Obama = Worse President Ever

So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.

I know he says that. but I actually disagree with him about this. when I was in college, my subspecialty was mid east politics and I remember, even then, in the 80's.... my favorite prof in my specialty said that the biggest problem of the 21st century was going to be jihadis.

he proved correct and that should probably be acknowledged, at least to the extent that we can say, not every muslim is a jihadi but every jihadi is a muslim.

I never expected to agree with you on anything, amazing.
Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.

I know he says that. but I actually disagree with him about this. when I was in college, my subspecialty was mid east politics and I remember, even then, in the 80's.... my favorite prof in my specialty said that the biggest problem of the 21st century was going to be jihadis.

he proved correct and that should probably be acknowledged, at least to the extent that we can say, not every muslim is a jihadi but every jihadi is a muslim.

I have no problem calling them Islamic Terrorist myself since 1979. But to pretend that the President hasn't explained the reason he doesn't is absurd.

his explaination is foolish and/or naive.
doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations

ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
So despite Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty and all of his other sweeping federal laws, and despite his disastrous foreign policy,

you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

So despite GW Bush's disastrous Iraq war, and his disastrous fiscal policies, you think Obama has done worse things, in sum total?

Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.

His statements were wrong in all three cases. He blamed the police or GZ before any facts were known. He was wrong, he was trying to stir up shit-------and he did.

Whether you and obozo like it or not the radical murdering terrorists ARE affflilated with islam. Do you know what the I stands for in ISIS?

Obama either has his head up his ass or he wants the muslim radicals to succeed.

Please post the quote where he blames GZ or the police,

So then you do know why he doesn't use that term.
Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations

ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
Not really.....I have worked for DoD for almost 40 years.
They tend to be staunch conservatives. They hated Clinton too. They will worship any Repubican...even if he gets them killed for no reason
Interesting thoughts...other than hyperbole, can you identify how exactly these things are "destroyed"?

Do you know what destroyed means?

doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.

That isn't destroyed. I don't even know what you mean by "We are at pre WW2 levels", in what? Troop number, fish eaten?

Military moral is low? Meaning what? Meaning soldiers aren't afraid of being sent to Iraq and getting blown up, but are afraid of going to Afghanistan to be blown up?

But why is moral lower?


"According to the Military Times piece, satisfaction with pay and allowances declined from 87% to 44% from 2009 to 2014. Military pay has kept up with inflation and then some for the past several years. That’s not to say that military pay is a princely fortune, though it stacks up pretty well against the civilian world. "

So, moral over pay dropped, even though pay kept up with inflation and beyond. Hmm. Seems strange to me.

"Now that deployments have decreased, the worry is that morale is suffering for want of a mission. Service members complain about deployments, but they also complain when they don’t deploy."

Maybe a lot of the present military signed up when they knew they'd be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now there is less chance of this happening, are soldiers getting annoyed that they're not going?

"Today, units have to swap equipment just to deploy; new personnel go forward with inadequate training; and stateside support units, such as depots and training facilities, have to support deploying units with people and equipment. The military is like a subsistence farmer who’s eating his seed corn — it works for awhile, but a reckoning is coming."

Well this is an issue of money, isn't it. It's an issue of whether Americans want higher taxes, higher debt, or better troop moral.
Now, the Republicans will complain Obama has taxes too high, they'll complain the debt is way too high AND they'll complain about troop moral.

What does it boil down to? It boils down to Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan and doing the job on the cheap and not getting the job in either Iraq or Afghanistan done in sufficient time, which means it rolled over to Obama who is then hit with the recession which lowered taxes coming in, increased spending going out, plus the wars on top which he's tried to deal with with more troops in Afghanistan and a pull out in Iraq, but this still puts strains on the debt and on taxes, and also means there is less money to spend on the military.

And he gets blamed for all things happening at the same time, but, and this is important, without Iraq, this wouldn't have been much of an issue in the first place.

all presidents get blamed for what happens during their terms, thats the way it is. Deal with it.

Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.
Yes, I do. This nation has never been as divided as it is today. Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960s. Police are being demonized by the president. His policies allowed the creation of ISIS. He has doubled the national debt. Yes, worst president in history is appropriate.

that's probably because you bigoted losers have been in meltdown since you got a black president.

but, like there is nothing a person can do to "cause" someone else to abuse that person, the "division" is beacause of the ranting raving bigoted wingers.

so there ya go.

wrong again, idiot. Do you remember what obozo said about the cambridge incident? Ferguson, Trayvon? His comments were not only untrue but very divisive.

Why won't he use the words "radical muslim terrorists" ? Why won't he say those words?

Yeah I do remember. His words were mostly true and not at all divisive.

How many times does he have to explained he doesn't believe the terrorist scumbags deserves to be affiliated with any religion.

His statements were wrong in all three cases. He blamed the police or GZ before any facts were known. He was wrong, he was trying to stir up shit-------and he did.

Whether you and obozo like it or not the radical murdering terrorists ARE affflilated with islam. Do you know what the I stands for in ISIS?

Obama either has his head up his ass or he wants the muslim radicals to succeed.

Please post the quote where he blames GZ or the police,

So then you do know why he doesn't use that term.

"the cambridge police acted stupidly"
"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon"
"the Ferguson cop shot an innocent black teen"

So you agree that he wants the radical muslims to succeed? But yet you continue to support a president whose only qualification was passing our leaflets in the inner city of chicago?
doubled the national debt
military at pre WW2 levels
more on welfare than ever before
more on food stamps than ever before
national monuments being removed for PC
gay marriage
longest period of high unemployment in history
obamacare lies
benghazi lies
boys in girls locker rooms
put radical muslims in charge in Libya and Egypt
dumped on Israel
made Putin a world leader
allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons
the Bergdahl trade

nothing this guys has done has helped this country.

you can like and worship him if you want, intelligent people know better.

Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.

That isn't destroyed. I don't even know what you mean by "We are at pre WW2 levels", in what? Troop number, fish eaten?

Military moral is low? Meaning what? Meaning soldiers aren't afraid of being sent to Iraq and getting blown up, but are afraid of going to Afghanistan to be blown up?

But why is moral lower?


"According to the Military Times piece, satisfaction with pay and allowances declined from 87% to 44% from 2009 to 2014. Military pay has kept up with inflation and then some for the past several years. That’s not to say that military pay is a princely fortune, though it stacks up pretty well against the civilian world. "

So, moral over pay dropped, even though pay kept up with inflation and beyond. Hmm. Seems strange to me.

"Now that deployments have decreased, the worry is that morale is suffering for want of a mission. Service members complain about deployments, but they also complain when they don’t deploy."

Maybe a lot of the present military signed up when they knew they'd be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now there is less chance of this happening, are soldiers getting annoyed that they're not going?

"Today, units have to swap equipment just to deploy; new personnel go forward with inadequate training; and stateside support units, such as depots and training facilities, have to support deploying units with people and equipment. The military is like a subsistence farmer who’s eating his seed corn — it works for awhile, but a reckoning is coming."

Well this is an issue of money, isn't it. It's an issue of whether Americans want higher taxes, higher debt, or better troop moral.
Now, the Republicans will complain Obama has taxes too high, they'll complain the debt is way too high AND they'll complain about troop moral.

What does it boil down to? It boils down to Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan and doing the job on the cheap and not getting the job in either Iraq or Afghanistan done in sufficient time, which means it rolled over to Obama who is then hit with the recession which lowered taxes coming in, increased spending going out, plus the wars on top which he's tried to deal with with more troops in Afghanistan and a pull out in Iraq, but this still puts strains on the debt and on taxes, and also means there is less money to spend on the military.

And he gets blamed for all things happening at the same time, but, and this is important, without Iraq, this wouldn't have been much of an issue in the first place.

all presidents get blamed for what happens during their terms, thats the way it is. Deal with it.

Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.

So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?
We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations

ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
Not really.....I have worked for DoD for almost 40 years.
They tend to be staunch conservatives. They hated Clinton too. They will worship any Repubican...even if he gets them killed for no reason

I too worked with and around DOD my entire working career. You are wrong when you say they worship republicans and hate democrats. What the military expects is a CIC who has their backs and makes sure they have everything they need to accomplish whatever mission he sends them on.

DOD liked Truman but not Nixon, so your entire theory is BS.
Again I ask....do you know what destroyed means?

