Obamacare Mess!

Obviously, you don't work or pay taxes! Ignorance! Ignorance! Ignorance! They wrote the bill for people like you!
Obviously, you don't work or pay taxes! Ignorance! Ignorance! Ignorance! They wrote the bill for people like you!

You lie. You think they run your insurance card through a machine. It isn't a grocery store debit/bank card machine.
Obviously, you don't work or pay taxes! Ignorance! Ignorance! Ignorance! They wrote the bill for people like you!

You lie. You think they run your insurance card through a machine. It isn't a grocery store debit/bank card machine.
Your wrong............They have to put the card into the system. Enter the charge codes to get your final price and codex............I've seen them do this with my own eyes................As I filled the prescription for my wife at the hospital.

They enter the data/charge into the computer under your account information/policy number.......and it gives them the final price to be paid by the patient.

It has gone electronic via the computer.
Many offices are not set up with a machine to run your insurance cards through. Many smaller offices are refusing to add the machines as doctors are beginning to opt out of participating. Your doctor's office should have straightened this out for you. You should receive an Explanation of Benefits in the mail for each visit. The Benefit statement "should" indicate the charged amount, the contracted amount and the patient responsibility. Each doctor has a contracted amount. So, if your doctor's charge is $100 for a visit, it doesn't mean they get $100. Their contract with the company only allows them to get paid a percentage. You will also see a "non allowed" amount on the statement. This is the amount that the doctor cannot charge you.
$100.00 bill
- 40,00 non allowed (the doctor cannot collect this)
-20.00 doctor's payment
This leaves $40.00 which should read deductible or patient responsibility

If your bill does not reflect this, call the insurance company to straighten it out.
If you bill does reflect this, then it is your doctor's office mistake.
Many doctor's offices hire people who do not have a lot of experience. Some hospitals are actually hiring overseas companies to handle the billing. Many inexperienced billers forget to take off the "non allowed" amount. You cannot be charged this. It is up to the doctor's office to keep track of your deductible and they get the same Explanation of Benefits that you get in the mail. I send my patients a copy of their Explanation of Benefits along with their bill so they can see where I am getting a balanced owed. If your insurance company is messing up, call them immediately to straighten it out or the mistake will carry over.
Someone is making a lot of money off of these deductibles and it is not the doctor. Please make sure the billers are taking off your non allowed.
My bills showed the non payable's deducted from the overall bill which I printed out from the Blue Cross Site............The billing lady at the Doc's office, seemed confused over the name on the card..........and actually said that she has to charge it to the card holder..........So, initially All was charged to my name........Blue Cross called them and 3 more bills were charged to the proper names.........yet the other bills never went away. There are still 2 bills posted to Blue Cross in my name.

Again, I never went to the Doc. I would imagine that the billing at the Doc's was having trouble navigating the system.
Our office has been trying to educate our patients, especially the elderly, about the difference between a deductible, copay, balance billing, etc. The bottom line for our patients has been to purchase the cheapest plan. When they find out that nothing is covered until they have paid the first $2,500-$6,000 out of pocket, they are furious with the "doctor"! Young, healthy people are paying for everyone else. And as far as people with pre-existing conditions being covered now - they are but Obama did not put a cap on what the insurance companies could charge for premiums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only people who benefit from the "pre-existing condition" clause are those on medicaid. This only encourages people on medicaid not to seek employment.

And the amount of fraud that is going on is outrageous. We have had patients that are "doctor hopping" and getting pain medications from multiple physicians. They in turn, sell the prescription medications for money. That's right folks, they are taking meds and selling them for their own profit so you are getting screwed again because there are no programs that actually enforce monitoring of drugs. If you are caught once doing this, you should not be able to participate in Obamacare. Our office reported several patients to both Medicare and Medicaid and we were told that there was nothing they could do about it.


This summer my wife and daughter caught a sinus infection. Both went to the doctor. Both got an xray, blood test, a antibiotic shot, and a visit. They paid $90 a piece before being seen as it is the policy. $180 total to be seen with insurance. 2 weeks later my wife went for a recheck and paid $90 before being seen, got another xray, blood test, and booster shot............Now my total was at $270.........

