Obama will not go on the record with leading Iowa Newspaper


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
I don't know what Mr.Whipple is thinking over there, this sounds ill advised, and with 14 days to go?

Meanwhile, Leno tomorrow night and an MTV 30 minute interview Friday....yup, this makes sense:rolleyes:

Iowa newspaper blasts Obama camp for 'off-the-record' interview demand

(CNN) - The editor of the Des Moines Register wrote in a blistering blog post Tuesday that representatives for President Barack Obama refused an on-the-record conversation with the newspaper's editorial board, which is preparing to endorse a candidate for president in the coming days.

Mitt Romney, the GOP nominee, conducted an interview with the paper's editorial board earlier this month. The audio of his comments were recorded and posted on the Des Moines Register's website.

In his post, Editor Rick Green said Obama's team should have granted his organization the same type of interview, saying the president's remarks in the off-the-record conversation, which took place Tuesday morning by telephone, would have helped undecided Iowa voters make up their minds.

"Just two weeks before Election Day, the discussion, I believe, would have been valuable to all voters, but especially those in Iowa and around the country who have yet to decide between the incumbent Democrat and his Republican opponent," Green wrote.

Iowa newspaper blasts Obama camp for ‘off-the-record’ interview demand – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

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