ObamaCare is working


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2010
New England
Two pieces of good news this week: the national uninsurance rate has gone down for the first time in 5 years and health insurance premium growth has slowed substantially this year.

Census: Uninsured Numbers Decline As More Young Adults Gain Coverage
Surprising some experts and giving President Barack Obama a potential boost eight weeks before Election Day, the number of people without health insurance fell for the first time since 2007, the Census Bureau said Wednesday.

The closely-watched census report found that 48.6 million Americans were uninsured during all of 2011, compared to 49.9 million in 2010. The rate of uninsured dropped to 15.7 percent from 16.3 percent, the biggest percentage drop since 1999.

The good news on the uninsured comes a day after a report by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that employer health costs rose by a modest 4 percent this year. (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)

The biggest drop in the uninsured was among people aged 19 to 25, for whom the rate fell from 29.8 percent in 2010 to 27.7 percent in 2011. It was the second consecutive year that that age group saw at least a 2 percent decline in its uninsured rate.

Health experts credit a provision in the federal health law which took effect in September 2010, which allows families to keep adult children on their health plans until age 26. The Obama administration said about 3 million people have gained coverage from this provision.
Two pieces of good news this week: the national uninsurance rate has gone down for the first time in 5 years and health insurance premium growth has slowed substantially this year.

Census: Uninsured Numbers Decline As More Young Adults Gain Coverage
Surprising some experts and giving President Barack Obama a potential boost eight weeks before Election Day, the number of people without health insurance fell for the first time since 2007, the Census Bureau said Wednesday.

The closely-watched census report found that 48.6 million Americans were uninsured during all of 2011, compared to 49.9 million in 2010. The rate of uninsured dropped to 15.7 percent from 16.3 percent, the biggest percentage drop since 1999.

The good news on the uninsured comes a day after a report by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that employer health costs rose by a modest 4 percent this year. (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)

The biggest drop in the uninsured was among people aged 19 to 25, for whom the rate fell from 29.8 percent in 2010 to 27.7 percent in 2011. It was the second consecutive year that that age group saw at least a 2 percent decline in its uninsured rate.

Health experts credit a provision in the federal health law which took effect in September 2010, which allows families to keep adult children on their health plans until age 26. The Obama administration said about 3 million people have gained coverage from this provision.

Two pieces of good news this week: the national uninsurance rate has gone down for the first time in 5 years and health insurance premium growth has slowed substantially this year.

Census: Uninsured Numbers Decline As More Young Adults Gain Coverage
Surprising some experts and giving President Barack Obama a potential boost eight weeks before Election Day, the number of people without health insurance fell for the first time since 2007, the Census Bureau said Wednesday.

The closely-watched census report found that 48.6 million Americans were uninsured during all of 2011, compared to 49.9 million in 2010. The rate of uninsured dropped to 15.7 percent from 16.3 percent, the biggest percentage drop since 1999.

The good news on the uninsured comes a day after a report by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that employer health costs rose by a modest 4 percent this year. (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)

The biggest drop in the uninsured was among people aged 19 to 25, for whom the rate fell from 29.8 percent in 2010 to 27.7 percent in 2011. It was the second consecutive year that that age group saw at least a 2 percent decline in its uninsured rate.

Health experts credit a provision in the federal health law which took effect in September 2010, which allows families to keep adult children on their health plans until age 26. The Obama administration said about 3 million people have gained coverage from this provision.


Actually he is correct on both points. Increases in insurance premiums have been at their lowest level the past two years at 4% each year. These are not just made up numbers either; they actually coincide with my rate increases each of the last two years, and I do pay for my entire health insurance plan as I am self-employed.

The real question is what will happen once we hit 2014 and the entire law goes into effect. Personally, I think it will work well for most people, but I understand it will be wait and see.
Two pieces of good news this week: the national uninsurance rate has gone down for the first time in 5 years and health insurance premium growth has slowed substantially this year.

