Obamacare lead story on CNN

Yes, I always get stressed out when someone starts putting their hand in my wallet.

Damn right I do.

Nobody is doing that. You are overly sensitive to being asked to do your part, it seems.
Do my part?

Excuse me?

I do my part every fucking day, asshole. Get your goddammed hands out of my wallet.

Awwww.....you don't like it when someone says that to you, do ya? How sad, piglet.
You are a thief. A piglet on the tit.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Sorry.....I am a 28% taxpayer just like you. Only...I don't bitch and moan.
Did you forget? Lol, Obamacare was forced on millions and millions of Americans who have no desire to be part of it… Dip shit
You can not have true freedom, freedom to choose within a socialist system of government, regardless of what your text books theorize, the two simply do not coexist.
As for Continual Nonsense News, the signal payer system will be adopted within 24 months of the lier in chefs inauguration, if she has control of both houses, and if Americans are truly as naive as the Dem's say they are.
It doesn't take rocket science to understand the role the media plays in securing the foundation for the liberal progressive agenda. Goebbels would be proud that his works are proven, substantiated, firmly in place, yielding the same intended results.
...slowdown in healthcare spending increases...

Just look at that. That's the confirmation of the bait-and-switch I warned about right there.

Look at those words. "...slowdown in healthcare SPENDING INCREASES..."

In other words, costs are still climbing. The liberals couch the increases in a lot of smoke. And like it or not, ObamaCare was front loaded with tax increases for four years before it launched the subsidies.

What we are seeing now are the real time costs. And they are catastrophic. And for the states, they will get even more catastrophic in 2019.

During the ObamaCare debates before its passage, one of the chief arguments made by the pro-Obamacare rubes was that we have the highest per capita spending on healthcare in the developed world.

It was heavily implied that health care costs would GO DOWN. It was NEVER said there would be a "slowdown in spending increases".

This has been one of the biggest boondoggle bait-and-switch cons ever pulled on the American people. If you read the ACA, it is screamingly obvious this was all a con.

For instance, employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest drivers of increased costs. So what does ObamaCare do? It MORE DEEPLY EMBEDS IT. It was a huge gift to labor unions, a key component of Obama's base.

That right there tells you this had NOTHING to do with reducing healthcare spending.
No doubt... it's all about control. Lol
What did Nancy Pelosi say about the fraud that is Obama care?
The loopy kunt and Barry have zero transparency.
...slowdown in healthcare spending increases...

Just look at that. That's the confirmation of the bait-and-switch I warned about right there.

Look at those words. "...slowdown in healthcare SPENDING INCREASES..."

In other words, costs are still climbing. The liberals couch the increases in a lot of smoke. And like it or not, ObamaCare was front loaded with tax increases for four years before it launched the subsidies.

What we are seeing now are the real time costs. And they are catastrophic. And for the states, they will get even more catastrophic in 2019.

During the ObamaCare debates before its passage, one of the chief arguments made by the pro-Obamacare rubes was that we have the highest per capita spending on healthcare in the developed world.

It was heavily implied that health care costs would GO DOWN. It was NEVER said there would be a "slowdown in spending increases".

This has been one of the biggest boondoggle bait-and-switch cons ever pulled on the American people.

Yearly increases were greater before the law passed. That is a simple fact.

Personal question. How do you procure health insurance?
Don't make it mandatory... dip shit
...slowdown in healthcare spending increases...

Just look at that. That's the confirmation of the bait-and-switch I warned about right there.

Look at those words. "...slowdown in healthcare SPENDING INCREASES..."

In other words, costs are still climbing. The liberals couch the increases in a lot of smoke. And like it or not, ObamaCare was front loaded with tax increases for four years before it launched the subsidies.

What we are seeing now are the real time costs. And they are catastrophic. And for the states, they will get even more catastrophic in 2019.

During the ObamaCare debates before its passage, one of the chief arguments made by the pro-Obamacare rubes was that we have the highest per capita spending on healthcare in the developed world.

It was heavily implied that health care costs would GO DOWN. It was NEVER said there would be a "slowdown in spending increases".

This has been one of the biggest boondoggle bait-and-switch cons ever pulled on the American people.

Yearly increases were greater before the law passed. That is a simple fact.

Yes, and I have posted that fact many, many times, and excoriated the GOP for doing NOTHING during the decades healthcare costs outpaced inflation.

I am convinced the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer healthcare a long time ago.

Personal question. How do you procure health insurance?
I am retired military on TriCare Prime. I can go for an hour on how the government has been fucking us vets over on our healthcare for years now.

Remember that lie about "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"? We vets on TriCare Prime were the first ones to learn that was a lie.

We are trapped in this insane system where our healthcare depends on our geographical location.
Washington DC is one party rule, career politicians have fucked us all… Fact
...slowdown in healthcare spending increases...

