Obamacare lead story on CNN

Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.
No one has time to read the whole law so no one can know what the law will or will not do. What we can see are the effects of the law, and they ain't good.

15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.

With or without obamacare those same people will still get hurt and sick, that hasn't changed. What has changed is how it is paid for.
Agreed, as mush as I hate the idea of a mandate, it is cheaper on the tax payers if the sick person is insured vs uninsured. Also, when a catastrophic event happens to somebody that is uninsured it has ripple effects. Take this genius rustic that doesn't think himself or his family needs insurance. If he goes down, he loses everything, tax payers likely cover bills that he can't afford, and his family is now left in crippling debt. No bueno

Obamacare brought 20 million new people into the insurance system. That IS a good thing. Now we need to fix and improve a very rocky program. It's a shame we can't all work together on it

No one "needs" insurance, Government has trained that into people you need something that might happen? Control freaks
You mean your way, that's how progressives think working together is it's their way or no way at all.
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

With all due respect, Slade if the only two things Hillary Clinton lied about were the You Tube video and her emails, you might have a point but Clinton has a history of corrupt behavior all the way back to her days as the First Lady of Arkansas! The lies from her are so numerous it would take longer than I wish to spend to list them all. She and Bill have made themselves filthy rich by trading political favors for payoffs. It's so blatant from the email dumps that I'm amazed you even want to take on the onerous task of defending her!
15 million more people with insurance coverage isn't good?

That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.

With or without obamacare those same people will still get hurt and sick, that hasn't changed. What has changed is how it is paid for.
Agreed, as mush as I hate the idea of a mandate, it is cheaper on the tax payers if the sick person is insured vs uninsured. Also, when a catastrophic event happens to somebody that is uninsured it has ripple effects. Take this genius rustic that doesn't think himself or his family needs insurance. If he goes down, he loses everything, tax payers likely cover bills that he can't afford, and his family is now left in crippling debt. No bueno

Obamacare brought 20 million new people into the insurance system. That IS a good thing. Now we need to fix and improve a very rocky program. It's a shame we can't all work together on it

No one "needs" insurance, Government has trained that into people you need something that might happen? Control freaks
You mean your way, that's how progressives think working together is it's their way or no way at all.
No dude, its how our country works. We don't let people die on the streets so when you crash firefighters pull your mangled body out of a car, put you in an ambulance, and take you to a hospital where the doctors do what they need to do to save your life. In the end, the costs for that treatment is much much more than most people can afford. So they either get bailed out by the tax payers and go bankrupt or they are smart and they have insurance.
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

With all due respect, Slade if the only two things Hillary Clinton lied about were the You Tube video and her emails, you might have a point but Clinton has a history of corrupt behavior all the way back to her days as the First Lady of Arkansas! The lies from her are so numerous it would take longer than I wish to spend to list them all. She and Bill have made themselves filthy rich by trading political favors for payoffs. It's so blatant from the email dumps that I'm amazed you even want to take on the onerous task of defending her!
I'm in a tough spot because I really don't like her, but I know that Trump is so much worse. When I hear lies and exaggerations about Hillary I feel compelled to balance the scales as much of the rhetoric is very overbloated. I do the same for Trump in other threads when I see lies. That said, there are many things about the Clintons that disturb me and thinking about them in the white house does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling, it bums me out. But I have faith that she will keep the ship afloat, I have serious concerns that Trump will sink it.
That is not the debate. The discussion is why the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing. Of course more people into the system mostly without paying a dime will escalate the price for everyone else that is just a fact. Since nothing is free.

Here is what I think is mostly the reason. I posted in the Current Events board about the cost for a CPAP machine. In my opinion the suppliers of the machine are ripping off the system and I am only one person out of millions. We have also seen where prescription drugs are skyrocketing in price for no apparent reason. I also think that doctors get a kick back for testing they order. Or they order testing to cover their arses which I don't blame them. I asked the doctor I went to yesterday if he were getting a big raise, he said no his pay was going to go down.

Maybe it is just the natural result of enrolling people who can't pay.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.

