Obama = Worse President Ever

For all you Fools who simply refuse to live in the year 2015, I remember extremely long lines at the gas pump while Democrat Jimmy Carter was President. If you really want to live in the past, the economy wasn't that great under Abraham Lincoln. George Washington's troops had no shoes and almost froze to death at Valley Forge.

I do invite all of you who dwell in the past to come forward and join us in November 2015.

As do I, and I remember the gas wars, paying .07 cents a gallon at an ARCO Station near SFSU; and then the oil cartel raised it ugly head, which Jimmy Carter did hot participate in its development. In fact President Carter put solar collectors on the roof of the White House, which btw, Ronald Reagan removed.

Don't try to rewrite history, especially when people like me were alive and aware and experienced the events you and others try to change to fit your agenda. Doing so convinces me you are a fool.

The solar collectors did not stop the long lines at the gas pumps. I was also alive and well. I took the family on a trip to Orlando and ran low on gas in the evening. The pumps at all the stations were locked down. I had to get a motel room and spend the night until the next morning so I could get some gas. The gas stations and the motels literally ripped the travelers off. This wasn't aa gas war. This was a supply shortage.
Historians agree overwhelmingly that President Obama is the worse President in history:

Most Presidential Experts Agree: Obama is Worst President In History | Wizbang

While I am certainly not a historian, I certainly agree that on both the home front and on foreign policy, history will indeed record Obama as the worse President ever.

Did you sleep through the eight years of the G. W. Bush Administration?

You don't need to be an historian to understand history, you simply need to stop watching/listening to right wing propaganda.
Jimmy Carter smiles ...

Funny that ^^^, Carter inherited a struggling economy and Obama one in danger of collapse, those who try to rewrite history seem intent on repeating the big lie that these economic crisis' were the fault of the Democrats.

Those of us alive and aware remember when Ford established the WIN Program (Whip inflation Now), a total failure, so much so that a new economic word needed to be promulgated: Stagflation; and, Obama faced an even greater danger, the threat of a world wide Depression - thanks to the GWB Administration.

Actually, I did live through the GW Bush years. I really don't recall things being bad at all. Hamburger certainly wasn't $5.00 a pound. Folks were working a 40 hour work week and there were not nearly as many people working part-time jobs. Personally though, I have made plenty of money under all Presidential Administrations since I first opened my business back in 1970. I realy don't spend a whole lot of my time dwelling in the past however, I have always tended to look forward to the future.

Your recall is piss poor. 9/11/2001 wasn't too bad? the daily reports of KIA after the occupation of Iraq wasn't too bad? The collapse of the housing bubble wasn't so bad? The Crash of October 2008 wasn't so bad?

The subject was the economy Stupid. Did any of these things occur while Bush was in office? Who was the housing watchdog?

Unless you're lying, you really were asleep during the G.W. Bush Administration.

BTW, calling others stupid is a sign you're incapable of posting anything of substance; as we all know, at least those of us not stupid, the President does not set the price of hamburger. The last time that was tried was under the Nixon Administration, and as noted in my above post it failed.

But I digress, your effort to place blame on the Democrats in Congress fails and below is some evidence, you offer nothing but the usual historical distortions, aka, the BIG LIES typical of the fringe element on the far right:


From the link:

"We can put light where there's darkness, and hope where there's despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home."

- President George W. Bush, Oct. 15, 2002

Read the article, and then admit you echoed the misleading propaganda, repeated over and over,designed to provide cover for GWB and blame on the Democratic Congress.

I don't have to read a Liberal New York Times article. Democrat Barney Franks had oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. He told Congress both were stable and that there was nothing at all to worry about. Democrat Chris Dodd held oversight over the banking industry and said the same thing. Put the blame squarely where it belongs.
Historians agree overwhelmingly that President Obama is the worse President in history:

Most Presidential Experts Agree: Obama is Worst President In History | Wizbang

While I am certainly not a historian, I certainly agree that on both the home front and on foreign policy, history will indeed record Obama as the worse President ever.

Read the link to your own article.... Tool bag

And that is while sitting... How are the right going to call him the worse president ever when your hate will have to focus on President Hillary Clinton

That is not my article. I posted three or four articles where the writers of the articles said Obama was the worst President ever. Answer all of them.
I thought you said he was the worse president?
Historians agree overwhelmingly that President Obama is the worse President in history:

Most Presidential Experts Agree: Obama is Worst President In History | Wizbang

While I am certainly not a historian, I certainly agree that on both the home front and on foreign policy, history will indeed record Obama as the worse President ever.