Lets start with you telling us how the military was destroyed
Our military is larger than the next 14 nations combined....how is that destroyed?

We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.

That isn't destroyed. I don't even know what you mean by "We are at pre WW2 levels", in what? Troop number, fish eaten?

Military moral is low? Meaning what? Meaning soldiers aren't afraid of being sent to Iraq and getting blown up, but are afraid of going to Afghanistan to be blown up?

But why is moral lower?


"According to the Military Times piece, satisfaction with pay and allowances declined from 87% to 44% from 2009 to 2014. Military pay has kept up with inflation and then some for the past several years. That’s not to say that military pay is a princely fortune, though it stacks up pretty well against the civilian world. "

So, moral over pay dropped, even though pay kept up with inflation and beyond. Hmm. Seems strange to me.

"Now that deployments have decreased, the worry is that morale is suffering for want of a mission. Service members complain about deployments, but they also complain when they don’t deploy."

Maybe a lot of the present military signed up when they knew they'd be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now there is less chance of this happening, are soldiers getting annoyed that they're not going?

"Today, units have to swap equipment just to deploy; new personnel go forward with inadequate training; and stateside support units, such as depots and training facilities, have to support deploying units with people and equipment. The military is like a subsistence farmer who’s eating his seed corn — it works for awhile, but a reckoning is coming."

Well this is an issue of money, isn't it. It's an issue of whether Americans want higher taxes, higher debt, or better troop moral.
Now, the Republicans will complain Obama has taxes too high, they'll complain the debt is way too high AND they'll complain about troop moral.

What does it boil down to? It boils down to Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan and doing the job on the cheap and not getting the job in either Iraq or Afghanistan done in sufficient time, which means it rolled over to Obama who is then hit with the recession which lowered taxes coming in, increased spending going out, plus the wars on top which he's tried to deal with with more troops in Afghanistan and a pull out in Iraq, but this still puts strains on the debt and on taxes, and also means there is less money to spend on the military.

And he gets blamed for all things happening at the same time, but, and this is important, without Iraq, this wouldn't have been much of an issue in the first place.

all presidents get blamed for what happens during their terms, thats the way it is. Deal with it.

Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.

So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.
We are at pre WW2 levels, military morale is low under this CIC.

That isn't destroyed. I don't even know what you mean by "We are at pre WW2 levels", in what? Troop number, fish eaten?

Military moral is low? Meaning what? Meaning soldiers aren't afraid of being sent to Iraq and getting blown up, but are afraid of going to Afghanistan to be blown up?

But why is moral lower?


"According to the Military Times piece, satisfaction with pay and allowances declined from 87% to 44% from 2009 to 2014. Military pay has kept up with inflation and then some for the past several years. That’s not to say that military pay is a princely fortune, though it stacks up pretty well against the civilian world. "

So, moral over pay dropped, even though pay kept up with inflation and beyond. Hmm. Seems strange to me.

"Now that deployments have decreased, the worry is that morale is suffering for want of a mission. Service members complain about deployments, but they also complain when they don’t deploy."

Maybe a lot of the present military signed up when they knew they'd be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now there is less chance of this happening, are soldiers getting annoyed that they're not going?

"Today, units have to swap equipment just to deploy; new personnel go forward with inadequate training; and stateside support units, such as depots and training facilities, have to support deploying units with people and equipment. The military is like a subsistence farmer who’s eating his seed corn — it works for awhile, but a reckoning is coming."

Well this is an issue of money, isn't it. It's an issue of whether Americans want higher taxes, higher debt, or better troop moral.
Now, the Republicans will complain Obama has taxes too high, they'll complain the debt is way too high AND they'll complain about troop moral.

What does it boil down to? It boils down to Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan and doing the job on the cheap and not getting the job in either Iraq or Afghanistan done in sufficient time, which means it rolled over to Obama who is then hit with the recession which lowered taxes coming in, increased spending going out, plus the wars on top which he's tried to deal with with more troops in Afghanistan and a pull out in Iraq, but this still puts strains on the debt and on taxes, and also means there is less money to spend on the military.

And he gets blamed for all things happening at the same time, but, and this is important, without Iraq, this wouldn't have been much of an issue in the first place.

all presidents get blamed for what happens during their terms, thats the way it is. Deal with it.

Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.

So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations

ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
Not really.....I have worked for DoD for almost 40 years.
They tend to be staunch conservatives. They hated Clinton too. They will worship any Repubican...even if he gets them killed for no reason

I too worked with and around DOD my entire working career. You are wrong when you say they worship republicans and hate democrats. What the military expects is a CIC who has their backs and makes sure they have everything they need to accomplish whatever mission he sends them on.

DOD liked Truman but not Nixon, so your entire theory is BS.

Bush gave them what? War? Insufficient equipment?

GIs Lack Armor, Radios, Bullets

October 31st 2004

"Two weeks ago, a group of Army reservists in Iraq refused a direct order to go on a dangerous operation to re-supply another unit with jet fuel.

Without helicopter gunships to escort them over a treacherous stretch of highway, and lacking armored vehicles, soldiers from the 343rd Quartermaster Company called it a suicide mission.

The Army called it an isolated incident, a temporary breakdown in discipline, and an investigation is underway.

But the 343rd isn't the first outfit to be put in harm's way without proper equipment, and commanders in Iraq acknowledged that the unit's concerns were legitimate, even if their mutiny was not.

With a $400 billion defense budget you might think U.S. troops have everything they need to fight the war, but that's not always the case."

"Lacking the proper steel plating to protect soldiers from enemy mines and rocket propelled grenades, they had been jerry-rigged with plywood and sandbags.

"They were called cardboard coffins," Preston says.

There have been more than 9,000 U.S. casualties in Iraq so far – more than 8,100 wounded and 1,100 killed. Nearly half of those casualties are the result of roadside bombs, known as improvised explosive devices or IEDs in military jargon. Yet the U.S. military still lacks thousands of fully armored vehicles that could save American lives."

Yeah, lets cut costs, not enough troops, not good enough equipment, not good enough brains at the top running the show, Bremer, Bush, etc.

And then you blame Obama for the same thing...... hmmmmm.
That isn't destroyed. I don't even know what you mean by "We are at pre WW2 levels", in what? Troop number, fish eaten?

Military moral is low? Meaning what? Meaning soldiers aren't afraid of being sent to Iraq and getting blown up, but are afraid of going to Afghanistan to be blown up?

But why is moral lower?


"According to the Military Times piece, satisfaction with pay and allowances declined from 87% to 44% from 2009 to 2014. Military pay has kept up with inflation and then some for the past several years. That’s not to say that military pay is a princely fortune, though it stacks up pretty well against the civilian world. "

So, moral over pay dropped, even though pay kept up with inflation and beyond. Hmm. Seems strange to me.

"Now that deployments have decreased, the worry is that morale is suffering for want of a mission. Service members complain about deployments, but they also complain when they don’t deploy."

Maybe a lot of the present military signed up when they knew they'd be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now there is less chance of this happening, are soldiers getting annoyed that they're not going?

"Today, units have to swap equipment just to deploy; new personnel go forward with inadequate training; and stateside support units, such as depots and training facilities, have to support deploying units with people and equipment. The military is like a subsistence farmer who’s eating his seed corn — it works for awhile, but a reckoning is coming."

Well this is an issue of money, isn't it. It's an issue of whether Americans want higher taxes, higher debt, or better troop moral.
Now, the Republicans will complain Obama has taxes too high, they'll complain the debt is way too high AND they'll complain about troop moral.

What does it boil down to? It boils down to Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan and doing the job on the cheap and not getting the job in either Iraq or Afghanistan done in sufficient time, which means it rolled over to Obama who is then hit with the recession which lowered taxes coming in, increased spending going out, plus the wars on top which he's tried to deal with with more troops in Afghanistan and a pull out in Iraq, but this still puts strains on the debt and on taxes, and also means there is less money to spend on the military.

And he gets blamed for all things happening at the same time, but, and this is important, without Iraq, this wouldn't have been much of an issue in the first place.

all presidents get blamed for what happens during their terms, thats the way it is. Deal with it.

Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.

So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.
all presidents get blamed for what happens during their terms, thats the way it is. Deal with it.

Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.