With or without obamacare those same people will still get hurt and sick, that hasn't changed. What has changed is how it is paid for.
Agreed, as mush as I hate the idea of a mandate, it is cheaper on the tax payers if the sick person is insured vs uninsured. Also, when a catastrophic event happens to somebody that is uninsured it has ripple effects. Take this genius rustic that doesn't think himself or his family needs insurance. If he goes down, he loses everything, tax payers likely cover bills that he can't afford, and his family is now left in crippling debt. No bueno

Obamacare brought 20 million new people into the insurance system. That IS a good thing. Now we need to fix and improve a very rocky program. It's a shame we can't all work together on it

No one "needs" insurance, Government has trained that into people you need something that might happen? Control freaks
You mean your way, that's how progressives think working together is it's their way or no way at all.
No dude, its how our country works. We don't let people die on the streets so when you crash firefighters pull your mangled body out of a car, put you in an ambulance, and take you to a hospital where the doctors do what they need to do to save your life. In the end, the costs for that treatment is much much more than most people can afford. So they either get bailed out by the tax payers and go bankrupt or they are smart and they have insurance.
The only reason why the costs of medical treatments are so high - frivolous lawsuits, unions, insurance that is mandatory…
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

All part of the plan. They won't blame Dems for the disaster but this will help open the door to single payer, which was the goal all along. Bill Clinton already slammed the failed Obamacare and that was the cue for media to pick the ball up and carry it. Pay attention.
Subsidizing insurance for poor people will save money than having them go uninsured and having the tax payers pick up the tab for them when they get sick or injured. It's good to have 20 million more insured and options for or existing conditions. Also the kids on their parents plan till 26 will help a ton too. So that's the good. The bad is the rising costs which is due to exactly what you described. My opinion would be to go after the high visits of prescription drugs which is higher in the US than any other country in the world and also to open up the markets to more competition.

How do you anti traders feel about Trumps idea to import drugs from other countries? I was surprised to see that from him given his stance in trade and wanting to promote American businesses.

With or without obamacare those same people will still get hurt and sick, that hasn't changed. What has changed is how it is paid for.
Agreed, as mush as I hate the idea of a mandate, it is cheaper on the tax payers if the sick person is insured vs uninsured. Also, when a catastrophic event happens to somebody that is uninsured it has ripple effects. Take this genius rustic that doesn't think himself or his family needs insurance. If he goes down, he loses everything, tax payers likely cover bills that he can't afford, and his family is now left in crippling debt. No bueno

Obamacare brought 20 million new people into the insurance system. That IS a good thing. Now we need to fix and improve a very rocky program. It's a shame we can't all work together on it

No one "needs" insurance, Government has trained that into people you need something that might happen? Control freaks
You mean your way, that's how progressives think working together is it's their way or no way at all.
No dude, its how our country works. We don't let people die on the streets so when you crash firefighters pull your mangled body out of a car, put you in an ambulance, and take you to a hospital where the doctors do what they need to do to save your life. In the end, the costs for that treatment is much much more than most people can afford. So they either get bailed out by the tax payers and go bankrupt or they are smart and they have insurance.
The only reason why the costs of medical treatments are so high - frivolous lawsuits, unions, insurance that is mandatory…
Cost are what they are, that is real and it is our system, so don't change the subject. If you have plans to lower the costs then we can discuss those in a different thread. But for now, this is what we need to deal with and you really have no intelligent excuse to not have yourself or your family insured
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

With all due respect, Slade if the only two things Hillary Clinton lied about were the You Tube video and her emails, you might have a point but Clinton has a history of corrupt behavior all the way back to her days as the First Lady of Arkansas! The lies from her are so numerous it would take longer than I wish to spend to list them all. She and Bill have made themselves filthy rich by trading political favors for payoffs. It's so blatant from the email dumps that I'm amazed you even want to take on the onerous task of defending her!
I'm in a tough spot because I really don't like her, but I know that Trump is so much worse. When I hear lies and exaggerations about Hillary I feel compelled to balance the scales as much of the rhetoric is very overbloated. I do the same for Trump in other threads when I see lies. That said, there are many things about the Clintons that disturb me and thinking about them in the white house does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling, it bums me out. But I have faith that she will keep the ship afloat, I have serious concerns that Trump will sink it.

Do the right thing and not let Hillary anywhere close to the SCOTUS nominations. Too important and too long of an effect to have her brain damaged mind making such a selection.
With or without obamacare those same people will still get hurt and sick, that hasn't changed. What has changed is how it is paid for.
Agreed, as mush as I hate the idea of a mandate, it is cheaper on the tax payers if the sick person is insured vs uninsured. Also, when a catastrophic event happens to somebody that is uninsured it has ripple effects. Take this genius rustic that doesn't think himself or his family needs insurance. If he goes down, he loses everything, tax payers likely cover bills that he can't afford, and his family is now left in crippling debt. No bueno

Obamacare brought 20 million new people into the insurance system. That IS a good thing. Now we need to fix and improve a very rocky program. It's a shame we can't all work together on it