Just look at that. That's the confirmation of the bait-and-switch I warned about right there.

Look at those words. "...slowdown in healthcare SPENDING INCREASES..."

In other words, costs are still climbing. The liberals couch the increases in a lot of smoke. And like it or not, ObamaCare was front loaded with tax increases for four years before it launched the subsidies.

What we are seeing now are the real time costs. And they are catastrophic. And for the states, they will get even more catastrophic in 2019.

During the ObamaCare debates before its passage, one of the chief arguments made by the pro-Obamacare rubes was that we have the highest per capita spending on healthcare in the developed world.

It was heavily implied that health care costs would GO DOWN. It was NEVER said there would be a "slowdown in spending increases".

This has been one of the biggest boondoggle bait-and-switch cons ever pulled on the American people.

Yearly increases were greater before the law passed. That is a simple fact.

Yes, and I have posted that fact many, many times, and excoriated the GOP for doing NOTHING during the decades healthcare costs outpaced inflation.

I am convinced the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer healthcare a long time ago.

Personal question. How do you procure health insurance?
I am retired military on TriCare Prime. I can go for an hour on how the government has been fucking us vets over on our healthcare for years now.

Remember that lie about "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?" We vets on TriCare Prime were the first ones to learn that was a lie.

We are trapped in this insane system where our healthcare depends on our geographical location.

TriCare Prime is not part of individual insurance market Obamacare primarily addressed. Everything we are talking about here is in the context of individual insurance market.

How has Obamacare SPECIFICALLY effected your doctors?
The Congress that writes the rules for TriCare is the same Congress that writes the rules for ObamaCare. There are many, many parallels.

TriCare Prime has a special new wrinkle, though. A couple years ago, the rules were changed.

Now get this. You won't believe it.

If a retiree on TriCare Prime lives within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility, they can go to any civilian doctor they wish. Got that? They don't have to go to the military base for medical care. They can go to any civilian doctor who accepts Tricare. And almost all doctors do.

Now here comes the insane part.

If a retiree on TriCare Prime does NOT live anywhere near a military base, they CANNOT go to a civilian doctor!

I know you will think I am lying. But I'm not.
... in short The federal government fucks everything up it touches
Yes, and I have posted that fact many, many times, and excoriated the GOP for doing NOTHING during the decades healthcare costs outpaced inflation.

I am convinced the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer healthcare a long time ago.

I am retired military on TriCare Prime. I can go for an hour on how the government has been fucking us vets over on our healthcare for years now.

Remember that lie about "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"? We vets on TriCare Prime were the first ones to learn that was a lie.

We are trapped in this insane system where our healthcare depends on our geographical location.

As someone who served on active duty for 20+ years, and has been trapped in a government insurance program ever since, I can speak with some authority on how fucked up government healthcare is.

The first time I went to a civilian doctor when I retired from the military, my wife started laughing at the look on my face. It was a whole different universe.

Cool story, what does that have to do with Obamacare?
I was asked how I procure my insurance, dipshit. And it provides some insight into the quality of government insurance and healthcare.

I've lived in a country with a REAL government insurance program. I'm sure you've been asked to research them before. The fact is that a FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE person who wants to reduce his own health care related tax burden would be insane to oppose single payer universal health care. The only reasons one opposes that is an UNWARRANTED fear of government and a fear that someone who earns less $$ might get the same health care that they get.

Car insurance? Please.
The problem with single-payer is that someone else is paying for your shit you fucking retard, what kind of fucking deadbeat are you... fucking leech
2019. I warned you years ago.

2019 is when it all blows up.

And then the rubes will be crying out for single payer government healthcare.

"We need MOAR government!"

Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Fact
Nobody is saying they want the US to be socialists. Having socialist programs in a capitalistic democracy is not the same as socialism. You are misrepresenting again.
The fact remains, any sort of freedom/individuality cannot coexist with socialism of any sort… Fact
ObamaCare rates are climbing 22 percent. To offset this, federal subsidies will also be increased.

Your tax dollars at work.

If you don't qualify for a subsidy...well...fuck you, "freeloaders". Pay up. There are high school dropouts who deserve your money.
Of course, that average hike is happening only in holdout GOP states where they now have to cut the scams out and guarantee coverage.

OP- This is called journalism, only we need more than huge headlines and pundits arguing. How bout more offices around the world? They just cover the hottest story in the hottest way. Controversy and ratings above all...
As someone who served on active duty for 20+ years, and has been trapped in a government insurance program ever since, I can speak with some authority on how fucked up government healthcare is.

The first time I went to a civilian doctor when I retired from the military, my wife started laughing at the look on my face. It was a whole different universe.

Cool story, what does that have to do with Obamacare?
I was asked how I procure my insurance, dipshit. And it provides some insight into the quality of government insurance and healthcare.

