Obama Won!

While writing the previous piece where Washington Post’s The Fact Checker gave Barack Obama four Pinocchios on a statement he made on April 30, 2012, I clicked over to PolitiFact and took a look at the Obama File they keep where they have three pages of statements made by Barack Obama that were rated false statements.

Obama- If the Supreme Court throws out the federal health care law, it “would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.”
Truth-O-Meter rating: False
(PolitiFact- Slim majority, not unprecedented)

Obama- “For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs.”
Truth-O-Meter rating: False

Obama- “Preventive care … saves money, for families, for businesses, for government, for everybody.”
Truth-O-Meter rating: False
(PolitiFact- Wrong in 2009, and wrong today)

Obama- “Thirty million Americans, including a lot of people in Florida, are going to be able to get healthcare next year because of that law.”
Truth-O-Meter rating: False

Obama- “I made a bunch of these promises during the campaign. … We’ve got about 60 percent done in three years.”
Truth-O-Meter rating: False
(PolitiFact- “In the Works” does not equal “done”)

Obama Admin.- Under President Barack Obama, the United States has “doubled our exports.”
Truth-O-Meter rating: False


Obama won ????

This is to funny. It reminds me of Sean Hannity after Kerry kicked Bush's ass in 2004. Hannity was the only guy on the planet who said Bush won.
obama won, hands down.

Or, he's giving Romney a false sense of security for the next REAL debate, this was just practice.


The next real debate! ah this is rich. This was set up by Obama because this was the one he was supposed to win. At the ultra liberal University of Colorado with the subjects being domestic policy.
He did this on purpose to have a home field advantage so he could get the crowd behind his phony voice and crack a couple of horrible jokes then smile that porcelain fuggazi smile.
What he didn't count on what that he was going to be manhandled by an actual intelligent adult who was studying the issues while Barry Hussein was partying with Madonna and her drug addict drones, and appearing on the pew and calling himself "eye candy".
If he was gonna win a debate it was this one. Now he better find a way to call in sick for the foreign policy debate.

How can he possibly win a foreign policy debate when he's blaming a stupid amateur video for the rape and murders of our ambassador and off duty Marines in Libya? He'd better call in sick somehow because he's going to be exposed and ripped to shreds almost as bad as Ghadaffi in the streets.

Obama is poison. He's an empty suit, a child, a closet atheist-inactive-muslim-communist-narcissist. When are we gonna have a real man in office again who won't apologize to Extremist Muslim gangsters who are trying to kill us at every instance! He apologized for a freakin video which had nothing to do with the "protests", hah, protests huh? Yeah freakin right. all I hear is video video video video, yet Libya said it wasn't the video while all the media apes cover it up.
Any halfway intelligent person knows Romney is lying and his math doesn't add up.

Always the only response left when the arguments can't be answered. Just say he's lying or stutter your opponent to death. That's how Obama won!:eusa_boohoo:
Actually he didn't.

What he did do was make changes to the English language.

Tax cuts? Peeeshaww..

Rate Reduction.

Yeah he did. You know, I expected Lakhota and company to deny reality, but even though you're a partisan,I had thought you to be above that level. Even Chris Matthews can't claim Obama won and that bromance looked like it was going to be forever.

Matthews was pissed Obama didn't fight back. He didn't. That's not his style.

Romney did well..but did well because he abandoned many of his stances..and made up new ones.

Taxes are a good example. He's been talking about cutting the top rates, getting rid of the capital gains tax and all sorts of goodies for the rich. But he was able to rebrand that as "Rate Reduction".

Those are Tax Cuts. Pure and simple. And it's going to cost a great deal.

But Romney defines them as "Revenue Neutral" and bases his "math" on the idea that because the rich have more money..the economy will grow.

That didn't work with Reagan. That failed disasterously with George W. Bush..and there's nothing that indicates it will work if tried again.

But Romney did an effective job of shining that bullshit and making it seem like gold.

I give him that.
Romney's reuse of the word tax cut in the form of "rate reduction" is a heck of a lot better than Obama and his democrat drones using the word "investment" instead of spending. Yeah great job on those "investments" in green energy. What a loser!
It's great the Mormans are getting some false hope built up. Even our Morman in chief is getting in on the act. Usually reserved, he thinks he smells blood in the water.. he does...his own.. :lol:

The truth about the mormans is that they are fools that lie.
It's great the Mormans are getting some false hope built up. Even our Morman in chief is getting in on the act. Usually reserved, he thinks he smells blood in the water.. he does...his own.. :lol:

The truth about the mormans is that they are fools that lie.

Thank you for once again proving me right. The left is scared. They are going to just attack mormons now thinking that's going to help them. It wont though.

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