Obama = Worse President Ever

Historians agree overwhelmingly that President Obama is the worse President in history:

Most Presidential Experts Agree: Obama is Worst President In History | Wizbang

While I am certainly not a historian, I certainly agree that on both the home front and on foreign policy, history will indeed record Obama as the worse President ever.

Did you sleep through the eight years of the G. W. Bush Administration?

You don't need to be an historian to understand history, you simply need to stop watching/listening to right wing propaganda.
Jimmy Carter smiles ...

Funny that ^^^, Carter inherited a struggling economy and Obama one in danger of collapse, those who try to rewrite history seem intent on repeating the big lie that these economic crisis' were the fault of the Democrats.

Those of us alive and aware remember when Ford established the WIN Program (Whip inflation Now), a total failure, so much so that a new economic word needed to be promulgated: Stagflation; and, Obama faced an even greater danger, the threat of a world wide Depression - thanks to the GWB Administration.

Actually, I did live through the GW Bush years. I really don't recall things being bad at all. Hamburger certainly wasn't $5.00 a pound. Folks were working a 40 hour work week and there were not nearly as many people working part-time jobs. Personally though, I have made plenty of money under all Presidential Administrations since I first opened my business back in 1970. I realy don't spend a whole lot of my time dwelling in the past however, I have always tended to look forward to the future.

Your recall is piss poor. 9/11/2001 wasn't too bad? the daily reports of KIA after the occupation of Iraq wasn't too bad? The collapse of the housing bubble wasn't so bad? The Crash of October 2008 wasn't so bad?
The President does not set hamburger prices anymore than he sets gas prices.

Can I write that down? Please. It's so informative.

No doubt you'll have to write it down if you want any chance of remembering.

I remember very well. Now, you tell me about all the long soup lines you had to wait in during Bush's Administration.

I remember that the soup kitchens in New Orleans lasted for a very long time

We have a Rescue Mission here in Pensacola that has been operating ever since the Viet Nam war. They feed the homeless every day.

Fucking Nixon
Historians agree overwhelmingly that President Obama is the worse President in history:

Most Presidential Experts Agree: Obama is Worst President In History | Wizbang

While I am certainly not a historian, I certainly agree that on both the home front and on foreign policy, history will indeed record Obama as the worse President ever.

Did you sleep through the eight years of the G. W. Bush Administration?

You don't need to be an historian to understand history, you simply need to stop watching/listening to right wing propaganda.
Jimmy Carter smiles ...

Funny that ^^^, Carter inherited a struggling economy and Obama one in danger of collapse, those who try to rewrite history seem intent on repeating the big lie that these economic crisis' were the fault of the Democrats.

Those of us alive and aware remember when Ford established the WIN Program (Whip inflation Now), a total failure, so much so that a new economic word needed to be promulgated: Stagflation; and, Obama faced an even greater danger, the threat of a world wide Depression - thanks to the GWB Administration.

Actually, I did live through the GW Bush years. I really don't recall things being bad at all. Hamburger certainly wasn't $5.00 a pound. Folks were working a 40 hour work week and there were not nearly as many people working part-time jobs. Personally though, I have made plenty of money under all Presidential Administrations since I first opened my business back in 1970. I realy don't spend a whole lot of my time dwelling in the past however, I have always tended to look forward to the future.

Your recall is piss poor. 9/11/2001 wasn't too bad? the daily reports of KIA after the occupation of Iraq wasn't too bad? The collapse of the housing bubble wasn't so bad? The Crash of October 2008 wasn't so bad?

The subject was the economy Stupid. Did any of these things occur while Bush was in office? Who was the housing watchdog?
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?
In case there's anyone still here who doesn't know the OP was lying, here's the actual ranking from his link's source:


Gotta love all those 20th century Democrats and RINO's in the top ten!
For all you Fools who simply refuse to live in the year 2015, I remember extremely long lines at the gas pump while Democrat Jimmy Carter was President. If you really want to live in the past, the economy wasn't that great under Abraham Lincoln. George Washington's troops had no shoes and almost froze to death at Valley Forge.

I do invite all of you who dwell in the past to come forward and join us in November 2015.
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

Some people were sure ticked over having a black President
In case there's anyone still here who doesn't know the OP was lying, here's the actual ranking from his link's source:


Gotta love all those 20th century Democrats and RINO's in the top ten!

I wonder where Hillary Clinton will end up on that list.....probably right after Bill Clinton

The quandry for Republicans is who will they now call "The worst President ever"?
Obama or HillaryClinton?
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

Some people were sure ticked over having a black President

yes, some were, some would have been ticked if Romney had won, whats your point?

BTW, obama is NOT black. He is half black. He whiter than Whoopi or Ben Carson.
In case there's anyone still here who doesn't know the OP was lying, here's the actual ranking from his link's source:


Gotta love all those 20th century Democrats and RINO's in the top ten!

I wonder where Hillary Clinton will end up on that list.....probably right after Bill Clinton

The quandry for Republicans is who will they now call "The worst President ever"?
Obama or HillaryClinton?

Fear not, HRC will never be on that list. However, she may be the only one on the list of presidential candidates who have served jail time.
In case there's anyone still here who doesn't know the OP was lying, here's the actual ranking from his link's source:


Gotta love all those 20th century Democrats and RINO's in the top ten!

I wonder where Hillary Clinton will end up on that list.....probably right after Bill Clinton

The quandry for Republicans is who will they now call "The worst President ever"?
Obama or HillaryClinton?

I don't think she will appear on the list. She may end up having a number for a name.
Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s.

Blame that on the racists in our society.

Police are being demonized by the president.

The President does not operate police departments. If police have a bad rap with the public, they should stop antagonizing the public with their habitual brutality.

His policies allowed the creation of ISIS.

Actually, that was the result of an idiotic invasion of Iraq, which destabilized the entire region. There are many people who get a shitload of blame for that fiasco. If you want to heap blame on the Presidency you'll have to blame Bush. But that would be simplistic thinking, at best.

He has doubled the national debt.

Congress controls spending. Aside from that, the debt has not doubled during Obama's time in office. Spending is a huge problem. If we're ever going to hope to see it under control, we have to start blaming the people who are doing the spending.

Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

Obama is not a good President. But he's far away from the worst in history. Hoover, Harding, Pierce....those guys were good candidates for worst in history. Buchanan perhaps, though I've personally felt that he gets too much blame for powers that were beyond any President to curb.

The mere fact that the only complains you can levy against Obama are things that have nothing to do with his Presidency is evidence that he's nowhere near the worst in history.

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