Obama will not sign GOP law to extend subsidies-Breaking

In 1998, the Republican Congress passed a budget. This budget had Medicare cuts in it.

Just about every year since then, every Congress has had to write a "doc fix" as a result of that 1998 Republican legislation.

Yeeeees, both Democratic and Republican Houses have passed those doc fixes.

So I will leave it up to you, dear Reader, to decide which post is coffee spitting worthy. The one where I said the Republicans could have fixed the subsidy problem any time they wished, or the one where RandallFlag felt it was not possible for Republicans to pass legislation fixing a Democratic-passed law.

Never said it "wasn't possible". I'll ask you one more time. The communist democrats had control of this bill from inception to passage. Yet, they didn't listen to their OWN top adviser on the law; choosing instead, to get it passed and worry about "problems" within the bullshit law later. Were I a member of Congress right now, and republican, I would be roasting your asses publicly and often.

Don't blame the republicans for your sides' idiocy.
You clearly have no idea how many laws require fixes after they are passed. Both Democratic and Republican laws. Otherwise you would not be making such incredibly stupefying statements.
The GOP could have passed a fix a long time ago, but preferred instead to create a constitutional crisis.

So is it really surprising they STILL won't pass a fix without adding a bunch of poison pills to create ANOTHER crisis?

Nope. Not surprising at all.

Party over country. Fuck all those people whose subsidies they are messing with. This is how you win votes!

Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".

You really have no idea how our government works, do you.

As you keep demonstrating, far left drone, you are the one that is clueless..
The GOP could have passed a fix a long time ago, but preferred instead to create a constitutional crisis.

So is it really surprising they STILL won't pass a fix without adding a bunch of poison pills to create ANOTHER crisis?

Nope. Not surprising at all.

Party over country. Fuck all those people whose subsidies they are messing with. This is how you win votes!

Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".


Its a simple clarification of the wording of one sentence

Then again, I ask. Why didn't you lefties do it before the republicans took control? Hmmm? Because now, you are looking for a scapegoat.

You really don't know how our government works, do you.

All the GOP had to do was cooperate on a fix instead of obstructing. Easy peasy.

But no. They felt passing 50 repeals was more worthy of their time.

Harry Reid. Enough said. Fuck "cooperating" with the communists. Those democrat assholes created this "problem" - which, by the way, our bullshit "Supremes" haven't released the ruling yet - so live with it. And, if it is as the HHS bitch says "Obama won't sign any extension" then let his ass twist in the wind.
The GOP could have passed a fix a long time ago, but preferred instead to create a constitutional crisis.

So is it really surprising they STILL won't pass a fix without adding a bunch of poison pills to create ANOTHER crisis?

Nope. Not surprising at all.

Party over country. Fuck all those people whose subsidies they are messing with. This is how you win votes!

Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".


Its a simple clarification of the wording of one sentence

Then again, I ask. Why didn't you lefties do it before the republicans took control? Hmmm? Because now, you are looking for a scapegoat.

It is an obscure phrase that everyone but Republicans understood

It it gets whiped out...Those in the Red States will suffer
Republicans can do three things:

1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States

My money is on door #1
In 1998, the Republican Congress passed a budget. This budget had Medicare cuts in it.

Just about every year since then, every Congress has had to write a "doc fix" as a result of that 1998 Republican legislation.

Yeeeees, both Democratic and Republican Houses have passed those doc fixes.

So I will leave it up to you, dear Reader, to decide which post is coffee spitting worthy. The one where I said the Republicans could have fixed the subsidy problem any time they wished, or the one where RandallFlag felt it was not possible for Republicans to pass legislation fixing a Democratic-passed law.

Never said it "wasn't possible". I'll ask you one more time. The communist democrats had control of this bill from inception to passage. Yet, they didn't listen to their OWN top adviser on the law; choosing instead, to get it passed and worry about "problems" within the bullshit law later. Were I a member of Congress right now, and republican, I would be roasting your asses publicly and often.

Don't blame the republicans for your sides' idiocy.
You clearly have no idea how many laws require fixes after they are passed. Both Democratic and Republican laws. Otherwise you would not be making such incredibly stupefying statements.

Says the far left drone!
In 1998, the Republican Congress passed a budget. This budget had Medicare cuts in it.

Just about every year since then, every Congress has had to write a "doc fix" as a result of that 1998 Republican legislation.

Yeeeees, both Democratic and Republican Houses have passed those doc fixes.