I've lived in a country with a REAL government insurance program. I'm sure you've been asked to research them before. The fact is that a FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE person who wants to reduce his own health care related tax burden would be insane to oppose single payer universal health care. The only reasons one opposes that is an UNWARRANTED fear of government and a fear that someone who earns less $$ might get the same health care that they get.

Car insurance? Please.
The operative words in your post are "health care related tax burden".
You are so entitlement minded, you have no concept of what fiscal conservatism is. Not a clue.

There should be NO "health care related tax burden" to pay for the healthcare of healthy Americans!

I'm all for supporting those with catastrophic illnesses or injuries, and I'm all for supporting our elders.

Everyone else should be paying their own freight. Period. They should be picking up the phone and calling any insurance company they wish, and buying whatever health insurance coverage they wish.

Just like they do with auto, life, and home insurance.

They need to be freed from the hostage-taking entitlement heads like yourself.
Isn't that how it was before Obamacare?

Nope. It was NOT that way before ObamaCare. The American people have been held hostage by their employers in a take-it-or-leave-it condition for decades. They are forced into that condition by the US government meddling in the private markets.

Were you happy with that system?

I was not happy with the status quo. Hell no. That's exactly why I am equally angry at the Republicans for doing NOTHING about it.
2019. I warned you years ago.

2019 is when it all blows up.

And then the rubes will be crying out for single payer government healthcare.

"We need MOAR government!"

Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
Ah. I see. The more people who bleev in something, the more right it becomes!

Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia
The collective always knows best, they just force everyone to participate... lol
My post from way back when is still relevant today: Tax the rich more!


A lot of ObamaCare recipients are going to find out they are down to just one insurer on their insurance exchange.

Government hostages.

That's the flaw of there not being a public option.
The liberal answer to every government fuckup. "We need MOAR government!!"

The liberal answer to every private sector fuckup. "We need MOAR government!!"

Jesus H. Christ.

I think I missed your plan for getting everyone health care. This conservative plan has some problems....which can be fixed...but it
is an improvement over what we had before it was passed.....isn't it?

I'm for Medicare for all.

What is your plan?

g5000 probably is for medicare for none.
Cool story, what does that have to do with Obamacare?
I was asked how I procure my insurance, dipshit. And it provides some insight into the quality of government insurance and healthcare.

I've lived in a country with a REAL government insurance program. I'm sure you've been asked to research them before. The fact is that a FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE person who wants to reduce his own health care related tax burden would be insane to oppose single payer universal health care. The only reasons one opposes that is an UNWARRANTED fear of government and a fear that someone who earns less $$ might get the same health care that they get.

Car insurance? Please.
The operative words in your post are "health care related tax burden".
You are so entitlement minded, you have no concept of what fiscal conservatism is. Not a clue.

There should be NO "health care related tax burden" to pay for the healthcare of healthy Americans!

I'm all for supporting those with catastrophic illnesses or injuries, and I'm all for supporting our elders.

Everyone else should be paying their own freight. Period. They should be picking up the phone and calling any insurance company they wish, and buying whatever health insurance coverage they wish.

Just like they do with auto, life, and home insurance.

They need to be freed from the hostage-taking entitlement heads like yourself.
Isn't that how it was before Obamacare?

Nope. It was NOT that way before ObamaCare. The American people have been held hostage by their employers in a take-it-or-leave-it condition for decades. They are forced into that condition by the US government meddling in the private markets.

Were you happy with that system?

I was not happy with the status quo. Hell no. That's exactly why I am equally angry at the Republicans for doing NOTHING about it.
The mandate was the main rub, an "opt in" would've been a much better option if they had to pass it.
It's just absolutely insane anyone could I actually believe being forced into a fraud like Obama care is the right thing to do… LOL
2019. I warned you years ago.

2019 is when it all blows up.

And then the rubes will be crying out for single payer government healthcare.

"We need MOAR government!"

Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Fact
Nobody is saying they want the US to be socialists. Having socialist programs in a capitalistic democracy is not the same as socialism. You are misrepresenting again.
The fact remains, any sort of freedom/individuality cannot coexist with socialism of any sort… Fact
Of course to you, socialism means communist, ignorant dupe. Socialism in the modern sense means well regulated, fair capitalism. See scandinavia, original EU, Canada, NZ and Oz. And the US after 8 years of Hillary. See sig, PP1. We're becoming a GOP oligarchy banana republic under Reaganism- defended to the death by the New BS GOP and its dupes like you...
2019. I warned you years ago.

2019 is when it all blows up.

And then the rubes will be crying out for single payer government healthcare.

"We need MOAR government!"

Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Fact
Nobody is saying they want the US to be socialists. Having socialist programs in a capitalistic democracy is not the same as socialism. You are misrepresenting again.
The fact remains, any sort of freedom/individuality cannot coexist with socialism of any sort… Fact
Of course to you, socialism means communist, ignorant dupe. Socialism in the modern sense means well regulated, fair capitalism. See scandinavia, original EU, Canada, NZ and Oz. And the US after 8 years of Hillary. See sig, PP1. We're becoming a GOP oligarchy banana republic under Reaganism- defended to the death by the New BS GOP and its dupes like you...
You have no idea why the banana republic is, this federal government pays debt with more debt and that debt with printed paper.
Anyone with any common sense knows that Obama care/single player cannot be paid for, it's far too expensive. It just adds to the debt that is dominated by socialist entitlement programs.
Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Fact
Nobody is saying they want the US to be socialists. Having socialist programs in a capitalistic democracy is not the same as socialism. You are misrepresenting again.
The fact remains, any sort of freedom/individuality cannot coexist with socialism of any sort… Fact
Of course to you, socialism means communist, ignorant dupe. Socialism in the modern sense means well regulated, fair capitalism. See scandinavia, original EU, Canada, NZ and Oz. And the US after 8 years of Hillary. See sig, PP1. We're becoming a GOP oligarchy banana republic under Reaganism- defended to the death by the New BS GOP and its dupes like you...
You have no idea why the banana republic is, this federal government pays debt with more debt and that debt with printed paper.
Anyone with any common sense knows that Obama care/single player cannot be paid for, it's far too expensive. It just adds to the debt that is dominated by socialist entitlement programs.
All those other modern countries manage health care at half the price, with better outcomes and life span. Watch out, Big Heath and Pharma. lol. You're a total dupe of Big Money. Helloooo?!?
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Fact
Nobody is saying they want the US to be socialists. Having socialist programs in a capitalistic democracy is not the same as socialism. You are misrepresenting again.
The fact remains, any sort of freedom/individuality cannot coexist with socialism of any sort… Fact
Of course to you, socialism means communist, ignorant dupe. Socialism in the modern sense means well regulated, fair capitalism. See scandinavia, original EU, Canada, NZ and Oz. And the US after 8 years of Hillary. See sig, PP1. We're becoming a GOP oligarchy banana republic under Reaganism- defended to the death by the New BS GOP and its dupes like you...
You have no idea why the banana republic is, this federal government pays debt with more debt and that debt with printed paper.
Anyone with any common sense knows that Obama care/single player cannot be paid for, it's far too expensive. It just adds to the debt that is dominated by socialist entitlement programs.
All those other modern countries manage health care at half the price, with better outcomes and life span. Watch out, Big Heath and Pharma. lol. You're a total dupe of Big Money. Helloooo?!?
No, I just don't expect other people to pay for my shit…
I was asked how I procure my insurance, dipshit. And it provides some insight into the quality of government insurance and healthcare.

I've lived in a country with a REAL government insurance program. I'm sure you've been asked to research them before. The fact is that a FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE person who wants to reduce his own health care related tax burden would be insane to oppose single payer universal health care. The only reasons one opposes that is an UNWARRANTED fear of government and a fear that someone who earns less $$ might get the same health care that they get.

Car insurance? Please.
The operative words in your post are "health care related tax burden".
You are so entitlement minded, you have no concept of what fiscal conservatism is. Not a clue.

There should be NO "health care related tax burden" to pay for the healthcare of healthy Americans!

I'm all for supporting those with catastrophic illnesses or injuries, and I'm all for supporting our elders.

Everyone else should be paying their own freight. Period. They should be picking up the phone and calling any insurance company they wish, and buying whatever health insurance coverage they wish.

Just like they do with auto, life, and home insurance.

They need to be freed from the hostage-taking entitlement heads like yourself.
Isn't that how it was before Obamacare?

Nope. It was NOT that way before ObamaCare. The American people have been held hostage by their employers in a take-it-or-leave-it condition for decades. They are forced into that condition by the US government meddling in the private markets.

Were you happy with that system?

I was not happy with the status quo. Hell no. That's exactly why I am equally angry at the Republicans for doing NOTHING about it.
The mandate was the main rub, an "opt in" would've been a much better option if they had to pass it.
It's just absolutely insane anyone could I actually believe being forced into a fraud like Obama care is the right thing to do… LOL
The mandate was originally a right wing idea.

The only way freeloaders could afford insurance is if as many people as possible were forced to carry them. ObamaCare would implode without the mandate.
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We punish you with higher taxes for not buying a house.

We punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of refrigerator.

We punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of electricity.

We even punish you with higher taxes for not procreating!

It was no big leap to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of insurance.

By demanding tax expenditures for a whole host of bullshit, Republicans are just as guilty as the Democrats for creating the political environment which made the mandate possible.

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