Obamacare has 6 million people..when will the other 46 million

Of the 5-6 million who were cancelled BY INSURERS, only about 300k haven't gotten insurance again through their employers, and that had nothing to do with the exchanges...

5 million haven't gotten Medicaid because they live in mindless a-hole Pub states...

The figure of new insured is more like 15 million- you're missing the state exchanges...
If I'm not mistaken, the approximate numbers of uninsured was 46 million, however you get to that number does not matter. After Obamacare was passed something around 5 million approx lost their insurance, thus shifting that 46 million number to 52 million, approx. Now gaining 7 million insured would give you about 44 million uninsured going off the numbers provided by the Government.

If 1-2 million fail to pay or fully sign up for Obamacare out of the 7 million number claim is yet to be seen... If that is the case, Obamacare will have been a near 100% wash at this point and simply be costing the US billions for a net positive of 0%.

HC insurance is on the rise and has been since the passage of Obamacare, this is nothing new but the claim was that families would save around 2,500$ a year on HC, now it is accepted that it will cost 1-3k more a year under Obamacare and that there is no real overall savings, but rather a large loss in overall savings for the average citizen.

I am not a mindless Obama hater, nor am I a mindless Obamacare hater... I waited a long time to even post really much of anything on Obamacare. Here we are, these are the realities and possible future we have under Obamacare.

But it DOES matter if there were 46 million truly legal uninsured Americans!
Before ACA was passed and the CENSUS told us of the 46 million 10 million were not citizens... yet Obama counted them as part of the 46 million!
Then after ACA passed he was now saying 30 million uninsured!

And again tell me what is fair in counting 14 million people as uninsured that ONLY needed to register with Medicaid?
That was BEFORE the ACA bill. So how can we have this monstrosity that couldn't register the 14 million that qualified before NOW?
Then why are you and others so adamant that 18 million people that can afford (make over $50k) but don't have a need (under 34) must buy insurance?
Add those 3 numbers 10 million illegals, 14 million already covered and 18 million that don't want or need and you get 42 million!
Subtract from the phony 46 million used to pass this destructive bill and you get less then 4 million that truly wanted and Need coverage.. But not 46 million!

There is a far simpler way of getting those 4 million covered !

And NOW you are right BECAUSE of ACA we truly have 5 million that wanted employers' coverage but are LOSING because of ACA!
A totally wrong and life threatening prospect all because idiots that passed this ACA believe there were 46 million "uninsured" that were legal, that wanted and were not covered otherwise i.e. 14 million covered already by Medicaid! I know two people that fit that category and they are just too lazy to register with medicaid!
And this one idiot now thinks he'll get coverage because of Obamacare! All they 'll do is register him for Medicaid WHICH HE was eligible BEFORE ACA!!!

Do you understand? 46 million was a phony number used to pass ACA when you subtract 10 million illegals, 14 million qualified and 18 million that don't want!
Total bogus number used to pass ACA!
get enrolled?

I mean the WHOLE ACA was sold based on 46 million uninsured Americans.

So when will these 40 million become insured?

That was what ACA was passed on the 46 million uninsured Americans right?

Irrespective that 10 million according to the Census of the 46 million were not citizens.
Irrespective that 14 million according to the Census only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered.
Irrespective that 18 million that DON"T NEED (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) and refuse their employers' health plan.

So why was there a need to destroy our health care system for 4 million people of WHICH obviously NOW they are covered!

SO where are the rest of the 40 million????

Nowhere can you show any number than 7mm the first year and 98% coverage by 2022. Now that would still leave more than 7mm who want to suck off of everybody else like you, hm.
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get enrolled?

I mean the WHOLE ACA was sold based on 46 million uninsured Americans.

So when will these 40 million become insured?

That was what ACA was passed on the 46 million uninsured Americans right?

Irrespective that 10 million according to the Census of the 46 million were not citizens.
Irrespective that 14 million according to the Census only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered.
Irrespective that 18 million that DON"T NEED (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) and refuse their employers' health plan.

So why was there a need to destroy our health care system for 4 million people of WHICH obviously NOW they are covered!

SO where are the rest of the 40 million????

Nowhere can you show any number than 7mm the first year and 98% coverage by 2022. Now that would still leave more than 7mm who want to suck off of everybody else like you, hm.

DO YOU comprehend what I wrote??
THERE NEVER WERE 46 million Americans that were uninsured!!! DON"T YOU GET IT???
10 million per the census of the 46 million bogus uninsured ARE NOT AMERICANS!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
14 million were qualified for MEDICAID by being at poverty level! They weren't reached by Medicaid to enroll.. YET they are bogusly counted as "uninsured"!
18 million don't need (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) but refuse their employers' health plans... YET they are counted as part of the 46 million!

