Obama, Worst president in history, bar none.

Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

Obl is dead
GM is alive
Unemployment is down
The Stock market is up
And gas is about 2 buck a gallon.

Thank you Mr. President.
Which president can claim longest stock market winning streak?

The total return on the S&P 500, including dividends, was 11.96 percent for 2016, the eighth straight calendar year of positive returns since the crash of 2008 and 2009.

That means the S&P 500 produced a positive return during all eight years of President Obama’s administration.

An investment in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 2009 would have almost tripled by the end of 2016, increasing over 293 percent.

No other president in our history can claim a longer winning streak. Presidents Reagan and Clinton came the closest: The S&P 500 produced positive returns in seven of the eight years of their administrations.

(Thanks Obama!)

BTW, have you ever heard of "quantitative easing"?
Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.

OK, as you wish...........but here, let me inform you of something---------> do you know what baseline budgeting is? If you do know, and how it works, then you are fabricating an argument because it was all Obama........unless you want to discount to Bush the year Obama took over. Washington under both political entities are awful, and want to pass the blame.

Let me give you my assessment, and if you agree mostly, no need to argue, if not, then we can agree to disagree------------>

1. Carter----------> not good, screwed up most everything, was a victim of his own policies.

2. Reagan--------> good, managed to put the USSR out of business, which helped the budget down the road, but now that help has gone away.

3. HW-------------> Not good, was neither a conservative or liberal, and they both cleaned his clock. He was just a place holder who did a terrible job.

4. Clinton--------> I do not care how it happened if Clinton did it, or Gingrich did it, we need more times like these.

5. GW/Obama---> These 16 years will be looked upon as an era. Both of these Presidents did not do what was needed, but what was politically expedient. Their collective incompetence has put us in the position we are in yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Bush would NOT fight the far left about Fannie and Freddie, and Obama would NOT allow congress to make/rescind laws, instead, he knew better and ruled by EOs.

CONCLUSION---------> As we look back in history, we were taught because time passed and we were far removed from that time, that Presidents like Hoover, and Wilson, were not all they were cracked up to be, and in fact, may have been terrible. (along with a few other Presidents I might add)

Bush (both) and Obama are obviously still alive, so the honesty of their legacy will not be put forth until they are long gone, probably long after we to are gone, if our nation survives. Good Presidencies, are NOT party specific, even though we citizens are told that in the time that it is happening. You would have to be a real partisan fool to take GW over Clinton, Obama over Reagan, or Ford over Kennedy. Notice that they are NOT party specific.

And so, I come back to the theme that............party does NOT make a good President, the person does! And that.............both GW and Obama will go down together in history, as time in America when all of us.... Democrats and Republicans, collectively lost our way. Not that the other party alternative was better mind you, but that we as thinking individuals, nominated those 2 goofs to lead our country, and the other side nominated probably someone worse.

We might be saying the same thing about Trump and Hilly! Only time will tell, and I am optimistic. Why? Because we escaped the Bush-Clinton paradigm that to many wanted, and we went left, and now we go right. After that, we will really make the choice for the future!
I mostly agree with what you laid out, I would add that there were moves made In the 80s and 90s that contributed to the housing crash in 2008. But there were also tremendous economic gains during those times. Politics is a slow moving machine and sometimes the effects of policies aren't realized until years or even decades down the line. This is why the ignorant claim the Obama double the national debt is simplistic and false.
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Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.
Did Obama not double the debt? Link?
No he did not double the debt... The debt double during his term... There is a big difference. Do I really need to explain, AGAIN, why??
Oh, ok...so Obama did double the debt...thanks....
Are you slow?
You confirmed Obama doubled the debt...we're cool....
I confirmed you are an idiot with a reading comprehension problem. Move along, this topic is over your head
Did Obama not double the debt? Link?
No he did not double the debt... The debt double during his term... There is a big difference. Do I really need to explain, AGAIN, why??
Oh, ok...so Obama did double the debt...thanks....
Are you slow?
You confirmed Obama doubled the debt...we're cool....
I confirmed you are an idiot with a reading comprehension problem. Move along, this topic is over your head
No, really...your confirmation that Obama doubled the debt is greatly appreciated!!!!
Reagan--------> good, managed to put the USSR out of business, which helped the budget down the road, but now that help has gone away.
St Ronnie nearly TRIPLED the debt and turned this great nation from a creditor nation to a debtor nation that we have never recovered from.
Pulled us out of Iraq and backed off afghan.

