Declassified Documents: Obama Ordered CIA To Train ISIS

On topic, Trump is inept, incompetent and divisive to the extreme; he alienates our allies and for some odd reason cozies up to despots; he does what he want withyout reason, notwithstanding tradition or the law; he lies incessantly, on issues from crowd sizes to his release of his taxes and on policies which he clearly does not comprehend he pretends to be the only one who is expert on.

Obama didn't have a game plan for the Great Recession, the Arab Spring or wars of choice he inherited. You hate him, and therefore you want others to believe he was what trump is and that is a damn lie.
Not sure you are the one who should assess this issue, wry. You are far too partisan to give an honest assessment.

Let's see, I have an advanced degree, I watch Trump's behavior (not animated like the odd dude seems to) and I have millions of others across the globe who have judged trump as have I.

I don't give a damn about your opinion, of me or of trump or of most anything else.

Ad hominems, Straw Men, Red Hearings and threats seem to be the main thrust of people who support trump. None dare call them patriots!
Is it partisan to post a comment when the evidence is so overwhelming that people on your side of the aisle cannot ever rebut my assessment?
No one cares about your assessment. But Trumps's success with the economy and trade. Record low unemployment. And a growing percentage of the Black and Latino vote who do not give a good shit what Europe thinks.
This is NOT surprising. The KING KENYAN MUSLIM was, is, and always will be a MUSLIM...

On topic, Trump is inept, incompetent and divisive to the extreme; he alienates our allies and for some odd reason cozies up to despots; he does what he want withyout reason, notwithstanding tradition or the law; he lies incessantly, on issues from crowd sizes to his release of his taxes and on policies which he clearly does not comprehend he pretends to be the only one who is expert on.

Obama didn't have a game plan for the Great Recession, the Arab Spring or wars of choice he inherited. You hate him, and therefore you want others to believe he was what trump is and that is a damn lie.

Topic: here
You: way out there

See the problem?
To what lengths did Obama go to cause regime-change in Syria?
Apparently Obama helped create ISIS....which means the blood of millions of Syrians is on Obama's hands. And it appears this is what Obama and Hillary were doing in Benghazi......thus the primary reason they created the false narrative that protesters attacked out consulate. Declassified Documents: Obama Ordered CIA To Train ISIS


Government watchdog Judicial Watch published more than 100 pages of formerly classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the State Department.

The documents obtained through a federal lawsuit, revealed the agencies earlier views on ISIS, namely that they were a desirable presence in Eastern Syria in 2012 and that they should be “supported” in order to isolate the Syrian regime.

The U.S. intelligence documents not only confirms suspicions that the United States and some of its coalition allies had actually facilitated the rise of the ISIS in Syria – as a counterweight to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad- but also that ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency at facilities in Jordan in 2012.

One of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents declared that President Barack Obama and his counterparts within the coalition considered the establishment of a Salafist organization in eastern Syria in order to further downfall of the Assad regime. “And this is exactly what the supporting powers to the (Syrian) opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime,” said the DIA report, which had been formerly classified until its release. Salafists are radical Sunnis and an offshoot of the Saudi’s Wahhabi sect.

The contents of that document had been promulgated by the Obama administration to the U.S. Central Command (CENCOM), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its directorates, as well as to the State Department and many other related agencies.

Military intelligence officials had also warned that any further damage caused by the Syrian civil war might have an adverse effect on the fragile government in neighboring Iraq. The intelligence analysis predicted that such a situation could lead to al-Qaida in Iraq (AQII) returning especially in the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Ramadi.

The DIA report also predicted that ISIS would declare a caliphate through its affiliation with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, including members of what the Obama administration terms “core al-Qaida” to differentiate it from offshoots such as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

The now declassified document appears to confirm that the U.S., the European Union and other nations viewed Muslim extremists in ISIS as “a strategic asset toward regime change in Syria.” As a result parts of Iraq have been in chaos since ISIS began to cross the Syrian border in early June 2014.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch also provide the first official documentation that the Obama administration was well aware that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops — including members from ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front and other Islamist terror groups — in Syria. An October 2012 report confirms thatr: “Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.” The deadly and shocking attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission that saw four Americans — including a U.S. ambassador — slaughtered by jihadists occurred just weeks after the weapons shipment.

