Obama, Worst president in history, bar none.

According to THE United States Treasury --
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The total debt when the Lying Cocksucker took Office was, 10,628,881,485,510.23
As of Friday, Jan 13, 2017 it is 19,940,614,376,504.40
You're either stupid or a liar. Or a dimocrap.
Which means you're both
Or you are worthless lying scum pretending to be too dumb to know when fiscal years run.
TRILLIONS were spent by the Lying Cocksucker between Jan 2009 and the end of the Fiscal year. Trillions.
YOUR own earlier link admitted it was only $203 billion.
Try again.

From YOUR link:
"To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we've shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added -- at most -- $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office,"

Learn to read...... "HIS spending initiatives"

It doesn't matter who appropriated the money (bailouts, stimuli, etc were appropriated by Bush and a dimocrap House and Senate) -- HE FUCKING SPENT IT.


end of story, little girl
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
Why do you all love so much to make shit up and then toss around the lies like they are a football? Does it make you feel powerful or something?

Ask Trump. He figured out what these trained seals wanted to hear and said it over and over again. Worked!
TRILLIONS were spent by the Lying Cocksucker between Jan 2009 and the end of the Fiscal year. Trillions.
YOUR own earlier link admitted it was only $203 billion.
Try again.

From YOUR link:
"To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we've shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added -- at most -- $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office,"
Learn to read...... "HIS spending initiatives"
It doesn't matter who appropriated the money (bailouts, stimuli, etc were appropriated by Bush and a dimocrap House and Senate) -- HE FUCKING SPENT IT.
end of story, little girl
Yeah, Obama's spending initiatives spent $203 billion at most according to YOUR own link, not the "TRILLIONS" you lied about.
So at the end of a president's term, who should judge the ex-president?
Who should judge the ex-president after fifty years; after 100 years?
Should there be a criteria for judging ex-presidents?
Bad as Hussein has been, Wilson, T. Roosevelt, FDR, Lincoln, Buchanan, and LBJ were all worse.

Interesting comparisons. Lincoln caused the most deaths, with Wilson close behind (WW1&2). FDR actually saved (American) lives during WW2, but condemned Eastern Europe to 50 years of communist slavery. LBJ lost 50,000 lives in Viet Nam and created the modern welfare state that has trapped millions of Americans into perpetual poverty.

But none of them actively undermined the United States the way Obama has. His only saving grace is that he created a unified Republican government that may be able to undo much of the damage he has caused.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
This is known as the "Gish Gallop," burry people in a avalanche of short quick lies that would take lengthy explanations to debunk. Perfected by Young Earth Creationist Duane Gish who learned that most people will only remember the short quick lies.
Why do you all love so much to make shit up and then toss around the lies like they are a football? Does it make you feel powerful or something?

Look in the mirror, little girl

Start refuting what the OP said or shut the fuck up.

Afraid we'll make you look the fool? Easier just to make general, obscure accusations then declare victory while you're running away? Waving the Fleur de Lis, no doubt.

Better you choose the latter of the two options. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it's controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

Well then Sladester, let ME put it this way------------> who is the only person in government who could have vetoed the spending, and forced a 2/3rds congressional over ride to shine the light on who/whom it was, spending all the do-rae-mi? So when you say he DID NOT do it, technically you are correct. But when we say--------> he must have LIKED it because he did NOT try and stop it, we are correct too!
I agree, he was our president and holds the most responsibility, there is much to critique... However, we are also mostly talking about discretionary spending which was only a fraction of the national debt.... Putting a $12 Trillion price tag on Obamas shoulders is wildly inaccurate.

Look, all I want to know is if he could have vetoed it! I understand there is spending that is mandated, therefore, it is not in the budget since it has to be funded by law. That is like you telling me Trump has to fund 25 billion in Medicare, and I say no way, it is over budget.

Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!

GW is lambasted for signing budgets that were outrageous, and rightfully so. The only difference between GW an Obama is-----------> GW.....as far as I know, actually had budgets. Obama did not, so that nobody really knew what was going on.

Honestly Democrats----->is that how we want government to work? Hiding what they are doing by not creating budgets! It isn't about Obama, he is just the example of hide-bob-and-weave. If Trump does it, I will be here with you SCREAMING. We can't have it. It is our country, it is our currency, and we CONTROL the government. As long as we are on the same page when ANY administration gets out of hand, we can fix it. But when we accept it because the administration is going along with our political philosophy, we have ALL lost America!

That is what politicians hope for, that we will ACCEPT their transgressions because we are soooooo pissed at the other side. STOP IT! You are NOT that important and will be thrown under the bus as soon as you balk! Look at blue collar workers, Democrats had them dig their own graves, then demanded their support. They actually DID DEMAND IT! And the union bosses tried to make it happen.