DO you get it???
LOOK at these links and you tell me where after subtracting the above 42 million there are 46 million uninsured???
THERE ARE less the 4 million!

Please I ask you read those links and then YOU tell me there were 46 million uninsured? This was the 1,000% exaggerated number used to pass ACA by just 7 votes!
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THERE NEVER WERE 46 million Americans that were uninsured!!!

You lie was exploded long time ago, sonny. You, while entitled to your opinion, cannot change the facts. Tis what tis.
THERE NEVER WERE 46 million Americans that were uninsured!!!

You lie was exploded long time ago, sonny. You, while entitled to your opinion, cannot change the facts. Tis what tis.

I've written hundreds of times on this board THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!
MY point has always been Obama et.al. passed ACA based on a phony lie there were 46 million uninsured!

DID YOU READ what I wrote??
10 million of the phony 46 million are not citizens!
14 million of the phony 46 million are already eligible for MEDICAID just need to register and that was BEFORE ACA!!!
18 million don't want or need health insurance.
That's a total of 42 million that have been used to blow the number up to 46 million!
There are less then 4 million that are truly needing health insurance NOT 46 million!

What can I tell you to change YOUR totally 180 degree MISPERCEPTION of my thread!
THERE NEVER WERE AS I've written hundreds of times 46 million truly uninsured!

DO YOU get it???
Still waiting for someone to explain where are the so-called 46 million Americans Obama said were uninsured.
How can the government be trusted to manage health care when they exaggerated by 1,000% the true 4 million uninsured.
Obama in Aug 2009 BEFORE ACA passage.. “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. "
CURL: We overhauled U.S. health care ? to insure 4.2 million people? - Washington Times

He counted 10 million NON-AMERICANS in that 46 million PER THE CENSUS!!!

He also counted 14 million people that HE FAILED as the executive in charge of Medicaid to get enrolled so why if HE FAILED to get them enrolled
was it NECESSARY to then count THEM as uninsured because HE FAILED to get these poverty level people enrolled. HE FAILED but counted them!

Finally Obama etc. count 18 million people THAT don't need (are under 34) but can afford (make over $50k) and refuse employers' health plans.

Subtract those 42 million and you have 4 million that truly want and need health insurance!
When it was reported over and over that 5-6 million lost their coverage due to ObamaCare the Left downplayed that number as insignificant...Just a small percentage of the population it was said....

Then recently it was reported that 6 million signed up....

Barbara Boxer calls OCare a huge success...

The Democrats are despicable.

they go far beyond despicable, they are on the border of traitorism. :up:
I wonder how many of that 6 million are being subsidized by we the taxpayer??

One has to wonder if they would have signed up all if they found out we taxpayers weren't subsidizing them??

Its easy to sign up for something when somebody else's money is bankrolling you.

What a POS the ACA is.
I wonder how many of that 6 million are being subsidized by we the taxpayer??

One has to wonder if they would have signed up all if they found out we taxpayers weren't subsidizing them??

Its easy to sign up for something when somebody else's money is bankrolling you.

What a POS the ACA is.

Do you know how the tax subsidies work? They take money out of the tax return the buyer is going to get next year and help pay in advance for the health insurance with that temporary loan the buyer is giving the government.

Tax payers...as a group...don't pay a dime towards someone's subsidy. You basically get an advance on your tax return via paying for a portion of health insurance. It's why the people who make above 400% FPL don't get a subsidy...they don't get any tax return. It's also why people making too little don't get a subsidy and have to apply to medicaid...they don't pay enough in taxes to pay for the subsidy.
I wonder how many of that 6 million are being subsidized by we the taxpayer??

One has to wonder if they would have signed up all if they found out we taxpayers weren't subsidizing them??

Its easy to sign up for something when somebody else's money is bankrolling you.

What a POS the ACA is.

Do you know how the tax subsidies work? They take money out of the tax return the buyer is going to get next year and help pay in advance for the health insurance with that temporary loan the buyer is giving the government.

Tax payers...as a group...don't pay a dime towards someone's subsidy. You basically get an advance on your tax return via paying for a portion of health insurance. It's why the people who make above 400% FPL don't get a subsidy...they don't get any tax return. It's also why people making too little don't get a subsidy and have to apply to medicaid...they don't pay enough in taxes to pay for the subsidy.

So you are saying the ACA subsidy comes from a loan from the Govt. to the ACA insured and the loan is repaid from the future tax payment of the "insured"?

So you admit then there are those at a poverty level that obviously BEFORE ACA all they needed to do was apply to Medicaid?
THAT is what I've been saying hundreds of times!
10 million of the supposedly 46 million uninsured were NOT Americans..
Obama said... “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. "
So he was counting these 10 million.

Now you said people making too little apply to Medicaid.. Well that is what makes up 14 million of the supposedly 46 million uninsured!

