Obama = Worse President Ever

Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.

So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears
ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
Not really.....I have worked for DoD for almost 40 years.
They tend to be staunch conservatives. They hated Clinton too. They will worship any Repubican...even if he gets them killed for no reason

I too worked with and around DOD my entire working career. You are wrong when you say they worship republicans and hate democrats. What the military expects is a CIC who has their backs and makes sure they have everything they need to accomplish whatever mission he sends them on.

DOD liked Truman but not Nixon, so your entire theory is BS.

That was 50 years ago.......before anyone in today's military was born

so what? you make generalized claims and then back away from them. If you want to limit your claim to specific presidents, do it on the front end of the conversation.

I am still waiting for your proof thaty a majority of black soldiers "love" obama.
So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

Obama also said that increasing the national debt was a failure of presidential leadership. Shall we discuss his debt increases?
So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

why don't you post the quotes from both Clintons who called it necessary and that Saddam had to be removed before he used his WMDs?

They had the exact same intel that bush had, no one cooked the intel, it was simply wrong. Saddam fooled the entire world and died because of it.
No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

why don't you post the quotes from both Clintons who called it necessary and that Saddam had to be removed before he used his WMDs?

They had the exact same intel that bush had, no one cooked the intel, it was simply wrong. Saddam fooled the entire world and died because of it.
You can't reason with a Leftnutter.

Their media tells them lies and they gladly accept them.
"First, President Obama ranks 18th overall, but beneath the surface of the aggregate figures lurks evidence of significant ambivalence. For example, those who view Obama as one of the worst American presidents outnumber those who view him as one of the best by nearly a 3-1 margin. Similarly, nearly twice as many respondents view Obama as over-rated than do those who consider him under-rated. One area where there is significant expert consensus about the president, however, concerns how polarizing he is viewed as being - only George W. Bush was viewed as more a more polarizing president.

Next, Obama does not perform well on more specific dimensions of presidential greatness, often viewed as average or worse. For example, he is the midpoint in terms of both personal integrity and military skill (e.g., 10th of 19 in both categories), but falls to 11th when it comes to diplomatic skill and 13th with respect to legislative skill. Even so, when asked which president should be added as the fifth face of Mt Rushmore, Obama ties with James Madison as the 7th most popular choice.

What can we take away from this? First, it is easy to infer that scholars and the public alike expected greatness from Obama early on and awarded it to him prematurely. Compare, after all, the fact that Obama’s first ranking in a major greatness poll was at #15; one must go back a half-century to Lyndon Johnson to find a president who entered the rankings at a higher number (#10), and LBJ was a well-known figure on the national stage who entered office after the national tragedy of his predecessor’s assassination. Second, scholars seem to hold Barack Obama in high regard personally, but view his skills and performance as mediocre to poor. Few think of Obama as an excellent president, while many more rate his presidency quite low, with the bulk of experts appearing to give him a passing grade but not one that would get him on the Dean’s list."
Why the hell do Republicans keep harping about Obama?

He is not running again.

He is on his way out.

You are campaigning against a dead man ( figuratively ).

Whether you like it or not he IS the President and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

So suck it and shut the fuck up and talk about someone who matters.
"First, President Obama ranks 18th overall, but beneath the surface of the aggregate figures lurks evidence of significant ambivalence. For example, those who view Obama as one of the worst American presidents outnumber those who view him as one of the best by nearly a 3-1 margin. Similarly, nearly twice as many respondents view Obama as over-rated than do those who consider him under-rated. One area where there is significant expert consensus about the president, however, concerns how polarizing he is viewed as being - only George W. Bush was viewed as more a more polarizing president.

Next, Obama does not perform well on more specific dimensions of presidential greatness, often viewed as average or worse. For example, he is the midpoint in terms of both personal integrity and military skill (e.g., 10th of 19 in both categories), but falls to 11th when it comes to diplomatic skill and 13th with respect to legislative skill. Even so, when asked which president should be added as the fifth face of Mt Rushmore, Obama ties with James Madison as the 7th most popular choice.

What can we take away from this? First, it is easy to infer that scholars and the public alike expected greatness from Obama early on and awarded it to him prematurely. Compare, after all, the fact that Obama’s first ranking in a major greatness poll was at #15; one must go back a half-century to Lyndon Johnson to find a president who entered the rankings at a higher number (#10), and LBJ was a well-known figure on the national stage who entered office after the national tragedy of his predecessor’s assassination. Second, scholars seem to hold Barack Obama in high regard personally, but view his skills and performance as mediocre to poor. Few think of Obama as an excellent president, while many more rate his presidency quite low, with the bulk of experts appearing to give him a passing grade but not one that would get him on the Dean’s list."
Why the hell do Republicans keep harping about Obama?

He is not running again.