Following the downfall and killing of Gaddafi in October 2011 until almost a year later in September 2012, the desolved Libyan military’s weapons were stockpiled in Benghazi, Libya. According to the intelligence report, they were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya, to the ports located in Syria. The ships used to transport the weapons were medium-sized and able to hold 10 or less shipping containers of cargo, according to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch.​

This would explain why SecState maintained a private server and then destroyed it rather than allowing this to see the light of day
Not sure you are the one who should assess this issue, wry. You are far too partisan to give an honest assessment.

Let's see, I have an advanced degree, I watch Trump's behavior (not animated like the odd dude seems to) and I have millions of others across the globe who have judged trump as have I.

I don't give a damn about your opinion, of me or of trump or of most anything else.

Is it partisan to post a comment when the evidence is so overwhelming that people on your side of the aisle cannot ever rebut my assessment?

Ad hominems, Straw Men, Red Hearings and threats seem to be the main thrust of people who support trump. None dare call them patriots!

What degree and what university?

BA, Double major, history (emphasis US) and Poli Sci at CAL.

Graduate Course included 30 semester units in Education, interdisciplinary course of study: Human Relations (graduate courses in Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Counseling) at San Francisco St. U.

That’s fine but not overly impressive IMO. History and Poli Sci are easy majors. Cal is a decent school. Cal Berk?

Yea, CAL is the first campus of the public University System and is in Berkeley.

Explains your political philosophy. But that school is mad, dude.
America fighting nations and leaders via proxy armies and wars-what's new?
To what lengths did Obama go to cause regime-change in Syria?
Apparently Obama helped create ISIS....which means the blood of millions of Syrians is on Obama's hands. And it appears this is what Obama and Hillary were doing in Benghazi......thus the primary reason they created the false narrative that protesters attacked out consulate. Declassified Documents: Obama Ordered CIA To Train ISIS


Government watchdog Judicial Watch published more than 100 pages of formerly classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the State Department.

The documents obtained through a federal lawsuit, revealed the agencies earlier views on ISIS, namely that they were a desirable presence in Eastern Syria in 2012 and that they should be “supported” in order to isolate the Syrian regime.

The U.S. intelligence documents not only confirms suspicions that the United States and some of its coalition allies had actually facilitated the rise of the ISIS in Syria – as a counterweight to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad- but also that ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency at facilities in Jordan in 2012.

One of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents declared that President Barack Obama and his counterparts within the coalition considered the establishment of a Salafist organization in eastern Syria in order to further downfall of the Assad regime. “And this is exactly what the supporting powers to the (Syrian) opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime,” said the DIA report, which had been formerly classified until its release. Salafists are radical Sunnis and an offshoot of the Saudi’s Wahhabi sect.

The contents of that document had been promulgated by the Obama administration to the U.S. Central Command (CENCOM), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its directorates, as well as to the State Department and many other related agencies.

Military intelligence officials had also warned that any further damage caused by the Syrian civil war might have an adverse effect on the fragile government in neighboring Iraq. The intelligence analysis predicted that such a situation could lead to al-Qaida in Iraq (AQII) returning especially in the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Ramadi.

The DIA report also predicted that ISIS would declare a caliphate through its affiliation with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, including members of what the Obama administration terms “core al-Qaida” to differentiate it from offshoots such as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

The now declassified document appears to confirm that the U.S., the European Union and other nations viewed Muslim extremists in ISIS as “a strategic asset toward regime change in Syria.” As a result parts of Iraq have been in chaos since ISIS began to cross the Syrian border in early June 2014.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch also provide the first official documentation that the Obama administration was well aware that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops — including members from ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front and other Islamist terror groups — in Syria. An October 2012 report confirms thatr: “Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.” The deadly and shocking attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission that saw four Americans — including a U.S. ambassador — slaughtered by jihadists occurred just weeks after the weapons shipment.

