ObamaCare Bronze Health Plan


My point is that I find it odd that ALL OF A SUDDEN so many of our resident nutters have plans that are non-compliant. Get it? They are not being honest. They heard that these shitty plans will be dropped and they wanted to come here and lie so they could claim that
Obamacare is taking their health insurance away.

Fucking liars gotta lie.
And your proof is...?

The fact that none of them will provide the details of their plans.....the name of the product, especially. The timing......so many have come here in the past week and made the claim. Three weeks ago....before it was widely broadcast that these shit plans were going away.....everyone had great comprehensive plans for great prices.

You ought to know by now, Dave.....that I have a pretty good bullshit detector. Wrong sometimes.....but not often.
What I know my now is that you believe what you want to believe.

You have no proof. You have wishful thinking.

...bronze plans are high-deductible plans. Get it?

and you 'get' that folks just getting bye really are not going to be able to pay the costs? Thus 'reform' isn't? Get it?

If you want a lower deductible (plus cost-sharing reductions that reduce the plan's out-of-pocket costs further, if your family is "just getting bye[sic]"), then buy a silver plan.
And your proof is...?

The fact that none of them will provide the details of their plans.....the name of the product, especially. The timing......so many have come here in the past week and made the claim. Three weeks ago....before it was widely broadcast that these shit plans were going away.....everyone had great comprehensive plans for great prices.

You ought to know by now, Dave.....that I have a pretty good bullshit detector. Wrong sometimes.....but not often.
What I know my now is that you believe what you want to believe.

You have no proof. You have wishful thinking.


If you could possibly dismiss me.....you would not have to exclaim it so often. A lot of you nutters like to say that at the end of posts. As if any of you ever shut anyone up.

My point is that I find it odd that ALL OF A SUDDEN so many of our resident nutters have plans that are non-compliant. Get it? They are not being honest. They heard that these shitty plans will be dropped and they wanted to come here and lie so they could claim that
Obamacare is taking their health insurance away.

Fucking liars gotta lie.
And your proof is...?

The fact that none of them will provide the details of their plans.....the name of the product, especially. The timing......so many have come here in the past week and made the claim. Three weeks ago....before it was widely broadcast that these shit plans were going away.....everyone had great comprehensive plans for great prices.

You ought to know by now, Dave.....that I have a pretty good bullshit detector. Wrong sometimes.....but not often.

You Barking Moonbats have only three types of responses:

1. "You're stupid."
2. "You're lying."
3. "Oh, just shut up."

Nobody here is obligated to provide specific details that breach his right to privacy.

So, fuck off.
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And your proof is...?

The fact that none of them will provide the details of their plans.....the name of the product, especially. The timing......so many have come here in the past week and made the claim. Three weeks ago....before it was widely broadcast that these shit plans were going away.....everyone had great comprehensive plans for great prices.

You ought to know by now, Dave.....that I have a pretty good bullshit detector. Wrong sometimes.....but not often.

You Barking Moonbats have only three types of responses:

1. "You're stupid."
2. "You're lying."
3. "Oh, just shut up."

Nobody here is obligated to provide specific details that breaches his right to privacy.

So, fuck off.

Good god man, thats LL somebody died and made him the Forum king.
I'm not a man, bub.

I'm a gal.

And LL is a pathetic tool.
It's cute how he has such an active fantasy life.

My point is that I find it odd that ALL OF A SUDDEN so many of our resident nutters have plans that are non-compliant. Get it? They are not being honest. They heard that these shitty plans will be dropped and they wanted to come here and lie so they could claim that
Obamacare is taking their health insurance away.

Fucking liars gotta lie.
And your proof is...?

The fact that none of them will provide the details of their plans.....the name of the product, especially. The timing......so many have come here in the past week and made the claim. Three weeks ago....before it was widely broadcast that these shit plans were going away.....everyone had great comprehensive plans for great prices.

You ought to know by now, Dave.....that I have a pretty good bullshit detector. Wrong sometimes.....but not often.

The timing? You mean because it's the end of September and we are entering the last quarter of 2013 and these individual plans will go away come Jan 1, 2014 and these people need to choose a new plan from the exchange that is supposedly going to be up and running in a few days? You mean because a month ago these people didn't know their individual plan, which fit their needs, was going away because Obama said 'if you like your plan you can keep it' so why would they think their plan was going away? You mean that timing? wtf, are you on crack or something? You think people are lying about their insurance plans just because ... you think people are lying about their insurance plans? You're one of the dumber leftists I've encountered ... and that's saying something.
Wow. Is this thing expensive:

How this looks is that the only benefit one gets is 3 doctors visits with copays of $60, and then everything else has to apply to the deductible. A family would have to spend $5,000 before being covered for anything, and then the co-pays are enormous.

What a rip-off!

ObamaCare Bronze Plan Details - Medicoverage.com

You expected Obamacare to cover something?

Nope. This is exactly what I expected. The Bronze Plan is really just a super duper expensive catastrophic care plan.

One that makes you pay for things that no catastrophic plan ever covered before.
Holy shit! Every nutter here is suddenly the holder of a catastrphic plan that won't meet the ACA criteria! It is fucking amazing. It is as if some radio host talked about this on his show! Uncanny!

Look how amazed you are at the number of people who are responsible and purchased individual insurance for themselves. You are so shocked by the very idea that you just sit there mocking them. Not everyone is an irresponsible mooch you know.

Listen here, dummy.......I am specifically referring to the liars here who have conveniently decide to claim that they have a plan that will be phased out by the law. Everyone who has insurance through a job pays for it too, dummy. Do you think it is free?

