Obamacare causes prices to skyrocket

How about the fact that Canadians fly to the U.S. for their healthcare because their system sucks so bad?


Canadians, a country with safety nets, flying to United States, another country with safety nets does not make for a case for your anti-safety-net thesis.
Actually...it does. The U.S. has privatized healthcare. Canada has liberal nationalized healthcare...stupid. :lol:
How about the fact that Canadians fly to the U.S. for their healthcare because their system sucks so bad?


Canadians, a country with safety nets, flying to United States, another country with safety nets does not make for a case for your anti-safety-net thesis.
Actually...it does. The U.S. has privatized healthcare. Canada has liberal nationalized healthcare...stupid. :lol:

The U.S. has private healthcare supported by a national safety net. You don't seem to understand that.

Still waiting for you to provide proof of the - what is it, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions? - of Canadians flocking to the U.S. for healthcare because their system "sucks so badly."
But even feasibility aside,on the fairness angle - why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of suckers who will carry this burden?
This quote is one for the ages. Why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes (you liberals) enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of "suckers" (us conservatives) who will carry this burden?

It's the exact society that you idiots created illegally. And now you wail against it without even realizing it. :lol:
But even feasibility aside,on the fairness angle - why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of suckers who will carry this burden?
This quote is one for the ages. Why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes (you liberals) enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of "suckers" (us conservatives) who will carry this burden?

It's the exact society that you idiots created illegally. And now you wail against it without even realizing it. :lol:

A very elaborate but essentially meaningless flame.

Where's your proof that Canadians are flocking to the U.S. for healthcare?
The U.S. has private healthcare supported by a national safety net. You don't seem to understand that.

Still waiting for you to provide proof of the - what is it, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions? - of Canadians flocking to the U.S. for healthcare because their system "sucks so badly."
Still waiting for you and antontooo to provide proof of anything you've said. Here's the thing junior - Sun Devil already posted a hilarious post of Krugman being exposed for the ignorant asshole he is. On top of that, news outlets around the U.S. have covered stories for decades now about Canadians coming to the U.S.

You buffoons have been obliterated here with facts (go back through the entire thread chief and look at all of the links, data, quotes, videos, etc.) and now you're just angry about it. You think you can "challenge" me and make me your little monkey who will dance for you. Not going to happen. I've proven everything. The onus is now on your to prove anything. If you can't produce 10 credible links backing up any of your nonsense, then the rest of us will just dismiss you from this point on.
But even feasibility aside,on the fairness angle - why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of suckers who will carry this burden?
This quote is one for the ages. Why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes (you liberals) enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of "suckers" (us conservatives) who will carry this burden?

It's the exact society that you idiots created illegally. And now you wail against it without even realizing it. :lol:

A very elaborate but essentially meaningless flame.

Where's your proof that Canadians are flocking to the U.S. for healthcare?
Where is your proof that his incredible quote is "meaningless"? You talk a lot of shit but sure can't back anything up. Sun Devil and I have filled this thread with links, videos, quotes, etc. I've yet to see you add one thing. Why is that?
But even feasibility aside,on the fairness angle - why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of suckers who will carry this burden?
This quote is one for the ages. Why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes (you liberals) enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of "suckers" (us conservatives) who will carry this burden?

It's the exact society that you idiots created illegally. And now you wail against it without even realizing it. :lol:

No dumbass, the selfish assholes I'm CLEARLY talking about are the ones who do not want to pay for safety-net programs our society needs to be functional.

Anyway, I can't fix your sort of stupid and I can't squeeze half way rational response from you, so I'm just going to ignore.
You talk a lot of shit but sure can't back anything up. Sun Devil and I have filled this thread with links, videos, quotes, etc. I've yet to see you add one thing. Why is that?

Because you haven't asked any questions. What would you like to know about the topic you started? What specific post of mine suggests I have information that I haven't shared?

Matthew 7:7
No dumbass, the selfish assholes I'm CLEARLY talking about are the ones who do not want to pay for safety-net programs our society needs to be functional.
Right....like you.

Society was plenty "functional" for well over 100 years without Social Security. It was "functional" for nearly 200 years without Medicare and Medicaid.

Like all liberals - you have an emotional and irrational position that you cannot defend so you throw a tantrum like a small child. Government does not exist to provide for people like they are infants. That is why people like you and Arianrhod exist. The problem is - you're too lazy, selfish, and greedy to help anyone but yourself.

The other problem is that you view government as some "magical" entity of unlimited resources. It's never occurred to your very limited intellect that government cannot give to one without stealing from another.

