Obama = Worse President Ever

Obama is arrogant, corrupt, deceptive, incompetent, and a fraud.

To say that Obama is the "Worst President Ever", is an understatement.
Obama is king of the part-time job and 20 hour work week. He is destroying the Middle Class.

Actually the middle class is being destroyed because of education issues.

China is moving ahead in the world, kids are studying 12 hour days and then doing their homework, they're off to universities in the west, working their asses off and getting good jobs. China is building its own airplanes, it's increasing its levels of high tech manufacturing and so on. While at the same time the US is keeping education stagnant, not looking to the future, not trying to make education fit the needs of high tech workers in the future. The US will end up being a low wage country in 30 years time at this rate.

Is this to do with Obama? Not really, it's not a presidential issue at all. It's more about Congress and state governments shirking their task of running the country/their state effectively for the people and going after the big money.

Actually, it's Obamacare that is the root cause.

The middle class is being destroyed because of Obamacare? Hmm, I'd like to see you try and explain this one.
Obama is arrogant, corrupt, deceptive, incompetent, and a fraud.

To say that Obama is the "Worst President Ever", is an understatement.

To be president you have to be arrogant, have to have self belief, have to be able to do lots of things.

US politics is corrupt, therefore any politician who does well is going to be corrupt.

Deception is the name of the game. Again, the whole of US politics is about deception, about spending loads of money advertising yourself to death.

Incompetent, well.... to become president you have to have certain attributes because the people want to see you perform and entertain, which probably means you're not the best person for the actual job you're being voted for. This has been the case for a long while now. However seeing as he didn't cause the biggest balls up of the century, ie, allowing Bremer to take over Iraq and fuck it up massively, It's a bit difficult to see how he's the worst, he's not the worst even in the 21st century.

A fraud. I don't understand how he could be a fraud.
He's a politician, what do you expect?

Ha. HaHAhaHaHAha. I find this hilarious because I happen to live in THIS country,where our politicians can be sincere about just about any of the plethora of lies they tell. Really? THAT'S what warms your toast? Hey, good luck with that.
Go Ahead roll over put blinders on and say to yourself that's just the way it is.

Your naivety is adorable, BTW...
Presidents are evaluated by objective criteria

What were you given?
What crisis did you face?
What did you leave?
What were your lasting accomplishments?

No question Obama was handed an economy on the brink of depression and two wars to go along with a global war on terrorism. Few presidents (Lincoln and FDR being the exceptions have been dealt a worse hand)

What crisis did you face? Obama faced an economy on the verge of collapse, a republican party intent on preventing his success, terrorist attacks around the globe, losing 750,000 jobs a month and a healthcare system that only provided for those lucky enough to have health insurance

What did you leave? Obama prevented a Depression, saved the auto and financial sectors, added 8 million jobs and cut unemployment by 5%. More than doubled the stock market. He also ended combat involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

What were your lasting accomplishments
1. Obamacare
2. Stopped a depression
3. Repeal of DADT and same sex marriage nationwide
4. Recognition of Cuba
5. Iran nuclear deal
6. Killed bin Laden

By any measure, a top ten President and one of the best in modern times

1. worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
2. bullshit
3. who gives a shit? answer, no one
4. and the Castro brothers continue to abuse the cuban people
5. guarantees that the iranians get nuclear weapons and they still have 4 innocent americans held hostage, plus we released hundreds of billions of dollars to them that they will use to fund terrorism against the USA
6.He Okayed the hit, they only knew where he was because of intel gained under Bush.

Worst president in history is how he will be remembered----------------and it has nothing to do with him being half black.
As usual, the fact that conservatives are outraged at what Obama has acomplished shows that he did what he was elected to do

In terms of lasting accomplishments and conquering adversity, Obama is one of the best Presidents in modern times
Monkey-boy Bush

Monkey ears barak:
<----------<<<< O'Husseinbama without his mask. :lmao:
...conservatives are outraged at what Obama has acomplished...

yes, i am outraged that he so far has destroyed my country to the point of nearly no return.., but i have faith that President Donald Trump will bring America back to it's greatness in his first two years, and by the end of his first term America will have it's 5 star rating with the strongest economy ever and a military to match. :up:
nice try at bringing race into it. But his failures and incompetence have nothing to do with his being half black/half white.

But how about explaining why someone who is half white and half black is considered black in your small mind. Why isn't he just a human being? you libs are the most racist people in the world.

You ask why I brought race into it. Let's see. Maybe I was parodying.

Then you go off making comments about race, after just asking why people aren't just considered people.

