Obamacare lead story on CNN

Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Slade! The Progressives that gave us The Affordable Care Act knew all along that huge rate hikes were inevitable. Their claims that rates would go down for Middle Class Americans were a bald faced lie. What they will now ask for is a Single Payer system, heavily subsidized by the Federal Government...which is what they wanted all along.
How does that explain the reasoning for the rigged MSM to lead with that story? It hurts Clinton and gives Trump a strong policy attack.
That librul media stuff is crappe. They just want gotcha headlines and ratings...Fox IS a disgrace...
I'm not talking about a popular vote for the ACA. We vote for our Reps... our Reps propose and vote for laws. PoliSci 101
That's obvious, I'm just saying most Americans would not vote for such a thing... lol

And how would you know that?...lol

How would you know what "most Americans" would vote for if they took some time to familiarize themselves with the law, what it does and why?

No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Thats fucking ridiculous. OF COURSE it is part of the debate since insurance covering sick people WHO CAN NOW GET HEALTHCARE IN THIS COUNTRY without being able to turn them down is what is increasing the price.

"Nothing is free", well sorta, but the flip side of saying that is there is that something, an upside, being bought here. Though that is not to say that Obamacare buys no efficiency in the process by accelerating towards meaningful use, pay for outcomes, best practice and electronic record keeping.
No, not at the price it costing the rest of us.

Can you show me your cost-to-benefit analysis?

How much is people not being locked out of basic health insurance coverage in this supposedly GOAT country worth? I like being proud of America, but our uninsured rates (while most other developed countries have near universal coverage) are an embarrassment.
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Guaranteed, affordable, people with pre-existing, annual cap of $6k, free tests, kids up to 26 on parents. Just what we wanted.

Now stop letting media scare the shytte out of us and tell us bs predictions (save $2500 immediately, etc)
That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.
People that want to pay for that shit, let them opt in... people that don't want to pay for that shit, leave them alone. No one should be forced into that fucked up program. LOL
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.
People that want to pay for that shit, let them opt in... people that don't want to pay for that shit, leave them alone. No one should be forced into that fucked up program. LOL
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Well welcome to the modern day where not everybody is responsible and a lot of people were going to emergency room for treatment with no money and no insurance. Whether you like it or not it caused huge problems. So you hate obamacare... What would you rather do? Go back to the old system? What are your proposed solutions?
And don't you owe Megyn Kelly an apology for your false statement that you couldn't defend on that other thread?
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Are you confirming that what I said is your proposal? Rich and Poor pay more and Middle Class pays less and Self employed and businesses get no deductions for expenses?
Everyone pays the same percentage. No exemptions, no excuses, no exceptions? Got it now?
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.
People that want to pay for that shit, let them opt in... people that don't want to pay for that shit, leave them alone. No one should be forced into that fucked up program. LOL
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Are you confirming that what I said is your proposal? Rich and Poor pay more and Middle Class pays less and Self employed and businesses get no deductions for expenses?
Everyone pays the same percentage. No exemptions, no excuses, no exceptions? Got it now?
Yes got it... Its exactly how I described then. I don't think making the poor pay more and taking deductions away from small business owners is a good idea at all. Part of the purpose of taxation is to burn money out of the economy to provide a balance from new money created. Since most new money, and money in general flows to the top earners it makes sense for them to pay higher rates. While giving breaks to the poor, middle class and small business owners makes sense as well as the economy as a whole does better when those groups do better
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Are you confirming that what I said is your proposal? Rich and Poor pay more and Middle Class pays less and Self employed and businesses get no deductions for expenses?
Everyone pays the same percentage. No exemptions, no excuses, no exceptions? Got it now?
Absolutely KILLS the non rich. Like the pretty flat system we have now.

How bout the rich and giant corps pay their fair share, cut their loopholes, invest in America?
That's obvious, I'm just saying most Americans would not vote for such a thing... lol

And how would you know that?...lol

How would you know what "most Americans" would vote for if they took some time to familiarize themselves with the law, what it does and why?

No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Thats fucking ridiculous. OF COURSE it is part of the debate since insurance covering sick people WHO CAN NOW GET HEALTHCARE IN THIS COUNTRY without being able to turn them down is what is increasing the price.

