Obamacare Going After 1099ers

I have a question for the OP...................what state do you live in, and did the governor of your state accept or refuse the Medicaid expansion?

If you live in a state that refused, then the problem isn't the ACA, it's your governors desire to stop it, because if they accepted the Medicaid expansion, the price of insurance actually goes down.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.

You can blame the governor for refusing to accept the Medicare expansion. AZ is a Republican governed state, and all GOP led states have refused the expansion.

That's why the costs have gone up.
How about faulting a mandate program that nobody can afford?
I have a question for the OP...................what state do you live in, and did the governor of your state accept or refuse the Medicaid expansion?

If you live in a state that refused, then the problem isn't the ACA, it's your governors desire to stop it, because if they accepted the Medicaid expansion, the price of insurance actually goes down.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.

You can blame the governor for refusing to accept the Medicare expansion. AZ is a Republican governed state, and all GOP led states have refused the expansion.

That's why the costs have gone up.
How about faulting a mandate program that nobody can afford?
Because that's not what the PPACA is.
I have a question for the OP...................what state do you live in, and did the governor of your state accept or refuse the Medicaid expansion?

If you live in a state that refused, then the problem isn't the ACA, it's your governors desire to stop it, because if they accepted the Medicaid expansion, the price of insurance actually goes down.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.

You can blame the governor for refusing to accept the Medicare expansion. AZ is a Republican governed state, and all GOP led states have refused the expansion.

That's why the costs have gone up.
How about faulting a mandate program that nobody can afford?

In states where they accepted the expansion, the rates of insurance have gone down quite a bit for almost everyone. The only places where the ACA has problems working as advertised are the states that refused the expansion.

Sorry you have such a crappy governor, but it's the same situation here in Texas.
The problem is I NOR they can take the added 4,800 dollars a year in costs. And that is the cheapest one.

Is that premiums alone or premiums plus deductible?
For the person 400 for the premium alone. For another its 700.
He has kids.
Well, unless you're paying them over 100K a year, those premiums are inaccurate. Tell them to take a test drive here:

Subsidy Calculator Widget

It's from the Kaiser Foundation, there's no commitment, but it'll give you and your subcontractors a more realistic figure.
Tax Basics: What You Need to Know about Form W-9

FYI Are they filling out a W-9 when you hire them?
Not sure. I may look into selling it to them with me backing the loan for them to buy it. Then they could run as "gypsy" contractors.
Okay. Are they working under the table.................

To file the proper 1099 you must have a TIN number, and your State and Federal I.d. number to properly submit the 1099 to the Gov't................You can have them fill out the form and submit it to get the TIN...............

I'm no expert on it, but I've worked under 1099's through temp way back in the past. Had to fill out the paperwork which would include a W9.

Find a CPA, worth his salt, and pay a little to find the best options............
No they are not working under the table because I need to deduct costs and they are a cost. About the second week of January I get forms from the book keeper. One goes to them and two to me. One for the IRS and one for my files.
Then the book keeper is getting them their TIN's then........................

Under that, you are not responsible for the ACA requirements...........They by working under a 1099 must get their own insurance or pay the fine...................They must also pay their taxes as well................

I don't see the problem then?
The problem is I NOR they can take the added 4,800 dollars a year in costs. And that is the cheapest one. So since government has mandated it they and I are stuck. Its not a big operation.

Without dipping into MY savings which came from my working the profit is no longer viable.

Bonding is not going down its going up. Material is not going down its going up. And while both are valid tax deductions at the END of the year they do nothing for the month to month.

But now the SUB contractors are feeling the pinch of ACHA or Obamacare and they can't make it up. There is just no room for the little guy.

And the plan levels for them are not much to speak of once you look at the co-pay as well. In some cases their amount they have to spend BEFORE its "free" is equal to what they pay for it in an entire YEAR.

Me I have Medicare so I'm covered. But to those starting out or over its a slaughter. I could shut down tomorrow and really not be out anything. But this "mandate" is going to destroy them.
I understand what you are saying...............They have the same option I have as an hourly employee.................My costs for family coverage at my company went up over 500 a month forcing me to drop my coverage........Small company that does not co-pay squat.............Family coverage was already high.......went to $1500 and change a month. I shit you not..............

