Obamacare - 49% for, 48% against

The OP is good for evaluating the political and cultural landscape.

The 2014 elections may be the last chance for the GOP to take the Senate in our lifetimes.

We Republicans can gerrymander no more House seats.

We Republicans can block no more voters from voting Democratic.

If the GOP does not reach to the demographic changes for women, minorities, and Hispanics, we will lose the House to the Dems no later than 2018 and the governorships majority no later than 2020.
The OP is good for evaluating the political and cultural landscape.

The 2014 elections may be the last chance for the GOP to take the Senate in our lifetimes.

We Republicans can gerrymander no more House seats.

We Republicans can block no more voters from voting Democratic.

If the GOP does not reach to the demographic changes for women, minorities, and Hispanics, we will lose the House to the Dems no later than 2018 and the governorships majority no later than 2020.

'We Republicans' - is that sort of like 'We the People' in your lexicon, Jakey? In the sense of being a disingenuous euphemism?
The OP is good for evaluating the political and cultural landscape.

The 2014 elections may be the last chance for the GOP to take the Senate in our lifetimes.

We Republicans can gerrymander no more House seats.

We Republicans can block no more voters from voting Democratic.

If the GOP does not reach to the demographic changes for women, minorities, and Hispanics, we will lose the House to the Dems no later than 2018 and the governorships majority no later than 2020.

These polls might be outliers but as someone who has always had a keen interest in politics it has always been a pendulum that swings back towards center whenever it is dragged too far to the left or the right.

The only factor that is still in play for the extreme right is the ability to raise unlimited funds for their cause. Political advertising does have an impact but I suspect that it cannot buy every election. There is a natural skepticism that comes with advertising and so it doesn't always work. Negative ads lose their effectiveness too.

Obamacare support edges opposition for first time in ABC-Washington Post poll

Jed Lewison for Daily Kos

Mar 31, 2014


This shift provides evidence for what we've been predicting now for months: That as the benefits of Obamacare become tangible, support for the law will grow.

It's worth noting that this poll had two glaring problems. One is that it didn't ask opponents of the law why they oppose it. As CNN's polling has repeatedly shown, many Obamacare opponents don't think it's progressive enough.


Quite possible, but I don't trust any one single poll, regardless whether it shows results I like or not. If a number of other polls show up with similar results, then this could be a trend, but until then, this poll is more likely the statistical outlier.

People who know me know that when it comes to numbers, I am completely impassionate. I don't trust that poll all on it's own. We need to see more in the next weeks and months.

Obamacare support edges opposition for first time in ABC-Washington Post poll

Jed Lewison for Daily Kos

Mar 31, 2014


This shift provides evidence for what we've been predicting now for months: That as the benefits of Obamacare become tangible, support for the law will grow.

It's worth noting that this poll had two glaring problems. One is that it didn't ask opponents of the law why they oppose it. As CNN's polling has repeatedly shown, many Obamacare opponents don't think it's progressive enough.


And 10 % of those against are unhappy that it didn't go far enough, like single payer.
lol, they're still going on about some ABC/Washingtoncompost poll...two media outlets in Obama's and the Democrat parties back pocket

that's desperate
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lol, they're still going on about some ABC/Washingtoncompost poll...two media outlets in Obama's and the Democrat parties back pocket

that's desperate

As opposed to a Washington Times poll that panders to the extreme right?
lol, they're still going on about some ABC/Washingtoncompost poll...two media outlets in Obama's and the Democrat parties back pocket

that's desperate

As opposed to a Washington Times poll that panders to the extreme right?

I wouldn't know, I haven't seen a poll on OScamCare done by them.

but ole ABC and Washingtoncompost in not UNBIASED...

Obamacare support edges opposition for first time in ABC-Washington Post poll

Jed Lewison for Daily Kos

Mar 31, 2014


This shift provides evidence for what we've been predicting now for months: That as the benefits of Obamacare become tangible, support for the law will grow.

It's worth noting that this poll had two glaring problems. One is that it didn't ask opponents of the law why they oppose it. As CNN's polling has repeatedly shown, many Obamacare opponents don't think it's progressive enough.


