Obama, Worst president in history, bar none.

Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag

Wrong, I just explained why your claim is a untrue distortion... Just because the national debt doubled, does not mean Obama doubled it. You are lying and I just explained why. You responding by calling me a scumbag liar proves nothing except for your inability to make a reasonable argument.

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Bush created ISIS.

A brief history of ISIS

You're an ignorant douche. In your link --

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was the name of the group when it captured Mosul in 2014 and became the terrorist juggernaut it is today. They named themselves that to assert their dominance in Syria (more on that later).

ISIS didn't even exist until the Lying Cocksucker was in Office. But Bush created them, huh?

Yes, they were the leftover, displaced Sunni minority that survived the Iraq Invasion. Buth the only reason they survived is because Turkey wouldn't let us bring the 4th Division through Turkey to hit the Iraqis from the North and destroy or Capture teh Iraqi Republican Guard -- 99.9% Sunni.

So they escaped and went into hiding.

We had them mopped up. It was over. Petraeus saw to that. Then the Lying Cocksucker took over and pulled the Troops out, even tough he was warned by all the Generals and Bush himself. He did it anyway.

And we were presented with ISIS

You're an imbecile. I mean it. You really are a totally and completely stupid piece of shit.
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag

The GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year, and is not 24 trillion now,. This is just a lie to muddy the waters and hide the fact that Bush DID double the GOP National Debt from 6 trillion to 12 trillion.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2015

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75
Wrong, I just explained why your claim is a untrue distortion... Just because the national debt doubled, does not mean Obama doubled it. You are lying and I just explained why. You responding by calling me a scumbag liar proves nothing except for your inability to make a reasonable argument.

The debt doubled under obama. Read the link I gave you


End of story.

You're just a child that wants to quibble like a little bitch. When the Lying Cocksucker took office, the Debt was X. Now it is X times 2.

Got it?

Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag

The GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year, and is not 24 trillion now,. This is just a lie to muddy the waters and hide the fact that Bush DID double the GOP National Debt from 6 trillion to 12 trillion.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2015

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75

So was Bush President from Jan 2009 through September 2009?

You really are stupid.

TRILLIONS were spent by the Lying Cocksucker between Jan 2009 and the end of the Fiscal year. Trillions.

Ignorant turd

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Bush created ISIS.

A brief history of ISIS

You're an ignorant douche. In your link --

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was the name of the group when it captured Mosul in 2014 and became the terrorist juggernaut it is today. They named themselves that to assert their dominance in Syria (more on that later).

ISIS didn't even exist until the Lying Cocksucker was in Office. But Bush created them, huh?

Yes, they were the leftover, displaced Sunni minority that survived the Iraq Invasion. Buth the only reason they survived is because Turkey wouldn't let us bring the 4th Division through Turkey to hit the Iraqis from the North and destroy or Capture teh Iraqi Republican Guard -- 99.9% Sunni.

So they escaped and went into hiding.

We had them mopped up. It was over. Petraeus saw to that. Then the Lying Cocksucker took over and pulled the Troops out, even tough he was warned by all the Generals and Bush himself. He did it anyway.

And we were presented with ISIS

You're an imbecile. I mean it. You really are a totally and completely stupid piece of shit.
Actually, he is correct and you are the one who is wrong Mr. Angryman... The group simply renamed itself ISIS in 2014 but they existed long before Obama took office. You can make a good case that they grew in power as a result of the power vacuum that resulted from pulling our troops out of Iraq. But saying that Obama created ISIS is another one of your lies.
ISIS didn't even exist until the Lying Cocksucker was in Office. But Bush created them, huh?
Bush created and trained ISIS in Camp Bucca and then in 2004 released Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from Camp Bucca to wage his terror.
Why do you all love so much to make shit up and then toss around the lies like they are a football? Does it make you feel powerful or something?

Look in the mirror, little girl

Start refuting what the OP said or shut the fuck up.

Afraid we'll make you look the fool? Easier just to make general, obscure accusations then declare victory while you're running away? Waving the Fleur de Lis, no doubt.

