"Obamacare" Hater Rick Scott, Now Florida's Governor, Is Doing Exactly What He Falsel


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Wendell Potter: "Obamacare" Hater Rick Scott, Now Florida's Governor, Is Doing Exactly What He Falsely Claimed Federal Reform Would Do

In one ad, the narrator said the votes of a few key senators could determine whether or not Americans would be able to keep their own doctors and their own health insurance plans. The implication was clear -- people would lose the ability to choose their own doctors if health reform passed.

Trouble was, it wasn't true. The public option considered by the Senate at that time would have affected relatively few Americans--just three to four million, according to the Congressional Budget Office--and it would have negotiated rates with doctors exactly as private plans do. It would have been nothing more than an additional option for some people. It would not have reduced choice for anyone.

But to hear Scott and his group tell it, it would have led to the demise of choice and competition in health care.

Well, guess what. A few days ago, Scott, now governor of Florida, said he had decided to reduce choice and competition that state workers have enjoyed for years.

Florida state employees, who currently can choose among two or more competing HMOs, are being told that all but one of their HMO choices are being eliminated and that bureaucrats in Scott's Department of Management Services (DMS) have already decided which HMO they will be enrolled in come January 1, 2012.

Rick Scott, a true capitalist, right?

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