So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.
ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
Not really.....I have worked for DoD for almost 40 years.
They tend to be staunch conservatives. They hated Clinton too. They will worship any Repubican...even if he gets them killed for no reason

I too worked with and around DOD my entire working career. You are wrong when you say they worship republicans and hate democrats. What the military expects is a CIC who has their backs and makes sure they have everything they need to accomplish whatever mission he sends them on.

DOD liked Truman but not Nixon, so your entire theory is BS.

Bush gave them what? War? Insufficient equipment?

GIs Lack Armor, Radios, Bullets

October 31st 2004

"Two weeks ago, a group of Army reservists in Iraq refused a direct order to go on a dangerous operation to re-supply another unit with jet fuel.

Without helicopter gunships to escort them over a treacherous stretch of highway, and lacking armored vehicles, soldiers from the 343rd Quartermaster Company called it a suicide mission.

The Army called it an isolated incident, a temporary breakdown in discipline, and an investigation is underway.

But the 343rd isn't the first outfit to be put in harm's way without proper equipment, and commanders in Iraq acknowledged that the unit's concerns were legitimate, even if their mutiny was not.

With a $400 billion defense budget you might think U.S. troops have everything they need to fight the war, but that's not always the case."

"Lacking the proper steel plating to protect soldiers from enemy mines and rocket propelled grenades, they had been jerry-rigged with plywood and sandbags.

"They were called cardboard coffins," Preston says.

There have been more than 9,000 U.S. casualties in Iraq so far – more than 8,100 wounded and 1,100 killed. Nearly half of those casualties are the result of roadside bombs, known as improvised explosive devices or IEDs in military jargon. Yet the U.S. military still lacks thousands of fully armored vehicles that could save American lives."

Yeah, lets cut costs, not enough troops, not good enough equipment, not good enough brains at the top running the show, Bremer, Bush, etc.

And then you blame Obama for the same thing...... hmmmmm.

Uhhhh, 60 minutes, Steve Croft-------------------come on.
Sure they do, but then the voters generally don't have a clue what's going on with their presidents. They expect them to be able to move mountains, and get disappointed every time.

So are you finally admitting that obama has been a disappointment?

No, not at all.

I was in Austria working when Obama got elected. I was asked what would change (the whole "hope" lark) and I said nothing would change. I understand US politics, I understand what the president can't do.

So my expectations weren't anything to start with. I would never have many expectations of any president at all.

Where Obama has done well is drawing back from the whole "war on terror" thing. Where he's done badly is to go into Libya, putting troops in Syria and all of that. A contradiction, he's done better than Bush. What more do you want?

At home he's changed the medial system slightly, it might go somewhere it needs to go, but doubtful, but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was mostly meaningless in reality.

Was Bush a disappointment for the right? No. He probably exceeded expectations for some.

Not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs, but he managed to make another global war to keep the allies together, like they were in the Cold War, he managed to make an excuse for higher military spending, he make an excuse for war, who doesn't like war? (Putin's popularity has gone through the roof AGAIN, like in the Crimea, Georgia and so on, every time he goes to war the Russian people love him).

What more could you want?

But people on the left see things differently.

I think you have your presidents mixed up, the aid blow job president was bubba clinton.

Bush made some mistakes, they all do. But there is a difference between mistakes and intentional actions done to harm the country. I truly believe that obama is the first US president who does not like this country, its history, its culture, its constitution, is freedoms, and what it stands for in the world.

I think you have your language mixed up. "not only did he not get an AID to give him blow jobs,"

I was referring to Clinton, I was saying Bush DIDN'T get blow jobs and that the right were happy about this.

Bush made some mistakes? Fuck me, he made too many, too frequently, on the important things. Like the DISASTER of a mission into Iraq.

Look at the mess the world is in because of that.

my mistake.

I agree that Iraq was a stupid mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco. The quotes from prominent democrats at the time have been posted many times. Both clintons said exactly the same things that Bush said based on the exact same flawed intel. So did the UN, EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, France, Germany, et al.

To put the blame solely on Bush is partisan stupidity and can only be done after ignoring history.

No, Bush didn't do it on his own. Congress backed him, which doesn't say much about politics in Washington much, however the US people backed him. One big BIG problem with US politics is if you can make something popular, the politicians will drop their support for it in a minute, they popularity whores.

They got such popular support for the Iraq War by building it up. Not only with "evidence" they knew was dodgy as hell.

