ObamaCare Bronze Health Plan

Who pays the $5000 deductible?

Thats over $400 a month

Don't you have to add that to the cost

If you anticipate a high probability of incurring medical costs, then you'd want to pay a higher premium for a lower-deductible plan. High-deductible plans are not for everyone, certainly not for people with absolute certainty of tapping out their deductible. You choose a plan based on a mix of your own risk aversion and your expected medical costs.

All these years of GOPers pushing high-deductible plans and now it turns out their base doesn't even understand them.

whats not understood is, and I mean most particularly those that folks at the lower ends, genuinely beleive, and not on a partisan basis but just by listening to say, Obama and the media cheerleaders, that they will be on the hook for a deductible at all....and that "Free" actually means, Free....

these are not folks that have deductibles on say, on automobiles becasue they generally don't own brand new vehicles that require comprehensive coverage with a deductible........so I would say their experience with that is limited, but they will I think remember obama telling everyone for the price ( or less(?) of a cell phone bill they will have health care.......when they discover that that is not so, or lets say at the least grossly mischaracterized, well :eusa_whistle: ( I would venture some have already caught on) .....

I asked you 3 years ago if you thought the gov. i.e Obama et al were characterizing the plans/programs/issues correctly/honestly warts and all, are they being forthright, you refused to answer. We both know, the answer is, no.

I'll ask you again; is Obama et al characterizing the plans/program/issues honestly/ correctly, warts and all? Are they being forthright?

I'll ask you again; is Obama et al characterizing the plans/program/issues honestly/ correctly, warts and all? Are they being forthright?

No, and neither is Greenie.
How much is the monthly premium per person x 12?

1st off, thanks for the thread, Bo. I was gonna start one but I'd rather just reply to this one.

MeBelle, the article I was going to link has the costs listed, for my area (yours could be more or less).

Here are the lowest monthly premiums for a 27-year-old resident for the plans that will be available to Manatee residents, before tax credits:
Lowest bronze (Lowest monthly premiums, highest out-of-pocket costs) Manatee -- $198
Sarasota -- $191
Florida -- $169
U.S. average -- $163

More at link:
Manatee residents will have 69 Obamacare plans to choose from on 'exchange' | Health | Bradenton Herald

Our left-leaning counterparts will have us believe that these are very affordable prices. On the surface they'd be right but look at the deductibles and copays Bo listed.
Also, don't forget, that this is not JUST a new and added expense......
It's fucking MANDATORY!!
Son please.......you assume you are a person of consequence....

I will give you this though...at least we have found some common ground.

We both understand that Obama lied.

I assume I am a person of consequence? What does that even mean? I don't have any trouble dealing with any nutter here.....that is true.

You are not stupid. You are a little crazy and you are unnecessarily abrasive. You have an inferiority complex that forces you to accept bullshit as fact. I trust that someday you will figure it out. But you won't admit it.

As far as Obama lying......no more than any politician in a campaign. A little spin to make numbers look good.....a little gamesmanship. Not anything to freak out over.

I suppose you are referring to the "you can keep your insurance" line. Yeah....that sound bite should have an "if it is worth a shit" connected to it. How horrible of him!

You owned me again, Roo. I should be careful of you. And paired with D-man and Bodick...you are awesome!

LOL,an armchair psychiatrist....

Sorry kid, again you assume more than you should :)

You see you take yourself way too seriously...and that is your biggest flaw....I don't...I just have fun exposing the silliness of some folks stupid assertions.

When it comes this HC issue...you don't want to get into a "factual" discussion with me, I know the facts :)

As far as abrasive, your lack of self awareness is amusing.

Pay attention how you respond to others...it will shed some light how I respond to you.

You misunderstand. You are always abrasive. I have a filter. Check yourself.

And....on the idea that you know the facts about HC? That may be true. But you are NOT being honest about what you know. You are bullshitting. It is easy for anyone to see. Why are you not spending a fucking moment correcting the lies that your nutter pals are dropping here? Don't want to be disagreeable?