No one "needs" insurance, Government has trained that into people you need something that might happen? Control freaks
You mean your way, that's how progressives think working together is it's their way or no way at all.
No dude, its how our country works. We don't let people die on the streets so when you crash firefighters pull your mangled body out of a car, put you in an ambulance, and take you to a hospital where the doctors do what they need to do to save your life. In the end, the costs for that treatment is much much more than most people can afford. So they either get bailed out by the tax payers and go bankrupt or they are smart and they have insurance.
The only reason why the costs of medical treatments are so high - frivolous lawsuits, unions, insurance that is mandatory…
Cost are what they are, that is real and it is our system, so don't change the subject. If you have plans to lower the costs then we can discuss those in a different thread. But for now, this is what we need to deal with and you really have no intelligent excuse to not have yourself or your family insured
You forget I will not go into debt for anything…
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

With all due respect, Slade if the only two things Hillary Clinton lied about were the You Tube video and her emails, you might have a point but Clinton has a history of corrupt behavior all the way back to her days as the First Lady of Arkansas! The lies from her are so numerous it would take longer than I wish to spend to list them all. She and Bill have made themselves filthy rich by trading political favors for payoffs. It's so blatant from the email dumps that I'm amazed you even want to take on the onerous task of defending her!
I'm in a tough spot because I really don't like her, but I know that Trump is so much worse. When I hear lies and exaggerations about Hillary I feel compelled to balance the scales as much of the rhetoric is very overbloated. I do the same for Trump in other threads when I see lies. That said, there are many things about the Clintons that disturb me and thinking about them in the white house does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling, it bums me out. But I have faith that she will keep the ship afloat, I have serious concerns that Trump will sink it.

Do the right thing and not let Hillary anywhere close to the SCOTUS nominations. Too important and too long of an effect to have her brain damaged mind making such a selection.
Naw, the right wing is still to sour for me to support their pov in SCOTUS. I believe in women's rights and LGBT rights. The right is starting to come around on those issues but they aren't quite there yet
Agreed, as mush as I hate the idea of a mandate, it is cheaper on the tax payers if the sick person is insured vs uninsured. Also, when a catastrophic event happens to somebody that is uninsured it has ripple effects. Take this genius rustic that doesn't think himself or his family needs insurance. If he goes down, he loses everything, tax payers likely cover bills that he can't afford, and his family is now left in crippling debt. No bueno

Obamacare brought 20 million new people into the insurance system. That IS a good thing. Now we need to fix and improve a very rocky program. It's a shame we can't all work together on it

No one "needs" insurance, Government has trained that into people you need something that might happen? Control freaks
You mean your way, that's how progressives think working together is it's their way or no way at all.
No dude, its how our country works. We don't let people die on the streets so when you crash firefighters pull your mangled body out of a car, put you in an ambulance, and take you to a hospital where the doctors do what they need to do to save your life. In the end, the costs for that treatment is much much more than most people can afford. So they either get bailed out by the tax payers and go bankrupt or they are smart and they have insurance.
The only reason why the costs of medical treatments are so high - frivolous lawsuits, unions, insurance that is mandatory…
Cost are what they are, that is real and it is our system, so don't change the subject. If you have plans to lower the costs then we can discuss those in a different thread. But for now, this is what we need to deal with and you really have no intelligent excuse to not have yourself or your family insured
You forget I will not go into debt for anything…
Forgive me if I don't believe that you are as wealthy as you claim. And even if you are, the vast majority of Americans are not, so your point of view is not in line with their best interest nor the best interest of our nation as a whole
No one "needs" insurance, Government has trained that into people you need something that might happen? Control freaks
You mean your way, that's how progressives think working together is it's their way or no way at all.
No dude, its how our country works. We don't let people die on the streets so when you crash firefighters pull your mangled body out of a car, put you in an ambulance, and take you to a hospital where the doctors do what they need to do to save your life. In the end, the costs for that treatment is much much more than most people can afford. So they either get bailed out by the tax payers and go bankrupt or they are smart and they have insurance.
The only reason why the costs of medical treatments are so high - frivolous lawsuits, unions, insurance that is mandatory…
Cost are what they are, that is real and it is our system, so don't change the subject. If you have plans to lower the costs then we can discuss those in a different thread. But for now, this is what we need to deal with and you really have no intelligent excuse to not have yourself or your family insured
You forget I will not go into debt for anything…
Forgive me if I don't believe that you are as wealthy as you claim. And even if you are, the vast majority of Americans are not, so your point of view is not in line with their best interest nor the best interest of our nation as a whole
Believe what you want, but I've had 7+ years of incredible, absolutely incredible firearm And ammo sales. Lol
No dude, its how our country works. We don't let people die on the streets so when you crash firefighters pull your mangled body out of a car, put you in an ambulance, and take you to a hospital where the doctors do what they need to do to save your life. In the end, the costs for that treatment is much much more than most people can afford. So they either get bailed out by the tax payers and go bankrupt or they are smart and they have insurance.
The only reason why the costs of medical treatments are so high - frivolous lawsuits, unions, insurance that is mandatory…
Cost are what they are, that is real and it is our system, so don't change the subject. If you have plans to lower the costs then we can discuss those in a different thread. But for now, this is what we need to deal with and you really have no intelligent excuse to not have yourself or your family insured
You forget I will not go into debt for anything…
Forgive me if I don't believe that you are as wealthy as you claim. And even if you are, the vast majority of Americans are not, so your point of view is not in line with their best interest nor the best interest of our nation as a whole
Believe what you want, but I've had 7+ years of incredible, absolutely incredible firearm And ammo sales. Lol
Good for you, nevermind the real point that has to do with the world being a lot bigger than just YOU.
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

