Obama Won!

I could have called this a mile away. Lakhota has NEVER said anything negative about Obama.....Obama could kill someone on stage and Lakhota would defend him.....what a fuking useless idiot
people like Lakota would never think about questioning ANYTHING Obama says or does.....and that is because of ONE reason only.....he is afraid someone like himself or Dean will call him a Racist.......

Actually some of his facts were off the mark a bit too. However I do feel that Mitt looked good while lying through his teeth. But he is a politican and style matters....

uhh.. hold on a sec. Obama is the one with all the "style" supposedly. He's the one who's got rappers over at the white house and skanks and drug addicts like Madonna from Hollywood over at his house. he's the one all the berkeley street artists draw their Chez Gueverra lookalikes of Obama for. Barry's the one plastered all over the magazine covers in Hollywood, and mr Hussein's the one on all the shows! he's the one with style!

Romney's "style" was all just business and facts and he wasn't going to stand there and be bullied by the liberal president, moderator, talking heads or thousands of his closest University of Colorado beanie and skinny jeans wearers in the audience.

I guess when you can't combat the arguments with logic you have to accuse the winner of lying.
It's also funny how Obama would never have won the debate on "style" if you asked the monkeys on the panel. They would have said he won it on substance. These lefties are so freakin phony it blows my mind!
When Obama was talking, Romney looked like he needed a bottle of Tums. He was obviously suffering from severe acid reflux.

I'd be doing the same thing if I had to listen at two minute intervals for 90 minutes of puke coming out of a phony man's mouth. Here's the guy with all the hollywood style who was supposed to be articulate and intelligent and found that all he could do was stutter and drool all over himself and then nod in agreement while Romney was talking.
Yeah Romney uses black hair dye, but Obama needs to replace the person in his suit.
Truthspeaker sounds dee-ranged... Home lobotomies ain't pretty...

Truthspeaker just handed you your ass.

Romney told a lot of lies last night and changed his story on a few issues. I can smell the BS from here.

The only reason you smell any s**t is because you have your head stuck up your ass.

Post the lies and debate them or STFU.
Are you saying that Big Bird has a stronger argument against Romney than Obama did?

You think this is going to get people to support Obama?

Are you saying that Big Bird has a stronger argument against Romney than Obama did?

You think this is going to get people to support Obama?


My guess is BB would have done better than Obama.



The feeling on the right was that the fate of the nation was really at stake. Due to a tendentious and corrupt press, an inattentive electorate and a watery nominee, the country might be on the verge of an irreversible disaster -- reelecting an incompetent leftist ideologue. It was a nightmare.

So it was more than partisan glee that lifted our spirits when a supremely skilled, razor-sharp Romney sailed to victory over Obama in Denver. It was the release of years of pent-up frustration at the fact that Mr. Obama has skated by with platitudes, lies, misrepresentations and "cool," while the nation we love, still "the last best hope of earth," seemed to be sliding toward the drain.
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