Obama Won!

Obama may have been Clark Kent last night, but he was Superman on the campaign trail today - as he hammered Romney's debate lies. Good work, Mr. President.

Romney's dishonest shape-shifting debate tactics only thrilled a few low information voters. As before the debate, the election remains Obama's to lose.

Give the man a teleprompter and no opponent and he's a real tiger ! You just insulted Clark Kent, you moron.

He hammered Romney's debate lines ? You bet he did. He's a loser. Can't handle the pressure and is gonna get his ass kicked the next time they meet.

Good job Mr. Soon To Be Ex President.

Yaaaaaaaaaay...Romney won...yaaaaaaaaaay...
If you are a salesman and you see life and politics as about the sell, you adjust the sell every time to a different customer-base. Most people find this perfectly natural in a business setting, and it makes a lot of sense. It's called marketing. You can and should sell the product to different audiences emphasizing which elements will appeal to each.

But we often find the same strategy a little ethically dubious in politics and religion. Why? Because the product you are selling, in these contexts, is something in the future, not something we can see now, touch and examine and test. When you change both the pitch and the product for different audiences, and refuse to tell people what the final product may be, you need a lot of chutzpah and salesmanship to do the job. You need to have a facility for lying, while seeming utterly sincere. You need to have a face that can be re-set constantly to assess and sell to every door you knock on, especially if what you are selling does not, in normal reality, add up. Especially if the people you are selling to are in desperate straits, seemingly out of their control, in confusing times, where they are losing, and looking for hope and order and authority that will never crack or reveal weakness or lose its smile:

The Master - Official Trailer (2012) [HD] - YouTube

Now I've slept on it, that seems to me what happened last night. It was such a mesmerizing sales job and so relentless, checked at no point by Lehrer, and at no point checked by past reality or facts, Obama was left with two options: say this pleasant-seeming guy next to him is a shameless weather-vane and liar (wouldn't work in a debate, is just against Obama's character) or to try and remind the country of Romney's actual policies as he has laid them out, and rebut the facts relentlessly. Obama tried the latter really, really badly, but the obvious retort to Romney's smiling total pivot was: what on earth are you talking about? Who are you? Who will you be tomorrow?

More: The Master - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

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