I don't recall saying any of that... ???
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

I don't recall saying any of that... ???
You are comparing simple contrasting items like up and down, with corruption and presidency. In otherwords what you call "down" isnt really down. I replied with the statement that your "most corrupt politician in history" bullshit line is nothing more than a Trump talking point. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but you are grossly mischacterizing her. You all have cried wolf so much, that it is no wonder why people hardly pay attention when you come up with the. Ext scandal that justified her being behind bars. You've gone to far and youve over played your hand.
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

I don't recall saying any of that... ???
You are comparing simple contrasting items like up and down, with corruption and presidency. In otherwords what you call "down" isnt really down. I replied with the statement that your "most corrupt politician in history" bullshit line is nothing more than a Trump talking point. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but you are grossly mischacterizing her. You all have cried wolf so much, that it is no wonder why people hardly pay attention when you come up with the. Ext scandal that justified her being behind bars. You've gone to far and youve over played your hand.

You don't think Hillary is "squeaky clean", Slade? Now there is an understatement to end all understatements! How WOULD you characterize her? Dingy? Soiled? Pathological? You know what the Clinton Machine brings to mind for me? The Taylor Machine in the old Frank Capra movie "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington"! They're literally that sleazy and that corrupt.
Liberals are never concerned with costs, only the appearance of "victory"....

Failure is success, up is down. Look Clinton, the most inept, corrupt politician of our lifetime in their minds is the most qualified for the job.
See the problem with your logic is the falsehood about her being the most corrupt politician in our lifetime. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but honestly, the foundation behind all of your claims is the fact that she cited a video as an instigator to a terrorist attack, and that she use a private email server so she could communicate nonsensitive material using her existing email address. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Critiques are fail but you, like Trump, are taking this demonization to a whole new level, and it smells like bullshit.

I don't recall saying any of that... ???
You are comparing simple contrasting items like up and down, with corruption and presidency. In otherwords what you call "down" isnt really down. I replied with the statement that your "most corrupt politician in history" bullshit line is nothing more than a Trump talking point. I'm not saying she is squeaky clean but you are grossly mischacterizing her. You all have cried wolf so much, that it is no wonder why people hardly pay attention when you come up with the. Ext scandal that justified her being behind bars. You've gone to far and youve over played your hand.

You don't think Hillary is "squeaky clean", Slade? Now there is an understatement to end all understatements! How WOULD you characterize her? Dingy? Soiled? Pathological? You know what the Clinton Machine brings to mind for me? The Taylor Machine in the old Frank Capra movie "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington"! They're literally that sleazy and that corrupt.
How would I characterize her? Well, I'd say she is extremely guarded and secretive after a decade of some very ugly partisan attacks. It's understandable. I think she has relationships with some very powerful people all over the world. This can be a very useful thing for a president to have, it can also be a dangerous thing if you think she is being influenced by these relationships. So far there is not overwhelming evidence that she has been influenced, only speculation.

When it comes down to it she has many people who I respect from the business world like Gates, Cuban, Bloomberg etc. that are behind her... Individuals who I respect from the Military world who know a hell of a lot more about our security than we do (Paneta, Powell, Adams) who are behind her, and most of all, she can carry herself like an adult and NOT like like a spoiled, pouty child.

I've said it before, put pretty much anybody besides Trump running against Clinton and they likely win and likely get my vote. She is a flawed candidate but no where close as flawed and Mr. Trump. It's going to be a close race as I fear Trump has many Americans fooled into believing his bullshit. It is a scary thought, thinking of him sitting in the oval, very sad that our nation even entertains letting such an ugly guy represent who we are.

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