However, even the Iraq War wasn't the worst thing he did. I deliberately didn't say the Iraq War. That was a success, more or less. The Iraqis would probably have forgiven Bush had he not had a terminal fuck up moment when Bremer went to him, after it had been agreed two people would run Iraq, and asked Bush for the sole responsibility, and Bush, without consulting anyone with a brain, or anyone who had been in on the decision making, and gave it all to Bremer, who then went straight away and dissolved the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces.

So, Bush had Bremer's help in fucking it all up. But it points to Bush and his team (mostly his team) not having a great post war policy in the first place. Which was a disaster in itself. They just expected US troops to be liberators, they just expected everyone to get on with life as it is in the US, they expected and assumed and didn't know diddly squat about what they were doing, and they fucked it up so hard it came out of the mouth and went to the moon.

The flawed intel is a joke. Bush's team went and got intel that did what they wanted it to. They KNEW it was dodgy, they didn't care, they passed it to Congress and passed it off as real intel, and they knew all along it was fake.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
Not really.....I have worked for DoD for almost 40 years.
They tend to be staunch conservatives. They hated Clinton too. They will worship any Repubican...even if he gets them killed for no reason

I too worked with and around DOD my entire working career. You are wrong when you say they worship republicans and hate democrats. What the military expects is a CIC who has their backs and makes sure they have everything they need to accomplish whatever mission he sends them on.

DOD liked Truman but not Nixon, so your entire theory is BS.

Bush gave them what? War? Insufficient equipment?

GIs Lack Armor, Radios, Bullets

October 31st 2004

"Two weeks ago, a group of Army reservists in Iraq refused a direct order to go on a dangerous operation to re-supply another unit with jet fuel.

Without helicopter gunships to escort them over a treacherous stretch of highway, and lacking armored vehicles, soldiers from the 343rd Quartermaster Company called it a suicide mission.

The Army called it an isolated incident, a temporary breakdown in discipline, and an investigation is underway.

But the 343rd isn't the first outfit to be put in harm's way without proper equipment, and commanders in Iraq acknowledged that the unit's concerns were legitimate, even if their mutiny was not.

With a $400 billion defense budget you might think U.S. troops have everything they need to fight the war, but that's not always the case."

"Lacking the proper steel plating to protect soldiers from enemy mines and rocket propelled grenades, they had been jerry-rigged with plywood and sandbags.

"They were called cardboard coffins," Preston says.

There have been more than 9,000 U.S. casualties in Iraq so far – more than 8,100 wounded and 1,100 killed. Nearly half of those casualties are the result of roadside bombs, known as improvised explosive devices or IEDs in military jargon. Yet the U.S. military still lacks thousands of fully armored vehicles that could save American lives."

Yeah, lets cut costs, not enough troops, not good enough equipment, not good enough brains at the top running the show, Bremer, Bush, etc.

And then you blame Obama for the same thing...... hmmmmm.

Uhhhh, 60 minutes, Steve Croft-------------------come on.

I could get evidence from 1000 sources. It's not hard. I picked the first that came along, my internet is SHIT. Get over it. I'm suffering more than you.
Do you know what our pre WWII levels were? We were the 17th largest military force in the world. Today, we are more powerful than the next 14 countries combined

If you think the number of bodies in uniform determines how strong a military you have, you are dumber than I thought

You want low morale......look at the morale when Bush extended deployment time in Iraq and put the troops on continuous rotations

ask anyone currently serving in the military if they prefered Bush or Obama. Do it, then report back to us.
I work with the military every day

They hate Obama not because of anything he did but because he is a democrat
Black soldiers love him though

you really suck at generalities don't you? They hate him because he does not have their backs. I would like to see your proof that a majority of black soldiers "love" him.
Not really.....I have worked for DoD for almost 40 years.
They tend to be staunch conservatives. They hated Clinton too. They will worship any Repubican...even if he gets them killed for no reason

I too worked with and around DOD my entire working career. You are wrong when you say they worship republicans and hate democrats. What the military expects is a CIC who has their backs and makes sure they have everything they need to accomplish whatever mission he sends them on.

DOD liked Truman but not Nixon, so your entire theory is BS.

That was 50 years ago.......before anyone in today's military was born

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