Following the downfall and killing of Gaddafi in October 2011 until almost a year later in September 2012, the desolved Libyan military’s weapons were stockpiled in Benghazi, Libya. According to the intelligence report, they were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya, to the ports located in Syria. The ships used to transport the weapons were medium-sized and able to hold 10 or less shipping containers of cargo, according to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch.​

Judicial Watch ???FAKE NEWS.
Yeah....sure.....the only people that are having to sue the government to get all of the crap that Congress and the Obama Administration has been doing made pubic is fake news.
Actually CNN and MSNBC are fake news.
One thing you can count on that isn't fake is Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
On topic, Trump is inept, incompetent and divisive to the extreme; he alienates our allies and for some odd reason cozies up to despots; he does what he want withyout reason, notwithstanding tradition or the law; he lies incessantly, on issues from crowd sizes to his release of his taxes and on policies which he clearly does not comprehend he pretends to be the only one who is expert on.

Obama didn't have a game plan for the Great Recession, the Arab Spring or wars of choice he inherited. You hate him, and therefore you want others to believe he was what trump is and that is a damn lie.
Not sure you are the one who should assess this issue, wry. You are far too partisan to give an honest assessment.

Let's see, I have an advanced degree, I watch Trump's behavior (not animated like the odd dude seems to) and I have millions of others across the globe who have judged trump as have I.

I don't give a damn about your opinion, of me or of trump or of most anything else.

Ad hominems, Straw Men, Red Hearings and threats seem to be the main thrust of people who support trump. None dare call them patriots!
Is it partisan to post a comment when the evidence is so overwhelming that people on your side of the aisle cannot ever rebut my assessment?

No one cares about your assessment. But Trumps's success with the economy and trade. Record low unemployment. And a growing percentage of the Black and Latino vote who do not give a good shit what Europe thinks.

If no one cares about my assessment of trump, why do so many go out of their way to attack me and my assessment?

Clearly you and those who attack me and my assessment have no clue as to Personality Disorders, which trump has in spades.

If you are not willfully ignorant, take a look at the DSM-V and the generic criteria for personality disorders under 301.50; 301.81; 301.82, in Cluster B.
How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS

The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history.

The CIA first aligned itself with extremist Islam during the Cold War era. Back then, America saw the world in rather simple terms: on one side, the Soviet Union and Third World nationalism, which America regarded as a Soviet tool; on the other side, Western nations and militant political Islam, which America considered an ally in the struggle against the Soviet Union.
Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the 1980′s. Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, told the House of Commons that Al Qaeda was unquestionably a product of Western intelligence agencies. Mr. Cook explained that Al Qaeda, which literally means an abbreviation of “the database” in Arabic, was originally the computer database of the thousands of Islamist extremists, who were trained by the CIA and funded by the Saudis, in order to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.

America’s Middle East policy revolves around oil and Israel. The invasion of Iraq has partially satisfied Washington’s thirst for oil, but ongoing air strikes in Syria and economic sanctions on Iran have everything to do with Israel. The goal is to deprive Israel’s neighboring enemies, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestine’s Hamas, of crucial Syrian and Iranian support.
ISIS is not merely an instrument of terror used by America to topple the Syrian government; it is also used to put pressure on Iran.

How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS

And Judicial Watch want to blame Obama?
On topic, Trump is inept, incompetent and divisive to the extreme; he alienates our allies and for some odd reason cozies up to despots; he does what he want withyout reason, notwithstanding tradition or the law; he lies incessantly, on issues from crowd sizes to his release of his taxes and on policies which he clearly does not comprehend he pretends to be the only one who is expert on.

Obama didn't have a game plan for the Great Recession, the Arab Spring or wars of choice he inherited. You hate him, and therefore you want others to believe he was what trump is and that is a damn lie.
Not sure you are the one who should assess this issue, wry. You are far too partisan to give an honest assessment.

Let's see, I have an advanced degree, I watch Trump's behavior (not animated like the odd dude seems to) and I have millions of others across the globe who have judged trump as have I.

I don't give a damn about your opinion, of me or of trump or of most anything else.

Ad hominems, Straw Men, Red Hearings and threats seem to be the main thrust of people who support trump. None dare call them patriots!
Is it partisan to post a comment when the evidence is so overwhelming that people on your side of the aisle cannot ever rebut my assessment?