Dropped it last year and got the Bronze plan for the family. I was just under the thresh hold of subsidies and was told I qualified..........I actually refused overtime last year to avoid going over the threshold that I THOUGHT was the proper THRESHOLD...........as told to me by those taking applications when I signed up................ My wife had to have her Gall bladder removed during the course of last year..........Before I could get the surgery I was required to pay $6,000 at the door of the hospital................before they could proceed. Got the surgery, and later got some of the money back as Blue Cross Blue Shield cut the cost of the whole out patient surgery................

At the end of the year............I was denied the subsidies that I was told I qualified for..........Like I said I didn't work some overtime to make sure I was under the threshold..........They asked the question WRONG..............The question was how much would it cost ME BY MYSELF TO GET COVERAGE NOT THE FAMILY.................I had to pay back the subsidies for the entire year when filing my taxes..............

The rates went up with the ACA................To get the Bronze was about $800 a month............I was told that I was in dispute with the ACA as I questioned the subsidies.........told them it was not I that made the mistake but their call handlers...............They put my new application on hold............Was told until the dispute was settled I would have to wait to get the insurance............I told them to put my wife on her on policy the Silver Plan and drop mine and my daughters plan for the moment...........as I never go to the doctor.................They wouldn't let me do it............I was told that it would mess up my data on the computer if I tried changing my coverage while in dispute...........

This went on for a while as I got the run around.............Finally I told them to fuck off and dropped it...........

No Insurance now and I'll be fined next filing season for no Insurance......It will be above $2,000 for the fine next year........Back pay for the subsidies was over $3,000 on my return last year............Ended up paying over $6,000 last year anyway as my daughter needed Gyno work...........

I understand that the system is fucked up....................Mr insurance was 12k a year.......but it actually had deductibles that paid out......................It hurt financially..........Obamacare was cheaper but when used it really didn't save me a dime.............Some would say that it saved my ass on the surgery..........well it did if you discount the fact that my insurance rate went through the fucking roof as a result of the ACA.

Either way..........we are fucked...........I will probably go back on the damn thing next year..........I was so pissed off with their incompetence this year that I told them to go to hell..............Next year I may not be as pissed off as I was at tax season this year...........Of course the fine.......ummm the tax is coming for me this year.
I have a question for the OP...................what state do you live in, and did the governor of your state accept or refuse the Medicaid expansion?

If you live in a state that refused, then the problem isn't the ACA, it's your governors desire to stop it, because if they accepted the Medicaid expansion, the price of insurance actually goes down.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.

You can blame the governor for refusing to accept the Medicare expansion. AZ is a Republican governed state, and all GOP led states have refused the expansion.

That's why the costs have gone up.
How about faulting a mandate program that nobody can afford?

In states where they accepted the expansion, the rates of insurance have gone down quite a bit for almost everyone. The only places where the ACA has problems working as advertised are the states that refused the expansion.

Sorry you have such a crappy governor, but it's the same situation here in Texas.
The problem is I NOR they can take the added 4,800 dollars a year in costs. And that is the cheapest one.

Is that premiums alone or premiums plus deductible?
For the person 400 for the premium alone. For another its 700.
He has kids.
Well, unless you're paying them over 100K a year, those premiums are inaccurate. Tell them to take a test drive here:

Subsidy Calculator Widget

It's from the Kaiser Foundation, there's no commitment, but it'll give you and your subcontractors a more realistic figure.
I will have them check this thread for those links. Its not exactly the first time government has sent out the wrong size bill. I thank you and am sure they will.
When I contract someone to fix my a/c, they better show up at the agreed upon time or else I find someone else.
Lots of companies abuse employees by calling them independent contractors when they do not fit the definition.

I wonder...
But show up later for work and get yer ass chewed out... Yet, the simplistic act like requiring your people to show up for work at a certain time and they are considered your employee's...
Arizona health insurance exchange / marketplace: Obamacare enrollment

Arizona health insurance exchange / marketplace
Four carriers dropping PPOs in favor of HMOs for 2016

Ten of the 13 carriers in Arizona’s exchange have proposed rate increases of less than ten percent for 2016. The CO-OP, Meritus, is among them, unlike many other CO-OPs across the country that are raising premiums substantially for next year. Meritus did recently stop allowing year-round enrollment outside the exchange; enrollees must now have a qualifying event to enroll in a Meritus plan outside of open enrollment (on or off exchange) as is the case with every other carrier.

