Obama will not sign GOP law to extend subsidies-Breaking

Ha, another farce. Boehner and McConnell will pretend to be angry and whip the dupes into a frenzy. And then just like Lucy, they'll pull the football away again. Man, when will Republicans finally get it? They have no opposition leadership. It's all just one private Elitist Club at this point.

Boehner and McConnell have never represented an 'opposition.' They've only given the illusion of one. Obama has gotten every single thing he ever pushed for. There is no opposition. Time to wake up Republicans.

Yep. Nothing quite like your tyrant, is there?

The Republicans helped him every step of the way. There is no opposition. Just an illusion of one. He's become a Tyrant in large part due to Republican collaboration.
People in Red States who need subsidies to help pay for insurance will suffer

Governors and Legislatures in those states could have taken advantage of federal money for those exchanges. They had a choice of helping their people or fucking with Obama

It was more important to fuck with Obama

Why don't dimocrap scum learn how to write a straight forward bill?

They wrote it. They could have, and should have, offered those subsidies to every American regardless of who's running the exchange.

What about the exchanges that States tried to set up and they failed?

After Multiple Enrollment Failures Hawaii Dumps State Obamacare Exchange - Katie Pavlich

Epic Fail Where Four State Health Exchanges Went Wrong - ProPublica

Instead, being the scum of the earth, they chose to blackmail the States.

You people are going to get hurt over this. Massively hurt.
Flagg and WQ and Edgy want those in the Red non-exchange states to suffer.

They do not get that they will massively vote against the GOP at the state and federal levels next year.
The Republicans helped him every step of the way. There is no opposition. Just an illusion of one. He's become a Tyrant in large part due to Republican collaboration.

I guess you missed the part where EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTED AGAINST THE ACA?????

I hate liberturdians. Stupidest motherfuckers on earth.

dimocraps aren't even as bad as liberturdians. They're just mostly evil. liberturdians are fucking stupid. And traitors, to boot
The American people don't like Obummbler Care. It has cost the Dims in multiple elections.

To now claim that the fuck up that is Obummbler Care is 100% a GOP problem is fucking ridiculous.

Only left wing morons would believe anything that stupid.
If the SCOTUS sides with the GOP they will lose the next election.

If the SCOTUS sides with Obamacare the GOP will lose the next election.

When the GOP has nothing to lose then taking their own constituents down the drain with them seems like a reasonable course to take.
Republicans to Obama:

You didn't stop us from fucking up your bill so it is YOUR fault
The American people don't like Obummbler Care. It has cost the Dims in multiple elections.

To now claim that the fuck up that is Obummbler Care is 100% a GOP problem is fucking ridiculous.

Only left wing morons would believe anything that stupid.

I like the ACA.

Problem is, we let the stupidest cocksuckers on earth do it...... dimocrap scum

Look, it isn't the ACA, per se, that's all bad. It's the FUCKING IDIOTS that wrote it.

Everything dimocrap scum touch, they fuck it up. Everything they take control of, they corrupt.

Think about it...... Public Education -- Worst on earth, Unions -- Stupid beyond belief, put our Auto Manufacturing business under.......

War on Poverty, Inner Cites -- Look at all the Cities dimocrap scum run -- And they're all disgusting hellholes.........

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media....... It more closely resembles Goebbels' propaganda ministry than it does a free and open press (Didja here? Marco Rubio got 4 (four) Traffic Tickets in 17 YEARS!!!)

Hollywood can't make anything but shit anymore. Pop Music is a fucking joke...

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING dimocrap scum take control of -- They fuck it up.

Socail Security is going broke. Medcare IS broke.

And now the ACA.

Everything the scum of the earth touches, they fuck it up.

The issue is four words in the bill, which is easily fixable.

And, no, we GOP will not be allowed to put in poison pills that go forward for a President's veto.

The voters who lose their health care in the red states will massacre the GOP and state and federal levels.
In a rational world, it wouldn't even need a fix. The law does link subsidies to state exchanges, but other parts of the law instructs the fed govt to set up exchanges for states that don't set up their own. The laws intent is obviously to achieve near universal care. To strike down the subsidies over five words, the sup ct is going to have to ignore basic statutory construction. This whole thing is fueled by a couple or RW law professors (J. Adler esp) who blog. It'd be laughable, but that's pretty close to how we ended up with Citizens United.
A Hart Research Associates Poll released on March 2, finds that by a solid 63-29 majority, American voters want to keep Obamacare intact. The national survey of 800 registered voters, conducted on behalf of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), found that 63 percent of respondents would disapprove, if the Supreme Court restricted the availability of tax credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), with 44 percent strongly disapproving.

By contrast, just 29 percent of American voters would approve of the Supreme Court siding with the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs could eliminate the health care subsidies in 34 states. Only 15 percent strongly favored the Court pulling the federal subsidies and depriving millions of Americans of coverage under the ACA.

According to the poll, even 56 percent of Republican voters want to keep the subsidies in place. 74 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of Independents support upholding the subsidies.

http://www.seiu.org/ACA Tax Credits PF.pdf
The subsidies should stay with major concessions to make the bill better. Tort reform and the ability to sell insurance across state lines for starters.

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