Maybe you can answer this one honestly?

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

If yes.....please discuss these cases and set the record straight.

How much is the monthly premium per person x 12?

1st off, thanks for the thread, Bo. I was gonna start one but I'd rather just reply to this one.

MeBelle, the article I was going to link has the costs listed, for my area (yours could be more or less).

Here are the lowest monthly premiums for a 27-year-old resident for the plans that will be available to Manatee residents, before tax credits:
Lowest bronze (Lowest monthly premiums, highest out-of-pocket costs) Manatee -- $198
Sarasota -- $191
Florida -- $169
U.S. average -- $163

More at link:
Manatee residents will have 69 Obamacare plans to choose from on 'exchange' | Health | Bradenton Herald

Our left-leaning counterparts will have us believe that these are very affordable prices. On the surface they'd be right but look at the deductibles and copays Bo listed.
Also, don't forget, that this is not JUST a new and added expense......
It's fucking MANDATORY!!

Yes. Mandatory. It requires that everyone be held personally responsible for funding their own insurance coverage. If you don't have the scratch....you'll get some help. If you do....tough shit. You need to have insurance. Simple.
I assume I am a person of consequence? What does that even mean? I don't have any trouble dealing with any nutter here.....that is true.

You are not stupid. You are a little crazy and you are unnecessarily abrasive. You have an inferiority complex that forces you to accept bullshit as fact. I trust that someday you will figure it out. But you won't admit it.

As far as Obama lying......no more than any politician in a campaign. A little spin to make numbers look good.....a little gamesmanship. Not anything to freak out over.

I suppose you are referring to the "you can keep your insurance" line. Yeah....that sound bite should have an "if it is worth a shit" connected to it. How horrible of him!

You owned me again, Roo. I should be careful of you. And paired with D-man and Bodick...you are awesome!

LOL,an armchair psychiatrist....

Sorry kid, again you assume more than you should :)

You see you take yourself way too seriously...and that is your biggest flaw....I don't...I just have fun exposing the silliness of some folks stupid assertions.

When it comes this HC issue...you don't want to get into a "factual" discussion with me, I know the facts :)

As far as abrasive, your lack of self awareness is amusing.

Pay attention how you respond to others...it will shed some light how I respond to you.

You misunderstand. You are always abrasive. I have a filter. Check yourself.

And....on the idea that you know the facts about HC? That may be true. But you are NOT being honest about what you know. You are bullshitting. It is easy for anyone to see. Why are you not spending a fucking moment correcting the lies that your nutter pals are dropping here? Don't want to be disagreeable?

Maybe you can answer this one honestly?

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

If yes.....please discuss these cases and set the record straight.


What is he bullshitting about?

What lies?

And why do you continue to call people nutters? That's not very respectful.
How much is the monthly premium per person x 12?

1st off, thanks for the thread, Bo. I was gonna start one but I'd rather just reply to this one.

MeBelle, the article I was going to link has the costs listed, for my area (yours could be more or less).

Here are the lowest monthly premiums for a 27-year-old resident for the plans that will be available to Manatee residents, before tax credits:
Lowest bronze (Lowest monthly premiums, highest out-of-pocket costs) Manatee -- $198
Sarasota -- $191
Florida -- $169
U.S. average -- $163

More at link:
Manatee residents will have 69 Obamacare plans to choose from on 'exchange' | Health | Bradenton Herald

Our left-leaning counterparts will have us believe that these are very affordable prices. On the surface they'd be right but look at the deductibles and copays Bo listed.
Also, don't forget, that this is not JUST a new and added expense......
It's fucking MANDATORY!!

Yes. Mandatory. It requires that everyone be held personally responsible for funding their own insurance coverage. If you don't have the scratch....you'll get some help. If you do....tough shit. You need to have insurance. Simple.

