Obama Won!

Sooo, the Romney style is to lie his way through debates and then clarify/recant later? Looks that way...

Mitt Romney's Campaign Forced To Clarify His Claims After First Presidential Debate

Aw....67% say Romney won and Lakhota's got as much butt-hurt has his walking idol.

Sorry dickweed. Spin all you like and I'll printing Huffpo articles and using them to wipe my ass.

Never mind that Whore Cutter never recalled any of her bulls**t lies or bothered to address them. This president has lot his credibility which can find it's way out the door by following his integrity which left a long time ago.
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Well...er...yes...only he was apparently asleep.
I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.

Brain dead is smarter than you are
I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.

Brain dead is smarter than you are

Some people have their heads, complete with tin foil hat, stuck squarely up their asses.
You NaziCons can tell me all about it on November 7...

No dumbass....the 1st debate is over and Romney won.

You're claim is to the opposite which shows just what gay-f**ked lemming you are.

We don't need to wait until Nov 7th to find that out.
I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.

I think Obama lost but not by much. What isn't spoke about (much) is that these "unfiltered" moments have a dual edge. Supposedly, if you believe the right wing lunatics, the ubiquitous media distorts his message. Well, on Wednesday, we heard his message unfiltered. It was contrasted to his previous messages and he sounded very liberal. Going forward--especially in an atmosphere where he has to make up ground--those unfiltered statements are going to be like gold for Obama since it can no longer be argued that his message is being distorted.

That being said, I believe you're seeing Romney start to embrace the Karl Rove model of governance that elections are a 50.1% proposition. All he has to do is get 50.1% of the people to believe him and vote for him on that one day.

If Wednesday night is any indication, he'll say just about anything to ring that bell.
You NaziCons can tell me all about it on November 7...

America is not going to get any better with stupid bitches like you.
What in the fuck changes did obama that made this country that was already better than any other country, any better?
He made it worse you stupid bitch.
You will continue your bull shit while obama laughs at you because you are stupid enough believe his lies.
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I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.

I think Obama lost but not by much. What isn't spoke about (much) is that these "unfiltered" moments have a dual edge. Supposedly, if you believe the right wing lunatics, the ubiquitous media distorts his message. Well, on Wednesday, we heard his message unfiltered. It was contrasted to his previous messages and he sounded very liberal. Going forward--especially in an atmosphere where he has to make up ground--those unfiltered statements are going to be like gold for Obama since it can no longer be argued that his message is being distorted.

That being said, I believe you're seeing Romney start to embrace the Karl Rove model of governance that elections are a 50.1% proposition. All he has to do is get 50.1% of the people to believe him and vote for him on that one day.

If Wednesday night is any indication, he'll say just about anything to ring that bell.

Quick, tell me who came in second in the 2008 World Series or Super Bowl. Losing by "not much" is still losing......even if it is by only one point.
You NaziCons can tell me all about it on November 7...

America is not going to get any better with stupid bitches like you.
What in the fuck changes did obama that made this country that was already better than any other country, any better?
He made it worse you stupid bitch.
You will continue your bull shit while obama laughs at you because you are stupid enough believe his lies.

I already told you......he can't....blow out what he does not have.

Now, if he took a laxative..............
You NaziCons can tell me all about it on November 7...

America is not going to get any better with stupid bitches like you.
What in the fuck changes did obama that made this country that was already better than any other country, any better?
He made it worse you stupid bitch.
You will continue your bull shit while obama laughs at you because you are stupid enough believe his lies.

I tried to send you a PM on this, but you have disabled PM receiving. So I will let you know via a post on the thread. I have reported your post, due to the wording of the last sentence. If I were you, I would delete it entirely. When you do, I will delete any reference to it in this post.

Encouraging someone to commit suicide is over the line on every board to which I have ever belonged.
You NaziCons can tell me all about it on November 7...

America is not going to get any better with stupid bitches like you.
What in the fuck changes did obama that made this country that was already better than any other country, any better?
He made it worse you stupid bitch.
You will continue your bull shit while obama laughs at you because you are stupid enough believe his lies.

I tried to send you a PM on this, but you have disabled PM receiving. So I will let you know via a post on the thread. I have reported your post, due to the wording of the last sentence. If I were you, I would delete it entirely. When you do, I will delete any reference to it in this post.

Encouraging someone to commit suicide is over the line on every board to which I have ever belonged.

That's funny, leftard loons have told me to kill myself repeatedly on this board. In a variety of interesting ways.

Nobody gave a shit about that. So fuck off and die, loser.

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