Obamacare Mess!

I work in medical billing so I see the end result of Obamacare. People did not read the fine print. Deductibles are running anywhere from $2,500 to $6,000. Because the deductibles are so high, patients are being made to pay for their MRIs, CTs and bloodwork up front so patients aren't getting their ordered tests and aren't returning for followup visits when they need them. Federal employees have the best healthcare available through Federal Blueshield. No deductibles! Low or no copays! Everyone in DC who composed Obamacare does not have to participate in it! I could not believe it when it passed! Doctors and diagnostic facilities have no choice but to collect all of their money up front because the patients are not going to pay their bills! It is forcing many doctorst to retire early. My healtcare plan does not have any coverage for preventative care! No annual GYN visit. No checkup, no preventative bloodwork screening! They will give me coverage for a stroke, heart attack or cancer treatments once they develop. I just can't check to see if I have a problem developing! Wake up America! I agree for their needs to be change but not this. EVERYONE SHOULD BE MADE TO PARTICIPATE IN OBAMACARE, INCLUDING OBAMA! They are our REPRESENTATIVES and should not be treated any differently than the general population. Gruber knew exactly what he was doing and should be made to participate in it as well. If an illegal alien goes into a hospital, their bill is written off as "charity". A legal, tax paying citizen of the U.S. will be made to pay their deductible and balance on their hospital bill or be sent to collections! Prisoners get their healthcare for free! Many who are getting insurance for free have no intention of returning to work! And remember America, your taxes are due on April 15th or the IRS is coming after you with penalties! If you are illegal, you don't have to pay any taxes or penalties!

Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Got the update in the mail for the BRONZE PLAN............for 2015.........

11% increase on the premium.
I work in medical billing so I see the end result of Obamacare. People did not read the fine print. Deductibles are running anywhere from $2,500 to $6,000. Because the deductibles are so high, patients are being made to pay for their MRIs, CTs and bloodwork up front so patients aren't getting their ordered tests and aren't returning for followup visits when they need them. Federal employees have the best healthcare available through Federal Blueshield. No deductibles! Low or no copays! Everyone in DC who composed Obamacare does not have to participate in it! I could not believe it when it passed! Doctors and diagnostic facilities have no choice but to collect all of their money up front because the patients are not going to pay their bills! It is forcing many doctorst to retire early. My healtcare plan does not have any coverage for preventative care! No annual GYN visit. No checkup, no preventative bloodwork screening! They will give me coverage for a stroke, heart attack or cancer treatments once they develop. I just can't check to see if I have a problem developing! Wake up America! I agree for their needs to be change but not this. EVERYONE SHOULD BE MADE TO PARTICIPATE IN OBAMACARE, INCLUDING OBAMA! They are our REPRESENTATIVES and should not be treated any differently than the general population. Gruber knew exactly what he was doing and should be made to participate in it as well. If an illegal alien goes into a hospital, their bill is written off as "charity". A legal, tax paying citizen of the U.S. will be made to pay their deductible and balance on their hospital bill or be sent to collections! Prisoners get their healthcare for free! Many who are getting insurance for free have no intention of returning to work! And remember America, your taxes are due on April 15th or the IRS is coming after you with penalties! If you are illegal, you don't have to pay any taxes or penalties!

Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!
Being in Medical Billiing...............Does my story repeat in your experience............Same kind of issues and or rate increases?
Manhattan Institute - The ObamaCare Impact

Shows the increases by State or county...................In my State of Alabama the rate increase showed 11% which was right in line with the increase I posted for my age group.

But in the below 40 and above 64 it went up by over 40%.

Check out the map.
right answer try being honest

The right answer is that outside of your socialism response-you have nothing. The biggest argument that you can come up with is um communism. Thanks for playing. Have a great day.
Marxism? You pick the word, but don't pretend it's some form of free market capitalism, cause it's not.

What else do you have?

I give you the opportunity to pick the description of your marxist plans and you ask me what else I have? What more do you want my blood too?
right answer try being honest

The right answer is that outside of your socialism response-you have nothing. The biggest argument that you can come up with is um communism. Thanks for playing. Have a great day.
Marxism? You pick the word, but don't pretend it's some form of free market capitalism, cause it's not.