Failure of Obama under Medicaid enrollment to provide those you said made too little.. YET HE counted them as part of the bogus 46 million! 14 million already eligible!

Finally Obama counts 18 million that don't want or need.. so why were their numbers included in a program that was to cover those that have to make application!
If 18 million don't want or need, 10 million aren't Americans and 14 million don't know they are covered... that is 42 million!!!
I wonder how many of that 6 million are being subsidized by we the taxpayer??

One has to wonder if they would have signed up all if they found out we taxpayers weren't subsidizing them??

Its easy to sign up for something when somebody else's money is bankrolling you.

What a POS the ACA is.

Do you know how the tax subsidies work? They take money out of the tax return the buyer is going to get next year and help pay in advance for the health insurance with that temporary loan the buyer is giving the government.

Tax payers...as a group...don't pay a dime towards someone's subsidy. You basically get an advance on your tax return via paying for a portion of health insurance. It's why the people who make above 400% FPL don't get a subsidy...they don't get any tax return. It's also why people making too little don't get a subsidy and have to apply to medicaid...they don't pay enough in taxes to pay for the subsidy.

So you are saying the ACA subsidy comes from a loan from the Govt. to the ACA insured and the loan is repaid from the future tax payment of the "insured"?

Just replying to this because I frankly don't care anymore about the 46 million crap you constantly spew.

No, what I'm saying is everyone who gets a tax return every year is basically giving the government a temporary loan. That temporary loan is most of the federal income tax that's collect even through the year.

What the tax subsidy does is give a portion of that temporary loan (their federal income tax) back to them in advance of their tax return to pay for their health insurance.

Tax subsidies for health insurance are not the food stamp version of health insurance...It's giving the person's earned income that the government holds onto for no reason other then an interest-free loan to the government back to the person before tax season. They're just giving the person's money "which belongs to them already anyway" back earlier then they would otherwise receive (during their tax return)...to help pay for health insurance.
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Since I know the previous post will go over a lot of your heads let me print out an example:

Johnny earns $22,000 in 2013. He'll pay roughly $1,200 in federal income tax. Even though he'll get a huge tax return in march/april, the government still holds that 1,200 dollars.

Now with ACA...since Johnny earns too much to qualify for medicaid (let's just assume) he applies for health insurance with a tax subsidy. The government gives Johnny a portion of his 1,200 dollars the government is assuming he'll pay in 2014 back directly in advance to pay for his health insurance during the year.

How much he'll get back depends on a number of factors, but it usually works out so he'll only pay between 4% and 6% of his income on health insurance, with the subsidy taking care of the rest. When March/April rolls around in 2015....Johnny won't be getting a huge tax return, probably a much smaller one. Should Johnny lose his job or stop paying fed income taxes for whatever reason, the health insurance will have to be cancelled or it will be reflected in his tax filing that he took the subsidy.

There? you see? No one else was involved in paying for Johnny's tax subsidy...it's all his own money, given to him in advance.
I wonder how many of that 6 million are being subsidized by we the taxpayer??

One has to wonder if they would have signed up all if they found out we taxpayers weren't subsidizing them??

Its easy to sign up for something when somebody else's money is bankrolling you.

What a POS the ACA is.

Do you know how the tax subsidies work? They take money out of the tax return the buyer is going to get next year and help pay in advance for the health insurance with that temporary loan the buyer is giving the government.

Tax payers...as a group...don't pay a dime towards someone's subsidy. You basically get an advance on your tax return via paying for a portion of health insurance. It's why the people who make above 400% FPL don't get a subsidy...they don't get any tax return. It's also why people making too little don't get a subsidy and have to apply to medicaid...they don't pay enough in taxes to pay for the subsidy.

LMAO Your supposing they have a tax return and if they do get a tax return your also supposing that that tax return is going to actually cover the the amount they have been subsidized?? Then there are those who get no tax return. You are an idiot.

Medicaid is still tax dollars dummy.

Its easy to get something when someone else is paying for it.

Oh yeah. They are now predicting that the ACA is going to cost 3 Trillion dollars. Yep. Those tax returns outta cover those subsidies.

As I said. That ACA is a POS.
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Since I know the previous post will go over a lot of your heads let me print out an example:

Johnny earns $22,000 in 2013. He'll pay roughly $1,200 in federal income tax. Even though he'll get a huge tax return in march/april, the government still holds that 1,200 dollars.

Now with ACA...since Johnny earns too much to qualify for medicaid (let's just assume) he applies for health insurance with a tax subsidy. The government gives Johnny a portion of his 1,200 dollars the government is assuming he'll pay in 2014 back directly in advance to pay for his health insurance during the year.

How much he'll get back depends on a number of factors, but it usually works out so he'll only pay between 4% and 6% of his income on health insurance, with the subsidy taking care of the rest. When March/April rolls around in 2015....Johnny won't be getting a huge tax return, probably a much smaller one. Should Johnny lose his job or stop paying fed income taxes for whatever reason, the health insurance will have to be cancelled or it will be reflected in his tax filing that he took the subsidy.