So I will leave it up to you, dear Reader, to decide which post is coffee spitting worthy. The one where I said the Republicans could have fixed the subsidy problem any time they wished, or the one where RandallFlag felt it was not possible for Republicans to pass legislation fixing a Democratic-passed law.

Never said it "wasn't possible". I'll ask you one more time. The communist democrats had control of this bill from inception to passage. Yet, they didn't listen to their OWN top adviser on the law; choosing instead, to get it passed and worry about "problems" within the bullshit law later. Were I a member of Congress right now, and republican, I would be roasting your asses publicly and often.

Don't blame the republicans for your sides' idiocy.
You clearly have no idea how many laws require fixes after they are passed. Both Democratic and Republican laws. Otherwise you would not be making such incredibly stupefying statements.

Again. For the 5th time. Democrats passed the bullshit law without reading it. FUCK THEM. TWIST IN THE WIND.
The GOP could have passed a fix a long time ago, but preferred instead to create a constitutional crisis.

So is it really surprising they STILL won't pass a fix without adding a bunch of poison pills to create ANOTHER crisis?

Nope. Not surprising at all.

Party over country. Fuck all those people whose subsidies they are messing with. This is how you win votes!

Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".


Its a simple clarification of the wording of one sentence

Then again, I ask. Why didn't you lefties do it before the republicans took control? Hmmm? Because now, you are looking for a scapegoat.

It is an obscure phrase that everyone but Republicans understood

It it gets whiped out...Those in the Red States will suffer
Republicans can do three things:

1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States

My money is on door #1

Far left propaganda alert!
The GOP could have passed a fix a long time ago, but preferred instead to create a constitutional crisis.

So is it really surprising they STILL won't pass a fix without adding a bunch of poison pills to create ANOTHER crisis?

Nope. Not surprising at all.

Party over country. Fuck all those people whose subsidies they are messing with. This is how you win votes!

Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".


Its a simple clarification of the wording of one sentence

Then again, I ask. Why didn't you lefties do it before the republicans took control? Hmmm? Because now, you are looking for a scapegoat.

It is an obscure phrase that everyone but Republicans understood

It it gets whiped out...Those in the Red States will suffer
Republicans can do three things:

1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States

My money is on door #1

Yeah, you're right. Everyone will "suffer". BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. I have insurance - as do 95% of the American people.
The thing about writing laws is that there are frequently unintended consequences of the laws. And clever people are very good at finding loopholes in the laws. And so they frequently require fixes to be subsequently passed. This is what Pelosi meant by "we have to pass it to see what's in it." This is true for nearly every law.

Usually, there is bipartisan cooperation on these fixes. There is often a lot of horse trading over the fixes, but they get done. In fact, there have been 17 bipartisan legislative fixes made to the ACA already. But they were all low profile fixes. And I bet not one of the right wing rubes here knew there have been 17 fixes passed by Congress and signed by Obama already before I mentioned it yesterday.

The GOP decided to not fix the subsidy issue because that is a high profile issue. They chose to create a constitutional crisis instead.

And now, if the Supreme Court rules against the federal subsides for the federal exchange, the GOP is signaling they are STILL going to throw up legislative poison pills.


So you can go ahead and drown in your piss cup for all I care, Randall.
The GOP could have passed a fix a long time ago, but preferred instead to create a constitutional crisis.

So is it really surprising they STILL won't pass a fix without adding a bunch of poison pills to create ANOTHER crisis?

Nope. Not surprising at all.

Party over country. Fuck all those people whose subsidies they are messing with. This is how you win votes!

Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".


Its a simple clarification of the wording of one sentence

Then again, I ask. Why didn't you lefties do it before the republicans took control? Hmmm? Because now, you are looking for a scapegoat.

It is an obscure phrase that everyone but Republicans understood

It it gets whiped out...Those in the Red States will suffer
Republicans can do three things:

1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States

My money is on door #1

Yeah, you're right. Everyone will "suffer". BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. I have insurance - as do 95% of the American people.

People in Red States who need subsidies to help pay for insurance will suffer

Governors and Legislatures in those states could have taken advantage of federal money for those exchanges. They had a choice of helping their people or fucking with Obama

It was more important to fuck with Obama
The thing about writing laws is that there are frequently unintended consequences of the laws. And so they frequently require fixes to be subsequently passed. This is what Pelosi meant by "we have to pass it to see what's in it." This is true for nearly every law.