Poll: Obamacare Popularity "Languishing at Its Lowest Level Since Passage" - Katie Pavlich

Poll: Obamacare Popularity "Languishing at Its Lowest Level Since Passage"

Obamacare support edges opposition for first time in ABC-Washington Post poll

Jed Lewison for Daily Kos

Mar 31, 2014


This shift provides evidence for what we've been predicting now for months: That as the benefits of Obamacare become tangible, support for the law will grow.

It's worth noting that this poll had two glaring problems. One is that it didn't ask opponents of the law why they oppose it. As CNN's polling has repeatedly shown, many Obamacare opponents don't think it's progressive enough.


Poll: Obamacare Popularity "Languishing at Its Lowest Level Since Passage" - Katie Pavlich

Poll: Obamacare Popularity "Languishing at Its Lowest Level Since Passage"

Of course it is, they really thought they could sell this poll from abc/compost
they don't care how dishonest they have to be to the people in this country

Obamacare support edges opposition for first time in ABC-Washington Post poll

Jed Lewison for Daily Kos

Mar 31, 2014


This shift provides evidence for what we've been predicting now for months: That as the benefits of Obamacare become tangible, support for the law will grow.

It's worth noting that this poll had two glaring problems. One is that it didn't ask opponents of the law why they oppose it. As CNN's polling has repeatedly shown, many Obamacare opponents don't think it's progressive enough.


Quite possible, but I don't trust any one single poll, regardless whether it shows results I like or not. If a number of other polls show up with similar results, then this could be a trend, but until then, this poll is more likely the statistical outlier.

People who know me know that when it comes to numbers, I am completely impassionate. I don't trust that poll all on it's own. We need to see more in the next weeks and months.

ah yes polls ! Remember the last one with Romney trouncing Obama or 2006 when they got their heads handed to them after they said they would take both the house and senate.
WOW! If the GOP loses Obamacare as an issue, what do they have left?

Obamacare support edges opposition for first time in ABC-Washington Post poll

Jed Lewison for Daily Kos

Mar 31, 2014


This shift provides evidence for what we've been predicting now for months: That as the benefits of Obamacare become tangible, support for the law will grow.

It's worth noting that this poll had two glaring problems. One is that it didn't ask opponents of the law why they oppose it. As CNN's polling has repeatedly shown, many Obamacare opponents don't think it's progressive enough.


Quite possible, but I don't trust any one single poll, regardless whether it shows results I like or not. If a number of other polls show up with similar results, then this could be a trend, but until then, this poll is more likely the statistical outlier.

People who know me know that when it comes to numbers, I am completely impassionate. I don't trust that poll all on it's own. We need to see more in the next weeks and months.

ah yes polls ! Remember the last one with Romney trouncing Obama or 2006 when they got their heads handed to them after they said they would take both the house and senate.

[MENTION=48060]guno[/MENTION] -

Just to be clear, the composite state polling never even once showed Romney trouncing Obama, not even once. In fact, the composite end polling clearly, clearly showed a decisive Obama win, which I reported here BEFORE the election.

Also, the national polling was mostly fucked up due to Gallup and Rasmussen, noted here:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: The moment of truth: how did the pollsters do?

Also noted in extreme detail about Gallup right here in USMB:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: The moment of truth: how did the pollsters do?

As far as polling over the ACA, or Obamacare, I am very aware that a good percentage of the population (between 10-20%, depending on the poll) is unhappy with Obamacare because they indicate that it does not go far enough - in other words, they want single-payer, but the main problem is that the polls are all worded differently.

Just to be clear again: I am for Single payer, and I like what I see in the WAPO poll, esp. since WAPO has a conservative mathematical bias on issues and elections (already proved, by me, by Nate Silver, by a number of people), but again, it is only one poll, and I never trust just one poll all on it's own.

If the WAPO poll is accurate, then subsequent polling will back it up.

Hope that helps.
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lol, they're still going on about some ABC/Washingtoncompost poll...two media outlets in Obama's and the Democrat parties back pocket

that's desperate

As opposed to a Washington Times poll that panders to the extreme right?

I wouldn't know, I haven't seen a poll on OScamCare done by them.

but ole ABC and Washingtoncompost in not UNBIASED...

So you entirely missed this poll in Post #4 of this thread that I was referring to?

PLUNGE: New poll shows Obamacare support at 26% - Washington Times

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