Obamacare lead story on CNN

Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Slade! The Progressives that gave us The Affordable Care Act knew all along that huge rate hikes were inevitable. Their claims that rates would go down for Middle Class Americans were a bald faced lie. What they will now ask for is a Single Payer system, heavily subsidized by the Federal Government...which is what they wanted all along.
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Slade! The Progressives that gave us The Affordable Care Act knew all along that huge rate hikes were inevitable. Their claims that rates would go down for Middle Class Americans were a bald faced lie. What they will now ask for is a Single Payer system, heavily subsidized by the Federal Government...which is what they wanted all along.
BS, dupe. The cost curve IS bending down and this WILL work.
Obstructing what exactly? Specifically what?

They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
republicans knew a mandate was un american, that it was cost prohibitive and a re distribution of wealth/ they were right too.
I'm all for getting rid of the mandate if you have a better plan, but wealth was already being redistributed when the uninsured got sick or injured and racked up 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills. The more people who get insured the less the tax payers have to bail out the uninsured. You do understand that right?
What ...you forgetting all the subsidies you are shelling out......if you want fewer uninsured shouldnt we stop importing Mexicans......they dont even buy car insurance ........
and now california wants illegal aliens to get access to obamacare.
They already get FREE ER care, so what's the gd difference? Pass the bill with a good SS ID card and END the illegal problem duh. GD GOP.
there is a big gd difference.
No difference, except with ACA they pay SOMETHING and get a doctor and preventive care.
no they don't the taxpayer does.
The clueless parasites who wanted obamas commie kare ponzi scheme are getting exactly what they deserve......
(CNN)On November 1, the Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplaces will open for their fourth open enrollment period. On Monday, Healthcare.gov, the federal marketplace serving 39 states, pulled back the curtains to allow consumers to window shop for 2017 plans.

As it did so, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a report analyzing the premiums consumers will have to pay for 2017 marketplace coverage and the coverage choices they will have available.
The HHS report documents what has already been widely reported -- that after two years of moderate premium increases (2% for 2015 and 7.5% for 2016) premiums are going up sharply for 2017. Across the 39 states using the HealthCare.gov platform, the median second-lowest cost silver plan, which sets the benchmark for premium tax credits, will increase 16%, while the average increase looking only at states on the federal exchange is 25%.
Timothy Jost
Timothy Jost
Opinion columnists and politicians will undoubtedly seize on the report as further evidence that the Affordable Care Act is a failure. But a deeper dig reveals a different story.
First, while these increases are eye-catching, insurers generally underpriced their plans when the marketplaces opened in 2014, and the current increases simply bring the premiums up to the level predicted when Congress debated the Affordable Care Act in 2009.
According to the report, Congressional Budget Office projections from 2009 suggested average 2017 premiums of $5,538; HHS is projecting average premiums of $5,586. Indeed, premiums in many states are still below the cost of employer coverage.
Second, premium increases vary sharply from state to state. While in seven states premiums are increasing more than 50%, in 10 states premium increases are 7% or less. Meanwhile, some of the states with the largest premium increases had the lowest premiums to begin with. And there is something states can do to lower their premium increases -- all of the states with increases at 7% or below have expanded Medicaid, while four of the states with the highest premium increases have not yet done so.
Obamacare's woes are a winning issue for the Republicans
Obamacare's woes are a winning issue for the Republicans
Third, the report notes that most marketplace enrollees -- likely about 85% -- will receive premium tax credits that will substantially reduce their premiums. Almost three quarters of marketplace enrollees will be able to find a plan for $75 per month or less after the application of premium tax credits. The cost of plans for many people with premium tax credits will be virtually identical to last year's cost.
Of course, individuals who are not eligible for premium tax credits because their income is too high, and consumers who purchase coverage outside of the marketplaces, will have to bear the full weight of the premium increases. But as many as 2.5 million consumers purchasing coverage outside of the marketplaces would in fact be eligible for premium tax credits if they would purchase through the marketplaces. Many others qualify for tax subsidies for their health coverage because they are self-employed.
Fourth, it pays to shop. Seventy-six percent of marketplace enrollees can find a lower-cost plan in the 2017 marketplace than their 2016 plan in the same metal level by marketplace shopping. If all returning consumers chose the lowest-cost plan available in their current metal level, average premiums would fall $28 or 20% from 2016 premium levels, taking premium tax credits into account.
Fifth, as has been widely reported, there will be fewer insurers in the marketplaces this year. But 79% of consumers in HealthCare.gov states will still have a choice of two or more insurers and 56% three or more.
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Finally, lack of choice of insurers does not mean lack of health plan choice. South Carolina has only one insurer left, but it offers on average per county 25 plans. Wyoming's one insurer offers on average 28 plans. On average, consumers in HealthCare.gov states can choose from 30 different plans (down from 47 in 2016), an average of 10 plans per insurer. By contrast, 83% of employers offer only one type of plan, and many employers offer only one plan with one insurer.
The marketplaces are indeed experiencing a rough spell. But they continue to offer affordable health coverage to millions of Americans, many of whom would simply have been unable to find any coverage before the Affordable Care Act because of their health or economic status. Beyond the headlines, the HHS report documents that, in fact, the marketplaces are doing their job.
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Slade! The Progressives that gave us The Affordable Care Act knew all along that huge rate hikes were inevitable. Their claims that rates would go down for Middle Class Americans were a bald faced lie. What they will now ask for is a Single Payer system, heavily subsidized by the Federal Government...which is what they wanted all along.
BS, dupe. The cost curve IS bending down and this WILL work.