He is on his way out.

You are campaigning against a dead man ( figuratively ).

Whether you like it or not he IS the President and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

So suck it and shut the fuck up and talk about someone who matters.
It is silly to put a current President in a "best" or "worst" survey. A President can not be judged in that kind of competition until he has left office and his legacy, accomplishments and failures can be evaluated in a historical perspective.
"First, President Obama ranks 18th overall, but beneath the surface of the aggregate figures lurks evidence of significant ambivalence. For example, those who view Obama as one of the worst American presidents outnumber those who view him as one of the best by nearly a 3-1 margin. Similarly, nearly twice as many respondents view Obama as over-rated than do those who consider him under-rated. One area where there is significant expert consensus about the president, however, concerns how polarizing he is viewed as being - only George W. Bush was viewed as more a more polarizing president.

Next, Obama does not perform well on more specific dimensions of presidential greatness, often viewed as average or worse. For example, he is the midpoint in terms of both personal integrity and military skill (e.g., 10th of 19 in both categories), but falls to 11th when it comes to diplomatic skill and 13th with respect to legislative skill. Even so, when asked which president should be added as the fifth face of Mt Rushmore, Obama ties with James Madison as the 7th most popular choice.

What can we take away from this? First, it is easy to infer that scholars and the public alike expected greatness from Obama early on and awarded it to him prematurely. Compare, after all, the fact that Obama’s first ranking in a major greatness poll was at #15; one must go back a half-century to Lyndon Johnson to find a president who entered the rankings at a higher number (#10), and LBJ was a well-known figure on the national stage who entered office after the national tragedy of his predecessor’s assassination. Second, scholars seem to hold Barack Obama in high regard personally, but view his skills and performance as mediocre to poor. Few think of Obama as an excellent president, while many more rate his presidency quite low, with the bulk of experts appearing to give him a passing grade but not one that would get him on the Dean’s list."
Why the hell do Republicans keep harping about Obama?

He is not running again.

He is on his way out.

You are campaigning against a dead man ( figuratively ).

Whether you like it or not he IS the President and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

So suck it and shut the fuck up and talk about someone who matters.
It is silly to put a current President in a "best" or "worst" survey. A President can not be judged in that kind of competition until he has left office and his legacy, accomplishments and failures can be evaluated in a historical perspective.
I agree, except for Big Ears. He is clearly in the worst category and has one more year to go...to make it even worse.

If we really had a two party system and a functioning republic, he would have been impeached and removed long ago.
"First, President Obama ranks 18th overall, but beneath the surface of the aggregate figures lurks evidence of significant ambivalence. For example, those who view Obama as one of the worst American presidents outnumber those who view him as one of the best by nearly a 3-1 margin. Similarly, nearly twice as many respondents view Obama as over-rated than do those who consider him under-rated. One area where there is significant expert consensus about the president, however, concerns how polarizing he is viewed as being - only George W. Bush was viewed as more a more polarizing president.

Next, Obama does not perform well on more specific dimensions of presidential greatness, often viewed as average or worse. For example, he is the midpoint in terms of both personal integrity and military skill (e.g., 10th of 19 in both categories), but falls to 11th when it comes to diplomatic skill and 13th with respect to legislative skill. Even so, when asked which president should be added as the fifth face of Mt Rushmore, Obama ties with James Madison as the 7th most popular choice.

What can we take away from this? First, it is easy to infer that scholars and the public alike expected greatness from Obama early on and awarded it to him prematurely. Compare, after all, the fact that Obama’s first ranking in a major greatness poll was at #15; one must go back a half-century to Lyndon Johnson to find a president who entered the rankings at a higher number (#10), and LBJ was a well-known figure on the national stage who entered office after the national tragedy of his predecessor’s assassination. Second, scholars seem to hold Barack Obama in high regard personally, but view his skills and performance as mediocre to poor. Few think of Obama as an excellent president, while many more rate his presidency quite low, with the bulk of experts appearing to give him a passing grade but not one that would get him on the Dean’s list."
Why the hell do Republicans keep harping about Obama?

He is not running again.

He is on his way out.

You are campaigning against a dead man ( figuratively ).

Whether you like it or not he IS the President and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

So suck it and shut the fuck up and talk about someone who matters.

his failures are pointed out so that the country will not make a similar mistake next time. HRC would be an extension of obama policies coupled with the ravings of an angry lesbian.
"First, President Obama ranks 18th overall, but beneath the surface of the aggregate figures lurks evidence of significant ambivalence. For example, those who view Obama as one of the worst American presidents outnumber those who view him as one of the best by nearly a 3-1 margin. Similarly, nearly twice as many respondents view Obama as over-rated than do those who consider him under-rated. One area where there is significant expert consensus about the president, however, concerns how polarizing he is viewed as being - only George W. Bush was viewed as more a more polarizing president.