Now the fun begins...............With the bills and Blue Cross................The Doctor's office billed in my name as it was on the card.............as they don't issue the cards in each individual's name..............Wife talked to billing and they argued...............As I was at work and not at the Doctors office... Never went........screws up the deducts................The office stated that since the card was in my name that is who has to be charged..................Called Blue Cross...........they called the Doc's office to straighten it out.............

So bills in my wife's name, and daughters name where kicked out. Yet my 2 bills where never taken away......................So here we are getting mad at the Doc's office as my wife's deduct amounts have been met...................

So, before going to argue again...........I took out all 5 bills printed out from Blue Cross............The initial bills.............The total charged for the 3 total visits was $1500...............BLUE CROSS CUT THE TOTAL TO $680. Yep, they cut the offices charges by $820.............THAT IS WITH 5 BILLS I had already paid the Doc $270..........My new bill from the Doc's was $225........Has my 2 incorrect bills been removed.........the Doc would have gotten less than $400.....................RIDICULOUS.................

So, realizing the Doc was getting screwed by Blue Cross we paid the $225......................

So, we paid $495 of the bill.
Blue Cross paid $185 of the bill.

and the Doctor only got $680...............

Being in billing what went wrong here.............I got tired of dealing with it........I didn't want to tick off the Doc because we like him and have been going there for a while............How does Blue Cross cut the overall bill by $820............................

This is what happened and I still can't figure it out.............could you please explain what should have happened here?
It's called negotiated billing.
I understood that already. I understand that they get lower prices.............In both cases the price was drastically lower.

The question is this...............How do they negotiate this bill that is set by a local Doctor........I honestly doubt they negotiated anything.

Which gets me to the real intent...........on why should the insurance companies set the fair market price of a private office?
Hospital mergers increase prices, dickwad. The insurance companies increase prices, dickwad.
What makes you think I'm for government allowing monopolies and oligopolies?

Honestly? I don't really give a hot damn for what you are for. You post like you get paid 25 cents a line. So, when you are ready to actually tackle issues let me know. Until then, you can just fuck off.
Let me get this straight, you are just a bitch that runs around claiming what people think, having no idea what they think, that about sum up your shtick?
And by your answers to facts, you show you are amongst the "stupid Americans" that Gruber is referring to. I know what I'm talking about and according to your answers, you have not mentioned one correct fact about Obamacare, You are just bating people with name calling, etc. Grow up and educate yourself and I'll respond to when you have something of substance to say!

You don't have any facts. You drool on like a petulant child. You whine.
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.
Dude, you scan a card into the system once. It uploads it to a computer program. Or you input that data manually. Hence the reason that when you go to a doctors office they ask to see your card once a year. They already have that on file.
Dude, you scan a card into the system once. It uploads it to a computer program. Or you input that data manually. Hence the reason that when you go to a doctors office they ask to see your card once a year. They already have that on file.

I don't go to the doctor. Haven't in years. My wife goes.........so she shows them here card I believe. But at the pharmacy at the Hospital..........You give them the card to get it into the system.
What makes you think I'm for government allowing monopolies and oligopolies?

Honestly? I don't really give a hot damn for what you are for. You post like you get paid 25 cents a line. So, when you are ready to actually tackle issues let me know. Until then, you can just fuck off.
Let me get this straight, you are just a bitch that runs around claiming what people think, having no idea what they think, that about sum up your shtick?
And by your answers to facts, you show you are amongst the "stupid Americans" that Gruber is referring to. I know what I'm talking about and according to your answers, you have not mentioned one correct fact about Obamacare, You are just bating people with name calling, etc. Grow up and educate yourself and I'll respond to when you have something of substance to say!

You don't have any facts. You drool on like a petulant child. You whine.
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.

What is this Eagle: An illegal immigrant's hospital bill is written off as "charity". American citizens can lose their homes over high medical bills, illegal immigrants are paying for their homes outright. They can well afford to as they pay no taxes! Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What is that?

What is this Eagle: Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Huh? What is that?

I would like a show of hands of people who have one insurance card that is combined as a prescription card? I would like a show of hands of the number of people who run their insurance cards like a debit card every time you go to a doctor's office. She's full of shit. Doctor's aren't not getting the machines because she is lying through her teeth.