Census: Uninsured Numbers Decline As More Young Adults Gain Coverage


Actually he is correct on both points. Increases in insurance premiums have been at their lowest level the past two years at 4% each year. These are not just made up numbers either; they actually coincide with my rate increases each of the last two years, and I do pay for my entire health insurance plan as I am self-employed.

The real question is what will happen once we hit 2014 and the entire law goes into effect. Personally, I think it will work well for most people, but I understand it will be wait and see.

Particularly those currently uninsured.
The more people on welfare and disability, the more people on government medicaid insurance. obama's policyl of increasing the dependency class is working.
The more people on welfare and disability, the more people on government medicaid insurance. obama's policyl of increasing the dependency class is working.

You really need to get off that train, because it's not going anywhere. But we do know more people are becoming dependent on welfare because SS is considered part of those welfare numbers and we have record numbers now retiring. But of course, you already knew that.
The more people on welfare and disability, the more people on government medicaid insurance. obama's policyl of increasing the dependency class is working.

You really need to get off that train, because it's not going anywhere. But we do know more people are becoming dependent on welfare because SS is considered part of those welfare numbers and we have record numbers now retiring. But of course, you already knew that.

Forget about SS... every government dependency program is up in enrollment. Food Stamps are off the chart. I am thinking of kicking back and letting the government support me too. Seems that the term "personal responsibilty" is not in Obama''s vocabulary.
The more people on welfare and disability, the more people on government medicaid insurance. obama's policyl of increasing the dependency class is working.

You really need to get off that train, because it's not going anywhere. But we do know more people are becoming dependent on welfare because SS is considered part of those welfare numbers and we have record numbers now retiring. But of course, you already knew that.

Forget about SS... every government dependency program is up in enrollment. Food Stamps are off the chart. I am thinking of kicking back and letting the government support me too. Seems that the term "personal responsibilty" is not in Obama''s vocabulary.

That might be the only means of survival. Certainly if you work or own a business the government has intentions of crushing you until you are on the dole.
You really need to get off that train, because it's not going anywhere. But we do know more people are becoming dependent on welfare because SS is considered part of those welfare numbers and we have record numbers now retiring. But of course, you already knew that.

Forget about SS... every government dependency program is up in enrollment. Food Stamps are off the chart. I am thinking of kicking back and letting the government support me too. Seems that the term "personal responsibilty" is not in Obama''s vocabulary.

That might be the only means of survival. Certainly if you work or own a business the government has intentions of crushing you until you are on the dole.

There's no doubt that more Romney supporters sign their checks on the front, and more Obama supporters sign theirs on the back
Obamacare is working? That's laughable. :lol:

Here is a part of the Obamacare that you probaly won't hear about on the nightly news and I wonder if all those "Obama-supporters" are even aware that the government would gain access to their personal bank accounts or would they even accept it?

Obamacare: Government Will Have Electronic Access To Your Bank Accounts
August 6, 2009
Posted by: Erin

And, if they choose…pretty much ALL of your data. Obama’s Health Care Bill has SO many broad powers granted to the government…it is much more about CONTROL than it is about health care.

Beginning on page 58, line 5, it is revealed that Government will have real-time access to your individual finances, and a National ID Health care card will be issued. From the bill:

5 ‘‘(D) enable the real-time (or near real-time) determination of an individual’s financial responsibility at the point of service and, to the extent possible, prior to service, including whether the individual is eligible for a specific service with a specific physician at a specific facility, which may include utilization of a machine-readable health plan beneficiary identification card;
Enable, where feasible, near real-time adjudication of claims;provide for timely acknowledgment,response, and status reporting applicable to ANY ELECTRONIC TRANSACTION DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE SECRETARY.

On page 59 of the bill, Big Brother continues:

21 ‘‘(C) enable electronic funds transfers, in
order to allow automated reconciliation with the
related health care payment and remittance advice;
page 60:
4 ‘‘(E) require the use of a standard electronic transaction with which health care providers may quickly and efficiently enroll with a
health plan to conduct the other electronic transactions provided for in this part.
Obamacare is working? That's laughable. :lol:

Yet accurate. Coverage has grown, private health insurance premium growth has moderated, and Medicare spending growth is at historic lows.