No one cares about your assessment. But Trumps's success with the economy and trade. Record low unemployment. And a growing percentage of the Black and Latino vote who do not give a good shit what Europe thinks.

If no one cares about my assessment of trump, why do so many go out of their way to attack me and my assessment?

Clearly you and those who attack me and my assessment have no clue as to Personality Disorders, which trump has in spades.

If you are not willfully ignorant, take a look at the DSM-V and the generic criteria for personality disorders under 301.50; 301.81; 301.82, in Cluster B.
Not about you.
Let's see, I have an advanced degree, I watch Trump's behavior (not animated like the odd dude seems to) and I have millions of others across the globe who have judged trump as have I.

I don't give a damn about your opinion, of me or of trump or of most anything else.

Is it partisan to post a comment when the evidence is so overwhelming that people on your side of the aisle cannot ever rebut my assessment?

Ad hominems, Straw Men, Red Hearings and threats seem to be the main thrust of people who support trump. None dare call them patriots!

What degree and what university?

BA, Double major, history (emphasis US) and Poli Sci at CAL.

Graduate Course included 30 semester units in Education, interdisciplinary course of study: Human Relations (graduate courses in Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Counseling) at San Francisco St. U.

That’s fine but not overly impressive IMO. History and Poli Sci are easy majors. Cal is a decent school. Cal Berk?

Yea, CAL is the first campus of the public University System and is in Berkeley.

Explains your political philosophy. But that school is mad, dude.

The Golden Rule.
To what lengths did Obama go to cause regime-change in Syria?
Apparently Obama helped create ISIS....which means the blood of millions of Syrians is on Obama's hands. And it appears this is what Obama and Hillary were doing in Benghazi......thus the primary reason they created the false narrative that protesters attacked out consulate. Declassified Documents: Obama Ordered CIA To Train ISIS


Government watchdog Judicial Watch published more than 100 pages of formerly classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the State Department.

The documents obtained through a federal lawsuit, revealed the agencies earlier views on ISIS, namely that they were a desirable presence in Eastern Syria in 2012 and that they should be “supported” in order to isolate the Syrian regime.

The U.S. intelligence documents not only confirms suspicions that the United States and some of its coalition allies had actually facilitated the rise of the ISIS in Syria – as a counterweight to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad- but also that ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency at facilities in Jordan in 2012.

One of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents declared that President Barack Obama and his counterparts within the coalition considered the establishment of a Salafist organization in eastern Syria in order to further downfall of the Assad regime. “And this is exactly what the supporting powers to the (Syrian) opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime,” said the DIA report, which had been formerly classified until its release. Salafists are radical Sunnis and an offshoot of the Saudi’s Wahhabi sect.

The contents of that document had been promulgated by the Obama administration to the U.S. Central Command (CENCOM), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its directorates, as well as to the State Department and many other related agencies.

Military intelligence officials had also warned that any further damage caused by the Syrian civil war might have an adverse effect on the fragile government in neighboring Iraq. The intelligence analysis predicted that such a situation could lead to al-Qaida in Iraq (AQII) returning especially in the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Ramadi.

The DIA report also predicted that ISIS would declare a caliphate through its affiliation with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, including members of what the Obama administration terms “core al-Qaida” to differentiate it from offshoots such as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

The now declassified document appears to confirm that the U.S., the European Union and other nations viewed Muslim extremists in ISIS as “a strategic asset toward regime change in Syria.” As a result parts of Iraq have been in chaos since ISIS began to cross the Syrian border in early June 2014.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch also provide the first official documentation that the Obama administration was well aware that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops — including members from ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front and other Islamist terror groups — in Syria. An October 2012 report confirms thatr: “Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.” The deadly and shocking attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission that saw four Americans — including a U.S. ambassador — slaughtered by jihadists occurred just weeks after the weapons shipment.

Following the downfall and killing of Gaddafi in October 2011 until almost a year later in September 2012, the desolved Libyan military’s weapons were stockpiled in Benghazi, Libya. According to the intelligence report, they were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya, to the ports located in Syria. The ships used to transport the weapons were medium-sized and able to hold 10 or less shipping containers of cargo, according to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch.​

There is a theory that the Obama-Spygate operation was started to silence Flynn on how Obabble enabled ISIS. Flynn was onto the intelligence failures and corruption in the Obabble admin.
What degree and what university?