PPO plans are becoming much more rare in Arizona in 2016. Aetna, Cigna, Meritus, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona are all switching to HMO-only plans in the Arizona exchange in 2016. Current PPO enrollees with those carriers will be mapped to the most similar HMO available, but will also have an opportunity to shop around and enroll in any available plan during the open enrollment period that begins November 1. Health Net and All Savers will still offer PPO options for consumers who prefer a broader network.

The trend towards more narrow networks (HMOs and EPOs) is common across the country as insurers look for ways to constrain costs while complying with the ACA’s regulations.

Proposed 2016 rates
Only three individual-market carriers in Arizona’s exchange – out of a total of 13 – have requested 2016 rate increases of ten percent or more. Proposed rate increases under that threshold don’t show up on Healthcare.gov’s rate review tool. One of the three carriers, Time Insurance Co, had proposed rate increases in excess of 70 percent for next year, but in early June the carrier’s parent company, Assurant, announced that they’re exiting the individual market nationwide, and will not participate in the 2016 open enrollment period.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona has proposed an average rate increase of 21.4 percent for their individual plans, although that request has yet to be approved by regulators. Health Net has also proposed double digit rate hikes for their individual plans (11 percent for PPO plans, and 26 percent for HMO plans). Cigna appears on the list of carriers with rate increase proposals of at least ten percent, but it’s for a plan sold outside the exchange.

At ACAsignups, Charles Gaba has calculated a proposed weighted average rate increase of 12 to 14 percent for the entire ACA-compliant individual market in Arizona, but with several assumptions and caveats included.

Regulators are reviewing rate proposals, and final rates will be announced in advance of the open enrollment period that begins November 1. Open enrollment for 2016 will continue until January 31, and it will be important for enrollees to shop around during open enrollment, as premium fluctuations canimpact subsidy amounts.
Unless they have some sort of exemption everyone has to pay insurance except mainly people on Medicare or Medicaid.
I have a question for the OP...................what state do you live in, and did the governor of your state accept or refuse the Medicaid expansion?

If you live in a state that refused, then the problem isn't the ACA, it's your governors desire to stop it, because if they accepted the Medicaid expansion, the price of insurance actually goes down.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.
So again, how is it your problem that your independent contractors need insurance?

It's called compassion dimwit.
it's called b.s.

compassion would be paying them enough so they could purchase insurance. compassion would mean offering them a group policy through the company.
compassion is not mislabeling employees as independent contractors so you can screw them over.
I have a question for the OP...................what state do you live in, and did the governor of your state accept or refuse the Medicaid expansion?

If you live in a state that refused, then the problem isn't the ACA, it's your governors desire to stop it, because if they accepted the Medicaid expansion, the price of insurance actually goes down.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.
So again, how is it your problem that your independent contractors need insurance?

It's called compassion dimwit.
it's called b.s.

compassion would be paying them enough so they could purchase insurance. compassion would mean offering them a group policy through the company.
compassion is not mislabeling employees as independent contractors so you can screw them over.
You talk about compassion?????????????????

Tell me where the $2500 a year savings are..................That was promised under the ACA when it increased rates nation wide.................I'll tell you where it is............under the Bronze plan it saved me that much a year................But you need to get run over by a semi to use it..........It pays jack squat unless you need surgery or have a major illness...........the plans are for catastrophic health issues.......Major surgeries..........and so on................They don't pay for the visits until you pay the high deductibles...........
I have a question for the OP...................what state do you live in, and did the governor of your state accept or refuse the Medicaid expansion?

If you live in a state that refused, then the problem isn't the ACA, it's your governors desire to stop it, because if they accepted the Medicaid expansion, the price of insurance actually goes down.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.
So again, how is it your problem that your independent contractors need insurance?

It's called compassion dimwit.
it's called b.s.

compassion would be paying them enough so they could purchase insurance. compassion would mean offering them a group policy through the company.
compassion is not mislabeling employees as independent contractors so you can screw them over.
You talk about compassion?????????????????