Oh, you don't know about that? You should. Your daughter was taken to the doctor's office remember all of that?

The deductible is high. I acknowledged that in post number 45. The rest of your posts I have no reason to believe. I think you are just stringing that along. There is zero reason to believe that you are telling the truth about anything else.

The bitch of it? I'm not even happy with Obamacare. I told you that before. But, you got nothing. Had nothing before it. Have no damn reason to get off your ass to find another solution.
Honestly? I don't really give a hot damn for what you are for. You post like you get paid 25 cents a line. So, when you are ready to actually tackle issues let me know. Until then, you can just fuck off.
Let me get this straight, you are just a bitch that runs around claiming what people think, having no idea what they think, that about sum up your shtick?
And by your answers to facts, you show you are amongst the "stupid Americans" that Gruber is referring to. I know what I'm talking about and according to your answers, you have not mentioned one correct fact about Obamacare, You are just bating people with name calling, etc. Grow up and educate yourself and I'll respond to when you have something of substance to say!

You don't have any facts. You drool on like a petulant child. You whine.
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.

What is this Eagle: An illegal immigrant's hospital bill is written off as "charity". American citizens can lose their homes over high medical bills, illegal immigrants are paying for their homes outright. They can well afford to as they pay no taxes! Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What is that?

What is this Eagle: Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Huh? What is that?

I would like a show of hands of people who have one insurance card that is combined as a prescription card? I would like a show of hands of the number of people who run their insurance cards like a debit card every time you go to a doctor's office. She's full of shit. Doctor's aren't not getting the machines because she is lying through her teeth.

Oh, you don't know about that? You should. Your daughter was taken to the doctor's office remember all of that?

The deductible is high. I acknowledged that in post number 45. The rest of your posts I have no reason to believe. I think you are just stringing that along. There is zero reason to believe that you are telling the truth about anything else.

The bitch of it? I'm not even happy with Obamacare. I told you that before. But, you got nothing. Had nothing before it. Have no damn reason to get off your ass to find another solution.

I was at work when my daughter went to the Doc. My Wife took her because she was going as well with a sinus infection. They make sure to take the card...........as far as an atm............don't know because I didn't see that..........It's possible they have a machine and I'm going to google at little for it.

At the hospital pharmacy, they entered the data into the computer. Typed it. and then filled the prescription for my wife and I paid the bill.

About the illegal situation............For a long time they have gotten benefits by being in America. Which means they go to the hospital needing assistance they get it..........just as anybody else does in this country.....long before Obama was on any stage at all.

To the truth........issue...........I simply don't care if you believe me or not. I saw the OP and saw that she was in medical billing so I thought I'd engage.

The data I posted..........specify the site data and specifics and prove them a Lie.............I've seen you agree that the plans are high deducts............and I pointed out how are the poor gonna pay them when the bell tolls.............As the surgery with my wife wasn't gonna happen without $6,000 up front.....................

Is that a Lie................how would you even know............but if you know the law you know that's under the max per person deduct from Bronze and Silver.
One more thing................Businesses are paying more across the board as a direct result of Obamacare........

Is that a Lie.....................or a planned situation via the creation of this law.........I honestly believe it was to make rates higher so people would be forced into the exchanges, and even these would increase in price until they will offer the FINAL PHASE which is SINGLE PAYER.
Let me get this straight, you are just a bitch that runs around claiming what people think, having no idea what they think, that about sum up your shtick?
And by your answers to facts, you show you are amongst the "stupid Americans" that Gruber is referring to. I know what I'm talking about and according to your answers, you have not mentioned one correct fact about Obamacare, You are just bating people with name calling, etc. Grow up and educate yourself and I'll respond to when you have something of substance to say!

You don't have any facts. You drool on like a petulant child. You whine.
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.

What is this Eagle: An illegal immigrant's hospital bill is written off as "charity". American citizens can lose their homes over high medical bills, illegal immigrants are paying for their homes outright. They can well afford to as they pay no taxes! Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What is that?

What is this Eagle: Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Huh? What is that?

I would like a show of hands of people who have one insurance card that is combined as a prescription card? I would like a show of hands of the number of people who run their insurance cards like a debit card every time you go to a doctor's office. She's full of shit. Doctor's aren't not getting the machines because she is lying through her teeth.