"Nothing is free", well sorta, but the flip side of saying that is there is that something, an upside, being bought here. Though that is not to say that Obamacare buys no efficiency in the process by accelerating towards meaningful use, pay for outcomes, best practice and electronic record keeping.
The problem is the people paying for that shitty ass program, Obamacare - can't afford to pay for it on top of that they want nothing to do with the program so they're paying for Something they want nothing to do with. That's fucked up, Typical of socialism and only suits the people in power. Lol
People that want to pay for that shit, let them opt in... people that don't want to pay for that shit, leave them alone. No one should be forced into that fucked up program. LOL
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
Obama care only suits career politicians and their little lemmings. It makes life a living hell for their opposition
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Are you confirming that what I said is your proposal? Rich and Poor pay more and Middle Class pays less and Self employed and businesses get no deductions for expenses?
Everyone pays the same percentage. No exemptions, no excuses, no exceptions? Got it now?
Yes got it... Its exactly how I described then. I don't think making the poor pay more and taking deductions away from small business owners is a good idea at all. Part of the purpose of taxation is to burn money out of the economy to provide a balance from new money created. Since most new money, and money in general flows to the top earners it makes sense for them to pay higher rates. While giving breaks to the poor, middle class and small business owners makes sense as well as the economy as a whole does better when those groups do better
No, you take away the loopholes and the exemptions and the rich will surely pay more which is what libtards want. I personally do not think anyone who is getting a free ride should call for a tax increase on others. A flat tax makes sense, everyone has skin in the game. Widen the base lower the tax. Then no one and I mean no one will scream for tax increases or hinge an election on the fallacy that the rich do not pay their fair share when the truth is they pay the lions share. Taxes should never be punitive.
And how would you know that?...lol

How would you know what "most Americans" would vote for if they took some time to familiarize themselves with the law, what it does and why?

No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Thats fucking ridiculous. OF COURSE it is part of the debate since insurance covering sick people WHO CAN NOW GET HEALTHCARE IN THIS COUNTRY without being able to turn them down is what is increasing the price.

"Nothing is free", well sorta, but the flip side of saying that is there is that something, an upside, being bought here. Though that is not to say that Obamacare buys no efficiency in the process by accelerating towards meaningful use, pay for outcomes, best practice and electronic record keeping.
The problem is the people paying for that shitty ass program, Obamacare - can't afford to pay for it on top of that they want nothing to do with the program so they're paying for Something they want nothing to do with. That's fucked up, Typical of socialism and only suits the people in power. Lol

Obamacare specifically deals with affordability by scaling the cost of insurance with respect to income via subsidies.

So no, not fucked up, makes total sense.
And how would you know that?...lol

How would you know what "most Americans" would vote for if they took some time to familiarize themselves with the law, what it does and why?

No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Thats fucking ridiculous. OF COURSE it is part of the debate since insurance covering sick people WHO CAN NOW GET HEALTHCARE IN THIS COUNTRY without being able to turn them down is what is increasing the price.

"Nothing is free", well sorta, but the flip side of saying that is there is that something, an upside, being bought here. Though that is not to say that Obamacare buys no efficiency in the process by accelerating towards meaningful use, pay for outcomes, best practice and electronic record keeping.
The problem is the people paying for that shitty ass program, Obamacare - can't afford to pay for it on top of that they want nothing to do with the program so they're paying for Something they want nothing to do with. That's fucked up, Typical of socialism and only suits the people in power. Lol

Correct, the poor get theirs for free, the rich can afford it so it is the middle class that gets shit on.
No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Thats fucking ridiculous. OF COURSE it is part of the debate since insurance covering sick people WHO CAN NOW GET HEALTHCARE IN THIS COUNTRY without being able to turn them down is what is increasing the price.

"Nothing is free", well sorta, but the flip side of saying that is there is that something, an upside, being bought here. Though that is not to say that Obamacare buys no efficiency in the process by accelerating towards meaningful use, pay for outcomes, best practice and electronic record keeping.
The problem is the people paying for that shitty ass program, Obamacare - can't afford to pay for it on top of that they want nothing to do with the program so they're paying for Something they want nothing to do with. That's fucked up, Typical of socialism and only suits the people in power. Lol

Obamacare specifically deals with affordability by scaling the cost of insurance with respect to income via subsidies.

So no, not fucked up, makes total sense.
Subsidies that the middle class have to pay for.
No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Thats fucking ridiculous. OF COURSE it is part of the debate since insurance covering sick people WHO CAN NOW GET HEALTHCARE IN THIS COUNTRY without being able to turn them down is what is increasing the price.

"Nothing is free", well sorta, but the flip side of saying that is there is that something, an upside, being bought here. Though that is not to say that Obamacare buys no efficiency in the process by accelerating towards meaningful use, pay for outcomes, best practice and electronic record keeping.
The problem is the people paying for that shitty ass program, Obamacare - can't afford to pay for it on top of that they want nothing to do with the program so they're paying for Something they want nothing to do with. That's fucked up, Typical of socialism and only suits the people in power. Lol

Obamacare specifically deals with affordability by scaling the cost of insurance with respect to income via subsidies.

So no, not fucked up, makes total sense.
No they cannot afford it, and they won't want nothing to do with it. Typical of socialism it's all fucked up
No they cannot afford it, and they won't want nothing to do with it. Typical of socialism it's all fucked up

Your entirely naked assertions are not convincing.

Fact is Obamacare does setup insurance cost that scales with income, nothing you said even ATTEMPTS to dispute it.

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