Obama won the debt debate -got it pushed past the 2012 election

Non bought off economists will tell you a recession is the time for some deficit spending- like those 10 jobs bills pubs are blocking- and have you noticed all the teachers, police, and firemen being FIRED? At least THIS made up crisis for politics is over, and small business can hire again...
Possibly for the first time ever. I could not agree more. We who want to see real fiscal Responsibility just got fucked in the ass with no lube by the T-Party and GOP.

Count me as 1 lost vote. For good.

There were over 50 votes on the repub side that voted no.

How many tea party members do you think were elected last election?

Which means there's going to be a lot more tea party politicians elected in the house and senate in 2012.

For only having 1/2 of 1/3 of the entire congress--the Tea Party--stuck a jab in the ribs of both houses of congress and both parties--that cracked so loud it could be heard across this country.

And this is just the beginning.

What we saw this past 3 weeks was the same thing you'll see in this clip below:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdeCPGNRjOU]‪Who Is Keyser Soze?‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

The tea party is the Hungarians.
Who cares who won? The average American citizen LOST!

The downward slide into oblivion continues, unabated.
Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................

You couldn't be more wrong, dude. This deal is a fucking disaster for Obama and the Democrats. Huge spending cuts on the backs of the poor and not even a ONE PENNY increase in revunue. No closing of tax loopholes for corporations. No end to subsidies for big oil. No increase in taxes for the richest 1%. NOTHING!

Obama could have taken a stand and used the 14th Amendment against these tea bagger terrorists, like many Democrats wanted him to do, but he was too gutless to do so. This deal is so fucking bad, how could he NOT invoke the 14th Amendment??? He had a winning hand and was simply too limp-dicked to play it.

I hope a real liberal challenges Obama in 2012, because I'm not voting for him again.
Obama came out this the winner.

Can't wait till the 2012 election

One of the worst presidents OF ALL TIME vs a bunch of clowns of which Romney is the front-runner.................
as 74% of the American public are demanding a balanced budget amendment.

Actually 37% want it.

Where did that number come from? Your ass? The Poll and others clearly show about 3/4 say they want to see a balanced Budget Amendment.

However the point is mute, There is no way in hell an amendment will ever be passed again. Not as long as our Representatives care about Nothing but the next election.

3/4 of the House, and senate. 3/4 of the states legislators have to sign off on it? Fucking impossible.

No, the polls say less than 40% want it. That is why it will never happen.
Actually 37% want it.

Where did that number come from? Your ass? The Poll and others clearly show about 3/4 say they want to see a balanced Budget Amendment.

However the point is mute, There is no way in hell an amendment will ever be passed again. Not as long as our Representatives care about Nothing but the next election.

3/4 of the House, and senate. 3/4 of the states legislators have to sign off on it? Fucking impossible.

No, the polls say less than 40% want it. That is why it will never happen.

You said 37 yesterday 40 today

Get the story straight. You were proven incorrect yesterday so maybe you will find the courage this one time to post those polls.
Was helped by Romneys idiocy and wusiness..................

You couldn't be more wrong, dude. This deal is a fucking disaster for Obama and the Democrats. Huge spending cuts on the backs of the poor and not even a ONE PENNY increase in revunue. No closing of tax loopholes for corporations. No end to subsidies for big oil. No increase in taxes for the richest 1%. NOTHING!

I don't understand this thinking. All of the major programs for the poor and elderly are protected - not just now, but in the next round. 50% of the cuts in the next round must be from defense while the biggest possible cut to the trusts is a 2% cut in Medicare.

In addition, revenue increases are still on the table in the next round and liberals have the leverage in those negotiations - there is no way Republicans can agree to the significant defense cuts that the trigger would induce, but Dems could spread the pain of domestic cuts across a host of programs.

And I'm cautiously optimistic that the bipartisan committee will see the oil and ag subsidies as low-hanging fruit in the attempt to find 1.2-1.5T in cuts. Members of both parties have expressed a desire to get rid of them.
Where did that number come from? Your ass? The Poll and others clearly show about 3/4 say they want to see a balanced Budget Amendment.

However the point is mute, There is no way in hell an amendment will ever be passed again. Not as long as our Representatives care about Nothing but the next election.

3/4 of the House, and senate. 3/4 of the states legislators have to sign off on it? Fucking impossible.

No, the polls say less than 40% want it. That is why it will never happen.

You said 37 yesterday 40 today Get the story straight. You were proven incorrect yesterday so maybe you will find the courage this one time to post those polls.

I said "less than 40%". 37 is less than 40.

Either you have no integrity or you can't read. Either you lie or you are stupid. Hmmm. . . you are a stupid liar.
No, the polls say less than 40% want it. That is why it will never happen.

You said 37 yesterday 40 today Get the story straight. You were proven incorrect yesterday so maybe you will find the courage this one time to post those polls.

I said "less than 40%". 37 is less than 40.

Either you have no integrity or you can't read. Either you lie or you are stupid. Hmmm. . . you are a stupid liar.


You said 37 yesterday 40 today Get the story straight. You were proven incorrect yesterday so maybe you will find the courage this one time to post those polls.

I said "less than 40%". 37 is less than 40.

Either you have no integrity or you can't read. Either you lie or you are stupid. Hmmm. . . you are a stupid liar.



Any body can read what I wrote above. FA, 37% is less than 40%. I did not know you had trouble with numbers. Hmmm . . . a graduate of No Child Left Behind, are you?

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