Obamacare lead story on CNN

And how would you know that?...lol

How would you know what "most Americans" would vote for if they took some time to familiarize themselves with the law, what it does and why?

No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.
People that want to pay for that shit, let them opt in... people that don't want to pay for that shit, leave them alone. No one should be forced into that fucked up program. LOL
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
No one said those alone are causing increased costs, stop making things up.

And what over-use? How do you over-use health insurance? Break your leg on purpose? Go for extra check ups? Lol.

There were people that held off getting treated due to lack of insurance. Obamacare allowing them to get covered seemed to have released some of pent up demand for healthcare. But if that's true the effect should be temporary and insurance companies that stick it out now will be over-performing a few years from now.

Rustic is retarded.
Obamacare does not encourage preventive behavior...
Your new doctor does.
If He's getting paid by the government does not...
So doctors have to be overpaid greedy a-hole GOPers to be doctors?
now doctors are greedy?
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
The Dems are literally blaming the Republicans for Obamacare failing. Not one Republican in Congress voted for Obamacare. You just can't make this crap up.

Nonsense. Republicans are being correctly blamed for obstructing progress.
Because useful idiots always figure out what is happening after it's too late to do anything about it.

Then the commies execute them.
Are you drunk?

She must be. :cuckoo:

Obstructing what exactly? Specifically what?

They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.
People that want to pay for that shit, let them opt in... people that don't want to pay for that shit, leave them alone. No one should be forced into that fucked up program. LOL
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
The Dems are literally blaming the Republicans for Obamacare failing. Not one Republican in Congress voted for Obamacare. You just can't make this crap up.

Nonsense. Republicans are being correctly blamed for obstructing progress.
Are you drunk?

She must be. :cuckoo:

Obstructing what exactly? Specifically what?

They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
republicans knew a mandate was un american, that it was cost prohibitive and a re distribution of wealth/ they were right too.
15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.
People that want to pay for that shit, let them opt in... people that don't want to pay for that shit, leave them alone. No one should be forced into that fucked up program. LOL
Were people forced? I kept my BCBS plan that I had before Obamacare and never noticed a change. Can't you still buy private if you want? I didn't look too deep into the exchange to be honest
I don't have any insurance, I've always paid for everything out of pocket. I should not be forced to buy legalized extortion because that's what any mandated insurance is...
Well as soon as you get in a car accident and stuck with a $500,000 hospital bill that the tax payers have to pay for, or that your family loses a house to pay for because you were too stubborn to buy insurance... you can pat yourself on the back
The Dems are literally blaming the Republicans for Obamacare failing. Not one Republican in Congress voted for Obamacare. You just can't make this crap up.

Nonsense. Republicans are being correctly blamed for obstructing progress.
Because useful idiots always figure out what is happening after it's too late to do anything about it.

Then the commies execute them.
Are you drunk?

She must be. :cuckoo:

Obstructing what exactly? Specifically what?

They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
ACTUALLY, it was totally feqed up before ACA, when it was a killer GOP scam. Dems will be happy to fix it when GOP scumbags and dupes get the feq out of the way...
Obamacare does not encourage preventive behavior...
Your new doctor does.
If He's getting paid by the government does not...
So doctors have to be overpaid greedy a-hole GOPers to be doctors?
now doctors are greedy?
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Nonsense. Republicans are being correctly blamed for obstructing progress.
She must be. :cuckoo:

Obstructing what exactly? Specifically what?

They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
republicans knew a mandate was un american, that it was cost prohibitive and a re distribution of wealth/ they were right too.
I'm all for getting rid of the mandate if you have a better plan, but wealth was already being redistributed when the uninsured got sick or injured and racked up 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills. The more people who get insured the less the tax payers have to bail out the uninsured. You do understand that right?
Nonsense. Republicans are being correctly blamed for obstructing progress.
She must be. :cuckoo:

Obstructing what exactly? Specifically what?

They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
republicans knew a mandate was un american, that it was cost prohibitive and a re distribution of wealth/ they were right too.
It's their gd plan. The problem is not ACA, it's Big Health's greed, just now FINALLY getting some regulation.
Obstructing what exactly? Specifically what?

They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
republicans knew a mandate was un american, that it was cost prohibitive and a re distribution of wealth/ they were right too.
I'm all for getting rid of the mandate if you have a better plan, but wealth was already being redistributed when the uninsured got sick or injured and racked up 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills. The more people who get insured the less the tax payers have to bail out the uninsured. You do understand that right?
no, because the taxpayers have to pay for those subsidies and for all the medicaid too/ why do you think so many states opted out of expanding medicaid? no matter how you slice and dice it the makers have to pay for the takers.
Your new doctor does.
If He's getting paid by the government does not...
So doctors have to be overpaid greedy a-hole GOPers to be doctors?
now doctors are greedy?
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
republicans knew a mandate was un american, that it was cost prohibitive and a re distribution of wealth/ they were right too.
I'm all for getting rid of the mandate if you have a better plan, but wealth was already being redistributed when the uninsured got sick or injured and racked up 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills. The more people who get insured the less the tax payers have to bail out the uninsured. You do understand that right?
no, because the taxpayers have to pay for those subsidies and for all the medicaid too/ why do you think so many states opted out of expanding medicaid? no matter how you slice and dice it the makers have to pay for the takers.
So what's your solution? Have more insured through a mandate or less insured with higher costs to the tax payers
If He's getting paid by the government does not...
So doctors have to be overpaid greedy a-hole GOPers to be doctors?
now doctors are greedy?
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
They are too busy holding meaningless repeal votes (over 60 by now) to meaningfully work with Democrats to fix the shortcomings.
republicans did not break the shit/ democrats did/let them fix it.
Reps did everything they could to break it and block it which is why the act stacked up to the ceiling by the time they finished it. Don't you think it would have worked much better if they all would have worked on it together in a good spirited way?
republicans knew a mandate was un american, that it was cost prohibitive and a re distribution of wealth/ they were right too.
I'm all for getting rid of the mandate if you have a better plan, but wealth was already being redistributed when the uninsured got sick or injured and racked up 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills. The more people who get insured the less the tax payers have to bail out the uninsured. You do understand that right?
no, because the taxpayers have to pay for those subsidies and for all the medicaid too/ why do you think so many states opted out of expanding medicaid? no matter how you slice and dice it the makers have to pay for the takers.
Why- Because they're greedy idiot mindless obstructionists who love screwing the poor and fooling dupes like you.. They already get care, just the stupidest cruelest way possible...
Last edited:
So doctors have to be overpaid greedy a-hole GOPers to be doctors?
now doctors are greedy?
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
So doctors have to be overpaid greedy a-hole GOPers to be doctors?
now doctors are greedy?
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
That's been tried and gives you a totally unfair Gilded Age. Now you made me miss Schwarber's ab...TODAY we have a flat tax- same thing- the rich end up with all the new money.
now doctors are greedy?
They're mainly GOP and are overspecialized. To get the big money.
given what they invest in their education they are entitled to be paid well my doctor has a sign in his office which states he does not accept medicaid patients, where does that leave medicaid patients?
Then cut the cost of loans and raise Medicaid payments. My father was the only Dem doctor around. And the only one for "socialized medicine". Since 1940. Socialize society. Intelligent, fair capitalism. Not this pander to the rich New BS GOP garbage. Getting worse all the time.
a flat tax is what we need, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses.
A flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers for the rich, is that right? Does it include deductions?
nope, it makes taxes on everyone exactly the same. no excuses, no exemptions, no exceptions. it means everyone will now pay a tax, the rich will pay more not less, no loopholes, no exemptions, no excuses.

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