The answer isn't actually that difficult. If you look at slavery, segregation, and the other fights that black people have had to endure of the history of the US, for a black person to make it to be president, in a country that simply would not have ever voted for a guy who even so much as looks black, to there being enough people in the US who don't think black people are inferior, shows a major change in US society.

society changed because society matured, not because the government dictated that it change.

today's racism is exclusively a product of the left. its a poorly veiled attempt to remain in power by creating racial chaos. Do you think idiots like Sharpton and Farrakhan want racial harmony? of course they dont, it would put them out of a job.

President Obama sure has a way of bringing out the racist and exposing them for what they are. Racist however did not change. Racist in 2008 are still racist in 2015, mostly.

Yes, he has brought out the left wing racists in full force.

Which left wing racists would they be?

Or would this be the tactic of some to deflect attention away from real racism that exists on the right and far right by simply shouting that the left is racist like you tried to do with me.

Someone say "Obama's the first black president" so you shout "RACIST!" just because you know this is a way of avoiding a proper argument.

Left wing racists: Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan,Whoopi, Behar, Jackson-Lee, Kayne West, MSNBC, Jay Z, Beyonce, Jabbar, the whole black lives matter bunch, just for starters.
Obama is king of the part-time job and 20 hour work week. He is destroying the Middle Class.

Actually the middle class is being destroyed because of education issues.

China is moving ahead in the world, kids are studying 12 hour days and then doing their homework, they're off to universities in the west, working their asses off and getting good jobs. China is building its own airplanes, it's increasing its levels of high tech manufacturing and so on. While at the same time the US is keeping education stagnant, not looking to the future, not trying to make education fit the needs of high tech workers in the future. The US will end up being a low wage country in 30 years time at this rate.

Is this to do with Obama? Not really, it's not a presidential issue at all. It's more about Congress and state governments shirking their task of running the country/their state effectively for the people and going after the big money.

you would defend obama if he shit in your soup

Do you know me? I don't think so. So why are you making stuff up about me, then attacking me for the stuff you made up? Seems to be a common tactic on boards like these.

Why not stick to the facts?

I do stick to the facts, its you who keeps posting the latest left wing bullshit talking points.
Presidents are evaluated by objective criteria

What were you given?
What crisis did you face?
What did you leave?
What were your lasting accomplishments?

No question Obama was handed an economy on the brink of depression and two wars to go along with a global war on terrorism. Few presidents (Lincoln and FDR being the exceptions have been dealt a worse hand)

What crisis did you face? Obama faced an economy on the verge of collapse, a republican party intent on preventing his success, terrorist attacks around the globe, losing 750,000 jobs a month and a healthcare system that only provided for those lucky enough to have health insurance

What did you leave? Obama prevented a Depression, saved the auto and financial sectors, added 8 million jobs and cut unemployment by 5%. More than doubled the stock market. He also ended combat involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

What were your lasting accomplishments
1. Obamacare
2. Stopped a depression
3. Repeal of DADT and same sex marriage nationwide
4. Recognition of Cuba
5. Iran nuclear deal
6. Killed bin Laden

By any measure, a top ten President and one of the best in modern times

1. worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
2. bullshit
3. who gives a shit? answer, no one
4. and the Castro brothers continue to abuse the cuban people
5. guarantees that the iranians get nuclear weapons and they still have 4 innocent americans held hostage, plus we released hundreds of billions of dollars to them that they will use to fund terrorism against the USA
6.He Okayed the hit, they only knew where he was because of intel gained under Bush.

Worst president in history is how he will be remembered----------------and it has nothing to do with him being half black.
As usual, the fact that conservatives are outraged at what Obama has acomplished shows that he did what he was elected to do

In terms of lasting accomplishments and conquering adversity, Obama is one of the best Presidents in modern times

you are delusional. You give him credit for destroying our economy, our culture, our international reputation, and our military, and you do that because he "accomplished what he was elected to do" ?

are you saying that americans voted for him because they wanted the country ruined?

once again, WTF is wrong with you?
Presidents are evaluated by objective criteria

What were you given?
What crisis did you face?
What did you leave?
What were your lasting accomplishments?