People really need to pay attention, because the political landscape is shifting! The left has put its eggs in making illegals citizens, and the Republicans are hoping American Citizens will respond to keep their country under their taxpaying control. Time will tell who wins!!!!!!!!
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Well the historians will soon vote on Obama's place in their presidential rating tradition. Of the 45 presidents; where will Obama end up; first or forty-fifth?
Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Well the historians will soon vote on Obama's place in their presidential rating tradition. Of the 45 presidents; where will Obama end up; first or forty-fifth?
I think he will end up in the Top 1/3
Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.
Did Obama not double the debt? Link?
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Well the historians will soon vote on Obama's place in their presidential rating tradition. Of the 45 presidents; where will Obama end up; first or forty-fifth?
Universities have Obama as 5th....(I borrowed this pic from a poster here, kudos to him)....

Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.
Did Obama not double the debt? Link?
No he did not double the debt... The debt double during his term... There is a big difference. Do I really need to explain, AGAIN, why??
Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.
Did Obama not double the debt? Link?
No he did not double the debt... The debt double during his term... There is a big difference. Do I really need to explain, AGAIN, why??
Oh, ok...so Obama did double the debt...thanks....
Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.
Did Obama not double the debt? Link?
No he did not double the debt... The debt double during his term... There is a big difference. Do I really need to explain, AGAIN, why??
Oh, ok...so Obama did double the debt...thanks....
Are you slow?
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....

An investment in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 2009 would have almost tripled by the end of 2016, increasing over 293 percent.

(Thanks Obama!)
Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.

OK, as you wish...........but here, let me inform you of something---------> do you know what baseline budgeting is? If you do know, and how it works, then you are fabricating an argument because it was all Obama........unless you want to discount to Bush the year Obama took over. Washington under both political entities are awful, and want to pass the blame.

Let me give you my assessment, and if you agree mostly, no need to argue, if not, then we can agree to disagree------------>

1. Carter----------> not good, screwed up most everything, was a victim of his own policies.

2. Reagan--------> good, managed to put the USSR out of business, which helped the budget down the road, but now that help has gone away.

3. HW-------------> Not good, was neither a conservative or liberal, and they both cleaned his clock. He was just a place holder who did a terrible job.

4. Clinton--------> I do not care how it happened if Clinton did it, or Gingrich did it, we need more times like these.

5. GW/Obama---> These 16 years will be looked upon as an era. Both of these Presidents did not do what was needed, but what was politically expedient. Their collective incompetence has put us in the position we are in yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Bush would NOT fight the far left about Fannie and Freddie, and Obama would NOT allow congress to make/rescind laws, instead, he knew better and ruled by EOs.

CONCLUSION---------> As we look back in history, we were taught because time passed and we were far removed from that time, that Presidents like Hoover, and Wilson, were not all they were cracked up to be, and in fact, may have been terrible. (along with a few other Presidents I might add)

Bush (both) and Obama are obviously still alive, so the honesty of their legacy will not be put forth until they are long gone, probably long after we to are gone, if our nation survives. Good Presidencies, are NOT party specific, even though we citizens are told that in the time that it is happening. You would have to be a real partisan fool to take GW over Clinton, Obama over Reagan, or Ford over Kennedy. Notice that they are NOT party specific.

And so, I come back to the theme that............party does NOT make a good President, the person does! And that.............both GW and Obama will go down together in history, as time in America when all of us.... Democrats and Republicans, collectively lost our way. Not that the other party alternative was better mind you, but that we as thinking individuals, nominated those 2 goofs to lead our country, and the other side nominated probably someone worse.

We might be saying the same thing about Trump and Hilly! Only time will tell, and I am optimistic. Why? Because we escaped the Bush-Clinton paradigm that to many wanted, and we went left, and now we go right. After that, we will really make the choice for the future!
Point is----------> Obama was the man........in fact, still is the man until Friday, so he is the one person who could have said no! Nobody else could have said it! Am I correct, or not?!?!?!
Yes, of course he could have vetoed, i believe I acknowledged that in my previous post. He is also a liberal/progressive elected leader who ran on those principles. I appreciate and support the balance that conservatives bring to the table as I prefer smaller government. This is a different topic though, we are talking about the false statement in the OP and his dipshit friend when they say that Obama doubled the national debt.
Did Obama not double the debt? Link?
No he did not double the debt... The debt double during his term... There is a big difference. Do I really need to explain, AGAIN, why??
Oh, ok...so Obama did double the debt...thanks....
Are you slow?
You confirmed Obama doubled the debt...we're cool....

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