Next, Obama does not perform well on more specific dimensions of presidential greatness, often viewed as average or worse. For example, he is the midpoint in terms of both personal integrity and military skill (e.g., 10th of 19 in both categories), but falls to 11th when it comes to diplomatic skill and 13th with respect to legislative skill. Even so, when asked which president should be added as the fifth face of Mt Rushmore, Obama ties with James Madison as the 7th most popular choice.

What can we take away from this? First, it is easy to infer that scholars and the public alike expected greatness from Obama early on and awarded it to him prematurely. Compare, after all, the fact that Obama’s first ranking in a major greatness poll was at #15; one must go back a half-century to Lyndon Johnson to find a president who entered the rankings at a higher number (#10), and LBJ was a well-known figure on the national stage who entered office after the national tragedy of his predecessor’s assassination. Second, scholars seem to hold Barack Obama in high regard personally, but view his skills and performance as mediocre to poor. Few think of Obama as an excellent president, while many more rate his presidency quite low, with the bulk of experts appearing to give him a passing grade but not one that would get him on the Dean’s list."
Why the hell do Republicans keep harping about Obama?

He is not running again.

He is on his way out.

You are campaigning against a dead man ( figuratively ).

Whether you like it or not he IS the President and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

So suck it and shut the fuck up and talk about someone who matters.
It is silly to put a current President in a "best" or "worst" survey. A President can not be judged in that kind of competition until he has left office and his legacy, accomplishments and failures can be evaluated in a historical perspective.
I agree, except for Big Ears. He is clearly in the worst category and has one more year to go...to make it even worse.

If we really had a two party system and a functioning republic, he would have been impeached and removed long ago.
Well, of course, you make an exception for Obama. I happen to think it is too soon to even put Bush 43 into the pool. A time lapse of the following President's term(s) in office should be allowed to allow for that following term to influence the previous President's legacy and discount some of the pure emotion in answering such a poll. The polling actually remains contaminated until all the voters who voted for a particular President are excluded from the poll. That is kind of unreasonable, but the less contamination, the more accurate or at least fair the poll will be.
No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?
I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" The point is that both parties authorized and funded it, including both clintons.

your tired talking points are bullshit, and even you know it.
I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" The point is that both parties authorized and funded it, including both clintons.

your tired talking points are bullshit, and even you know it.
The difference is that Iraq was fabricated and pushed by the Bush administration. The difference is they doctored intelligence to release only information that supported the decision, they downplayed questions about the validity of the Intel and they wrapped the invasion I post 9-11 patriotic fervor to force it through Congress

Iraq was pushed by Republicans, almost unanimously approved by republicans and the invasion was ordered by Bush. Most Democrats voted against invasion

Republican revisionist history tries to apply equal blame.
my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" The point is that both parties authorized and funded it, including both clintons.

your tired talking points are bullshit, and even you know it.
The difference is that Iraq was fabricated and pushed by the Bush administration. The difference is they doctored intelligence to release only information that supported the decision, they downplayed questions about the validity of the Intel and they wrapped the invasion I post 9-11 patriotic fervor to force it through Congress

Iraq was pushed by Republicans, almost unanimously approved by republicans and the invasion was ordered by Bush. Most Democrats voted against invasion

Republican revisionist history tries to apply equal blame.

I fully understand that that is what you want to believe. But it is simply not true.

Yes, the intel was flawed. But it was not fabricated by Bush or anyone else. If anyone fabricated it it was Saddam.

The intel agencies of every country had the exact same intel and came to the exact same incorrect conclusions based on Saddam's lies.

The quotes from prominent dems at the time have been posted many times, they said exactly the same things that bush said and advocated the exact same actions.

I know you need this as a partisan weapon, but it is not working because you are lying about what really happened.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" The point is that both parties authorized and funded it, including both clintons.

your tired talking points are bullshit, and even you know it.
The difference is that Iraq was fabricated and pushed by the Bush administration. The difference is they doctored intelligence to release only information that supported the decision, they downplayed questions about the validity of the Intel and they wrapped the invasion I post 9-11 patriotic fervor to force it through Congress

Iraq was pushed by Republicans, almost unanimously approved by republicans and the invasion was ordered by Bush. Most Democrats voted against invasion

Republican revisionist history tries to apply equal blame.

I fully understand that that is what you want to believe. But it is simply not true.

Yes, the intel was flawed. But it was not fabricated by Bush or anyone else. If anyone fabricated it it was Saddam.

The intel agencies of every country had the exact same intel and came to the exact same incorrect conclusions based on Saddam's lies.

The quotes from prominent dems at the time have been posted many times, they said exactly the same things that bush said and advocated the exact same actions.