Oh, you don't know about that? You should. Your daughter was taken to the doctor's office remember all of that?

The deductible is high. I acknowledged that in post number 45. The rest of your posts I have no reason to believe. I think you are just stringing that along. There is zero reason to believe that you are telling the truth about anything else.

The bitch of it? I'm not even happy with Obamacare. I told you that before. But, you got nothing. Had nothing before it. Have no damn reason to get off your ass to find another solution.

I was at work when my daughter went to the Doc. My Wife took her because she was going as well with a sinus infection. They make sure to take the card...........as far as an atm............don't know because I didn't see that..........It's possible they have a machine and I'm going to google at little for it.

At the hospital pharmacy, they entered the data into the computer. Typed it. and then filled the prescription for my wife and I paid the bill.

About the illegal situation............For a long time they have gotten benefits by being in America. Which means they go to the hospital needing assistance they get it..........just as anybody else does in this country.....long before Obama was on any stage at all.

To the truth........issue...........I simply don't care if you believe me or not. I saw the OP and saw that she was in medical billing so I thought I'd engage.

The data I posted..........specify the site data and specifics and prove them a Lie.............I've seen you agree that the plans are high deducts............and I pointed out how are the poor gonna pay them when the bell tolls.............As the surgery with my wife wasn't gonna happen without $6,000 up front.....................

Is that a Lie................how would you even know............but if you know the law you know that's under the max per person deduct from Bronze and Silver.

Here..............then maybe...........this......will............help..............you.........out.

I....have the same...........issues.........with the insurance..........that you have.......

Again.............you have offered no fucking alternative. None.

In order to acquire a charity from a hospital you have to qualify for it. You don't choose. They choose. You have to hunt down the information, and find a form and apply. I asked these questions when I was trying to figure out how the hell the hospitals get around paying property taxes.

Still doesn't address hospital mergers or the insurance companies themselves.

So..........sorry about your little situation...............but, you............don't have............any viable solutions.
One more thing................Businesses are paying more across the board as a direct result of Obamacare........

Is that a Lie.....................or a planned situation via the creation of this law.........I honestly believe it was to make rates higher so people would be forced into the exchanges, and even these would increase in price until they will offer the FINAL PHASE which is SINGLE PAYER.

Actually, there was and still is a large group of people that were paying high deductibles prior to Obamacare. The businesses had already shifted that to the employees.

Make no mistake. Your final phase will never be demanded by the democrats. It will come from the people themselves.
And by your answers to facts, you show you are amongst the "stupid Americans" that Gruber is referring to. I know what I'm talking about and according to your answers, you have not mentioned one correct fact about Obamacare, You are just bating people with name calling, etc. Grow up and educate yourself and I'll respond to when you have something of substance to say!

You don't have any facts. You drool on like a petulant child. You whine.
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.

What is this Eagle: An illegal immigrant's hospital bill is written off as "charity". American citizens can lose their homes over high medical bills, illegal immigrants are paying for their homes outright. They can well afford to as they pay no taxes! Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What is that?

What is this Eagle: Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Huh? What is that?

I would like a show of hands of people who have one insurance card that is combined as a prescription card? I would like a show of hands of the number of people who run their insurance cards like a debit card every time you go to a doctor's office. She's full of shit. Doctor's aren't not getting the machines because she is lying through her teeth.

Oh, you don't know about that? You should. Your daughter was taken to the doctor's office remember all of that?

The deductible is high. I acknowledged that in post number 45. The rest of your posts I have no reason to believe. I think you are just stringing that along. There is zero reason to believe that you are telling the truth about anything else.

The bitch of it? I'm not even happy with Obamacare. I told you that before. But, you got nothing. Had nothing before it. Have no damn reason to get off your ass to find another solution.

I was at work when my daughter went to the Doc. My Wife took her because she was going as well with a sinus infection. They make sure to take the card...........as far as an atm............don't know because I didn't see that..........It's possible they have a machine and I'm going to google at little for it.

At the hospital pharmacy, they entered the data into the computer. Typed it. and then filled the prescription for my wife and I paid the bill.

