Obama Withdraws Radical Judicial Activist Nominee


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Republicans need to block more of Obama's radical nominees..


President Obama suffered a major political defeat last week when he was forced to withdraw the nomination of a radical New York lawyer to an important federal appeals court. More than a mere political win for Republicans, the withdrawal is an important victory against the Left’s gun control agenda and has prevented an anti-Second Amendment jurist from getting closer to the Supreme Court.

With the chattering classes now opining nonstop about two same sex marriage-related cases pending in the U.S. Supreme Court, you may not have heard that the president nixed the nomination of Caitlin J. Halligan to the critical District of Columbia Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals. The circuit court hears many cases dealing with the reach of the federal government and is viewed by some as a stepping-stone to an appointment to the Supreme Court.

Conservatives viewed the twice-filibustered Halligan as radical largely because of her open hostility to gun rights.

Obama Withdraws Radical Judicial Activist Nominee

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