Better you choose the latter of the two options. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it's controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

Well then Sladester, let ME put it this way------------> who is the only person in government who could have vetoed the spending, and forced a 2/3rds congressional over ride to shine the light on who/whom it was, spending all the do-rae-mi? So when you say he DID NOT do it, technically you are correct. But when we say--------> he must have LIKED it because he did NOT try and stop it, we are correct too!
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag

The GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year, and is not 24 trillion now,. This is just a lie to muddy the waters and hide the fact that Bush DID double the GOP National Debt from 6 trillion to 12 trillion.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2015

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75
So was Bush President from Jan 2009 through September 2009?
You really are stupid.
TRILLIONS were spent by the Lying Cocksucker between Jan 2009 and the end of the Fiscal year. Trillions.
Ignorant turd
Bush's fiscal years ran from Oct 1 2001 to Sept 30, 2009, look it up!
So Bush's last fiscal year included Jan 2009 to Sept 2009.
Wrong, I just explained why your claim is a untrue distortion... Just because the national debt doubled, does not mean Obama doubled it. You are lying and I just explained why. You responding by calling me a scumbag liar proves nothing except for your inability to make a reasonable argument.

The debt doubled under obama. Read the link I gave you


End of story.

You're just a child that wants to quibble like a little bitch. When the Lying Cocksucker took office, the Debt was X. Now it is X times 2.

Got it?

Haha, nice try... You and the OP both inaccurately claimed that Obama "doubled the national debt" which imply's that he was responsible for the debt doubling. I just explain the difference between that statement and the statement "the national debt doubled during Obamas term" That is a relatively true statement, as it didn't quite double, but there are many factors that led to this, many of which had nothing to do with Obama.

Don't think I didn't notice that little change in wording you just did to try and cover your lie. All you did was restate my wording and reenforce my point. You don't know what the hell you are talking about...
I would say Wilson was worse. Had he not ushered in as much regressive policy as he had things wouldn't be as bad.

Otherwise they were all at least patriotic and believed in "progress". The meat puppet faggot is a "citizen of the world" and holds the US in contempt. All the libturd elites do.

Every president in the History of this Country has had at least one thing in common with the other..... They ALL loved the Country.

Even Woodhead Wilson and FDR. They loved the United States of America. They were wrong in so many ways, but I think they loved their Country. I really do

Then Bill The Rapist came along. Who was much more agnostic toward the Country than he actively hated it. He was for GODDAMNED SURE not a patriot..... But I don't think he hated the Country. He didn't give a fuck about the Country, but he didn't HATE the Country either

Barack The Lying Cocksucker HATES the United States of America.

He HATES out Military. He HATES our WHITENESS, he HATES the Constitution, he HATES Capitalism, he HATES everything about this Country.

And, the truth is, whether you want to admit or not..... So do dimocrap scum.

Read their posts. Is there ANY doubt in your mind that they HATE the USA?

If there is, you're way too forgiving.

The only one who seems to hate the United States here is you.
Barack The Lying Cocksucker HATES the United States of America.
No, it is worthless lying scum like you who HATES America!

No. I hate you.

The Lying Cocksucker HATES the USA.

I Love America.
You love your fantasy concept and ideas about America. Your posts are consistently anti-American and show you have little respect for the reality and traditions of America or American culture.

By the way, Presidents greatness, claims of best or worst can not be made until the President has been out of office for some time to judge legacy and impact.

Your language and seeming hatred for President Obama shows an unnatural and crude emotional mindset instead of an academic or scholarly one.
TRILLIONS were spent by the Lying Cocksucker between Jan 2009 and the end of the Fiscal year. Trillions.
YOUR own earlier link admitted it was only $203 billion.
Try again.

From YOUR link:
"To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we've shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added -- at most -- $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office,"
Why do you all love so much to make shit up and then toss around the lies like they are a football? Does it make you feel powerful or something?

Look in the mirror, little girl

Start refuting what the OP said or shut the fuck up.

Afraid we'll make you look the fool? Easier just to make general, obscure accusations then declare victory while you're running away? Waving the Fleur de Lis, no doubt.

Better you choose the latter of the two options. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it's controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

Well then Sladester, let ME put it this way------------> who is the only person in government who could have vetoed the spending, and forced a 2/3rds congressional over ride to shine the light on who/whom it was, spending all the do-rae-mi? So when you say he DID NOT do it, technically you are correct. But when we say--------> he must have LIKED it because he did NOT try and stop it, we are correct too!
I agree, he was our president and holds the most responsibility, there is much to critique... However, we are also mostly talking about discretionary spending which was only a fraction of the national debt.... Putting a $12 Trillion price tag on Obamas shoulders is wildly inaccurate.

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