About the illegal situation............For a long time they have gotten benefits by being in America. Which means they go to the hospital needing assistance they get it..........just as anybody else does in this country.....long before Obama was on any stage at all.

To the truth........issue...........I simply don't care if you believe me or not. I saw the OP and saw that she was in medical billing so I thought I'd engage.

The data I posted..........specify the site data and specifics and prove them a Lie.............I've seen you agree that the plans are high deducts............and I pointed out how are the poor gonna pay them when the bell tolls.............As the surgery with my wife wasn't gonna happen without $6,000 up front.....................

Is that a Lie................how would you even know............but if you know the law you know that's under the max per person deduct from Bronze and Silver.

Here..............then maybe...........this......will............help..............you.........out.

I....have the same...........issues.........with the insurance..........that you have.......

Again.............you have offered no fucking alternative. None.

In order to acquire a charity from a hospital you have to qualify for it. You don't choose. They choose. You have to hunt down the information, and find a form and apply. I asked these questions when I was trying to figure out how the hell the hospitals get around paying property taxes.

Still doesn't address hospital mergers or the insurance companies themselves.

So..........sorry about your little situation...............but, you............don't have............any viable solutions.
Let............me..........make..........this .............clear...............I...........had..............Insurance.........before.........obamacare............but..........got...........priced.......out.............of.............it...............by.............obamacare...............that.............option............was......................gone..............because.............the...........rate.............went............through............the...........roof...............

Little situation I have makes your position suck............as you defend something that damaged a lot of people...............and some of the solutions offered by the GOP would have lowered my insurance at work with tax credits TO ALL GROUPS............and increasing funding for high risk pools.............It would have allowed or smaller company to POOL with other companies giving us bargaining power for lower rates...........

That would have lowered my insurance via tax credits..........and allowed us to negotiate better rates................This was on the table during the debate.
You don't have any facts. You drool on like a petulant child. You whine.
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.

What is this Eagle: An illegal immigrant's hospital bill is written off as "charity". American citizens can lose their homes over high medical bills, illegal immigrants are paying for their homes outright. They can well afford to as they pay no taxes! Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What is that?

What is this Eagle: Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Huh? What is that?

I would like a show of hands of people who have one insurance card that is combined as a prescription card? I would like a show of hands of the number of people who run their insurance cards like a debit card every time you go to a doctor's office. She's full of shit. Doctor's aren't not getting the machines because she is lying through her teeth.

Oh, you don't know about that? You should. Your daughter was taken to the doctor's office remember all of that?

The deductible is high. I acknowledged that in post number 45. The rest of your posts I have no reason to believe. I think you are just stringing that along. There is zero reason to believe that you are telling the truth about anything else.

The bitch of it? I'm not even happy with Obamacare. I told you that before. But, you got nothing. Had nothing before it. Have no damn reason to get off your ass to find another solution.

I was at work when my daughter went to the Doc. My Wife took her because she was going as well with a sinus infection. They make sure to take the card...........as far as an atm............don't know because I didn't see that..........It's possible they have a machine and I'm going to google at little for it.

At the hospital pharmacy, they entered the data into the computer. Typed it. and then filled the prescription for my wife and I paid the bill.

About the illegal situation............For a long time they have gotten benefits by being in America. Which means they go to the hospital needing assistance they get it..........just as anybody else does in this country.....long before Obama was on any stage at all.

To the truth........issue...........I simply don't care if you believe me or not. I saw the OP and saw that she was in medical billing so I thought I'd engage.

The data I posted..........specify the site data and specifics and prove them a Lie.............I've seen you agree that the plans are high deducts............and I pointed out how are the poor gonna pay them when the bell tolls.............As the surgery with my wife wasn't gonna happen without $6,000 up front.....................

Is that a Lie................how would you even know............but if you know the law you know that's under the max per person deduct from Bronze and Silver.

Here..............then maybe...........this......will............help..............you.........out.

I....have the same...........issues.........with the insurance..........that you have.......

Again.............you have offered no fucking alternative. None.

In order to acquire a charity from a hospital you have to qualify for it. You don't choose. They choose. You have to hunt down the information, and find a form and apply. I asked these questions when I was trying to figure out how the hell the hospitals get around paying property taxes.

