Obamacare lead story on CNN

So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Are you confirming that what I said is your proposal? Rich and Poor pay more and Middle Class pays less and Self employed and businesses get no deductions for expenses?
Everyone pays the same percentage. No exemptions, no excuses, no exceptions? Got it now?
Yes got it... Its exactly how I described then. I don't think making the poor pay more and taking deductions away from small business owners is a good idea at all. Part of the purpose of taxation is to burn money out of the economy to provide a balance from new money created. Since most new money, and money in general flows to the top earners it makes sense for them to pay higher rates. While giving breaks to the poor, middle class and small business owners makes sense as well as the economy as a whole does better when those groups do better
No, you take away the loopholes and the exemptions and the rich will surely pay more which is what libtards want. I personally do not think anyone who is getting a free ride should call for a tax increase on others. A flat tax makes sense, everyone has skin in the game. Widen the base lower the tax. Then no one and I mean no one will scream for tax increases or hinge an election on the fallacy that the rich do not pay their fair share when the truth is they pay the lions share. Taxes should never be punitive.
It sounds nice on the surface but it doesn't sound like you are digging deeper than the headlines. A flat tax is a trap... It sounds fair, politically pulls the poor from left to the right if enacted, but economically doesn't produce the kind of results you may think it will. It will put an enormous burden on the poor and small biz owners. Do you really think that somebody that earns $20K a year has an extra $2000 to pay for taxes at the end of the year?
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Are you confirming that what I said is your proposal? Rich and Poor pay more and Middle Class pays less and Self employed and businesses get no deductions for expenses?
Everyone pays the same percentage. No exemptions, no excuses, no exceptions? Got it now?
Yes got it... Its exactly how I described then. I don't think making the poor pay more and taking deductions away from small business owners is a good idea at all. Part of the purpose of taxation is to burn money out of the economy to provide a balance from new money created. Since most new money, and money in general flows to the top earners it makes sense for them to pay higher rates. While giving breaks to the poor, middle class and small business owners makes sense as well as the economy as a whole does better when those groups do better
No, you take away the loopholes and the exemptions and the rich will surely pay more which is what libtards want. I personally do not think anyone who is getting a free ride should call for a tax increase on others. A flat tax makes sense, everyone has skin in the game. Widen the base lower the tax. Then no one and I mean no one will scream for tax increases or hinge an election on the fallacy that the rich do not pay their fair share when the truth is they pay the lions share. Taxes should never be punitive.
ACTUALLY, you are duped. Everyone pays taxes, and the richest pay less than the middle class.
The one tax graph you really need to know
No they cannot afford it, and they won't want nothing to do with it. Typical of socialism it's all fucked up

Your entirely naked assertions are not convincing.

Fact is Obamacare does setup insurance cost that scales with income, nothing you said even ATTEMPTS to dispute it.
You're forgetting the fact that not only most Americans want nothing to do with it, they certainly cannot afford it that's one of many, many reasons they do not want nothing to do with it. Fact

Hell, I have not even looked at the exchanges, to see what they offer or don't offer I just know it's not for me. I'm fortunate enough I can pay for anything out of pocket my family and I need medically. But most middle class citizens cannot do such a thing and they certainly cannot afford Obamacare. Fact
Subsidies that the middle class have to pay for.

Yea? How? Which tax was raised on middle class by Obamacare?
It's a mandate - you know its mandatory Obamacare. No middle class person can afford the shit
This is the only way to start getting costs under control. ACA didn't make big health and big pharma out of control expensive. But did end bankruptcy.
Big Pharma and insurance companies love Obamacare because they are making bank… Fact
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
Obama care only suits career politicians and their little lemmings. It makes life a living hell for their opposition
You are fear mongered and duped. Try it.
Subsidies that the middle class have to pay for.

Yea? How? Which tax was raised on middle class by Obamacare?
It's a mandate - you know its mandatory Obamacare. No middle class person can afford the shit

Oh gawd forbid people are forced financially compelled to do the responsible thing and get health insurance! The horror! The tyranny! :rolleyes:
mandatory insurance is legalized extortion no two ways about it… LOL
No they cannot afford it, and they won't want nothing to do with it. Typical of socialism it's all fucked up

Your entirely naked assertions are not convincing.

Fact is Obamacare does setup insurance cost that scales with income, nothing you said even ATTEMPTS to dispute it.
You're forgetting the fact that not only most Americans want nothing to do with it, they certainly cannot afford it that's one of many, many reasons they do not want nothing to do with it. Fact

Hell, I have not even looked at the exchanges, to see what they offer or don't offer I just know it's not for me. I'm fortunate enough I can pay for anything out of pocket my family and I need medically. But most middle class citizens cannot do such a thing and they certainly cannot afford Obamacare. Fact
You are fear mongered and duped. Get a doctor and preventive care. You can't pay for shytte out of pocket. Get insurance and an annual cap in case it's needed...At least look into it. Ay caramba.
Subsidies that the middle class have to pay for.

Yea? How? Which tax was raised on middle class by Obamacare?
we are now forced to spends hundreds a month on insurance. So that fucking losers can get their fucking abortions and Viagra and Librium. Meanwhile our own kids go hungry, because we make enough that we don't qualify for foidstamps...but the premiums we are forced to pay come straight out of out groceries. Fucking deadbeat losers need to die.
Subsidies that the middle class have to pay for.

