Obamacare lead story on CNN

Except you can't help pre-existing without it...
Yes the federal government has turned into the nanny state… LOL
Gov't services are ok, it's just the GOP law and order DUI/pot shit that pisses me off...
The federal government should stay out of all personal first including financial, they obviously fuck up everything they touch

Yea, what a seriously fucked up, world's best economy EVER we have.
The federal government has nothing to do with private business performance, in fact the federal government is holding back private businesses
That is what we call a non sequitur.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Oh I can answer that one, pick me pick me! It gives them cover for not giving more coverage to the Wikileaks emails, and besides, they kinda had to cover since every respectable news source is covering it. I have no idea if MSNBC covered it. Thanks for the easy question, you have really helped my self esteem.
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.

You listen tight, you right wing wacko son of a bitch. It is not mandatory insurance, it's a tax, just like the Supreme Court said it was. And besides, it it helping a lot of retired people by giving them affordable prenatal care, and who can be against that?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.

You listen tight, you right wing wacko son of a bitch. It is not mandatory insurance, it's a tax, just like the Supreme Court said it was. And besides, it it helping a lot of retired people by giving them affordable prenatal care, and who can be against that?
And everyone paying into a pool makes things cheaper, not!
too bad everyone taking out of the pool are the deadbeats who don't pay into to the pool… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.
It's also cheap as hell for you...
Wake up and smell the coffee, Slade! The Progressives that gave us The Affordable Care Act knew all along that huge rate hikes were inevitable. Their claims that rates would go down for Middle Class Americans were a bald faced lie. What they will now ask for is a Single Payer system, heavily subsidized by the Federal Government...which is what they wanted all along.
BS, dupe. The cost curve IS bending down and this WILL work.

Wow, are you ever delusional! Barack Obama promised Middle Class Americans that they would see an average SAVINGS of $2,500 if the ACA was passed. What happened to that, Franco? Not only did the Middle Class not save money...they are getting hammered with double figure rate increases! Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi lied to the public. Blatant...flat out LIED!
First it has to be fully implemented, with competition. I think he meant after 5 years or so. It's not much when 10 g's is average cost. 2 years ago 2% rise, last year 7%. Better than before ACA duh. You live in AZ? lol. So many Fox chicken littles...And these predictions are always high. GD media...

You "think" he meant after 5 years or so? Really, Franco? Show me where Barack Obama EVER stated that!

You were stupid enough to buy the line of crap that Barry, Harry and Nancy were selling and now you're too stubborn to admit you got lied to.
Only the dupes think he meant immediately lol...Or it can't be the video AND terrorists...etc tec.

Only people without 8th grade math skills didn't know Obama was full of shit when he made the promises he did! That would be you, Franco!
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.
Like preventive care for your children, or a test or 2 or shots for your wife...go ASK!!! lol. Ay caramba...
BS, dupe. The cost curve IS bending down and this WILL work.

Wow, are you ever delusional! Barack Obama promised Middle Class Americans that they would see an average SAVINGS of $2,500 if the ACA was passed. What happened to that, Franco? Not only did the Middle Class not save money...they are getting hammered with double figure rate increases! Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi lied to the public. Blatant...flat out LIED!
First it has to be fully implemented, with competition. I think he meant after 5 years or so. It's not much when 10 g's is average cost. 2 years ago 2% rise, last year 7%. Better than before ACA duh. You live in AZ? lol. So many Fox chicken littles...And these predictions are always high. GD media...

You "think" he meant after 5 years or so? Really, Franco? Show me where Barack Obama EVER stated that!

You were stupid enough to buy the line of crap that Barry, Harry and Nancy were selling and now you're too stubborn to admit you got lied to.
Only the dupes think he meant immediately lol...Or it can't be the video AND terrorists...etc tec.