Still doesn't address hospital mergers or the insurance companies themselves.

So..........sorry about your little situation...............but, you............don't have............any viable solutions.
Let............me..........make..........this .............clear...............I...........had..............Insurance.........before.........obamacare............but..........got...........priced.......out.............of.............it...............by.............obamacare...............that.............option............was......................gone..............because.............the...........rate.............went............through............the...........roof...............

Little situation I have makes your position suck............as you defend something that damaged a lot of people...............and some of the solutions offered by the GOP would have lowered my insurance at work with tax credits TO ALL GROUPS............and increasing funding for high risk pools.............It would have allowed or smaller company to POOL with other companies giving us bargaining power for lower rates...........

That would have lowered my insurance via tax credits..........and allowed us to negotiate better rates................This was on the table during the debate.
But that's what people like Dis want... burn the country to the ground they don't give a shit as long as they get their marxism. No tax bill is too small for everyone else to fund their entitlements just as long as they get it free... screw everyone else.
You don't have any facts. You drool on like a petulant child. You whine.
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.

What is this Eagle: An illegal immigrant's hospital bill is written off as "charity". American citizens can lose their homes over high medical bills, illegal immigrants are paying for their homes outright. They can well afford to as they pay no taxes! Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What is that?

What is this Eagle: Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Huh? What is that?

I would like a show of hands of people who have one insurance card that is combined as a prescription card? I would like a show of hands of the number of people who run their insurance cards like a debit card every time you go to a doctor's office. She's full of shit. Doctor's aren't not getting the machines because she is lying through her teeth.

Oh, you don't know about that? You should. Your daughter was taken to the doctor's office remember all of that?

The deductible is high. I acknowledged that in post number 45. The rest of your posts I have no reason to believe. I think you are just stringing that along. There is zero reason to believe that you are telling the truth about anything else.

The bitch of it? I'm not even happy with Obamacare. I told you that before. But, you got nothing. Had nothing before it. Have no damn reason to get off your ass to find another solution.

I was at work when my daughter went to the Doc. My Wife took her because she was going as well with a sinus infection. They make sure to take the card...........as far as an atm............don't know because I didn't see that..........It's possible they have a machine and I'm going to google at little for it.

At the hospital pharmacy, they entered the data into the computer. Typed it. and then filled the prescription for my wife and I paid the bill.

About the illegal situation............For a long time they have gotten benefits by being in America. Which means they go to the hospital needing assistance they get it..........just as anybody else does in this country.....long before Obama was on any stage at all.

To the truth........issue...........I simply don't care if you believe me or not. I saw the OP and saw that she was in medical billing so I thought I'd engage.

The data I posted..........specify the site data and specifics and prove them a Lie.............I've seen you agree that the plans are high deducts............and I pointed out how are the poor gonna pay them when the bell tolls.............As the surgery with my wife wasn't gonna happen without $6,000 up front.....................

Is that a Lie................how would you even know............but if you know the law you know that's under the max per person deduct from Bronze and Silver.

Here..............then maybe...........this......will............help..............you.........out.

I....have the same...........issues.........with the insurance..........that you have.......

Again.............you have offered no fucking alternative. None.

In order to acquire a charity from a hospital you have to qualify for it. You don't choose. They choose. You have to hunt down the information, and find a form and apply. I asked these questions when I was trying to figure out how the hell the hospitals get around paying property taxes.

Still doesn't address hospital mergers or the insurance companies themselves.

So..........sorry about your little situation...............but, you............don't have............any viable solutions.
Let............me..........make..........this .............clear...............I...........had..............Insurance.........before.........obamacare............but..........got...........priced.......out.............of.............it...............by.............obamacare...............that.............option............was......................gone..............because.............the...........rate.............went............through............the...........roof...............

Little situation I have makes your position suck............as you defend something that damaged a lot of people...............and some of the solutions offered by the GOP would have lowered my insurance at work with tax credits TO ALL GROUPS............and increasing funding for high risk pools.............It would have allowed or smaller company to POOL with other companies giving us bargaining power for lower rates...........

That would have lowered my insurance via tax credits..........and allowed us to negotiate better rates................This was on the table during the debate.