BA, Double major, history (emphasis US) and Poli Sci at CAL.

Graduate Course included 30 semester units in Education, interdisciplinary course of study: Human Relations (graduate courses in Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Counseling) at San Francisco St. U.

That’s fine but not overly impressive IMO. History and Poli Sci are easy majors. Cal is a decent school. Cal Berk?

Yea, CAL is the first campus of the public University System and is in Berkeley.

Explains your political philosophy. But that school is mad, dude.

The Golden Rule.

One who has the gold makes the rules? Why the hatred for Ben Shapiro?
On topic, Trump is inept, incompetent and divisive to the extreme; he alienates our allies and for some odd reason cozies up to despots; he does what he want withyout reason, notwithstanding tradition or the law; he lies incessantly, on issues from crowd sizes to his release of his taxes and on policies which he clearly does not comprehend he pretends to be the only one who is expert on.

Obama didn't have a game plan for the Great Recession, the Arab Spring or wars of choice he inherited. You hate him, and therefore you want others to believe he was what trump is and that is a damn lie.
Not sure you are the one who should assess this issue, wry. You are far too partisan to give an honest assessment.

Let's see, I have an advanced degree, I watch Trump's behavior (not animated like the odd dude seems to) and I have millions of others across the globe who have judged trump as have I.

I don't give a damn about your opinion, of me or of trump or of most anything else.

Is it partisan to post a comment when the evidence is so overwhelming that people on your side of the aisle cannot ever rebut my assessment?

Ad hominems, Straw Men, Red Hearings and threats seem to be the main thrust of people who support trump. None dare call them patriots!

What degree and what university?

BA, Double major, history (emphasis US) and Poli Sci at CAL.

Graduate Course included 30 semester units in Education, interdisciplinary course of study: Human Relations (graduate courses in Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Counseling) at San Francisco St. U.
Did they teach you that "educated" is not synonymous with "intelligent"?

Guess you were sick that day.
On topic, Trump is inept, incompetent and divisive to the extreme; he alienates our allies and for some odd reason cozies up to despots; he does what he want withyout reason, notwithstanding tradition or the law; he lies incessantly, on issues from crowd sizes to his release of his taxes and on policies which he clearly does not comprehend he pretends to be the only one who is expert on.

Obama didn't have a game plan for the Great Recession, the Arab Spring or wars of choice he inherited. You hate him, and therefore you want others to believe he was what trump is and that is a damn lie.
Not sure you are the one who should assess this issue, wry. You are far too partisan to give an honest assessment.

Let's see, I have an advanced degree, I watch Trump's behavior (not animated like the odd dude seems to) and I have millions of others across the globe who have judged trump as have I.

I don't give a damn about your opinion, of me or of trump or of most anything else.

Is it partisan to post a comment when the evidence is so overwhelming that people on your side of the aisle cannot ever rebut my assessment?

Ad hominems, Straw Men, Red Hearings and threats seem to be the main thrust of people who support trump. None dare call them patriots!

What degree and what university?

BA, Double major, history (emphasis US) and Poli Sci at CAL.

Graduate Course included 30 semester units in Education, interdisciplinary course of study: Human Relations (graduate courses in Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Counseling) at San Francisco St. U.
Did they teach you that "educated" is not synonymous with "intelligent"?

Guess you were sick that day.

The education is nothing special. Easy topics.
On topic, Trump is inept, incompetent and divisive to the extreme; he alienates our allies and for some odd reason cozies up to despots; he does what he want withyout reason, notwithstanding tradition or the law; he lies incessantly, on issues from crowd sizes to his release of his taxes and on policies which he clearly does not comprehend he pretends to be the only one who is expert on.

Obama didn't have a game plan for the Great Recession, the Arab Spring or wars of choice he inherited. You hate him, and therefore you want others to believe he was what trump is and that is a damn lie.

Topic: here
You: way out there

See the problem?
He's just performing as programmed.

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