Obamacare Continues to Restrict Hiring


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Federal Reserve Beige Book, released on March 6, cited Obamacare as a factor in slowing hiring and employment growth.
The Beige Book is a report published eight times a year that details the economic activity in the 12 different Federal Reserve regions. As this most recent report explains, “Employers in several Districts cited the unknown effects of the Affordable Care Act as reasons for planned layoffs and reluctance to hire more staff.”

Hiring will be too big of an investment for small businesses because of Obamacare. Add to that an increase in minimum wage and you can forget those entry level jobs for young people. Obama will go down in history as the president who killed jobs and kept children living in their parents' homes when they got out of school. A few more years of Obama and families will all be crowding into the same house in order to survive. It'll be like Russia with several families living in small living quarters.

Obamacare Continues to Restrict Hiring
Labor: Obamacare Restricts Hiring
The owner of the company that I work for told me last week that he could use 20 more people to complete jobs he has in the pipeline, but he was only going to hire 5 in order to stay under the cap to get sucked into Obamacare.

He'll just pay overtime to the rest of us. And we'll gladly take it.
The owner of the company that I work for told me last week that he could use 20 more people to complete jobs he has in the pipeline, but he was only going to hire 5 in order to stay under the cap to get sucked into Obamacare.

He'll just pay overtime to the rest of us. And we'll gladly take it.

Did he tell you how much the additional cost would be? I thought not.

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