Yea? How? Which tax was raised on middle class by Obamacare?
It's a mandate - you know its mandatory Obamacare. No middle class person can afford the shit
This is the only way to start getting costs under control. ACA didn't make big health and big pharma out of control expensive. But did end bankruptcy.
Big Pharma and insurance companies love Obamacare because they are making bank… Fact
Did you know they have to spend at least 80% per cent of money taken in on care? NOW?
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
Obama care only suits career politicians and their little lemmings. It makes life a living hell for their opposition
You are fear mongered and duped. Try it.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
Subsidies that the middle class have to pay for.

Yea? How? Which tax was raised on middle class by Obamacare?
It's a mandate - you know its mandatory Obamacare. No middle class person can afford the shit
This is the only way to start getting costs under control. ACA didn't make big health and big pharma out of control expensive. But did end bankruptcy.
Big Pharma and insurance companies love Obamacare because they are making bank… Fact
Did you know they have to spend at least 80% per cent of money taken in on care? NOW?
Na, they hide most of their money overseas… Fact
Subsidies that the middle class have to pay for.

Yea? How? Which tax was raised on middle class by Obamacare?
we are now forced to spends hundreds a month on insurance. So that fucking losers can get their fucking abortions and Viagra and Librium. Meanwhile our own kids go hungry, because we make enough that we don't qualify for foidstamps...but the premiums we are forced to pay come straight out of out groceries. Fucking deadbeat losers need to die.
This is Reaganism killing the nonrich. See sig. Now go vote Dem. You are cured. LOL
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
Obama care only suits career politicians and their little lemmings. It makes life a living hell for their opposition
You are fear mongered and duped. Try it.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
No they cannot afford it, and they won't want nothing to do with it. Typical of socialism it's all fucked up

Your entirely naked assertions are not convincing.

Fact is Obamacare does setup insurance cost that scales with income, nothing you said even ATTEMPTS to dispute it.
You're forgetting the fact that not only most Americans want nothing to do with it, they certainly cannot afford it that's one of many, many reasons they do not want nothing to do with it. Fact

Hell, I have not even looked at the exchanges, to see what they offer or don't offer I just know it's not for me. I'm fortunate enough I can pay for anything out of pocket my family and I need medically. But most middle class citizens cannot do such a thing and they certainly cannot afford Obamacare. Fact
You are fear mongered and duped. Get a doctor and preventive care. You can't pay for shytte out of pocket. Get insurance and an annual cap in case it's needed...At least look into it. Ay caramba.
I've been paying for everything in my life out of pocket for 20+ years and I am 100% debt-free for 20+ years - I've made it this far without insurance. Mandatory Insurance is just legalized extortion anyway...
go sell your snake oil somewhere else
See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
Obama care only suits career politicians and their little lemmings. It makes life a living hell for their opposition
You are fear mongered and duped. Try it.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back

See, this is what commie losers do. They maintain that since they will stick the hospital with the bill, that's what responsible people do.

We don't. I had my first child insurance free. Guess what? In the days before insurance was the norm, it cost $550 for all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay and post partum care. We paid it off $10 per month.

In those days, people didn't go to the emergency room because they had "anxiety". They didn't go for sniffles. They didn't go for fevers. They didn't go every time they threw up. They didn't go for every cut. They didn't even go for all broken bones. And we did just fine.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
Obama care only suits career politicians and their little lemmings. It makes life a living hell for their opposition
You are fear mongered and duped. Try it.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
No they cannot afford it, and they won't want nothing to do with it. Typical of socialism it's all fucked up

Your entirely naked assertions are not convincing.

Fact is Obamacare does setup insurance cost that scales with income, nothing you said even ATTEMPTS to dispute it.
You're forgetting the fact that not only most Americans want nothing to do with it, they certainly cannot afford it that's one of many, many reasons they do not want nothing to do with it. Fact

Hell, I have not even looked at the exchanges, to see what they offer or don't offer I just know it's not for me. I'm fortunate enough I can pay for anything out of pocket my family and I need medically. But most middle class citizens cannot do such a thing and they certainly cannot afford Obamacare. Fact
You are fear mongered and duped. Get a doctor and preventive care. You can't pay for shytte out of pocket. Get insurance and an annual cap in case it's needed...At least look into it. Ay caramba.
I've been paying for everything in my life out of pocket for 20+ years and I am 100% debt-free for 20+ years - I've made it this far without insurance. Mandatory Insurance is just legalized extortion anyway...
go sell your snake oil somewhere else

I think this makes total sense for our country - we should do what Rustic does and stop needing expensive medical services that were number one cause of bankruptcy for rubes like him.
Yea? How? Which tax was raised on middle class by Obamacare?
It's a mandate - you know its mandatory Obamacare. No middle class person can afford the shit
This is the only way to start getting costs under control. ACA didn't make big health and big pharma out of control expensive. But did end bankruptcy.
Big Pharma and insurance companies love Obamacare because they are making bank… Fact
Did you know they have to spend at least 80% per cent of money taken in on care? NOW?
Na, they hide most of their money overseas… Fact
That's the megarich, under Reaganist loopholes, dupe.
Sorry, that's LONG gone. Now ACA is the only hope...and a helluva lot better that before...the GOP scam out of control costs, many people couldn't get insurance, many people went bankrupt EVEN WITH INSURANCE, many got cut off etc etc, MESS.
Obama care only suits career politicians and their little lemmings. It makes life a living hell for their opposition
You are fear mongered and duped. Try it.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.

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