What else do you have?

I give you the opportunity to pick the description of your marxist plans and you ask me what else I have? What more do you want my blood too?

Taking control=regulating an industry that bankrupts people and denies treatment.

taking control = higher premiums across the spectrum causing people to drop coverage

taking control = paying nearly the same for high risk coverage when you used to have lower deduct plans

taking control = forced to take these insurance plans with high deducts or not have insurance at all

taking control = no service if you don't have the cash up front for the poor. again, would they have had the 6k?

Obamacare addresses problems, and ignores others................It has done damage, and has done good...........it my case it damaged me and then helped me making me wonder if it helped or hurt me.............either way my insurance is much worse than I had before.................while I may save over the year if I need it I basically pay for a lot of my doctors bill under it.............so until you reach the thresh hold at the Doctors office where bronze kicks in it's on you.............prescription drugs are about the same under Obamacare......I know because it does pay there..............and on x-rays and tests it pays before the deduct...............

But on basic visits.......it's on me now............I pay for the doctors visits...........How would I know this.........because when my daughter went for having a bad cold.........I paid it all. Except for prescriptions.........................

So in my situation..............should I be happy about it..............If I was a DEM..............I'd SAY RAH RAH WE SAVED YOU................In a way you'd be right...........as without the insurance I'd be on the verge of bankruptcy right now If I'd have had to pay for it all....................but it IGNORES that I LOST INSURANCE even at the higher rates.............................

You can't swing a two edged sword without cutting both ways............Should I thank someone for stabbing me in the back and then saving me from bleeding to death.................Obamacare CUT ME BOTH WAYS...............

and that's the deal.

And the reason that you are against universal health care is.....?

TAKE 2 VA problems and get back to me in the morning..............working real well there isn't it..............People dying to get care..........................and have been for a long time..................

and it leads to what you really want..........and Obamacare was to get the foot in the door.............to IGNORE the damage it does..............To later propose the only way to fix it.............is Universal Care.......................

Riddle me this................My wife is disabled.............we haven't applied...............even though it would help us financially...........and even though all of her doctors are saying to do it.....................why would I not do it then.....................

We have contemplated it again..............but but but...........We don't get to keep our current doctor under Medicare if we get it..............We must choose new Doctors.............and god forbid a new surgeon if she needs more surgery...........HOPEFULLY NOT.............but we didn't want to have to go to a select list of DOCS for this........we wanted the best...........because we know others who have used him...............

Not available under Medicare...............because he only does Surgery at one hospital...........and that is not allowed under Medicaid..............if we go the Disability route....................

That is a form of Universal Care...........Where it limits who you can see already.............before Obamacare was even around.................

So for now...........we weigh our options and OPT OUT of DISABILITY.........yet it is still on the table..............

These are the things you IGNORE UNDER UNIVERSAL CARE..............as you IGNORE THE DAMAGING SIDE OF OBAMACARE............
My dad is a vet. Try again. That isn't an answer.

I'm a Vet......My son's a Vet.........and guess what..........after getting out he applied for the programmed health Insurance under the veterans insurance plan for member who got out during the War..........Under that plan he got FREE INSURANCE...........Yep............FREE.................

He needed it once............he kicked a stump and broke his small toe................so he got out the numbers and called the VA and asked what to do..................Can I see a DOCTOR for my possible broken toe..............

They said they could schedule an appointment for him a month down the road..........but he said I think it's broken...............so they said...........go to the VA HOSPITAL 3 hours away from where we live................

and check in and if they are not crowded they may or may not see you.................THAT IS WHAT THE VA SAID DSIR............

Do you want to know what I said DSIR...............Fuck the VA...........I took him to our doctor and paid for it...........He had a clean small break and they taped the toe together..............Went back a couple of weeks later to re xray and the break was healing clean by taping it together...............

It wasn't worth the drive to go to the VA hospital and wait forever, TO MAYBE GET SEEN as told to my son by the VA..............

