obama wins! Again His force is felt in Syria


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
A poison gas attack, from all those weapons democrats SAY obama had destroyed.

Syria rebels, government report poison gas attack

BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian government media and rebel forces said Saturday that poison gas had been used in a central village, blaming each other for an attack that reportedly injured scores of people.

Related Stories

Syria rebels, government confirm poison gas attack Associated Press
Syrian airstrikes kill at least 7 outside Damascus Associated Press
'Poison' attack on central Syria town: NGO AFP
Israel backs Syrian opposition accusations of poison attack Reuters
Watchdog: 49 percent of Syrian chemicals removed Associated Press

Details of the attack Friday in Kfar Zeita, a village in Hama province some 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Damascus, remained sketchy Saturday night.

But online videos posted by rebel activists showed pale-faced men, women and children gasping for breath at a field hospital, suggesting an affliction by some kind of poison in a conflict that's seen hundreds killed by chemical weapons

Didn't Putin and Assad run and hide? Weren't they anxious to comply with Obama's demands "or else"? So it has to be the Obama backed rebels doesn't it?
A poison gas attack, from all those weapons democrats SAY obama had destroyed.

Syria rebels, government report poison gas attack

BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian government media and rebel forces said Saturday that poison gas had been used in a central village, blaming each other for an attack that reportedly injured scores of people.

Related Stories

Syria rebels, government confirm poison gas attack Associated Press
Syrian airstrikes kill at least 7 outside Damascus Associated Press
'Poison' attack on central Syria town: NGO AFP
Israel backs Syrian opposition accusations of poison attack Reuters
Watchdog: 49 percent of Syrian chemicals removed Associated Press

Details of the attack Friday in Kfar Zeita, a village in Hama province some 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Damascus, remained sketchy Saturday night.

But online videos posted by rebel activists showed pale-faced men, women and children gasping for breath at a field hospital, suggesting an affliction by some kind of poison in a conflict that's seen hundreds killed by chemical weapons

Didn't Putin and Assad run and hide? Weren't they anxious to comply with Obama's demands "or else"? So it has to be the Obama backed rebels doesn't it?

Obama sure showed Assad who is boss. :lol:
Apparently talk without consequence is nothing more than hot air. How many times must history prove BS is BS before those with lofty ambitions toward a peaceful diplomatic resolution learn that your efforts will fail unless you have the ability to act.
Apparently talk without consequence is nothing more than hot air. How many times must history prove BS is BS before those with lofty ambitions toward a peaceful diplomatic resolution learn that your efforts will fail unless you have the ability to act.
I agree...and would add that you have to have the ability AND the balls to act.
A poison gas attack, from all those weapons democrats SAY obama had destroyed.

Syria rebels, government report poison gas attack

BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian government media and rebel forces said Saturday that poison gas had been used in a central village, blaming each other for an attack that reportedly injured scores of people.

Related Stories

Syria rebels, government confirm poison gas attack Associated Press
Syrian airstrikes kill at least 7 outside Damascus Associated Press
'Poison' attack on central Syria town: NGO AFP
Israel backs Syrian opposition accusations of poison attack Reuters
Watchdog: 49 percent of Syrian chemicals removed Associated Press

Details of the attack Friday in Kfar Zeita, a village in Hama province some 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Damascus, remained sketchy Saturday night.

But online videos posted by rebel activists showed pale-faced men, women and children gasping for breath at a field hospital, suggesting an affliction by some kind of poison in a conflict that's seen hundreds killed by chemical weapons

Didn't Putin and Assad run and hide? Weren't they anxious to comply with Obama's demands "or else"? So it has to be the Obama backed rebels doesn't it?

We shouldn't have done anything there in the first place. One of my gripes with this President, is that he acts too much like the previous Administration and the neo-con interventionists when it come to foreign policy. He also has acted in the same manner as the previous Administration when it comes to domestic policy that affects Our civil liberties as well. No thank you for Obama, Hillary, McCain, Romeny, Rubio, Cruz, Biden, and co. I am still open minded when it comes to Corey Booker, Rand Paul, Gary Johnson, et al.