Only people without 8th grade math skills didn't know Obama was full of shit when he made the promises he did! That would be you, Franco!
So tell me what time frame he gave, dupe. HE DIDN'T, dupe. Get it? Anything else? lol
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.
Like preventive care for your children, or a test or 2 or shots for your wife...go ASK!!! lol. Ay caramba...
Obamacare has no use for preventive care
You are fear mongered and duped. Try it.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Dude, have you really thought this through? What happens if you blow a tire or a deer runs out in the road and you crash your car. You're badly injured, in a coma, or worst case you die. You know hospital bills could be upward of 200-500k.... right? Do you have that saved up to spend? If not, you are sticking your family with that bill. I hope for their sake you come around and insure your whole family. If not you are being horribly irresponsible and selfish.
I've never claimed anything off insurance in my life, and never will.
Na, I will stick to my principles and walk my walk… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Dude, have you really thought this through? What happens if you blow a tire or a deer runs out in the road and you crash your car. You're badly injured, in a coma, or worst case you die. You know hospital bills could be upward of 200-500k.... right? Do you have that saved up to spend? If not, you are sticking your family with that bill. I hope for their sake you come around and insure your whole family. If not you are being horribly irresponsible and selfish.
I have enough gold and silver in the safe cover most any catastrophe… LOL
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Dude, have you really thought this through? What happens if you blow a tire or a deer runs out in the road and you crash your car. You're badly injured, in a coma, or worst case you die. You know hospital bills could be upward of 200-500k.... right? Do you have that saved up to spend? If not, you are sticking your family with that bill. I hope for their sake you come around and insure your whole family. If not you are being horribly irresponsible and selfish.
I have enough gold and silver in the safe cover most any catastrophe… LOL
Not to mention I am debt-free, and I own 3 "s'' corps.
Until your luck runs out and you lose everything, dupe. Look into it at least. Ay caramba. The dupes just can't believe gov't actually did something for them....You have children?
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Dude, have you really thought this through? What happens if you blow a tire or a deer runs out in the road and you crash your car. You're badly injured, in a coma, or worst case you die. You know hospital bills could be upward of 200-500k.... right? Do you have that saved up to spend? If not, you are sticking your family with that bill. I hope for their sake you come around and insure your whole family. If not you are being horribly irresponsible and selfish.
I have enough gold and silver in the safe cover most any catastrophe… LOL
And instead of passing that down to your children and family so they can have a better life you'd rather give it all to a hospital. It's still a very stupid and selfish move
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.
Like preventive care for your children, or a test or 2 or shots for your wife...go ASK!!! lol. Ay caramba...
Obamacare has no use for preventive care
They have lots of free tests. When you or someone dies from something or there's an accident, and you lose everything, don't say you weren't told...
I have a wife and two young daughters...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Dude, have you really thought this through? What happens if you blow a tire or a deer runs out in the road and you crash your car. You're badly injured, in a coma, or worst case you die. You know hospital bills could be upward of 200-500k.... right? Do you have that saved up to spend? If not, you are sticking your family with that bill. I hope for their sake you come around and insure your whole family. If not you are being horribly irresponsible and selfish.
I have enough gold and silver in the safe cover most any catastrophe… LOL
And instead of passing that down to your children and family so they can have a better life you'd rather give it all to a hospital. It's still a very stupid and selfish move
Inheritance? I don't believe in that shit, I never got any. As Soon as my kids hit 18 they're out the door on their own...
Does Hillary's child care help them? Hell, I don't know. But when 80% of people can get health insurance for the family for $100 / month, it might be a good idea to check.
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Dude, have you really thought this through? What happens if you blow a tire or a deer runs out in the road and you crash your car. You're badly injured, in a coma, or worst case you die. You know hospital bills could be upward of 200-500k.... right? Do you have that saved up to spend? If not, you are sticking your family with that bill. I hope for their sake you come around and insure your whole family. If not you are being horribly irresponsible and selfish.
I have enough gold and silver in the safe cover most any catastrophe… LOL
And instead of passing that down to your children and family so they can have a better life you'd rather give it all to a hospital. It's still a very stupid and selfish move
Inheritance? I don't believe in that shit, I never got any. As Soon as my kids hit 18 they're out the door on their own...
Real winner you are
Hundred dollars a month would be a waste, something I would never use... I just Soon pay out-of-pocket.
Then you get a $300k bill and lose everything. And this was the way insurance was going BEFORE ACA.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, I don't enjoy paying for something that "might" happen.
Like preventive care for your children, or a test or 2 or shots for your wife...go ASK!!! lol. Ay caramba...
Obamacare has no use for preventive care
They have lots of free tests. When you or someone dies from something or there's an accident, and you lose everything, don't say you weren't told...
see that's the point, someone is paying for that shit. And that someone is not the same person taking that shit… LOL

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