Glad to see (or is that 'sorry to say') you're fine with your government mandating that.
I'm not. Simple
I assume I am a person of consequence? What does that even mean? I don't have any trouble dealing with any nutter here.....that is true.

You are not stupid. You are a little crazy and you are unnecessarily abrasive. You have an inferiority complex that forces you to accept bullshit as fact. I trust that someday you will figure it out. But you won't admit it.

As far as Obama lying......no more than any politician in a campaign. A little spin to make numbers look good.....a little gamesmanship. Not anything to freak out over.

I suppose you are referring to the "you can keep your insurance" line. Yeah....that sound bite should have an "if it is worth a shit" connected to it. How horrible of him!

You owned me again, Roo. I should be careful of you. And paired with D-man and Bodick...you are awesome!

LOL,an armchair psychiatrist....

Sorry kid, again you assume more than you should :)

You see you take yourself way too seriously...and that is your biggest flaw....I don't...I just have fun exposing the silliness of some folks stupid assertions.

When it comes this HC issue...you don't want to get into a "factual" discussion with me, I know the facts :)

As far as abrasive, your lack of self awareness is amusing.

Pay attention how you respond to others...it will shed some light how I respond to you.

You misunderstand. You are always abrasive. I have a filter. Check yourself.

And....on the idea that you know the facts about HC? That may be true. But you are NOT being honest about what you know. You are bullshitting. It is easy for anyone to see. Why are you not spending a fucking moment correcting the lies that your nutter pals are dropping here? Don't want to be disagreeable?

Maybe you can answer this one honestly?

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

If yes.....please discuss these cases and set the record straight.


I have spent this day correcting the misconceptions of both sides LL.

What specifically am I "bullshitting" about?

No, I am not always abrasive..it simply depends on who I am talking to and how they are posting, sorry kid...been doing this for awhile.

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

BOTH sides have LL, including me before I educated myself.
LOL,an armchair psychiatrist....

Sorry kid, again you assume more than you should :)

You see you take yourself way too seriously...and that is your biggest flaw....I don't...I just have fun exposing the silliness of some folks stupid assertions.

When it comes this HC issue...you don't want to get into a "factual" discussion with me, I know the facts :)

As far as abrasive, your lack of self awareness is amusing.

Pay attention how you respond to others...it will shed some light how I respond to you.

You misunderstand. You are always abrasive. I have a filter. Check yourself.

And....on the idea that you know the facts about HC? That may be true. But you are NOT being honest about what you know. You are bullshitting. It is easy for anyone to see. Why are you not spending a fucking moment correcting the lies that your nutter pals are dropping here? Don't want to be disagreeable?

Maybe you can answer this one honestly?

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

If yes.....please discuss these cases and set the record straight.


What is he bullshitting about?

What lies?

And why do you continue to call people nutters? That's not very respectful.

Please...don't ask another person to archive lies here. Nobody has that much time.

And the "nutter" thing. It is earned.
Be VERY specific on what I have "bullshitted" about.

No. Why don't you just admit your lies now and save us the time. Include the lies by omission....and all the times you allow another person to lie and don't correct them.

You gonna keep denying? Or come clean?
LOL,an armchair psychiatrist....

Sorry kid, again you assume more than you should :)

You see you take yourself way too seriously...and that is your biggest flaw....I don't...I just have fun exposing the silliness of some folks stupid assertions.

When it comes this HC issue...you don't want to get into a "factual" discussion with me, I know the facts :)

As far as abrasive, your lack of self awareness is amusing.

Pay attention how you respond to others...it will shed some light how I respond to you.

You misunderstand. You are always abrasive. I have a filter. Check yourself.

And....on the idea that you know the facts about HC? That may be true. But you are NOT being honest about what you know. You are bullshitting. It is easy for anyone to see. Why are you not spending a fucking moment correcting the lies that your nutter pals are dropping here? Don't want to be disagreeable?

Maybe you can answer this one honestly?

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

If yes.....please discuss these cases and set the record straight.


