Obamacare causes prices to skyrocket

Where did I "dodge" anything?

(1) You claimed Canadians were coming to the U.S. to get healthcare. You never stated how many (two, two thousand, two million?) or where you got your information.

(2) You were asked "If the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?" You haven't answered that, either.

If you can't answer either, that's fine. No need to keep changing the subject.
I don't need to state how many. I stated a indisputable fact and because it proves your ideology is a failed and ignorant ideology, you want to change the subject.

You're the one who keeps dodging. I've asked you why don't you support whoever you feel needs help and you refuse to answer why you don't.

I've asked you if the reality above is "functional" and you were dead silent...
Just because you are an asshole that doesn't understand that people need some hand up, doesn't mean I'm going to be the sucker to carry that social burden for you while you reap the benefits of a functional society.
Who the fuck are you to decide what constitutes a "functional society"? Arrogant prick. I'll tell you what - Venezuela (which implemented pure liberalism across the board) sure as hell isn't very "functional" right now. The former U.S.S.R. (which implemented pure liberalism across the board) sure as hell isn't very "functional" right now - they don't even exist anymore.
I don't need to state how many. I stated a indisputable fact

Indisputable facts can be easily proven. Baseless opinions, on the other hand, often cause their promulgators to tap dance and bullshit instead of providing supporting evidence...because they know they can't.

Okay, so you've dodged that one three times. Time to dodge this one a third time, too: "If the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?"
I don't need to state how many. I stated a indisputable fact

Indisputable facts can be easily proven. Baseless opinions, on the other hand, often cause their promulgators to tap dance and bullshit instead of providing supporting evidence...because they know they can't.

Okay, so you've dodged that one three times. Time to dodge this one a third time, too: "If the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?"
All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make? If you're so worried about my relatives - then you care for them if I fail to care for them to your standards.

Oh wait....that's right. You're a lazy, selfish, and greedy liberal. You won't help anybody. You demand that government do everything for you. Including helping others.

You've dodged every question I've asked so far. Kind of proves you don't have any answers sweetie.
Who the fuck are you to decide what constitutes a "functional society"?

One might ask you the same question.
And I'm not the one proclaiming that society isn't functional if we don't implement communism.

Do you realize you can't give a single answer to anything on this site? All you do is ask nonsensical questions - and copy the good questions of the intelligent people on this site (see above). :eusa_doh:
I don't need to state how many. I stated a indisputable fact

Indisputable facts can be easily proven. Baseless opinions, on the other hand, often cause their promulgators to tap dance and bullshit instead of providing supporting evidence...because they know they can't.

Okay, so you've dodged that one three times. Time to dodge this one a third time, too: "If the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?"
All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make?

All the difference in the world.

And I'm not the one proclaiming that society isn't functional if we don't implement communism.

Neither is anyone else in this thread.
All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make?
All the difference in the world.
Wow...what a cute and empty platitude.

"All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make?" Decidedly platitudinous, but quite revealing of someone with very little knowledge about the costs of illness or of daily care for someone who's frail and elderly.

If you'd like to take a stab at any of that, let me know. If not, platitude on.
All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make?
All the difference in the world.
Wow...what a cute and empty platitude.

"All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make?" Decidedly platitudinous, but quite revealing of someone with very little knowledge about the costs of illness or of daily care for someone who's frail and elderly.

If you'd like to take a stab at any of that, let me know. If not, platitude on.
Wow....there you go again repeating what an intelligent person said because you have no intelligent thoughts of your own. :eusa_doh:
Society was plenty "functional" for well over 100 years without Social Security. It was "functional" for nearly 200 years without Medicare and Medicaid.

Define "functional."
From fledging nation to world super-power. That's about as "functional" as it gets.

So "the nation" is what matters, not its citizens.

Out of curiosity, if the safety net vanished tomorrow, how many of your sick and/or elderly relatives would you be willing to support?
Neither the nation nor its citizens "is what matters". Liberty is what matters. Not healthcare. Not housing. Not government cell phones. Liberty.

Throughout the history of the United States, over a million people have died to give us liberty. And how do you honor those people? You literally walk over to their grave, piss on it, and then use the liberty that they handed to you on a silver-platter as bargaining chips to trade in for pitiful government table scraps.

If you and idiot antontoo think that people need everything provided to them, then you have the liberty to make that choice and provide whatever needs you think are missing. Funny how neither of you step up by choice and instead want everything done by communist force.
You silence here is deafening Arianrhod. It's disgusting how other people died to hand you liberty on a silver platter and you use their sacrifice to get free shit from the government because you're lazy, selfish, and greedy.
All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make?
All the difference in the world.
Wow...what a cute and empty platitude.

"All of them. Or none of them. What difference does it make?" Decidedly platitudinous, but quite revealing of someone with very little knowledge about the costs of illness or of daily care for someone who's frail and elderly.

If you'd like to take a stab at any of that, let me know. If not, platitude on.
Wow....there you go again repeating what an intelligent person said because you have no intelligent thoughts of your own. :eusa_doh:


Bet you don't know how much CABG surgery or cancer treatment costs. Or long-term treatment for multiple sclerosis or diabetes or muscular dystrophy.

Pick something that interests you, and let's discuss it.
Hey, P@triot, I have to step away from the keyboard for the next little while. I hope that's okay with you.
Bet you don't know how much CABG surgery or cancer treatment costs. Or long-term treatment for multiple sclerosis or diabetes or muscular dystrophy.
Bet you've never read the U.S. Constitution.

Bet you don't know how much CABG surgery or cancer treatment costs. Or long-term treatment for multiple sclerosis or diabetes or muscular dystrophy.
Bet you that the cost of healthcare doesn't trump liberty.
Bet you don't know how much CABG surgery or cancer treatment costs. Or long-term treatment for multiple sclerosis or diabetes or muscular dystrophy.
Bet you that it's each person's responsibility to pay for their own healthcare no matter how much it costs.

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