You're incapable of making a logical case for your irrational position and it shows...
Society was plenty "functional" for well over 100 years without Social Security. It was "functional" for nearly 200 years without Medicare and Medicaid.

Define "functional."
From fledging nation to world super-power. That's about as "functional" as it gets.

So "the nation" is what matters, not its citizens.

Out of curiosity, if the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?
I think that is what conservatives keep asking.

You have an incredibly selfish class of people who demand they be provided for....

Being funded by the suckers who work.

Bullshit. "Provided for class" is small minority and not nearly big enough to pass any coherent agenda ...especially considering that they barely even vote or have any social leverage through affluence.

That "class" cannot pass anything "provider class" populace does not consent to.


What I described applies.

Don't like it....GFY.

Sorry baseless re-asserting doesn't improve the argument. You shouldn't like it either.

There was something baseless in Canadians telling Paul Kgugman they think they have a terrible health care system ?

Who knew ?
How about the fact that Canadians fly to the U.S. for their healthcare because their system sucks so bad?

Not always true.

And I really try to avoid being critical of other systems.

Many like what they have.

I like what we have.

Except that people do get trimmed off and we spend way to much.

But it still offers the best in the world (to those who can pay for it).
But even feasibility aside,on the fairness angle - why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of suckers who will carry this burden?
This quote is one for the ages. Why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes (you liberals) enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of "suckers" (us conservatives) who will carry this burden?

It's the exact society that you idiots created illegally. And now you wail against it without even realizing it. :lol:

No dumbass, the selfish assholes I'm CLEARLY talking about are the ones who do not want to pay for safety-net programs our society needs to be functional.

Anyway, I can't fix your sort of stupid and I can't squeeze half way rational response from you, so I'm just going to ignore.

Our society is not functional ?

Who knew ?
But even feasibility aside,on the fairness angle - why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of suckers who will carry this burden?
This quote is one for the ages. Why would it be a good idea to let selfish assholes (you liberals) enjoy the benefits of functional society paid for by the kindness of "suckers" (us conservatives) who will carry this burden?

It's the exact society that you idiots created illegally. And now you wail against it without even realizing it. :lol:

No dumbass, the selfish assholes I'm CLEARLY talking about are the ones who do not want to pay for safety-net programs our society needs to be functional.

Anyway, I can't fix your sort of stupid and I can't squeeze half way rational response from you, so I'm just going to ignore.

Our society is not functional ?

Who knew ?

Our society is functional, in part because of the social safety net. Figures you wouldn't grasp that.

I'll ask you the same question P@triot dodged (fully expecting you to dodge it, too): If the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?
Society was plenty "functional" for well over 100 years without Social Security. It was "functional" for nearly 200 years without Medicare and Medicaid.

Define "functional."
From fledging nation to world super-power. That's about as "functional" as it gets.

So "the nation" is what matters, not its citizens.

Out of curiosity, if the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?
Neither the nation nor its citizens "is what matters". Liberty is what matters. Not healthcare. Not housing. Not government cell phones. Liberty.

Throughout the history of the United States, over a million people have died to give us liberty. And how do you honor those people? You literally walk over to their grave, piss on it, and then use the liberty that they handed to you on a silver-platter as bargaining chips to trade in for pitiful government table scraps.

If you and idiot antontoo think that people need everything provided to them, then you have the liberty to make that choice and provide whatever needs you think are missing. Funny how neither of you step up by choice and instead want everything done by communist force.
Our society is functional, in part because of the social safety net. Figures you wouldn't grasp that.

I'll ask you the same question P@triot dodged (fully expecting you to dodge it, too): If the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?
Where did I "dodge" anything? I've made you look stupid by punching holes in your pitiful politician campaign slogans. You have nothing of substance.

Tell me something Arianrhod - is this "functional" in your mind?

I also learned how people gamed the welfare system. They’d buy two dozen packs of soda with food stamps and then sell them at a discount for cash. They’d ring up their orders separately, buying food with food stamps, and beer, wine, and cigarettes with cash. They’d regularly go through the checkout line speaking on their cell phones. I could never understand why our lives felt like a struggle while those living off of government largesse enjoyed trinkets that I only dreamed about.

Seeing Food Stamp Use Changed My Mind About Democrats
Where did I "dodge" anything?

(1) You claimed Canadians were coming to the U.S. to get healthcare. You never stated how many (two, two thousand, two million?) or where you got your information.

(2) You were asked "If the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?" You haven't answered that, either.

If you can't answer either, that's fine. No need to keep changing the subject.

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