So rather than deal with that BS we went down the road and dealt with it ourself...................

He has to date not used this insurance whatsoever.

The wait depends on the location. So, again, it's not an indication of universal health care. Further, you can look at what went wrong and where for the VA issues. The comparison is inadequate.
right answer try being honest

The right answer is that outside of your socialism response-you have nothing. The biggest argument that you can come up with is um communism. Thanks for playing. Have a great day.

Talk about one trick pony........standard dis ....ummmm ummm wrong try again.......pathetic

What's pathetic is that you lack the capacity to come up with anything besides um.....socialism.
I work in medical billing so I see the end result of Obamacare. People did not read the fine print. Deductibles are running anywhere from $2,500 to $6,000. Because the deductibles are so high, patients are being made to pay for their MRIs, CTs and bloodwork up front so patients aren't getting their ordered tests and aren't returning for followup visits when they need them. Federal employees have the best healthcare available through Federal Blueshield. No deductibles! Low or no copays! Everyone in DC who composed Obamacare does not have to participate in it! I could not believe it when it passed! Doctors and diagnostic facilities have no choice but to collect all of their money up front because the patients are not going to pay their bills! It is forcing many doctorst to retire early. My healtcare plan does not have any coverage for preventative care! No annual GYN visit. No checkup, no preventative bloodwork screening! They will give me coverage for a stroke, heart attack or cancer treatments once they develop. I just can't check to see if I have a problem developing! Wake up America! I agree for their needs to be change but not this. EVERYONE SHOULD BE MADE TO PARTICIPATE IN OBAMACARE, INCLUDING OBAMA! They are our REPRESENTATIVES and should not be treated any differently than the general population. Gruber knew exactly what he was doing and should be made to participate in it as well. If an illegal alien goes into a hospital, their bill is written off as "charity". A legal, tax paying citizen of the U.S. will be made to pay their deductible and balance on their hospital bill or be sent to collections! Prisoners get their healthcare for free! Many who are getting insurance for free have no intention of returning to work! And remember America, your taxes are due on April 15th or the IRS is coming after you with penalties! If you are illegal, you don't have to pay any taxes or penalties!

Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Medical care was not created to drive people into poverty.
You had ample time to come up with changes. You did not acknowledge the states that opted not to expand medicaid. Nor did you acknowledge the states that came up with their own plan.

I wanted universal health care. I'm guessing you didn't want that either.
Time? You fucking asshole. What about a fucking choice? You dont want to fuck with me dude. Im so smart I'll have you digging your own grave in this discussion.
Intermission music as DSIR refuses to acknowledge the damage done..........

Some of us actually work for a living, hon. Work.

When you become unemployed due to businesses getting taxed up the ass for universal health care dont come here you can shoot yourself for stupidity. Universal healthcare is dead. High risk pool are the way of the future and buying accross state lines.
Intermission music as DSIR refuses to acknowledge the damage done..........

Some of us actually work for a living, hon. Work.

When you become unemployed due to businesses getting taxed up the ass for universal health care dont come here you can shoot yourself for stupidity. Universal healthcare is dead. High risk pool are the way of the future and buying accross state lines.

Another idea that was posted during the debates on this was to allow businesses to pool their employees to get better rates of insurance...........Had that side of the equation been allowed then the company I work for could have joined a pool of other companies to get better rates for insurance as the number of employees would give bargaining power for better rates............

This is how Larger Corps get better rates...........as the Insurance companies would risk losing a lot of business if another insurance company gives a better deal. In other words using capitalism to make the insurance companies compete for the business............

The other side was also Tort reform. Malpractice insurance also drives up the cost for medical treatment. The left argued up and down over that one as well.......and denied that under Tort reform that people still get major settlements for actual Malpractice..............

The purpose of Obamacare was to lower prices...........FOR EVERYONE................It has failed in that aspect as everyone's rates in business is going up and not down...........same for the exchanges as ALL ARE GOING UP in price..............