I know you need this as a partisan weapon, but it is not working because you are lying about what really happened.
The Intel of other countries told them to stay the hell out of Iraq and that Saddam was not a threat. France, Germany, Italy, Canada all knew better
Bush called them cowards

History will record Iraq as Bush's war.
Conservatives are already trying to share the blame
I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" The point is that both parties authorized and funded it, including both clintons.

your tired talking points are bullshit, and even you know it.
The difference is that Iraq was fabricated and pushed by the Bush administration. The difference is they doctored intelligence to release only information that supported the decision, they downplayed questions about the validity of the Intel and they wrapped the invasion I post 9-11 patriotic fervor to force it through Congress

Iraq was pushed by Republicans, almost unanimously approved by republicans and the invasion was ordered by Bush. Most Democrats voted against invasion

Republican revisionist history tries to apply equal blame.

I fully understand that that is what you want to believe. But it is simply not true.

Yes, the intel was flawed. But it was not fabricated by Bush or anyone else. If anyone fabricated it it was Saddam.

The intel agencies of every country had the exact same intel and came to the exact same incorrect conclusions based on Saddam's lies.

The quotes from prominent dems at the time have been posted many times, they said exactly the same things that bush said and advocated the exact same actions.

I know you need this as a partisan weapon, but it is not working because you are lying about what really happened.
The Intel of other countries told them to stay the hell out of Iraq and that Saddam was not a threat. France, Germany, Italy, Canada all knew better
Bush called them cowards

History will record Iraq as Bush's war.
Conservatives are already trying to share the blame

wrong. read and learn

Democrat Quotes on Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction
According to this he's the worst out of the top 18, on a list of 43...

I'm sure they could find him the worst on a list of one too.


nice try at bringing race into it. But his failures and incompetence have nothing to do with his being half black/half white.

But how about explaining why someone who is half white and half black is considered black in your small mind. Why isn't he just a human being? you libs are the most racist people in the world.

You ask why I brought race into it. Let's see. Maybe I was parodying.

Then you go off making comments about race, after just asking why people aren't just considered people.

The answer isn't actually that difficult. If you look at slavery, segregation, and the other fights that black people have had to endure of the history of the US, for a black person to make it to be president, in a country that simply would not have ever voted for a guy who even so much as looks black, to there being enough people in the US who don't think black people are inferior, shows a major change in US society.

society changed because society matured, not because the government dictated that it change.

today's racism is exclusively a product of the left. its a poorly veiled attempt to remain in power by creating racial chaos. Do you think idiots like Sharpton and Farrakhan want racial harmony? of course they dont, it would put them out of a job.

President Obama sure has a way of bringing out the racist and exposing them for what they are. Racist however did not change. Racist in 2008 are still racist in 2015, mostly.

knock it off. Bush was hated, Clinton was hated. not one of them for their freaking skin color. so take your racist and sit on it. Obama is hated for being one the coldest, uncaring person I've had to live under as President
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" The point is that both parties authorized and funded it, including both clintons.

your tired talking points are bullshit, and even you know it.
The difference is that Iraq was fabricated and pushed by the Bush administration. The difference is they doctored intelligence to release only information that supported the decision, they downplayed questions about the validity of the Intel and they wrapped the invasion I post 9-11 patriotic fervor to force it through Congress

Iraq was pushed by Republicans, almost unanimously approved by republicans and the invasion was ordered by Bush. Most Democrats voted against invasion

Republican revisionist history tries to apply equal blame.

I fully understand that that is what you want to believe. But it is simply not true.

Yes, the intel was flawed. But it was not fabricated by Bush or anyone else. If anyone fabricated it it was Saddam.

The intel agencies of every country had the exact same intel and came to the exact same incorrect conclusions based on Saddam's lies.

The quotes from prominent dems at the time have been posted many times, they said exactly the same things that bush said and advocated the exact same actions.

I know you need this as a partisan weapon, but it is not working because you are lying about what really happened.
The Intel of other countries told them to stay the hell out of Iraq and that Saddam was not a threat. France, Germany, Italy, Canada all knew better
Bush called them cowards

History will record Iraq as Bush's war.
Conservatives are already trying to share the blame

wrong. read and learn

Democrat Quotes on Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction

For some reason, you left out what Obama had to say about an Iraq invasion.....

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world.
I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
Why don't you post the quote from Obama where he called it a stupid war?

Obama knew what Bush didn't it appears

I called it a stupid war at the time, so did many conservatives and republicans. So you found one instance where I agree with obama----------------great, lets all dance around the may pole.
How many Republicans voted against the Iraq war?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" The point is that both parties authorized and funded it, including both clintons.

your tired talking points are bullshit, and even you know it.

Then again, who voted for the war knowing the "intel" was fake and who voted for it believing it was real? Does that not make a difference?

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