I have spent this day correcting the misconceptions of both sides LL.

What specifically am I "bullshitting" about?

No, I am not always abrasive..it simply depends on who I am talking to and how they are posting, sorry kid...been doing this for awhile.

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

BOTH sides have LL, including me before I educated myself.

Both sides? That does not answer the question. Please list the GOP lies as you see them. Thanks.
Be VERY specific on what I have "bullshitted" about.

No. Why don't you just admit your lies now and save us the time. Include the lies by omission....and all the times you allow another person to lie and don't correct them.

You gonna keep denying? Or come clean?

YOU made the accusation kid, you need to give specific examples.

I warned you, I've been doing this for awhile...you can't bully me...you can't deflect, and I will not let you lie.

Give examples of where I've bullshitted here.
Quote: Originally Posted by LoneLaugher
Quote: Originally Posted by Roo
Be VERY specific on what I have "bullshitted" about.
No. Why don't you just admit your lies now and save us the time. Include the lies by omission....and all the times you allow another person to lie and don't correct them.

You gonna keep denying? Or come clean?
YOU made the accusation kid, you need to give specific examples.

I warned you, I've been doing this for awhile...you can't bully me...you can't deflect, and I will not let you lie.

Give examples of where I've bullshitted here.

You misunderstand. You are always abrasive. I have a filter. Check yourself.

And....on the idea that you know the facts about HC? That may be true. But you are NOT being honest about what you know. You are bullshitting. It is easy for anyone to see. Why are you not spending a fucking moment correcting the lies that your nutter pals are dropping here? Don't want to be disagreeable?

Maybe you can answer this one honestly?

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

If yes.....please discuss these cases and set the record straight.


I have spent this day correcting the misconceptions of both sides LL.

What specifically am I "bullshitting" about?

No, I am not always abrasive..it simply depends on who I am talking to and how they are posting, sorry kid...been doing this for awhile.

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

BOTH sides have LL, including me before I educated myself.

Both sides? That does not answer the question. Please list the GOP lies as you see them. Thanks.

That is a hilarious double standard as you would never attempt to point out a lie circulated by the democratic party
Kid, why run....you made an accusation.....butch up sally......point out my lies.
Be VERY specific on what I have "bullshitted" about.

No. Why don't you just admit your lies now and save us the time. Include the lies by omission....and all the times you allow another person to lie and don't correct them.

You gonna keep denying? Or come clean?

YOU made the accusation kid, you need to give specific examples.

I warned you, I've been doing this for awhile...you can't bully me...you can't deflect, and I will not let you lie.

Give examples of where I've bullshitted here.

Been doing that for a few days here. Will not go back into archives to deal with your lame "debate" tactic.

Lets focus on the here and now. Lets have the list of GOP lies about the ACA that have been repeated here....and that you have let go without correction. Do you need some help?

Address these, please.

Congress is exempt from Obamacare.

The ACA is a government takeover of health care in America.

Obamacare is funded by cuts to Medicare

Obamacer will cost a typical family an extra $7450.00

Need more?
You misunderstand. You are always abrasive. I have a filter. Check yourself.

And....on the idea that you know the facts about HC? That may be true. But you are NOT being honest about what you know. You are bullshitting. It is easy for anyone to see. Why are you not spending a fucking moment correcting the lies that your nutter pals are dropping here? Don't want to be disagreeable?

Maybe you can answer this one honestly?

Has the GOP spread misinformation about the ACA? Have USMB members posted such misinformation as fact on these pages?

If yes.....please discuss these cases and set the record straight.


What is he bullshitting about?

What lies?

And why do you continue to call people nutters? That's not very respectful.

Please...don't ask another person to archive lies here. Nobody has that much time.

And the "nutter" thing. It is earned.

Translation: I've got nothing I just like to bitch.

Did it ever occur to you that if you spoke to others with respect they'd reciprocate it? Well, most would. There are always assholes ... on both sides.

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