Wow, are you ever delusional! Barack Obama promised Middle Class Americans that they would see an average SAVINGS of $2,500 if the ACA was passed. What happened to that, Franco? Not only did the Middle Class not save money...they are getting hammered with double figure rate increases! Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi lied to the public. Blatant...flat out LIED!
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
I'm not talking about a popular vote for the ACA. We vote for our Reps... our Reps propose and vote for laws. PoliSci 101
That's obvious, I'm just saying most Americans would not vote for such a thing... lol

And how would you know that?...lol

How would you know what "most Americans" would vote for if they took some time to familiarize themselves with the law, what it does and why?

No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
It's natural, not skyrocketing. AZ deserved it. lolll
If it went to a popular vote it would never pass…
I'm not talking about a popular vote for the ACA. We vote for our Reps... our Reps propose and vote for laws. PoliSci 101
That's obvious, I'm just saying most Americans would not vote for such a thing... lol

And how would you know that?...lol

How would you know what "most Americans" would vote for if they took some time to familiarize themselves with the law, what it does and why?

No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?


No, not at the price it costing the rest of us.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Slade! The Progressives that gave us The Affordable Care Act knew all along that huge rate hikes were inevitable. Their claims that rates would go down for Middle Class Americans were a bald faced lie. What they will now ask for is a Single Payer system, heavily subsidized by the Federal Government...which is what they wanted all along.
How does that explain the reasoning for the rigged MSM to lead with that story? It hurts Clinton and gives Trump a strong policy attack.
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Slade! The Progressives that gave us The Affordable Care Act knew all along that huge rate hikes were inevitable. Their claims that rates would go down for Middle Class Americans were a bald faced lie. What they will now ask for is a Single Payer system, heavily subsidized by the Federal Government...which is what they wanted all along.
BS, dupe. The cost curve IS bending down and this WILL work.

Wow, are you ever delusional! Barack Obama promised Middle Class Americans that they would see an average SAVINGS of $2,500 if the ACA was passed. What happened to that, Franco? Not only did the Middle Class not save money...they are getting hammered with double figure rate increases! Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi lied to the public. Blatant...flat out LIED!
First it has to be fully implemented, with competition. I think he meant after 5 years or so. It's not much when 10 g's is average cost. 2 years ago 2% rise, last year 7%. Better than before ACA duh. You live in AZ? lol. So many Fox chicken littles...And these predictions are always high. GD media...
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Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.
So the rich will pay more as you just said and the poor will pay more and the middle class will pay less... Is that about right? And there will be no deductions from self employed individuals?
take however much time you need to understand. i can wait.
Are you confirming that what I said is your proposal? Rich and Poor pay more and Middle Class pays less and Self employed and businesses get no deductions for expenses?

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