Read the link to your own article.... Tool bag

And that is while sitting... How are the right going to call him the worse president ever when your hate will have to focus on President Hillary Clinton

That is not my article. I posted three or four articles where the writers of the articles said Obama was the worst President ever. Answer all of them.
I thought you said he was the worse president?

Whatever. I also said I was an electrical engineer - not an English major. I hold a minor in mathematics - not English. I do realize though that you deem yourself far more educated than I.
Did you sleep through the eight years of the G. W. Bush Administration?

You don't need to be an historian to understand history, you simply need to stop watching/listening to right wing propaganda.
Funny that ^^^, Carter inherited a struggling economy and Obama one in danger of collapse, those who try to rewrite history seem intent on repeating the big lie that these economic crisis' were the fault of the Democrats.

Those of us alive and aware remember when Ford established the WIN Program (Whip inflation Now), a total failure, so much so that a new economic word needed to be promulgated: Stagflation; and, Obama faced an even greater danger, the threat of a world wide Depression - thanks to the GWB Administration.

Actually, I did live through the GW Bush years. I really don't recall things being bad at all. Hamburger certainly wasn't $5.00 a pound. Folks were working a 40 hour work week and there were not nearly as many people working part-time jobs. Personally though, I have made plenty of money under all Presidential Administrations since I first opened my business back in 1970. I realy don't spend a whole lot of my time dwelling in the past however, I have always tended to look forward to the future.

Your recall is piss poor. 9/11/2001 wasn't too bad? the daily reports of KIA after the occupation of Iraq wasn't too bad? The collapse of the housing bubble wasn't so bad? The Crash of October 2008 wasn't so bad?

The subject was the economy Stupid. Did any of these things occur while Bush was in office? Who was the housing watchdog?

Unless you're lying, you really were asleep during the G.W. Bush Administration.

BTW, calling others stupid is a sign you're incapable of posting anything of substance; as we all know, at least those of us not stupid, the President does not set the price of hamburger. The last time that was tried was under the Nixon Administration, and as noted in my above post it failed.

But I digress, your effort to place blame on the Democrats in Congress fails and below is some evidence, you offer nothing but the usual historical distortions, aka, the BIG LIES typical of the fringe element on the far right:


From the link:

"We can put light where there's darkness, and hope where there's despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home."

- President George W. Bush, Oct. 15, 2002

Read the article, and then admit you echoed the misleading propaganda, repeated over and over,designed to provide cover for GWB and blame on the Democratic Congress.

I don't have to read a Liberal New York Times article. Democrat Barney Franks had oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. He told Congress both were stable and that there was nothing at all to worry about. Democrat Chris Dodd held oversight over the banking industry and said the same thing. Put the blame squarely where it belongs.

Of course you don't "have to read a Liberal New York Times article" and it is your right to remain ignorant. Half-truths are usually half wrong and in this case are almost entirely misleading - but that's what repeating propaganda does.
For all you Fools who simply refuse to live in the year 2015, I remember extremely long lines at the gas pump while Democrat Jimmy Carter was President. If you really want to live in the past, the economy wasn't that great under Abraham Lincoln. George Washington's troops had no shoes and almost froze to death at Valley Forge.

I do invite all of you who dwell in the past to come forward and join us in November 2015.

As do I, and I remember the gas wars, paying .07 cents a gallon at an ARCO Station near SFSU; and then the oil cartel raised it ugly head, which Jimmy Carter did hot participate in its development. In fact President Carter put solar collectors on the roof of the White House, which btw, Ronald Reagan removed.

Don't try to rewrite history, especially when people like me were alive and aware and experienced the events you and others try to change to fit your agenda. Doing so convinces me you are a fool.

The solar collectors did not stop the long lines at the gas pumps. I was also alive and well. I took the family on a trip to Orlando and ran low on gas in the evening. The pumps at all the stations were locked down. I had to get a motel room and spend the night until the next morning so I could get some gas. The gas stations and the motels literally ripped the travelers off. This wasn't aa gas war. This was a supply shortage.

