Obama Won't Fight For Gay Marriage His Second Term

You do know liberal supreme court justices tend to tell the states to "go fuck themselves" in favor of federal power.

Of course that doesnt apply to the right to bear arms, which is actually in the consitution.

I do know that.

I believe the hope is that in 4 years, the court will be in the position to rule in favor of gay marriage under the equal protection clause.

Oh, god, not that again. Where does equal protection end? If you carry that clause to its extreme I should be able to abort a baby I made because denying me that right denies me equal protection. Or at least I should be spared from paternity.

I'm sure someone will come along to debate this with you, but I have no plans to. I'm simply stating that the gay marrige issue and Obama was to get a more liberal supreme court. Not that anyone (save for total nutters) thought he was going to pass any sort of legislation.
I do know that.

I believe the hope is that in 4 years, the court will be in the position to rule in favor of gay marriage under the equal protection clause.

Oh, god, not that again. Where does equal protection end? If you carry that clause to its extreme I should be able to abort a baby I made because denying me that right denies me equal protection. Or at least I should be spared from paternity.

I'm sure someone will come along to debate this with you, but I have no plans to. I'm simply stating that the gay marrige issue and Obama was to get a more liberal supreme court. Not that anyone (save for total nutters) thought he was going to pass any sort of legislation.

Maybe thats an extreme example, lets go with something simpler. Under equal protection under the law, how does affermative action work? In particular government jobs, and admission to public universities?
I don't agree with affirmative action, so if you're looking for me to defend it youre SOL.
I don't agree with affirmative action, so if you're looking for me to defend it youre SOL.

Well, those liberal supreme court justices you are hoping for usually love it.

And I said Im hoping for liberal SC justices.... Where?

Considering you want the SC to find for gay marriage under equal protection, I would assume you realize strict constructionists would not decide that way, hence progressive, i.e. "liberal" justices.

Strict constructionists would require an amendment to guarantee the "right" to gay marriage. barring that, they would leave such decsions to legislatures, preferrably state level legislatures.
And I said Im hoping for liberal SC justices.... Where?

When you pulled the lever for obama asswipe.

Maybe if your party didn't run such a terrible candidate they would have earned my vote. Don't whine when it's your own damn fault.

And FYI, I voted 3rd party.

Actually, Romney is an excellent candidate.
The GOP platform is what sucked and ran moderates off.
Gay marriage? Who really gives a shit if gay folk get married?
Stupid people do.
I don't really care if he fights for gay rights or not I'm more interested to see if he keeps his pledge to the Hispanic community on immigration reform he shafted them on this in his first term if he does it again in his second term they may not give the Democrats a third chance.
I don't really care if he fights for gay rights or not I'm more interested to see if he keeps his pledge to the Hispanic community on immigration reform he shafted them on this in his first term if he does it again in his second term they may not give the Democrats a third chance.

Hispanics are Catholics. See the connection yet?
Willow's alright. She one of the very few Righties here that honored her election wager. She's a little thin-skinned but aren't all Righties :dunno:

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