Obamacare falling apart, democrats desperate

We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.

The amount of corruption in the private healthcare system is enough to make anyone sensible want to have a system where you pay in a manner similar to the NHS in the UK.

The British pay half what the Americans pay for healthcare. It might not be to the same standard, but if they doubled spending it would be far superior.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.

The amount of corruption in the private healthcare system is enough to make anyone sensible want to have a system where you pay in a manner similar to the NHS in the UK.

The British pay half what the Americans pay for healthcare. It might not be to the same standard, but if they doubled spending it would be far superior.
LOL! I'm glad there's no corruption in government run healthcare systems. Like the VA.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

wrong, the end game was very predictable from the beginning. Destroy the best medical system in the world, destroy the insurance industry and put the federal government in charge of everything. No one was fooled except the dumbass libs who just saw the word "free" and had orgasms.

As to Trump, he has not explained his ideas fully yet. When he does we can evaluate them.

The US healthcare system is NOT the best healthcare system in the world. The only area where the US healthcare system leads the world is in its costs. You have the most expensive healthcare system in the world.

So tell...why do canadians and all kinds of other foreigners come here for treatment?

Very few Canadians go to the US for treatment. The vast majority who do seek medical treatment in US hospitals are people who are in the US on vacation or on business and become ill.

Only the very wealthy can afford treatment in the US. Occasionally a wealthy person may go to the US for experimental treatment not available elsewhere.

The US medical establishment keeps feeding you bullshit about Canadian healthcare because they like the system they have. It makes them way more money.

I know two people from canada that have come to Texas for cancer treatment.
My Aunt and my cousin both work in the canadian healthcare system and they both say it sucks.
Go peddle your crap to someone else.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.

The amount of corruption in the private healthcare system is enough to make anyone sensible want to have a system where you pay in a manner similar to the NHS in the UK.

The British pay half what the Americans pay for healthcare. It might not be to the same standard, but if they doubled spending it would be far superior.

^^^^total horseshit.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.

The amount of corruption in the private healthcare system is enough to make anyone sensible want to have a system where you pay in a manner similar to the NHS in the UK.

The British pay half what the Americans pay for healthcare. It might not be to the same standard, but if they doubled spending it would be far superior.

^^^^total horseshit.

Ya gotta love the liberals answer to everything...more taxes.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.

The amount of corruption in the private healthcare system is enough to make anyone sensible want to have a system where you pay in a manner similar to the NHS in the UK.

The British pay half what the Americans pay for healthcare. It might not be to the same standard, but if they doubled spending it would be far superior.

Actually France pay just under 2/3 what US does and they have far superior for everyone..
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.

The amount of corruption in the private healthcare system is enough to make anyone sensible want to have a system where you pay in a manner similar to the NHS in the UK.

The British pay half what the Americans pay for healthcare. It might not be to the same standard, but if they doubled spending it would be far superior.

Actually France pay just under 2/3 what US does and they have far superior for everyone..

then move to france. then ask a frenchman where he would go if he had terminal cancer and wanted a few more years of life.
I wouldn't have a problem with Obamacare if it didn't have the tax for not getting healthcare.

That's going to screw over the 27 year olds in this country. You're just getting on your feet in the world and boom you're hit with a tax because you don't need healthcare yet cuz your young and not unhealthy. It's bullcrap.

And a pre-emotive point cuz I know I'll get hit with what about the college debt they are stuck with at that age?

college loans are a scam. Community college is affordable and gives you enough of a degree to get a good job.
"A Canadian study released Wednesday found that many provinces in our neighbor to the north have seen patients fleeing the country and opting for medical treatment in the United States.

The nonpartisan Fraser Institute reported that 46,159 Canadians sought medical treatment outside of Canada in 2011, as wait times increased 104 percent — more than double — compared with statistics from 1993."

Read more: Report: Thousands fled Canada for health care in 2011

This will change because how can people from other countries come here for healthcare now with Obamacare unless they are rich and can afford private care.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.

The amount of corruption in the private healthcare system is enough to make anyone sensible want to have a system where you pay in a manner similar to the NHS in the UK.

The British pay half what the Americans pay for healthcare. It might not be to the same standard, but if they doubled spending it would be far superior.

Actually France pay just under 2/3 what US does and they have far superior for everyone..
I don't think Lady Diana would agree with you.
Is there a forum on this board for creative efforts? Not sure whether this thread would come under "fiction" or "drama," because it sure is rife with both.

The reality of the PPACA's influence on consumer access to affordable health insurance, and the subsequent effects on hospital debt and the overall economy bears no resemblance to the "Fuck, yeah!" Schadenfreude being acted out here.

Oh, I've got it - performance art! That's what this thread is. It would be funnier in tutus, though.
Is there a forum on this board for creative efforts? Not sure whether this thread would come under "fiction" or "drama," because it sure is rife with both.

The reality of the PPACA's influence on consumer access to affordable health insurance, and the subsequent effects on hospital debt and the overall economy bears no resemblance to the "Fuck, yeah!" Schadenfreude being acted out here.

Oh, I've got it - performance art! That's what this thread is. It would be funnier in tutus, though.
I see you're not the brightest bulb on here. But with Obamacare coops failing right and left, signups badly lagging predictions, insurance rates skyrocketing, it's hard to see how Obamacare can be labeled anything other than failure.
...with Obamacare coops failing right and left...


signups badly lagging predictions...


...insurance rates skyrocketing...

This is the part where you're asked to prove that and you go ballistic.

...it's hard to see how Obamacare can be labeled anything other than failure.

Considering the vantage point from where you're looking, failure would be your metier.
...with Obamacare coops failing right and left...


signups badly lagging predictions...