You really cannot read with comprehension.
  • Jimmy Carter was leading by example
  • the gas wars predated the oil cartel.
I don't know if you are simply a liar or as dumb as you appear to be.
President Obama sure has a way of bringing out the racist and exposing them for what they are. Racist however did not change. Racist in 2008 are still racist in 2015, mostly.

Yes, he has brought out the left wing racists in full force.

Which left wing racists would they be?

Or would this be the tactic of some to deflect attention away from real racism that exists on the right and far right by simply shouting that the left is racist like you tried to do with me.

Someone say "Obama's the first black president" so you shout "RACIST!" just because you know this is a way of avoiding a proper argument.

Left wing racists: Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan,Whoopi, Behar, Jackson-Lee, Kayne West, MSNBC, Jay Z, Beyonce, Jabbar, the whole black lives matter bunch, just for starters.

So how is Obama a racist? Racist against who? He's white and black, remember?

His statements and actions on: Cambridge, Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, Ft Hood.

Er... that's a complete and utter nothingness post.

HOW do his statements and actions on these make him a racist?
As usual, the fact that conservatives are outraged at what Obama has acomplished shows that he did what he was elected to do

In terms of lasting accomplishments and conquering adversity, Obama is one of the best Presidents in modern times

you are delusional. You give him credit for destroying our economy, our culture, our international reputation, and our military, and you do that because he "accomplished what he was elected to do" ?

are you saying that americans voted for him because they wanted the country ruined?

once again, WTF is wrong with you?

Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?

doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.

That isn't destroyed. I don't even know what you mean by "We are at pre WW2 levels", in what? Troop number, fish eaten?

Military moral is low? Meaning what? Meaning soldiers aren't afraid of being sent to Iraq and getting blown up, but are afraid of going to Afghanistan to be blown up?

But why is moral lower?


"According to the Military Times piece, satisfaction with pay and allowances declined from 87% to 44% from 2009 to 2014. Military pay has kept up with inflation and then some for the past several years. That’s not to say that military pay is a princely fortune, though it stacks up pretty well against the civilian world. "

So, moral over pay dropped, even though pay kept up with inflation and beyond. Hmm. Seems strange to me.

"Now that deployments have decreased, the worry is that morale is suffering for want of a mission. Service members complain about deployments, but they also complain when they don’t deploy."

Maybe a lot of the present military signed up when they knew they'd be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now there is less chance of this happening, are soldiers getting annoyed that they're not going?

"Today, units have to swap equipment just to deploy; new personnel go forward with inadequate training; and stateside support units, such as depots and training facilities, have to support deploying units with people and equipment. The military is like a subsistence farmer who’s eating his seed corn — it works for awhile, but a reckoning is coming."

Well this is an issue of money, isn't it. It's an issue of whether Americans want higher taxes, higher debt, or better troop moral.
Now, the Republicans will complain Obama has taxes too high, they'll complain the debt is way too high AND they'll complain about troop moral.

What does it boil down to? It boils down to Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan and doing the job on the cheap and not getting the job in either Iraq or Afghanistan done in sufficient time, which means it rolled over to Obama who is then hit with the recession which lowered taxes coming in, increased spending going out, plus the wars on top which he's tried to deal with with more troops in Afghanistan and a pull out in Iraq, but this still puts strains on the debt and on taxes, and also means there is less money to spend on the military.

And he gets blamed for all things happening at the same time, but, and this is important, without Iraq, this wouldn't have been much of an issue in the first place.
Historians agree overwhelmingly that President Obama is the worse President in history:

Most Presidential Experts Agree: Obama is Worst President In History | Wizbang

While I am certainly not a historian, I certainly agree that on both the home front and on foreign policy, history will indeed record Obama as the worse President ever.

Read the link to your own article.... Tool bag

And that is while sitting... How are the right going to call him the worse president ever when your hate will have to focus on President Hillary Clinton

That is not my article. I posted three or four articles where the writers of the articles said Obama was the worst President ever. Answer all of them.
I thought you said he was the worse president?

Whatever. I also said I was an electrical engineer - not an English major. I hold a minor in mathematics - not English. I do realize though that you deem yourself far more educated than I.