There? you see? No one else was involved in paying for Johnny's tax subsidy...it's all his own money, given to him in advance.

Johnnie just needs to change his withholding tax by using a W-4 through his employer.
You see, Johnnie isn't as stupid as you libbies think.
I wonder how many of that 6 million are being subsidized by we the taxpayer??

One has to wonder if they would have signed up all if they found out we taxpayers weren't subsidizing them??

Its easy to sign up for something when somebody else's money is bankrolling you.

What a POS the ACA is.

Do you know how the tax subsidies work? They take money out of the tax return the buyer is going to get next year and help pay in advance for the health insurance with that temporary loan the buyer is giving the government.

Tax payers...as a group...don't pay a dime towards someone's subsidy. You basically get an advance on your tax return via paying for a portion of health insurance. It's why the people who make above 400% FPL don't get a subsidy...they don't get any tax return. It's also why people making too little don't get a subsidy and have to apply to medicaid...they don't pay enough in taxes to pay for the subsidy.

LMAO Your supposing they have a tax return and if they do get a tax return your also supposing that that tax return is going to actually cover the the amount they have been subsidized?? Then there are those who get no tax return. You are an idiot.

Medicaid is still tax dollars dummy.

Its easy to get something when someone else is paying for it.

Oh yeah. They are now predicting that the ACA is going to cost 3 Trillion dollars. Yep. Those tax returns outta cover those subsidies.

As I said. That ACA is a POS.

If they don't get a tax return, they won't qualify for a tax subsidy, pretty easy. And yes if you pay $1,000 dollars in fed income tax then that certainly will be enough to cover an ~$800 subsidy, no one will be getting a subsidy larger then what they paid in taxes, that's impossible. I never mentioned anything about Medicaid specifically, that's a separate discussion.

If you get no tax return then you either make too little (medicaid) or you make too much (not qualified for tax subsidy). It's really quite simple actually.
THERE NEVER WERE 46 million Americans that were uninsured!!!

You lie was exploded long time ago, sonny. You, while entitled to your opinion, cannot change the facts. Tis what tis.

JAKE!!! WAKE UP!!! I've written hundreds of times on this board THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured

Your claims have been exploded hundred of times.

You are still lying.
Do you know how the tax subsidies work? They take money out of the tax return the buyer is going to get next year and help pay in advance for the health insurance with that temporary loan the buyer is giving the government.

Tax payers...as a group...don't pay a dime towards someone's subsidy. You basically get an advance on your tax return via paying for a portion of health insurance. It's why the people who make above 400% FPL don't get a subsidy...they don't get any tax return. It's also why people making too little don't get a subsidy and have to apply to medicaid...they don't pay enough in taxes to pay for the subsidy.

LMAO Your supposing they have a tax return and if they do get a tax return your also supposing that that tax return is going to actually cover the the amount they have been subsidized?? Then there are those who get no tax return. You are an idiot.

Medicaid is still tax dollars dummy.

Its easy to get something when someone else is paying for it.

Oh yeah. They are now predicting that the ACA is going to cost 3 Trillion dollars. Yep. Those tax returns outta cover those subsidies.

As I said. That ACA is a POS.

If they don't get a tax return, they won't qualify for a tax subsidy, pretty easy. And yes if you pay $1,000 dollars in fed income tax then that certainly will be enough to cover an ~$800 subsidy, no one will be getting a subsidy larger then what they paid in taxes, that's impossible. I never mentioned anything about Medicaid specifically, that's a separate discussion.

If you get no tax return then you either make too little (medicaid) or you make too much (not qualified for tax subsidy). It's really quite simple actually.

Oh and where in that 2000 plus page clusterfuck called the ACA does it say that your income tax return, if you have one, will be kept to pay for your subsidy??

Gotta link there buddy??
I wonder how many of that 6 million are being subsidized by we the taxpayer??

One has to wonder if they would have signed up all if they found out we taxpayers weren't subsidizing them??

Its easy to sign up for something when somebody else's money is bankrolling you.

What a POS the ACA is.

Do you know how the tax subsidies work? They take money out of the tax return the buyer is going to get next year and help pay in advance for the health insurance with that temporary loan the buyer is giving the government.

Tax payers...as a group...don't pay a dime towards someone's subsidy. You basically get an advance on your tax return via paying for a portion of health insurance. It's why the people who make above 400% FPL don't get a subsidy...they don't get any tax return. It's also why people making too little don't get a subsidy and have to apply to medicaid...they don't pay enough in taxes to pay for the subsidy.

What if the person isn't going to get a tax return? Sorry didn't see you already attempted to answer this. Not.
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