We no longer have all these troops killed in combat .
Reagan--------> good, managed to put the USSR out of business, which helped the budget down the road, but now that help has gone away.
St Ronnie nearly TRIPLED the debt and turned this great nation from a creditor nation to a debtor nation that we have never recovered from.
It's for you....

I have two semesters of economics so usually stay out of economic conversation, seems we just mostly go with the flow and then switch party every 8 years.so no party seems to have all the right answers.
Reagan--------> good, managed to put the USSR out of business, which helped the budget down the road, but now that help has gone away.
St Ronnie nearly TRIPLED the debt and turned this great nation from a creditor nation to a debtor nation that we have never recovered from.
and bush doubled it ,,,, these repubs have their panties all wet over the wrong guy
Which president can claim longest stock market winning streak?

The total return on the S&P 500, including dividends, was 11.96 percent for 2016, the eighth straight calendar year of positive returns since the crash of 2008 and 2009.

That means the S&P 500 produced a positive return during all eight years of President Obama’s administration.

An investment in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 2009 would have almost tripled by the end of 2016, increasing over 293 percent.

No other president in our history can claim a longer winning streak. Presidents Reagan and Clinton came the closest: The S&P 500 produced positive returns in seven of the eight years of their administrations.

(Thanks Obama!)
Obama, a President for the RICH! :badgrin:

The middle class don't invest?

The middle class don't have retirement accounts?

Obama did, and Republicans fought for an increase in minimum wage eight time during his Presidency.
I have two semesters of economics so usually stay out of economic conversation, seems we just mostly go with the flow and then switch party every 8 years.so no party seems to have all the right answers.
I must agree BUT one party has mostly the wrong answers the ones that devastate america And we call them republicans

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Bush created ISIS.

A brief history of ISIS

You're an ignorant douche. In your link --

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was the name of the group when it captured Mosul in 2014 and became the terrorist juggernaut it is today. They named themselves that to assert their dominance in Syria (more on that later).

ISIS didn't even exist until the Lying Cocksucker was in Office. But Bush created them, huh?

Yes, they were the leftover, displaced Sunni minority that survived the Iraq Invasion. Buth the only reason they survived is because Turkey wouldn't let us bring the 4th Division through Turkey to hit the Iraqis from the North and destroy or Capture teh Iraqi Republican Guard -- 99.9% Sunni.

So they escaped and went into hiding.

We had them mopped up. It was over. Petraeus saw to that. Then the Lying Cocksucker took over and pulled the Troops out, even tough he was warned by all the Generals and Bush himself. He did it anyway.

And we were presented with ISIS

You're an imbecile. I mean it. You really are a totally and completely stupid piece of shit.

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. When U.S. administrators, under Paul Bremer, decided to "de-Baathify" the Iraqi civil and military services, hundreds of thousands of Sunnis formerly loyal to Saddam Hussein were left without a job — and they were mad. Al Qaeda chose to capitalize on their anger and established al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) to wage an insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq (Saddam was secular, but his intelligence and military supporters were able to make common cause with the jihadis of al Qaeda).

Apology accepted.
Which president can claim longest stock market winning streak?

The total return on the S&P 500, including dividends, was 11.96 percent for 2016, the eighth straight calendar year of positive returns since the crash of 2008 and 2009.

That means the S&P 500 produced a positive return during all eight years of President Obama’s administration.

An investment in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 2009 would have almost tripled by the end of 2016, increasing over 293 percent.

No other president in our history can claim a longer winning streak. Presidents Reagan and Clinton came the closest: The S&P 500 produced positive returns in seven of the eight years of their administrations.

(Thanks Obama!)
Obama, a President for the RICH! :badgrin:

The middle class don't invest?

The middle class don't have retirement accounts?

Obama did, and Republicans fought for an increase in minimum wage eight time during his Presidency.
8 times?? I must have been sleeping I thought they were dead set against raising min pay They are always dead set against anything for the average working stiff EXCEPT at election time
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag

The GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year, and is not 24 trillion now,. This is just a lie to muddy the waters and hide the fact that Bush DID double the GOP National Debt from 6 trillion to 12 trillion.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2015

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75

The national debt is caused by deregulation as was the economic crash of 2008.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

Obl is dead
GM is alive
Unemployment is down
The Stock market is up
And gas is about 2 buck a gallon.

Thank you Mr. President.
Republicans in their hate for Obama are fos up to their ears Think chump will have 76 straight months of job gains a 4.6 unemployment record ??? Yeah,,,when pigs and palin fly

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