Here is a part of the Obamacare that you probaly won't hear about on the nightly news and I wonder if all those "Obama-supporters" are even aware that the government would gain access to their personal bank accounts or would they even accept it?

Obviously that isn't true.

Here, go through the law and find for yourself where it does anything even close to that: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Can't find it, can you?
The more people on welfare and disability, the more people on government medicaid insurance. obama's policyl of increasing the dependency class is working.

You really need to get off that train, because it's not going anywhere. But we do know more people are becoming dependent on welfare because SS is considered part of those welfare numbers and we have record numbers now retiring. But of course, you already knew that.

Forget about SS... every government dependency program is up in enrollment. Food Stamps are off the chart. I am thinking of kicking back and letting the government support me too. Seems that the term "personal responsibilty" is not in Obama''s vocabulary.

With 8% unemployment, you expect the number of people on food stamps to be down? Please explain.
Two pieces of good news this week: the national uninsurance rate has gone down for the first time in 5 years and health insurance premium growth has slowed substantially this year.

Census: Uninsured Numbers Decline As More Young Adults Gain Coverage


Actually he is correct on both points. Increases in insurance premiums have been at their lowest level the past two years at 4% each year. These are not just made up numbers either; they actually coincide with my rate increases each of the last two years, and I do pay for my entire health insurance plan as I am self-employed.

The real question is what will happen once we hit 2014 and the entire law goes into effect. Personally, I think it will work well for most people, but I understand it will be wait and see.
That that to the retirees of the military that within the next 5 yrs their insurance rates will increase 300 percent .. Even though when these military men signed up years ago they were promised free healthcare the rest of their lives but that changed under CLINTON ( another DEM) Now Obama wants to increase it again. We got a letter in the mail for the first bump.. within 5 years it will go up 300 percent http://freebeacon.com/trashing-tricare/
Obamacare is working? That's laughable. :lol:

Yet accurate. Coverage has grown, private health insurance premium growth has moderated, and Medicare spending growth is at historic lows.

Here is a part of the Obamacare that you probaly won't hear about on the nightly news and I wonder if all those "Obama-supporters" are even aware that the government would gain access to their personal bank accounts or would they even accept it?

Obviously that isn't true.

Here, go through the law and find for yourself where it does anything even close to that: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Can't find it, can you?

Obama doesn't believe in following the law or he changes them to suit him at a whim.

This has become crystal clear. :anj_stfu:

It doesn't matter a damn if it's on paper. Obama won't adhere to it. That has been the primary argument against him from the very beginning.
Yet accurate. Coverage has grown, private health insurance premium growth has moderated, and Medicare spending growth is at historic lows.

Greenbeard, what you've proven incapable of comprehending is that "coverage" is the problem, not the solution. If that's your rubric, how can PPACA not "work", given that it mandates coverage and punishes non-compliance?

PPACA will, indeed, push everyone into corporate insurance coverage. The goal is to entrench the insurance industry as middlemen in every single health care transaction - taking their cut, adding unnecessary overhead, and continuing to fuel health care inflation. Obamacare will be great for insurance companies, establishing them as an official state-supported utilities - with perpetually guaranteed profits. The rest of us will pay for it.
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You really need to get off that train, because it's not going anywhere. But we do know more people are becoming dependent on welfare because SS is considered part of those welfare numbers and we have record numbers now retiring. But of course, you already knew that.

Forget about SS... every government dependency program is up in enrollment. Food Stamps are off the chart. I am thinking of kicking back and letting the government support me too. Seems that the term "personal responsibilty" is not in Obama''s vocabulary.

With 8% unemployment, you expect the number of people on food stamps to be down? Please explain.

No, I expect the unemployment rate to be down, along with government dependency. If we had a leader with priorities in place, maybe it would. His first priority was ObamaCare over anything else. I think his second priority is golf.

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