No question Obama was handed an economy on the brink of depression and two wars to go along with a global war on terrorism. Few presidents (Lincoln and FDR being the exceptions have been dealt a worse hand)

What crisis did you face? Obama faced an economy on the verge of collapse, a republican party intent on preventing his success, terrorist attacks around the globe, losing 750,000 jobs a month and a healthcare system that only provided for those lucky enough to have health insurance

What did you leave? Obama prevented a Depression, saved the auto and financial sectors, added 8 million jobs and cut unemployment by 5%. More than doubled the stock market. He also ended combat involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

What were your lasting accomplishments
1. Obamacare
2. Stopped a depression
3. Repeal of DADT and same sex marriage nationwide
4. Recognition of Cuba
5. Iran nuclear deal
6. Killed bin Laden

By any measure, a top ten President and one of the best in modern times

1. worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
2. bullshit
3. who gives a shit? answer, no one
4. and the Castro brothers continue to abuse the cuban people
5. guarantees that the iranians get nuclear weapons and they still have 4 innocent americans held hostage, plus we released hundreds of billions of dollars to them that they will use to fund terrorism against the USA
6.He Okayed the hit, they only knew where he was because of intel gained under Bush.

Worst president in history is how he will be remembered----------------and it has nothing to do with him being half black.
As usual, the fact that conservatives are outraged at what Obama has acomplished shows that he did what he was elected to do

In terms of lasting accomplishments and conquering adversity, Obama is one of the best Presidents in modern times

you are delusional. You give him credit for destroying our economy, our culture, our international reputation, and our military, and you do that because he "accomplished what he was elected to do" ?

are you saying that americans voted for him because they wanted the country ruined?

once again, WTF is wrong with you?

Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?
You ask why I brought race into it. Let's see. Maybe I was parodying.

Then you go off making comments about race, after just asking why people aren't just considered people.

The answer isn't actually that difficult. If you look at slavery, segregation, and the other fights that black people have had to endure of the history of the US, for a black person to make it to be president, in a country that simply would not have ever voted for a guy who even so much as looks black, to there being enough people in the US who don't think black people are inferior, shows a major change in US society.

society changed because society matured, not because the government dictated that it change.

today's racism is exclusively a product of the left. its a poorly veiled attempt to remain in power by creating racial chaos. Do you think idiots like Sharpton and Farrakhan want racial harmony? of course they dont, it would put them out of a job.

President Obama sure has a way of bringing out the racist and exposing them for what they are. Racist however did not change. Racist in 2008 are still racist in 2015, mostly.

Yes, he has brought out the left wing racists in full force.

Which left wing racists would they be?

Or would this be the tactic of some to deflect attention away from real racism that exists on the right and far right by simply shouting that the left is racist like you tried to do with me.

Someone say "Obama's the first black president" so you shout "RACIST!" just because you know this is a way of avoiding a proper argument.

Left wing racists: Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan,Whoopi, Behar, Jackson-Lee, Kayne West, MSNBC, Jay Z, Beyonce, Jabbar, the whole black lives matter bunch, just for starters.

So how is Obama a racist? Racist against who? He's white and black, remember?
Presidents are evaluated by objective criteria

What were you given?
What crisis did you face?
What did you leave?
What were your lasting accomplishments?

No question Obama was handed an economy on the brink of depression and two wars to go along with a global war on terrorism. Few presidents (Lincoln and FDR being the exceptions have been dealt a worse hand)

What crisis did you face? Obama faced an economy on the verge of collapse, a republican party intent on preventing his success, terrorist attacks around the globe, losing 750,000 jobs a month and a healthcare system that only provided for those lucky enough to have health insurance

What did you leave? Obama prevented a Depression, saved the auto and financial sectors, added 8 million jobs and cut unemployment by 5%. More than doubled the stock market. He also ended combat involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

What were your lasting accomplishments
1. Obamacare
2. Stopped a depression
3. Repeal of DADT and same sex marriage nationwide
4. Recognition of Cuba
5. Iran nuclear deal
6. Killed bin Laden

By any measure, a top ten President and one of the best in modern times

1. worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
2. bullshit
3. who gives a shit? answer, no one
4. and the Castro brothers continue to abuse the cuban people
5. guarantees that the iranians get nuclear weapons and they still have 4 innocent americans held hostage, plus we released hundreds of billions of dollars to them that they will use to fund terrorism against the USA
6.He Okayed the hit, they only knew where he was because of intel gained under Bush.

Worst president in history is how he will be remembered----------------and it has nothing to do with him being half black.
As usual, the fact that conservatives are outraged at what Obama has acomplished shows that he did what he was elected to do

In terms of lasting accomplishments and conquering adversity, Obama is one of the best Presidents in modern times

you are delusional. You give him credit for destroying our economy, our culture, our international reputation, and our military, and you do that because he "accomplished what he was elected to do" ?

are you saying that americans voted for him because they wanted the country ruined?

once again, WTF is wrong with you?

Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?

doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guy has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.
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