rising tide raising all boats? Well it only raised the yachts
We were promised more jobs, higher pay and more prosperity if we cut taxes and deregulated

They just kept the money
Looks like opposing Obama at every turn was a good idea after all. Thanks Congress and Senate
Yep, kept us out of recession.

Every spring for eight long years we heard the same song from Democrats.


Thank you

We have had quite a recovery

15 million private sector jobs added, $50 trillion in national wealth. strongest dollar in decades, stock market almost tripled
:link: third call
You got your answers

You just don't like them
Nope, fourth call link

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