If you are a person beyond the age of 30 or so.....and you are opting to buy a high deductible catastrophic health care plan......you are throwing money away. A tenty-something...maybe makes sense. But once you have assets to protect and likely a family.......a catastrophic plan is stupid. It does not help you to remain healthy in any way.

The fact is that this law is not designed to help people who already have and can afford a plan. It is meant to help those who don't have one due to being denied and those who cannot afford one. And since a catastrophic plan is a bullshit ripoff, they have been pretty much excluded from the law.

It is not about mooches, you arrogant fuck. It is about working poor....who have had no access to affordable Heath care. It is way past due.

You mean everyone who works for themselves, and recognizes that preparing for a major medical disaster could keep them from losing everything, yet also recognizing that most people do not need comprehensive coverage that covers routine procedures and drives up costs?
It's one thing to disagree in politics. It's another to behave in the manner that Roo is behaving. My wife was a wonderful woman who I miss every day. I hesitantly mentioned her but I wanted you to know that I am debating from a point of view that is based on real experiences. I don't need to justify or prove anything about her and the fact that you felt the need to take our debate to the level of questioning something like that. Well that's enough for me.

Best of luck to everyone but this isn't a place for me.

You don't like getting caught in a lie so stupid that it indefensible don't use it in the first place. It would be impossible for your wife to have died from your Cadillac plan hitting an annual spending limit. If you insist that happened, you must be lying about it. Since it is inconceivable to Roo that you would lie about your wife dying, he jumped to the more palatable conclusion that you lied about being married.

Not just possible, its very common.

I know of two cases - one was breast cancer, the other was open heart surgery.

If not the cap, the insurance company can just drop you.

His claim was that he had a Cadillac plan, which are not common because they have high premiums, cover almost everything you can think of, and have no caps. That is where his lie falls apart, so stop pretending that what he said he had compares with a normal plan where people are told, in advance, about the coverage limits, if they exist.

By the way, simply dropping someone because they get sick is considered fraud, and is prosecutable, so it happened only in rare cases, and they got away with it even less than they tried it.
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It's one thing to disagree in politics. It's another to behave in the manner that Roo is behaving. My wife was a wonderful woman who I miss every day. I hesitantly mentioned her but I wanted you to know that I am debating from a point of view that is based on real experiences. I don't need to justify or prove anything about her and the fact that you felt the need to take our debate to the level of questioning something like that. Well that's enough for me.

Best of luck to everyone but this isn't a place for me.

You don't like getting caught in a lie so stupid that it indefensible don't use it in the first place. It would be impossible for your wife to have died from your Cadillac plan hitting an annual spending limit. If you insist that happened, you must be lying about it. Since it is inconceivable to Roo that you would lie about your wife dying, he jumped to the more palatable conclusion that you lied about being married.

Not just possible, its very common.

I know of two cases - one was breast cancer, the other was open heart surgery.

If not the cap, the insurance company can just drop you.

If not the cap, the insurance company can just drop you.

NO they can't.
Listen here, dummy.......I am specifically referring to the liars here who have conveniently decide to claim that they have a plan that will be phased out by the law. Everyone who has insurance through a job pays for it too, dummy. Do you think it is free?

If you are a person beyond the age of 30 or so.....and you are opting to buy a high deductible catastrophic health care plan......you are throwing money away. A tenty-something...maybe makes sense. But once you have assets to protect and likely a family.......a catastrophic plan is stupid. It does not help you to remain healthy in any way.

The fact is that this law is not designed to help people who already have and can afford a plan. It is meant to help those who don't have one due to being denied and those who cannot afford one. And since a catastrophic plan is a bullshit ripoff, they have been pretty much excluded from the law.

It is not about mooches, you arrogant fuck. It is about working poor....who have had no access to affordable Heath care. It is way past due.

Listen here, dummy.......I am specifically referring to the liars here who have conveniently decide to claim that they have a plan that will be phased out by the law.

ALL non compliant plans end...it really isn't hard thing to grasp....


My point is that I find it odd that ALL OF A SUDDEN so many of our resident nutters have plans that are non-compliant. Get it? They are not being honest. They heard that these shitty plans will be dropped and they wanted to come here and lie so they could claim that
Obamacare is taking their health insurance away.

Fucking liars gotta lie.

Why don't you give is a count of all the people who had catastrophic plans? Is it because it is less than 10? Probably less than 5?

Despite your abysmal ignorance, no plan that existed before Obamacare is going to survive. Every single one of them will be phased out of existence by the law, which means that everyone has a legitimate gripe about Obama saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." Your problem is that you still believe the lie.
The fact that none of them will provide the details of their plans.....the name of the product, especially. The timing......so many have come here in the past week and made the claim. Three weeks ago....before it was widely broadcast that these shit plans were going away.....everyone had great comprehensive plans for great prices.

You ought to know by now, Dave.....that I have a pretty good bullshit detector. Wrong sometimes.....but not often.
What I know my now is that you believe what you want to believe.

You have no proof. You have wishful thinking.


If you could possibly dismiss me.....you would not have to exclaim it so often. A lot of you nutters like to say that at the end of posts. As if any of you ever shut anyone up.
I accept your acknowledgement that you have no proof and only wishful thinking.
I'm not a man, bub.

I'm a gal.

And LL is a pathetic tool.

Good god gal, LL is a legend in his own mind....why he thinks he is the "smartest" guy in the room.

He's right -- if this is the room:


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