...insurance rates skyrocketing...

This is the part where you're asked to prove that and you go ballistic.

...it's hard to see how Obamacare can be labeled anything other than failure.

Considering the vantage point from where you're looking, failure would be your metier.
One third of coops have failed already, with many others heading in that direction. Is that not the defintion of "failing right and left"?
One-Third Of Obamacare Co-Ops Are Now Officially Dead

Enrollments have "flatlined", defying earlier administration predictions. Are you still denying this is fact?
ObamaCare Enrollment Flatlines As 6th Insurance Co-Op Fails

Rates are skyrocketing. No way to claim this is "rightist propaganda" when it appears on CNN.
Obamacare sticker shock: Insurers propose rate hikes for 2016

OK, so I have proven all three contentions. This is where you:
1) Claim it is all made up
2) Claim the sources are all biased right wing talk shows/Limbaugh talking points
3) Claim that it is Bush's fault.

So which is it?
I wouldn't have a problem with Obamacare if it didn't have the tax for not getting healthcare.

That's going to screw over the 27 year olds in this country. You're just getting on your feet in the world and boom you're hit with a tax because you don't need healthcare yet cuz your young and not unhealthy. It's bullcrap.

And a pre-emotive point cuz I know I'll get hit with what about the college debt they are stuck with at that age?

college loans are a scam. Community college is affordable and gives you enough of a degree to get a good job.

I have lived a pretty long life and in my opinion have never really needed healthcare. I am no better off because I went to the doctor then if I had not gone. And especially now I pay a large premium for what? If I use obamacare I pay out of pocket.
I wouldn't have a problem with Obamacare if it didn't have the tax for not getting healthcare.

That's going to screw over the 27 year olds in this country. You're just getting on your feet in the world and boom you're hit with a tax because you don't need healthcare yet cuz your young and not unhealthy. It's bullcrap.

And a pre-emotive point cuz I know I'll get hit with what about the college debt they are stuck with at that age?

college loans are a scam. Community college is affordable and gives you enough of a degree to get a good job.

I have lived a pretty long life and in my opinion have never really needed healthcare. I am no better off because I went to the doctor then if I had not gone. And especially now I pay a large premium for what? If I use obamacare I pay out of pocket.

libs like it because they get it free. the parasites known as democrats exist to steal from those who work for what they have.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles

It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

Donald Trump: Progressive champion?

1. Government health care for all

On Tuesday, Trump called Obamacare such a disaster, “You have to get hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor to use it.”

Progressives might object, noting that the “hit by tractor” provision of the Affordable Care Act literally doesn’t exist. But the Democratic base would be more sympathetic to Trump’s health care proposals circa 2000.

Shortly after the Y2K scare, Trump announced his support for socialized medicine, in a campaign booklet titled, “The America We Deserve”.

“We must have universal health care,” Trump wrote. “We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by health care expenses.”

He even cited Canada’s publicly funded health care system as a model worth emulating.
Same god Damned way they attacked Mitt Romney. If he ever pondered any sort of government health care system, he's the anti-christ. Vote for Hillary. .....and get an even shittier form of government health care.
I wouldn't have a problem with Obamacare if it didn't have the tax for not getting healthcare.

That's going to screw over the 27 year olds in this country. You're just getting on your feet in the world and boom you're hit with a tax because you don't need healthcare yet cuz your young and not unhealthy. It's bullcrap.

And a pre-emotive point cuz I know I'll get hit with what about the college debt they are stuck with at that age?

college loans are a scam. Community college is affordable and gives you enough of a degree to get a good job.

I have lived a pretty long life and in my opinion have never really needed healthcare. I am no better off because I went to the doctor then if I had not gone. And especially now I pay a large premium for what? If I use obamacare I pay out of pocket.
I've had health insurance since I was 22. I've paid way more into than I've used. My mom told me to get it so I did. My premium is ridiculous and I've barely used my insurance. I should get some kind of break for not using it but I don't. I've always paid for the people that use the heck out of it.

I get screwed on taxes cuz I'm right on the cusp of doing well. I save money to pay my taxes. All the money I save over the year goes to taxes.

I've been screwed by the system for years and there is nothing I can do about it.

And all I can see ahead is a bigger screwing.
It was never meant to succeed. They want the country to become more dependent, which means they want America to continue to fail.

Government run health care has always been the goal. Soon they will have complete power. Even Trump champions a single payer system. Conservatives probably have no clue about this.

wrong, the end game was very predictable from the beginning. Destroy the best medical system in the world, destroy the insurance industry and put the federal government in charge of everything. No one was fooled except the dumbass libs who just saw the word "free" and had orgasms.

As to Trump, he has not explained his ideas fully yet. When he does we can evaluate them.

The US healthcare system is NOT the best healthcare system in the world. The only area where the US healthcare system leads the world is in its costs. You have the most expensive healthcare system in the world.

So tell...why do canadians and all kinds of other foreigners come here for treatment?

Very few Canadians go to the US for treatment. The vast majority who do seek medical treatment in US hospitals are people who are in the US on vacation or on business and become ill.

Only the very wealthy can afford treatment in the US. Occasionally a wealthy person may go to the US for experimental treatment not available elsewhere.

The US medical establishment keeps feeding you bullshit about Canadian healthcare because they like the system they have. It makes them way more money.
Yes. No one comes to the US for medical treatment. All those studies and figures are simply made up.
LOL! What a fucking tool.


With month-long waiting lists for simple procedures in Canada, many cross the border to get the same -procedures in clinics the same day.

However, it IS true that Canadian medicines are a whole lot cheaper - just like in Mexico.

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