It was never a way to lower the actual cost of Medical service.........It was simply a way to find a way to pay for all of it, and force a whole lot of Americans to pay more to pay for the services of the lower income groups.......

There were better ways to fix the system, and it was never needed to attempt a full fix with one law that was so large that no one could even read it in time for the vote............Creating a massive Red Tape machine which is ultimately what Gov't is famous for and always has been.

They will continue to allow the damage and lost jobs to get to their ultimate goal of Universal Care.
I work in medical billing so I see the end result of Obamacare. People did not read the fine print. Deductibles are running anywhere from $2,500 to $6,000. Because the deductibles are so high, patients are being made to pay for their MRIs, CTs and bloodwork up front so patients aren't getting their ordered tests and aren't returning for followup visits when they need them. Federal employees have the best healthcare available through Federal Blueshield. No deductibles! Low or no copays! Everyone in DC who composed Obamacare does not have to participate in it! I could not believe it when it passed! Doctors and diagnostic facilities have no choice but to collect all of their money up front because the patients are not going to pay their bills! It is forcing many doctorst to retire early. My healtcare plan does not have any coverage for preventative care! No annual GYN visit. No checkup, no preventative bloodwork screening! They will give me coverage for a stroke, heart attack or cancer treatments once they develop. I just can't check to see if I have a problem developing! Wake up America! I agree for their needs to be change but not this. EVERYONE SHOULD BE MADE TO PARTICIPATE IN OBAMACARE, INCLUDING OBAMA! They are our REPRESENTATIVES and should not be treated any differently than the general population. Gruber knew exactly what he was doing and should be made to participate in it as well. If an illegal alien goes into a hospital, their bill is written off as "charity". A legal, tax paying citizen of the U.S. will be made to pay their deductible and balance on their hospital bill or be sent to collections! Prisoners get their healthcare for free! Many who are getting insurance for free have no intention of returning to work! And remember America, your taxes are due on April 15th or the IRS is coming after you with penalties! If you are illegal, you don't have to pay any taxes or penalties!

Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Medical care was not created to drive people into poverty.
Agreed. It just turned out that way.
Injury Classifications for Turtle Bites Burning Water Skis Here s Rand Paul 8217 s Hilarious Obamacare Rant Video TheBlaze.com

With the implementation of Obamacare, doctors will soon be required to use roughly 122,000 new medical diagnostic codes to inform the federal government of injuries sustained by Americans, so says Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

The new codes, Sen. Paul explained, include classifications for “injuries sustained from a turtle,” “walking into a lamppost” and “injuries sustained from burning water skis.”

“Your government just wants to take care of you,” he added, criticizing the new law’s 9,000-plus pages of new regulations. “They don’t think you’re smart enough to make these decisions.”

Physicians currently have about 18,000 medical diagnostic codes, called ICD-9, to choose from to help them inform insurers of their patients’ ailments. But according to Paul (himself a physician), Obamacare will require physicians to adopt roughly 122,000 new codes — and some of them sound downright ridiculous.

“Included among these codes,” the senator continued, “will be 312 new codes for injuries from animals; 72 new codes for injuries just from birds; 9 new codes for ‘injuries from the macaw.”‘

“The macaw?” he asked. “I’ve asked physicians all over the country, ‘Have you ever seen an injury from a macaw?”‘
You had ample time to come up with changes. You did not acknowledge the states that opted not to expand medicaid. Nor did you acknowledge the states that came up with their own plan.

I wanted universal health care. I'm guessing you didn't want that either.
No the hell I didn't.............I had a couple of weeks from the time of the rate increases.........so I dropped it.......

I looked for over insurance away from Obamacare but their rates were high as well.................

so spare me that this is my fault...........THE LAW DEMS PASSED JACKED UP MY PREMIUMS..........PERIOD...............and IT COST ME MY INSURANCE..................

That is what it did for me.........

In the end it saved my ass from possible bankruptcy.............but in the beginning it cost me my insurance.................