Usually, there is bipartisan cooperation on these fixes. There is often a lot of horse trading over the fixes, but they get done. In fact, there have been 17 bipartisan legislative fixes made to the ACA already. But they were all low profile fixes.

The GOP decided to not fix the subsidy issue because that is a high profile issue. They chose to create a constitutional crisis instead.

And now, if the Supreme Court rules against the federal subsides for the federal exchange, the GOP is signaling they are STILL going to throw up legislative poison pills.


So choke on that, Randall.

You have to love this guy.....The democrats wanted NOTHING to do with the other side in passing this nonsense, but now? they want "bipartisan support" to fix their screw ups.

Again - let 'em twist in the wind.
Why do Republicans have so much of a problem with covering pre-existing conditions?

An overwhelming majority of Americans support it

Why are dimocrap scum too stupid to write a Clean Health Insurance bill?
Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".


Its a simple clarification of the wording of one sentence

Then again, I ask. Why didn't you lefties do it before the republicans took control? Hmmm? Because now, you are looking for a scapegoat.

It is an obscure phrase that everyone but Republicans understood

It it gets whiped out...Those in the Red States will suffer
Republicans can do three things:

1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States

My money is on door #1

Yeah, you're right. Everyone will "suffer". BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. I have insurance - as do 95% of the American people.

People in Red States who need subsidies to help pay for insurance will suffer

Governors and Legislatures in those states could have taken advantage of federal money for those exchanges. They had a choice of helping their people or fucking with Obama

It was more important to fuck with Obama

You seem to think that the vast majority of Americans are on this bullshit plan. They are not. And, in as much as "fucking with Obama, he, and the democrats brought this on themselves. Perhaps the next time they might consider "bipartisan support" when they pass a bill......you think?
Ha, another farce. Boehner and McConnell will pretend to be angry and whip the dupes into a frenzy. And then just like Lucy, they'll pull the football away again. Man, when will Republicans finally get it? They have no opposition leadership. It's all just one private Elitist Club at this point.

Boehner and McConnell have never represented an 'opposition.' They've only given the illusion of one. Obama has gotten every single thing he ever pushed for. There is no opposition. Time to wake up Republicans.
We are in a topic about a Republican bill to fix the subsidies. Have I not been saying since the beginning of the court battle over them that this was all that needed to be done?

Yep. I have been pointing out the constitutional crisis could easily have been averted for quite some time now. And now I am proven correct.

We are FINALLY seeing such a bill put on the table by the GOP. Why didn't they do this in the first place instead of forcing a constitutional battle?


Party over country.
Obama would not sign a bill which has other changes to the law which are completely unnecessary to fix the subsidies. The GOP would like to add a bunch of poison pills to such a fix, and then they will act all indignant and self-righteous when Obama refuses to sign it.

The American people aren't stupid enough to fall for that bullshit, but the GOP is retarded enough to think they will. Just like they were retarded enough to believe they wouldn't get most of the blame for a government shutdown.

They just never learn! Which goes without saying for retards, really.

(cue doom music)

BREAKINGBOMBSHELLALERT! Obamaz fucking you in the ass! Grab your piss cups, and stay tuned for a refill.

Republicans can always shut down the government if Obama won't sign

Meanwhile, Obama could afford to wait. The Supreme Court decision would mostly affect those in stubborn Red States that refused to form exchanges....let them explain to their citizens why they lost out

They lost out because the idiot Dims wrote a shit bill. The folks will know exactly who to blame. This abortion is 100% on Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.
Why do Republicans have so much of a problem with covering pre-existing conditions?

An overwhelming majority of Americans support it

Why are dimocrap scum too stupid to write a Clean Health Insurance bill?

Indeed. Wasn't it Pelosi who stated "We don't NEED the republicans to pass this bill"? Last time I heard - you reap what you sow.

It seems the people in Red States are reaping what their elected officials have sown
Ha, another farce. Boehner and McConnell will pretend to be angry and whip the dupes into a frenzy. And then just like Lucy, they'll pull the football away again. Man, when will Republicans finally get it? They have no opposition leadership. It's all just one private Elitist Club at this point.

Boehner and McConnell have never represented an 'opposition.' They've only given the illusion of one. Obama has gotten every single thing he ever pushed for. There is no opposition. Time to wake up Republicans.
I am convinced the GOP decided decades ago to abdicate on the health care reform issue. They sold us down the river to the Democrats. Their actions (or I should say INaction) speaks louder than their words.

All this bluster over ObamaCare is theater for the rubes. What else could 50+ futile repeals be other than theater?

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