Eye two am an Engineer

Butt we was expected to no English
As usual, the fact that conservatives are outraged at what Obama has acomplished shows that he did what he was elected to do

In terms of lasting accomplishments and conquering adversity, Obama is one of the best Presidents in modern times

you are delusional. You give him credit for destroying our economy, our culture, our international reputation, and our military, and you do that because he "accomplished what he was elected to do" ?

are you saying that americans voted for him because they wanted the country ruined?

once again, WTF is wrong with you?

Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?

doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?
you are delusional. You give him credit for destroying our economy, our culture, our international reputation, and our military, and you do that because he "accomplished what he was elected to do" ?

are you saying that americans voted for him because they wanted the country ruined?

once again, WTF is wrong with you?

Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?

doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations

ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
you are delusional. You give him credit for destroying our economy, our culture, our international reputation, and our military, and you do that because he "accomplished what he was elected to do" ?

are you saying that americans voted for him because they wanted the country ruined?

once again, WTF is wrong with you?

Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?

doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.

That isn't destroyed. I don't even know what you mean by "We are at pre WW2 levels", in what? Troop number, fish eaten?

Military moral is low? Meaning what? Meaning soldiers aren't afraid of being sent to Iraq and getting blown up, but are afraid of going to Afghanistan to be blown up?

But why is moral lower?


"According to the Military Times piece, satisfaction with pay and allowances declined from 87% to 44% from 2009 to 2014. Military pay has kept up with inflation and then some for the past several years. That’s not to say that military pay is a princely fortune, though it stacks up pretty well against the civilian world. "

So, moral over pay dropped, even though pay kept up with inflation and beyond. Hmm. Seems strange to me.

"Now that deployments have decreased, the worry is that morale is suffering for want of a mission. Service members complain about deployments, but they also complain when they don’t deploy."

Maybe a lot of the present military signed up when they knew they'd be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now there is less chance of this happening, are soldiers getting annoyed that they're not going?

"Today, units have to swap equipment just to deploy; new personnel go forward with inadequate training; and stateside support units, such as depots and training facilities, have to support deploying units with people and equipment. The military is like a subsistence farmer who’s eating his seed corn — it works for awhile, but a reckoning is coming."

Well this is an issue of money, isn't it. It's an issue of whether Americans want higher taxes, higher debt, or better troop moral.
Now, the Republicans will complain Obama has taxes too high, they'll complain the debt is way too high AND they'll complain about troop moral.

What does it boil down to? It boils down to Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan and doing the job on the cheap and not getting the job in either Iraq or Afghanistan done in sufficient time, which means it rolled over to Obama who is then hit with the recession which lowered taxes coming in, increased spending going out, plus the wars on top which he's tried to deal with with more troops in Afghanistan and a pull out in Iraq, but this still puts strains on the debt and on taxes, and also means there is less money to spend on the military.

And he gets blamed for all things happening at the same time, but, and this is important, without Iraq, this wouldn't have been much of an issue in the first place.

all presidents get blamed for what happens during their terms, thats the way it is. Deal with it.
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.
Don't worry, Obama. You won't hold the title for long. You took it from Bush, and now the rubes are working very hard to select someone even worse than you in 2016.

All part of the "lesser of two evils" devolution process.
Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?

doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations

ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.

I know he says that. but I actually disagree with him about this. when I was in college, my subspecialty was mid east politics and I remember, even then, in the 80's.... my favorite prof in my specialty said that the biggest problem of the 21st century was going to be jihadis.

he proved correct and that should probably be acknowledged, at least to the extent that we can say, not every muslim is a jihadi but every jihadi is a muslim.
So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.

I know he says that. but I actually disagree with him about this. when I was in college, my subspecialty was mid east politics and I remember, even then, in the 80's.... my favorite prof in my specialty said that the biggest problem of the 21st century was going to be jihadis.

he proved correct and that should probably be acknowledged, at least to the extent that we can say, not every muslim is a jihadi but every jihadi is a muslim.

I have no problem calling them Islamic Terrorist myself since 1979. But to pretend that the President hasn't explained the reason he doesn't is absurd.
Obama is clearly the worst president in history, and sorry libs, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.

His statements were wrong in all three cases. He blamed the police or GZ before any facts were known. He was wrong, he was trying to stir up shit-------and he did.

Whether you and obozo like it or not the radical murdering terrorists ARE affflilated with islam. Do you know what the I stands for in ISIS?

Obama either has his head up his ass or he wants the muslim radicals to succeed.

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