So did I get screwed or saved..........It's all a matter of what your opinion is on the whole deal......and on the whole deal INSURANCE RATES OF COMPANIES ARE GOING UP.
You are exactly right. The rates are going up. Double digits in some cases. This is not the answer to anything! Patient after patient that I see in our medical office are regretting that they signed up. Those who cannot see the problems with Obamacare are usually not enrolled in it. They have private insurance. They say that things need to change but have no idea what the changes were because they are not participating in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many of the people who signed up for Obamacare took policies with $6,500 deductibles. The likelihood of a young, healthy person using $6,500 worth of benefits a year are small. People do not understand the difference between a copay, deductible, etc. Many of the policies not only have a deductible, but a copay. In addition, to the deductible and copay, some have 20% balances due.

I do medical billing for a living (15 years) and have worked in medical offices for more than 20 years. I know, firsthand, what I am talking about. I will give you an example of one of the senior plans.....For a $350 medical consult with a specialist, a doctor only gets paid $51 of the entire bill (that's it folks!) $40 of the $51 that the doctor gets paid is from the patient's copay! The insurance company only pays $11. Let's say that a patient actually pays their $40 (which is rare with seniors). The doctor's payment is $51 for the visit. 50% of the $51 is eaten up with taxes, leaving him with $25.50. Out of the $25.50, he must then pay his employees, office rent, medical supplies, postage used because people won't pay their bills, utility bills, office supplies, fax machines, printers, not to mention any benefits or retirement that he might offer his patients. Are you kidding me people? If the patient does not pay their copay, which is becoming more common, the doctor only gets $11.50 for a 60 minute consult which is taxed at 50%. Read your Explanation of Benefits that come in the mail after your visit!!!!!!!!! The backlash of this mess is that doctors are leaving the medical field early, they are not hiring full time employees, insurance companies are raking in the bucks and the federal is collecting money from you to pay for everything. If the federal government is made to participate in Obamacare, things would change without a doubt because no one would stand for this. You are going to wind up with poor healthcare all around. And folks, your elected officials are not waiting in line like the rest of us for our office visits. In most cases, their doctors are making house calls or getting preferential treatment in their doctor's offices. Many times, their medical bills are written off as "professional courtesy"! I couldn't believe that the American public went along with this from the beginning and I still can't believe they are not protesting against this plan. Someone is making a tremendous amount of money on Obamacare and it is not the physicians.
Injury Classifications for Turtle Bites Burning Water Skis Here s Rand Paul 8217 s Hilarious Obamacare Rant Video TheBlaze.com

With the implementation of Obamacare, doctors will soon be required to use roughly 122,000 new medical diagnostic codes to inform the federal government of injuries sustained by Americans, so says Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

The new codes, Sen. Paul explained, include classifications for “injuries sustained from a turtle,” “walking into a lamppost” and “injuries sustained from burning water skis.”

“Your government just wants to take care of you,” he added, criticizing the new law’s 9,000-plus pages of new regulations. “They don’t think you’re smart enough to make these decisions.”

Physicians currently have about 18,000 medical diagnostic codes, called ICD-9, to choose from to help them inform insurers of their patients’ ailments. But according to Paul (himself a physician), Obamacare will require physicians to adopt roughly 122,000 new codes — and some of them sound downright ridiculous.

“Included among these codes,” the senator continued, “will be 312 new codes for injuries from animals; 72 new codes for injuries just from birds; 9 new codes for ‘injuries from the macaw.”‘

“The macaw?” he asked. “I’ve asked physicians all over the country, ‘Have you ever seen an injury from a macaw?”‘
You are exactly right about the codes. Ridiculous! You doctor's office just can't bill your insurance company for "hypertension". They have to break it down as to the cause which leads to many other codes and a substantial increase in the time it takes medical billers to do their jobs. And, what people don't know is that their insurance companies won't pay for bloodwork and diagnostic testing if the codes used are not what the government deems correct.

Example, if a woman goes to the GYN and states that she been lethargic, her physician may want to order some bloodwork on her. If the GYN uses the code that states that the patient has had an "annual GYN visit", the bill will not be paid. If the doctor uses the codes that represent chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. (which they will use just to get the patient's bill paid)

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