My position has not changed from the beginning. So, tell me.............what position do I have?
Actually her facts are SPOT ON with what I've seen............Which is why I posted on this thread.........I would imagine since she's in the business that she has already forgotten more than you ever have known. What makes you more qualified than her on this issue?

As I've already said her posts are right down the line with what I experienced.

And your only facts posted, even though this is an opinionated site, is that you want Universal Health Care and nothing else.........

You haven't commented on the dark side of Obamacare, and haven't disputed anything.

My new insurance is crap compared to what I had even though I paid less overall..........But when I go to the Doctors office IT'S ON ME.........As its got HIGH DEDUCTS that must be met before 1 cent paid.

THIS IS A FACT............It is in the Law, and is exactly what she was saying.

What is this Eagle: An illegal immigrant's hospital bill is written off as "charity". American citizens can lose their homes over high medical bills, illegal immigrants are paying for their homes outright. They can well afford to as they pay no taxes! Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What is that?

What is this Eagle: Medical Assistance was not created to be a way of life!

Huh? What is that?

I would like a show of hands of people who have one insurance card that is combined as a prescription card? I would like a show of hands of the number of people who run their insurance cards like a debit card every time you go to a doctor's office. She's full of shit. Doctor's aren't not getting the machines because she is lying through her teeth.

Oh, you don't know about that? You should. Your daughter was taken to the doctor's office remember all of that?

The deductible is high. I acknowledged that in post number 45. The rest of your posts I have no reason to believe. I think you are just stringing that along. There is zero reason to believe that you are telling the truth about anything else.

The bitch of it? I'm not even happy with Obamacare. I told you that before. But, you got nothing. Had nothing before it. Have no damn reason to get off your ass to find another solution.

I was at work when my daughter went to the Doc. My Wife took her because she was going as well with a sinus infection. They make sure to take the card...........as far as an atm............don't know because I didn't see that..........It's possible they have a machine and I'm going to google at little for it.

At the hospital pharmacy, they entered the data into the computer. Typed it. and then filled the prescription for my wife and I paid the bill.

About the illegal situation............For a long time they have gotten benefits by being in America. Which means they go to the hospital needing assistance they get it..........just as anybody else does in this country.....long before Obama was on any stage at all.

To the truth........issue...........I simply don't care if you believe me or not. I saw the OP and saw that she was in medical billing so I thought I'd engage.

The data I posted..........specify the site data and specifics and prove them a Lie.............I've seen you agree that the plans are high deducts............and I pointed out how are the poor gonna pay them when the bell tolls.............As the surgery with my wife wasn't gonna happen without $6,000 up front.....................

Is that a Lie................how would you even know............but if you know the law you know that's under the max per person deduct from Bronze and Silver.

Here..............then maybe...........this......will............help..............you.........out.

I....have the same...........issues.........with the insurance..........that you have.......

Again.............you have offered no fucking alternative. None.

In order to acquire a charity from a hospital you have to qualify for it. You don't choose. They choose. You have to hunt down the information, and find a form and apply. I asked these questions when I was trying to figure out how the hell the hospitals get around paying property taxes.

Still doesn't address hospital mergers or the insurance companies themselves.

So..........sorry about your little situation...............but, you............don't have............any viable solutions.
Let............me..........make..........this .............clear...............I...........had..............Insurance.........before.........obamacare............but..........got...........priced.......out.............of.............it...............by.............obamacare...............that.............option............was......................gone..............because.............the...........rate.............went............through............the...........roof...............

Little situation I have makes your position suck............as you defend something that damaged a lot of people...............and some of the solutions offered by the GOP would have lowered my insurance at work with tax credits TO ALL GROUPS............and increasing funding for high risk pools.............It would have allowed or smaller company to POOL with other companies giving us bargaining power for lower rates...........

That would have lowered my insurance via tax credits..........and allowed us to negotiate better rates................This was on the table during the debate.
But that's what people like Dis want... burn the country to the ground they don't give a shit as long as they get their marxism. No tax bill is too small for everyone else to fund their entitlements just as long as they get it free... screw everyone else.

As long as they get their Marxism..........you really aren't that bright.
Amazing that ANY American believes our totally corrupt fed gov could effectively reform HC.

One has to be really stupid to believe such foolishness.

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