I would LOVE to have an Administration and Congress that would make us like a Switzerland with the muscle to back up our neutrality. Instead, we seem to have interventionist running amok and dominating both of the two parties.
Apparently talk without consequence is nothing more than hot air. How many times must history prove BS is BS before those with lofty ambitions toward a peaceful diplomatic resolution learn that your efforts will fail unless you have the ability to act.

It's not the ability to act that is key, it is the determination to do so. Maobama talks a pretty game but has no determination to follow through.
A poison gas attack, from all those weapons democrats SAY obama had destroyed.

Syria rebels, government report poison gas attack

BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian government media and rebel forces said Saturday that poison gas had been used in a central village, blaming each other for an attack that reportedly injured scores of people.

Related Stories

Syria rebels, government confirm poison gas attack Associated Press
Syrian airstrikes kill at least 7 outside Damascus Associated Press
'Poison' attack on central Syria town: NGO AFP
Israel backs Syrian opposition accusations of poison attack Reuters
Watchdog: 49 percent of Syrian chemicals removed Associated Press

Details of the attack Friday in Kfar Zeita, a village in Hama province some 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Damascus, remained sketchy Saturday night.

But online videos posted by rebel activists showed pale-faced men, women and children gasping for breath at a field hospital, suggesting an affliction by some kind of poison in a conflict that's seen hundreds killed by chemical weapons

Didn't Putin and Assad run and hide? Weren't they anxious to comply with Obama's demands "or else"? So it has to be the Obama backed rebels doesn't it?

Time for another red line.
Sorry dupes, most of the WMD had been taken from Syria, on schedule as promised- now we''ll see about this- but diplomacy doesn't get done on the schedule of your bs, ADD, RW infotainment/propaganda machine.

I also see you have no agreement on what to do but bitch and moan from every possible ignorant ugly American angle. With GOP history too, you can be sure no one in the real world gives a damn what you think, except our country's enemies. Traitorous morons. lol
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Assad has Putin protecting him and everyone knows Putin is not afraid of Obama.

Meanwhile John Kerry is wasting taxpayer dollars trying to force Israel to a peace deal with islamic terrorists as if Syria isn't a cesspool, Iraq isn't a mess and Iran isn't building nukes.....
You Republicans need to get over the whole "Islamic terrorist" thing. Just go back to calling them "freedom fighters" like dear old President Ronnie and then sell some more missiles to them. That will bring peace in the Middle East, right? If the terrorists take any hostages then America can trade some weapons for them, too. It worked before, right?

Everything was better when Reagan was President.
Look at the diversion by the crackhead.

The kooks are working hard for their crack tonight....

You Republicans need to get over the whole "Islamic terrorist" thing. Just go back to calling them "freedom fighters" like dear old President Ronnie and then sell some more missiles to them. That will bring peace in the Middle East, right? If the terrorists take any hostages then America can trade some weapons for them, too. It worked before, right?

Everything was better when Reagan was President.
You Republicans need to get over the whole "Islamic terrorist" thing. Just go back to calling them "freedom fighters" like dear old President Ronnie and then sell some more missiles to them. That will bring peace in the Middle East, right? If the terrorists take any hostages then America can trade some weapons for them, too. It worked before, right?

Everything was better when Reagan was President.

It actually was. Recall which president got the Iranian hostages back.

Anyway, back to modern times: Why should Assad fear anything Obama says or does now? Putin has his back. There are no consequences for misbeheavior. Obama has squandered the strongest weapon in foreign policy:credibility. No one believes anything he says.
Obama targeted Syria for his Holy War against Muslims. Like I said many times, he will get his way one war torn Muslim country after another that we set our sights on.
Are you so sure it was Assad and not US backed Al quaeda? Neither has much to worry about with obama.

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