Obama won the debt debate -got it pushed past the 2012 election

Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................

Nope--this coming November around Thanksgiving--they will be debating the next 1.7 trillion to cut--which they are required to do under this bill. We'll also see the balanced budget amendment coming up for a vote--and "martha bar the gates"--on the politicians who do not vote for this amendment--as 74% of the American public are demanding a balanced budget amendment.

In fact--the debt--and Obama spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day will be topic until he's gone in 2012.

The Fucking Spineless, Brainless GOP handed him a win, and showed that they are not more serious about getting spending under control than the Democrats.


Like I said in another thread.

This Deal sends the message that we lack the political will to take the Steps needed to Get our Fiscal House in Order. It Virtually Guarantees our Credit Rating will be down Graded. Interest Rates will Rise. The Interest we pay on the Debt will raise. Our Currency will further Devalue. Inflation will grow. In another couple years the Same 2 Spineless, Always campaigning instead of leading, Parties will punt again and eventually America as we know it will collapse.

Nothing left to do but prepare for the inevitable. Voting clearly does nothing. The most sweeping swing in a mid term Election just happened. With the Promise of getting Spending, And Government under control. This Deal proves it was all a farce.
Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................

Nope--this coming November around Thanksgiving--they will be debating the next 1.7 trillion to cut--which they are required to do under this bill. We'll also see the balanced budget amendment coming up for a vote--and "martha bar the gates"--on the politicians who do not vote for this amendment--as 74% of the American public are demanding a balanced budget amendment.

In fact--the debt--and Obama spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day will be topic until he's gone in 2012.

View attachment 14467

Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................

Win for Obama obviously. He was playing chess while Boehner was playing checkers. He may have sacrificed the Senate but given that the Dems are likely to lose the Senate anyway in the 2012 election; the gambit was an easy decision to make.
Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................
as 74% of the American public are demanding a balanced budget amendment.

Actually 37% want it.

You might want to actually READ this CNN poll-

74% of the American public want a balanced budget amendment.--:clap2:

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
He and his Pals in the Media will be sure to make him out to be the great deal maker that saved us from the "Crazy" GOP the wanted to Force us to actually do something about the Problem. :eek:

They Gave him a pass until after the Election. Believe me when I tell you. That's a win for Obama. I am sure there was champagne and Cubans being consumed in the WH tonight.

Maybe you missed the last election? The Wave the GOP rode into Power all across the nation. It just collapsed. The "tea Party" Congress failed. Anything short of serious cuts in spending, and reform of Entitlements is a failure for them. This Bill is a capitulation.

I have cast my last vote for the GOP, just as I cast my last vote for DEMS a years back. Our entire system is flawed to it's core. We have Campaigners not Representatives. They will never do what has to be done when it might cost them a seat or 2 in the next election. They will always look no further than 2 years ahead, and care about nothing but re-election. Might as well pack it all in if we can't change that flaw.
Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................
as 74% of the American public are demanding a balanced budget amendment.

Actually 37% want it.

Where did that number come from? Your ass? The Poll and others clearly show about 3/4 say they want to see a balanced Budget Amendment.

However the point is mute, There is no way in hell an amendment will ever be passed again. Not as long as our Representatives care about Nothing but the next election.

3/4 of the House, and senate. 3/4 of the states legislators have to sign off on it? Fucking impossible.
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Then why the fuck are progressive authoritarians so goddamn pissy?

I'm not happy either and I'm a classical liberal.

I wanna see a balanced budget...
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Oh, so THIS time the Pubs REALLY mean it....BBA's don't work with COUNTRIES, just states. STUPID- perfect for PUB DUPES- for 140 years....
What did we as a country win out of this wondrous debacle?

I am pretty sure you got fucked in the ass by your T-Party home boys.:lol:

Possibly for the first time ever. I could not agree more. We who want to see real fiscal Responsibility just got fucked in the ass with no lube by the T-Party and GOP.

Count me as 1 lost vote. For good.

There were over 50 votes on the repub side that voted no.

How many tea party members do you think were elected last election?
Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................

Nope--this coming November around Thanksgiving--they will be debating the next 1.7 trillion to cut--which they are required to do under this bill. We'll also see the balanced budget amendment coming up for a vote--and "martha bar the gates"--on the politicians who do not vote for this amendment--as 74% of the American public are demanding a balanced budget amendment.

In fact--the debt--and Obama spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day will be topic until he's gone in 2012.

View attachment 14467

That's what you think.
I am pretty sure you got fucked in the ass by your T-Party home boys.:lol:

Possibly for the first time ever. I could not agree more. We who want to see real fiscal Responsibility just got fucked in the ass with no lube by the T-Party and GOP.

Count me as 1 lost vote. For good.

There were over 50 votes on the repub side that voted no.

How many tea party members do you think were elected last election?

Which means there's going to be a lot more tea party politicians elected in the house and senate in 2012.

For only having 1/2 of 1/3 of the entire congress--the Tea Party--stuck a jab in the ribs of both houses of congress and both parties--that cracked so loud it could be heard across this country.

And this is just the beginning.

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