Tell me where the $2500 a year savings are..................That was promised under the ACA when it increased rates nation wide.................I'll tell you where it is............under the Bronze plan it saved me that much a year................But you need to get run over by a semi to use it..........It pays jack squat unless you need surgery or have a major illness...........the plans are for catastrophic health issues.......Major surgeries..........and so on................They don't pay for the visits until you pay the high deductibles...........
broken keyboard?
To me, his 1099's under the law, would be classified as employees...........

Given that he could get fined by the IRS for it...............I'm not sure on the classification.........

He could go through a temp agency, and avoid the headache, but operational costs would go up...........But it would allow him to continue them on 1099's.
I live in Arizona and have no idea what the Gov. did. I'm the guy who hires the 25 year old non grad looking to get a skill. I'm the guy who hires the first time offender looking to turn his life around. I'm the guy who hires the vet.

I'm NOT some big time contractor just a little guy trying to do what I can.
So again, how is it your problem that your independent contractors need insurance?

It's called compassion dimwit.
it's called b.s.

compassion would be paying them enough so they could purchase insurance. compassion would mean offering them a group policy through the company.
compassion is not mislabeling employees as independent contractors so you can screw them over.
You talk about compassion?????????????????

Tell me where the $2500 a year savings are..................That was promised under the ACA when it increased rates nation wide.................I'll tell you where it is............under the Bronze plan it saved me that much a year................But you need to get run over by a semi to use it..........It pays jack squat unless you need surgery or have a major illness...........the plans are for catastrophic health issues.......Major surgeries..........and so on................They don't pay for the visits until you pay the high deductibles...........
broken keyboard?
Nooooooooooope..........just my usual style of posting.............

Rates have went up for all.........including the ACA coverage............and my post is accurate........
To me, his 1099's under the law, would be classified as employees...........

Given that he could get fined by the IRS for it...............I'm not sure on the classification.........

He could go through a temp agency, and avoid the headache, but operational costs would go up...........But it would allow him to continue them on 1099's.
aren't they then employees of the temp agency? he 1099's the agency?
So again, how is it your problem that your independent contractors need insurance?

It's called compassion dimwit.
it's called b.s.

compassion would be paying them enough so they could purchase insurance. compassion would mean offering them a group policy through the company.
compassion is not mislabeling employees as independent contractors so you can screw them over.
You talk about compassion?????????????????

Tell me where the $2500 a year savings are..................That was promised under the ACA when it increased rates nation wide.................I'll tell you where it is............under the Bronze plan it saved me that much a year................But you need to get run over by a semi to use it..........It pays jack squat unless you need surgery or have a major illness...........the plans are for catastrophic health issues.......Major surgeries..........and so on................They don't pay for the visits until you pay the high deductibles...........
broken keyboard?
Nooooooooooope..........just my usual style of posting.............

Rates have went up for all.........including the ACA coverage............and my post is accurate........
rates were going up before the aca. sounds like these guys never had health care.
To me, his 1099's under the law, would be classified as employees...........

Given that he could get fined by the IRS for it...............I'm not sure on the classification.........

He could go through a temp agency, and avoid the headache, but operational costs would go up...........But it would allow him to continue them on 1099's.
aren't they then employees of the temp agency? he 1099's the agency?
Valid point.............The purpose of going through the temp is to avoid the paperwork to get labor.........So I would imagine that he would have to sign a contract for labor at the Temps Rates............He could threw the contract get the Temp to agree to hire the workers he currently has now............

Good point though.
It's called compassion dimwit.
it's called b.s.

compassion would be paying them enough so they could purchase insurance. compassion would mean offering them a group policy through the company.
compassion is not mislabeling employees as independent contractors so you can screw them over.
You talk about compassion?????????????????

Tell me where the $2500 a year savings are..................That was promised under the ACA when it increased rates nation wide.................I'll tell you where it is............under the Bronze plan it saved me that much a year................But you need to get run over by a semi to use it..........It pays jack squat unless you need surgery or have a major illness...........the plans are for catastrophic health issues.......Major surgeries..........and so on................They don't pay for the visits until you pay the high deductibles...........
broken keyboard?
Nooooooooooope..........just my usual style of posting.............

Rates have went up for all.........including the ACA coverage............and my post is accurate........
rates were going up before the aca. sounds like these guys never had health care.
Probably. But the rates exploded on my costs after the ACA...........They were already very high.

Even under the ACA the rates continue to climb...........including the plans at the exchanges.

The ACA was supposed to fix that...........Has it?

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